SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I've been futzing around with a new class idea: the magic tank. Basically, it would use magic to supplement its melee martial skills.
Magic, not spells.
I'm thinking of calling it the Mystic (but I REALLY want to hear some alternative names!) and loosely basing it on the monk:
+3/4 BAB
All Good Saves
1d8 HD
A skill list focused on mobility, knowledge, and senses.
4 + Int skill ranks per level.
Proficient in all Simple and Martial weapons, and either light armor or a monk-like unarmored AC bonus.
The main power of the class would be ki. It would get 4 + its Wisdom modifier ki points at 1st level, and 2 each level after that....kind of like a barbarian's rage.
Ki could be spent in one of two ways: to create an aura or to provide a boost.
An aura would affect all adjacent creatures and provide a minor benefit to the mystic. An aura would last for 24 hours or until the mystic spent a swift action and 1 ki point to change it.
An example of an aura power would be to fill the mystic's space, plus all adjacent squares with difficult terrain, while granting the mystic the flawless stride ability (not slowed down by difficult terrain).
A boost would cost 1 ki point and would be activated as a swift or immediate action, and last either 1 round or a number of rounds equal to the mystic's Wisdom modifier.
An example of a boost would be dance of the hummingbird: for a number of rounds equal to the mystic's Wisdom modifier, he can teleport 5 feet per 2 levels as an immediate action; if this is done in response to an attack, there is a 50% chance the mystic avoids that attack.
In addition, the mystic would have a ki reserve power. As long as the mystic has 1 point remaining in his ki pool, he will gain a minor benefit, such as +10 feet to speed.
The mystic would begin 1st level knowing 3 ki powers (selected from auras and boosts) and 1 reserve power, and he would gain an additional ki power at each level thereafter (aura, boost, or additional reserve power). I'm thinking of using 5 tiers of powers, like the duskblade's spell levels (1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th).
I'm also considering giving this class either a magic staff ability, that would cause 1d6 points of damage at 1st level, +1d6 at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17. Alternatively, I was thinking of giving it a skirmish-like ability, like the 3.5 scout. As much fun as I had playing a scout, I think this class would look more like a wizardy type if it had a magic staff and just stood its ground, kind of like Gandalf vs. the Balrog. Skirmish might be a good basis for a boost.
Does anyone else think this would be a fun class to play?
VM mercenario |
![Nar'shinddah Sugimar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/NarShindah.jpg)
Sounds fun. My first advice would be a change ofr names, from ki points to mana points or something. Ki points would lead people to assume it's a martial arts-based class instead of a magic using warrior type.
Second advice: start with the auras, boosts and reserve powers and then see if there is space for the staff power. Seems the class could become too powerfull.
For an alternate name I sugest Magister. No special reason I just like the sound of it and want a class with that name.
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Sounds fun, yet i dont see the tank part, seems to be more a support/dps class.
In order to be a tank, i think that he should get a better defense/armor class/abilities.
however, your idea, gave me another What do you think about changing the staff to magic/elemental bolts -a la warlock - and make him a ranged dps/buffer? (Maybe im playing too much DA2 - with my mage)
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
This is a work in progress. I think I'm going to trade out the bonus feats for something like rogue talents, with abilities to enhances auras, boosts, and reserve powers. For example, a way to transform the aura into a 20 foot cone, or 40 foot line, or to enlarge it from a 15 foot cube to a 25 foot cube. Maybe a way to extend boosts by +1 round, or a way to get more than 1 swift action a round. Stuff like that.
BAB: +¾
Good Saves: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Hit Dice: 1d8
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
Mystics are proficient in all simple and martial weapons. Mystics are not proficient in any armor or shields.
1. Ki Pool, Ki Powers, Ki Reserve, Mystic Staff 1d6, Unarmored Defense
2. Bonus Feat
3. Mystic Quality
4. AC +1
5. Improved Ki Powers, Mystic Staff 2d6
6. Bonus Feat
7. Mystic Quality
8. AC +2
9. Greater Ki Powers, Mystic Staff 3d6
10. Bonus Feat
11. Mystic Quality
12. AC +3
13. Advanced Ki Powers, Mystic Staff 4d6
14. Bonus Feat
15. Mystic Quality
16. AC +4
17. Supreme Ki Powers, Mystic Staff 5d6
18. Bonus Feat
19. Mystic Quality
20. AC +5, Ki Mastery
Ki Pool (Su): At 1st level, the mystic has a pool of ki points equal to 4 + his Wisdom modifier. Temporary increases to the mystic’s Wisdom score do not provide him with additional ki points. At 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, the mystic’s ki pool increases by 2 points. The mystic spends points from his ki pool use his ki powers. As long as at least 1 point remains in the mystic’s ki pool, he can use his ki reserve power. Spent ki points are recovered after resting for 8 hours.
Ki Powers (Su): At 1st level, the mystic selects 3 ki powers, plus 1 ki reserve power. At 2nd level, and every level thereafter, the mystic selects 1 additional ki power. Beginning at 5th level, the mystic can select improved ki powers. Beginning at 9th level, the mystic can select greater ki powers. Beginning at 13th level, the mystic can select advanced ki powers. Beginning at 17th level, the mystic can use supreme ki powers. There are three kinds of ki powers: auras, boosts, and reserve powers. Auras are long term effects that provide minor benefits to the mystic and target adjacent creatures with minor hindrances or effects. Boosts are short term, often extreme, enhancements to the mystic. Reserve powers are abilities that remain in effect for as long as the mystic has at least 1 point in his ki pool. The save DC, if any, of a mystic’s ki power is 10 + ½ the mystic’s level + the mystic’s Wisdom modifier.
Ki Reserve (Su): As long as the mystic has at least 1 point remaining in his ki pool, he gains the benefit of a reserve ki power. If the mystic learns any additional ki reserve powers, he must maintain a number of ki points equal to the number of ki reserve powers he has. If the number of ki points falls below this amount, the mystic loses access to reserve powers, beginning with the most recently acquired ki reserve power.
Mystic Staff (Sp). As a swift action, the mystic can summon a magical staff that deals bludgeoning damage and lasts a number of rounds equal to the mystic‘s Wisdom bonus (minimum 1 round). The mystic staff makes touch attacks and has a threat and critical range of 20/x2. It initially does 1d6 points of damage; this increases by 1d6 at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter. The mystic staff is immaterial and weightless and the mystic does not add his Strength bonus to damage. The Magic Staff is weightless and has a hardness and hit points equal to the mystic’s class level + his Wisdom bonus.
Unarmored Defense (Ex). The mystic adds his Wisdom bonus, if any, to his AC and CMD if he is unarmored and carrying a light load or less. This bonus applies to his touch AC and even when the mystic is flatfooted; it does not apply if the mystic is helpless or immobilized. This bonus to his AC increases by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter.
Bonus Feat (Ex): At 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the mystic gains a bonus combat feat. The mystic must meet the requirements of the selected feats.
Mystic Quality (Sp). At 3rd level, and every 4 levels beyond 3rd, the mystic can choose one of the following abilities and apply it to his mystic staff
Double Staff. The mystic can be use his mystic staff as a double weapon. The mystic gains the use of the Two Weapon Fighting feat when using his mystic staff. At 6th level, he gains the use of the Improved Two Weapon Fighting feat when using his mystic staff. At 11th level, he gains the use of the Greater Two Weapon Fighting feat when using his mystic staff.
Flashing Staff. The mystic can throw his mystic staff as if it were a javelin, making a ranged touch attack. Once it leaves his hand, the mystic staff disappears after 1 round. The mystic gains the use of the Precise Shot feat when using his mystic staff. At 6th level, he gains the use of the Shot on the Run feat when using his mystic staff. At 11th level, he gains the use of the Improved Precise Shot feat when using his mystic staff.
Heart Staff. The mystic staff bypasses DR as if it had the mystic’s alignment and causes an additional 1d6 points of damage to an opponent that has an alignment in direct opposition to the mystic’s. If both alignment axes (chaos/law and evil/good) are in opposition to the mystic’s, the opponent takes 2d6 points of additional damage.
Peace Staff. The mystic staff causes non-lethal damage.
Piercing Staff. The mystic staff causes piercing damage and has a critical multiplier of x3.
Quick Staff. The mystic can summon his mystic staff as a free action on his turn or an immediate action if it is not his turn. He adds his Wisdom modifier to his initiative rolls.
Reach Staff. The mystic staff’s reach increases by 5 feet. The mystic gains the use of the Combat Reflexes feat when using his mystic staff. At 6th level, he gains the use of the Stand Still feat when using his mystic staff. At 11th level, he gains the use of the Strike Back feat when using his mystic staff.
Shaft of Moonlight. The mystic staff bypasses DR as if it were made of silver.
Slashing Staff. The mystic staff causes slashing damage and has a threat range of 19-20.
Staff of the Earth’s Shadow. The mystic staff bypasses DR as if it were made of cold iron.
Starlight Staff. The mystic staff bypasses DR as if it were made of adamantine. The mystic must be at least 11th level before selecting this power.
Wise Warrior. The mystic adds his Wisdom bonus to his attack and damage rolls with his mystic staff. He also adds his Wisdom bonus to his CMB when using his mystic staff.
Ki Mastery (Su): At 20th level, the mystic can spend a number of points from his ki pool as a free action instead of a swift action equal to his Wisdom modifier.
Aura of Stolen Strength: Adjacent opponents suffer a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls; you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for each adjacent opponent.
Aura of Sadness. -2 to Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, and Skill Checks.
Aura of Shadows. 20% miss chance to target the Magus and the Magus gains a bonus equal to his level on Stealth checks.
Aura of Shifting Stones. Adjacent squares are considered difficult terrain and the Magus benefits from flawless stride.
Improved Auras.
Aura of Stolen Health: Adjacent creatures suffer a -2 penalty to their Constitution score for as long as they are adjacent to you; you gain a +2 bonus to your Constitution score for each living creature that is adjacent to you.
Aura of the Sun. Adjacent creatures take 2d6 points of fire damage each round and must make a Reflex Save or become dazzled for 1 round. The Magus’s weapons deal +1d6 points of fire damage, and he gains fire resistance 20.
Aura of Ice and Snow. Adjacent creatures take 1d6 points of cold damage and must make a Reflex Save or fall prone. The Magus’s weapons deal +1d6 points of cold damage, and he gains cold resistance 20.
Aura of Creeping Growths. Adjacent creatures are entangled.
Aura of Dispelling: Adjacent creatures are subjected to dispel magic.
Greater Auras.
Aura of Corruption. Adjacent creatures take 2d6 points of acid damage each round and must make a Fortitude save or become nauseated for 1 round (sickened on a successful save). The Magus’s weapons deal +1d6 points of acid damage and the Magus gains acid resistance 30.
Aura of Drowning: Adjacent creatures must hold their breath by making a DC 10 Constitution check (the DC increases by +1 per each additional check) or begin to drown.
Aura of Repulsion. Adjacent creatures are subjected to a bull rush with a CMB equal to the Magus’s level + his Wisdom modifier. The Magus gains a deflection bonus to his AC equal to his Charisma bonus.
Aura of True Night. The Magus is totally obscured by magical darkness, granting him total concealment. The Magus gains the ability to see through magical and non-magical darkness.
Ultimate Auras.
Aura of the Diamond. Any weapon striking the Magus takes damage equal to his class level + his Wisdom bonus; this damage bypasses any hardness of 20 or less. If this destroys the weapon, the Magus takes no damage. Creatures adjacent to the Magus take 5d6 points of damage from spinning blades of force (Reflex for half).
Aura of Scattered Foes. All adjacent creatures are teleported 20 feet away and must make a Reflex save or become prone. The Magus benefits from the Improved Blink spell.
Aura of the Shadow Ward: All adjacent creatures take 1d6 points of Strength drain each round. The mystic becomes incorporeal and gains an incorporeal melee touch attack that deals 1d6 points of Strength drain.
Aura of the Vampire. All adjacent creatures gain a negative level each round. The Magus gains 5 hit points for each negative level bestowed. Temporary hit points above his maximum disappear after 1 hour.
Sudden Defense: +10 to CMD as immediate action for 1 round
Sudden Durability: DR 5/- immediate action, 10/-, 15/-, 20/-
Sudden Energy Resistance: Energy Resistance 10, plus 10 per 5 levels.
Sudden Evasion: gain evasion for 1 round as immediate action
Sudden Shield: Shield for 1 round
Sudden Sneak Attack: gain 1d6 of sneak attack, +1d6 per 2 levels, for 1 round
Sudden Toughness: Temporary hit points equal to 5 per level for 1 round
Swift Creeping: +10 to Climb checks, +10 at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th.
Swift Disappearance: Become Invisible 1 round
Swift Leaper: +10 to Jump checks, +10 at 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th
Swift Puissance: Bonus Combat Feat, +1 per 4 levels (5, 9, 13, 17)
Swift Reach: Reach +5 for 1 round
Swift Running: +30 bonus to speed for 1 round.
Swift Skirmish: +1d6 point of damage if you move 10 feet, +1d6/4 levels.
Swift Step: Take a 5 foot step as a swift action.
Swift Wise Strike: Wisdom modifier to attack and damage
Sudden Blur: Gain 20% concealment for 1 round per Wisdom.
Sudden Mettle: as immediate action, ignore negative effects on successful Fortitude or Will save.
Sudden Shifting: teleport 5 feet/2 levels as immediate action, 50% miss chance, 1 rd/Wisdom
Sudden Sundering: cause 1 point of damage/level + Wisdom to weapons striking you.
Sudden Wakefulness: gain immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, and sleep for 1 round per Wisdom modifier.
Swift Crippling: Ability damage equal to ½ level
Swift Flight: Fly for 1 round
Swift Ghost Strike: resolve melee attacks as touch attacks for 1 round
Swift Ghost Touch for 1 round per Wisdom
Swift Haste: Haste for 1 round per Wisdom modifier
Swift Movement: Move speed as swift action
Swift Retribution: Retributive Aura for 1 round
Swift Silencing Strike: for 1 round, all opponents you strike are silenced for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Swift Vision: See Invisible for 1 round per Wisdom
Sudden Energy Immunity: gain immunity to one of the following for 1 round: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic.
Sudden Freedom of Movement
Sudden Improved Evasion: gain improved evasion for 1 round as immediate action.
Sudden Vitality: gain immunity to negative energy, poison, disease for 1 round.
Sudden Wall of Force: for 1 round
Swift Blink: blink for Wisdom rounds
Swift Enervating Strike: bestow 1 negative level, heal 5 hit points.
Swift True Strike: +20 on single attack roll, no miss chance
Swift Vampiric Touch: Cause 1d6 points of damage per 2 levels; heal same amount.
Sudden Spell Resistance: gain spell resistance 15 + CL for 1 round as immediate action.
Sudden Incorporeality: become incorporeal for 1 round as an immediate action.
Swift Crippling: Ability drain equal to ½ level
Swift Displacement: Gain 50% concealment for 1 round per Wisdom
Swift True Sight: for 1 round per Wisdom modifier (4th)
Swift Vanishing: as swift action, gain greater invisibility for 1 round per Wisdom
Sudden Anti-Magic Sheath: gain immunity to all magic for 1 round as immediate action.
Sudden Energy Invulnerability: gain immunity to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic for 1 round
Swift Dimension Door:
Swift Disintegrating Touch: cause 2d6 points of damage; Fort for 5d6.
Swift Twin: Double bodies for 1 round, 2 negative levels, split hit points, swift action.
Reserve Powers
Celerity: Your speed increases by 10 feet. At 10th level, and again at 20th level, your speed increases by 10 feet.
Dimensional Pocket: You can access an non-dimensional space that can store up to 10 pounds per level. Depositing or withdrawing an object from the non-dimensional pocket is a free action.
Durability: You gain DR/magic equal to ½ your mystic level.
Enduring Fortitude. You gain the benefits of the Endurance and Diehard feats. In addition, you add half of your mystic level to the bonuses provided by the Endurance feat.
Energy Resistance: Choose one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You gain energy resistance 5 against the selected energy type. At 5th level, and every 5 levels, you gain energy resistance 5 against a new energy type or increase an existing energy resistance by 5.
Fast Healing: You gain fast healing 1 whenever your hit point total is reduced to less than your level.
Fearlessness: You gain immunity to the shaken condition. At 5th level, you gain immunity to the frightened condition. At 10th level, you gain immunity to the panicked condition.
Iron Health: You become immune to the sickened condition. At 5th level, you become immune to the nauseated condition. At 10th level, you become immune to disease. At 15th level, you become immune to poison.
Light as Air. You benefit from a constant feather fall effect. At 5th level, you gain a constant glide ability. At 10th level, you gain a constant water walking effect. At 15th level, you gain a constant air walk effect. At 20th level, you gain a fly speed of 60 with perfect maneuverability. Fly is a class skill for you.
Mystic Might: You treat your mystic level as your BAB when determining your CMB and CMD, and when qualifying for feats.
Night Vision: You gain low-light vision. At 5th level, you gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet. At 10th level, you gain blindsense with a range of 60 feet. At 15th level, you can see through magical darkness. At 20th level, you gain blindsight with a range of 60 feet.
Wakefulness: You gain immunity to sleep effects. At 5th level, you gain immunity to fatigue effects. At 10th level, you gain immunity to exhaustion effects. At 15th level, you gain immunity to nightmare effects.
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
BAB: +¾
Good Saves: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Hit Dice: 1d8
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.
Mystics are proficient in all simple and martial weapons. Mystics are not proficient in any armor or shields.
1. Ki Pool, Ki Powers, Ki Reserve, Mystical Staff 1d6, Unarmored Defense
2. Mystic Power
3. Mystic Quality
4. AC +1
5. Improved Ki Powers, Mystic Staff 2d6
6. Mystic Power
7. Mystic Quality
8. AC +2
9. Greater Ki Powers, Mystic Staff 3d6
10. Mystic Power
11. Mystic Quality
12. AC +3
13. Advanced Ki Powers, Mystic Staff 4d6
14. Mystic Power
15. Mystic Quality
16. AC +4
17. Supreme Ki Powers, Mystic Staff 5d6
18. Mystic Power
19. Mystic Quality
20. AC +5, Ki Mastery
Ki Pool (Su): At 1st level, the mystic has a pool of ki points equal to 4 + his Wisdom modifier. Temporary increases to the mystic’s Wisdom score do not provide him with additional ki points. At 2nd level, and every level thereafter, the mystic’s ki pool increases by 2 points. The mystic spends points from his ki pool use his ki powers. As long as at least 1 point remains in the mystic’s ki pool, he can use his ki reserve power. Spent ki points are recovered after resting for 8 hours.
Ki Powers (Su): At 1st level, the mystic selects 3 ki powers, plus 1 ki reserve power. At 2nd level, and every level thereafter, the mystic selects 1 additional ki power. Beginning at 5th level, the mystic can select improved ki powers. Beginning at 9th level, the mystic can select greater ki powers. Beginning at 13th level, the mystic can select advanced ki powers. Beginning at 17th level, the mystic can use supreme ki powers. There are three kinds of ki powers: auras, boosts, and reserve powers. Auras are long term effects that provide minor benefits to the mystic and target adjacent creatures with minor hindrances or effects. Boosts are short term, often extreme, enhancements to the mystic. Reserve powers are abilities that remain in effect for as long as the mystic has at least 1 point in his ki pool. The save DC, if any, of a mystic’s ki power is 10 + ½ the mystic’s level + the mystic’s Wisdom modifier.
Ki Reserve (Su): As long as the mystic has at least 1 point remaining in his ki pool, he gains the benefit of a reserve ki power. If the mystic learns any additional ki reserve powers, he must maintain a number of ki points equal to the number of ki reserve powers he has. If the number of ki points falls below this amount, the mystic loses access to reserve powers, beginning with the most recently acquired ki reserve power.
Mystical Staff (Su). As a swift action, the mystic can summon a magical staff that deals bludgeoning damage. The mystical staff makes touch attacks and has a threat and critical range of 20/x2. It initially does 1d6 points of damage; this increases by 1d6 at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter. The mystical staff is immaterial and weightless and the mystic does not add his Strength bonus to damage. The mystical staff has a hardness and hit points equal to the mystic’s class level + his Wisdom bonus.
Alternatively, as a swift action, the mystic can imbue a quarterstaff with mystical energy. For a number of rounds equal to the mystic’s Wisdom modifier, the imbued quarterstaff does an additional amount of mystical damage equal to 1d6. This additional damage increases by 1d6 at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter. The imbued staff adds the mystic’s level and Wisdom modifier to both its hit points and its hardness. At 4th level, the imbued staff gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its attack and damage rolls. This enhancement bonus increases by +1 at 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter.
Unarmored Defense (Ex). The mystic adds his Wisdom bonus, if any, to his AC and CMD if he is unarmored and carrying a light load or less. This bonus applies to his touch AC and even when the mystic is flatfooted; it does not apply if the mystic is helpless or immobilized. This bonus to his AC increases by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter.
Mystic Power (Su): At 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the mystic learns one of the following mystic powers.
Aura Cone (Su): As a swift action, the mystic can spend 1 ki point and project an aura as a 20 foot cone with a duration of 1 round.
Aura Line (Su): As a swift action, the mystic can spend 1 ki point and project an aura as a 40 foot line with a duration of 1 round.
Empower Boost (Su): The mystic can spend an extra ki point while activating a boost and increase your effective mystic level by +5 for 1 round.
Extended Boost (Su): The mystic can spend an extra ki point while activating a boost and double the duration of the boost.
Extra Aura (Su): The mystic learns an additional aura.
Extra Boost (Su): The mystic learns an additional boost.
Extra Reserve Power (Su): The mystic learns an extra reserve power. The extra reserve power is only in effect as long as the mystic maintains at least 2 ki points within his ki pool. If his ki pool is reduced to 1 ki point, only his original reserve power is available.
Free Boost (Su): Once per round, you can initiate a boost as a free action instead of as an immediate action or swift action.
Selective Aura (Su): Each round as a free action, you may designate a number of 5 foot squares not exceeding your Wisdom modifier within your aura as safe. Allied creatures within the selected safe squares are not affected by your aura.
Trailing Aura (Su): As a swift action, the mystic can spend 1 ki point and until the end of the mystic‘s turn, the effects of the mystic’s aura fills the spaces he moves through for 1 round. Creatures that then enter those spaces before the mystic’s next turn are affected by the effects of the mystic’s aura.
Twin Aura (Su): The mystic can project 2 auras at the same time; each aura still costs 1 ki point to project.
Widened Aura (Su): The mystic’s aura extends out to 10 feet from the mystic’s space.
Mystic Quality (Su). At 3rd level, and every 4 levels beyond 3rd, the mystic can choose one of the following abilities and apply it to his mystic staff
Double Staff. The mystic can be use his mystical staff as a double weapon. The mystic gains the use of the Two Weapon Fighting feat when using his mystical staff. At 6th level, he gains the use of the Improved Two Weapon Fighting feat when using his mystical staff. At 11th level, he gains the use of the Greater Two Weapon Fighting feat when using his mystical staff.
Flashing Staff. The mystic can throw his mystical staff as if it were a javelin, making a ranged touch attack. Once it leaves his hand, the mystical staff disappears after 1 round. The mystic gains the use of the Precise Shot feat when using his mystical staff. At 6th level, he gains the use of the Shot on the Run feat when using his mystical staff. At 11th level, he gains the use of the Improved Precise Shot feat when using his mystical staff.
Heart Staff. The mystical staff bypasses DR as if it had the mystic’s alignment and causes an additional 1d6 points of damage to an opponent that has an alignment in direct opposition to the mystic’s. If both alignment axes (chaos/law and evil/good) are in opposition to the mystic’s, the opponent takes 2d6 points of additional damage.
Peace Staff. The mystical staff causes non-lethal damage.
Piercing Staff. The mystical staff causes piercing damage and has a critical multiplier of x3.
Quick Staff. The mystic can summon or imbue his mystical staff as a free action on his turn or an immediate action if it is not his turn. He adds his Wisdom modifier to his initiative rolls.
Reach Staff. The mystical staff’s reach increases by 5 feet. The mystic gains the use of the Combat Reflexes feat when using his mystical staff. At 6th level, he gains the use of the Stand Still feat when using his mystical staff. At 11th level, he gains the use of the Strike Back feat when using his mystical staff.
Shaft of Moonlight. The mystical staff bypasses DR as if it were made of silver.
Slashing Staff. The mystical staff causes slashing damage and has a threat range of 19-20.
Staff of the Earth’s Shadow. The mystical staff bypasses DR as if it were made of cold iron.
Starlight Staff. The mystical staff bypasses DR as if it were made of adamantine. The mystic must be at least 11th level before selecting this power.
Wise Warrior. The mystic adds his Wisdom bonus to his attack and damage rolls with his mystical staff. He also adds his Wisdom bonus to his CMB when using his mystical staff.
Ki Mastery (Su): At 20th level, the mystic can spend a number of points equal to his Wisdom modifier from his ki pool as a free action instead of a swift action.
Aura of the Boundless Wastes: Adjacent opponents are fatigued. The mystic benefits from endure elements.
Aura of Foreboding: Adjacent creatures must make a successful Will save or immediately move 5 feet away from mystic; this is a mind-affecting fear effect. The mystic gains a +10 bonus on Intimidate skill checks.
Aura of Illumination: Adjacent creatures are targeted with a faerie fire effect for a number of rounds equal to the mystic’s level. The mystic gains low-light vision.
Aura of Madness: Adjacent creatures must make a successful Will save or become confused for 1 round. The mystic becomes immune to confusion and insanity effects.
Aura of Peace: Adjacent creatures cannot cause lethal damage; if they perform any aggressive action, they must cause non-lethal damage or make attacks that do not cause hit point damage, ability damage, or ability drain. The mystic is protected by a sanctuary effect.
Aura of Sadness: -2 to Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, and Skill Checks. The mystic gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
Aura of Shadows: 20% miss chance to target the mystic and the mystic gains a +10 bonus on Stealth skill checks.
Aura of Shifting Stones: Adjacent squares are considered difficult terrain and the mystic benefits from flawless stride.
Aura of Slipperiness: Creatures in adjacent squares must make a Reflex save or become prone. The mystic gains a +10 bonus on Escape Artist checks and to his CMD against grapple attempts.
Aura of Stolen Strength: Adjacent opponents suffer a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls; the mystic gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for each adjacent opponent.
Improved Auras.
Aura of Creeping Growths: Adjacent creatures are entangled. The mystic gains a +10 to his CMD against attempts to move him from the space he is in by Bull Rush, Drag, Overrun, Reposition, or Trip combat maneuvers.
Aura of Dispelling: Adjacent creatures are subjected to dispel magic. The mystic gains spell resistance 5 + his class level.
Aura of Earth’s Embrace: Adjacent creatures suffer a -2 penalty on Strength and Dexterity-based checks and skill checks, and attack and damage rolls, have their speed reduced by 10 feet, and they also cause damage as if they were 1 size category smaller. The mystic’s melee and ranged weapons causes damage as if they were one size category larger.
Aura of Ice and Snow: Adjacent creatures take 1d6 points of cold damage and must make a Reflex Save or fall prone. The mystic’s weapons deal +1d6 points of cold damage, and he gains cold resistance 20.
Aura of Mist: Adjacent creatures have a 20% miss chance to hit the mystic and must make a Fortitude save or become nauseated; if they succeed they are sickened. The mystic assumes gaseous form.
Aura of Stolen Health: Adjacent creatures suffer a -2 penalty to their Constitution score for as long as they are adjacent to you; you gain a +2 bonus to your Constitution score for each living creature that is adjacent to you.
Aura of the Sun: Adjacent creatures take 2d6 points of fire damage each round and must make a Reflex Save or become dazzled for 1 round. The mystic’s weapons deal +1d6 points of fire damage, and he gains fire resistance 20.
Aura of Whispers: Adjacent creatures are distracted, taking a -4 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks. Spellcasters are particularly distracted, and suffer a -4 penalty on Concentration checks and must succeed on a Concentration check with a DC of 15 + double the spell level to cast a spell while adjacent to the mystic.
Greater Auras.
Aura of Corruption: Adjacent creatures take 2d6 points of acid damage each round and must make a Fortitude save or become nauseated for 1 round (sickened on a successful save). The mystic’s weapons deal +1d6 points of acid damage and the Magus gains acid resistance 30.
Aura of Drowning: Adjacent creatures must hold their breath by making a DC 10 Constitution check (the DC increases by +1 per each additional check) or begin to drown.
Aura of Momentum: Adjacent creatures are slowed; the mystic benefits from haste.
Aura of Repulsion: Adjacent creatures are subjected to a bull rush with a CMB equal to the mystic’s level + his Wisdom modifier. The mystic gains a deflection bonus to his AC equal to his Charisma bonus.
Aura of True Night: The mystic is totally obscured by magical darkness, granting him total concealment. The mystic gains the ability to see through magical and non-magical darkness.
Advanced Auras:
Aura of Agony: Adjacent creatures take 5d6 points of non-lethal damage and become sickened. The mystic gains DR 5/adamantine.
Aura of Lethal Fumes: Adjacent creatures are subjected to a cloud kill effect. The mystic is immune to poison.
Aura of Sky’s Embrace: Adjacent creatures are subjected to a reverse gravity effect with a distance of 10 feet per 2 mystic levels. The mystic benefits from overland flight.
Supreme Auras.
Aura of the Diamond: Any weapon striking the mystic takes damage equal to his class level + his Wisdom bonus; this damage bypasses any hardness of 20 or less. If this destroys the weapon, the mystic takes no damage. Creatures adjacent to the mystic take 5d6 points of damage from spinning blades of force (Reflex for half).
Aura of Mind Bending Winds: Adjacent creatures suffer a penalty on all Will Saves and Wisdom checks equal to ½ the mystic’s level for as long as they are adjacent to the mystic, and for 2d6 rounds thereafter. The mystic assumes wind walking form.
Aura of Scattered Foes: All adjacent creatures are teleported 20 feet away and must make a Reflex save or become prone. The mystic benefits from the Improved Blink spell.
Aura of the Shadow Ward: All adjacent creatures take 1d6 points of Strength drain each round. The mystic becomes incorporeal and gains an incorporeal melee touch attack that deals 1d6 points of Strength drain.
Aura of the Vampire: All adjacent creatures gain a negative level each round. The mystic gains 5 hit points for each negative level bestowed. Temporary hit points above his maximum disappear after 1 hour.
Aura of Vanished Vision: All adjacent creatures are permanently blinded. The mystic benefits from greater invisibility.
Sudden Defense: +10 to CMD as immediate action for 1 round
Sudden Energy Resistance: Energy Resistance 10, plus 10 per 5 levels, for 1 round
Sudden Evasion: gain evasion for 1 round as immediate action
Sudden Purity: gain a bonus on all saving throws equal to ½ your level for 1 round.
Sudden Shield: +4 Shield bonus to AC for 1 round
Sudden Sneak Attack: gain 1d6 of sneak attack, +1d6 per 2 levels, for 1 round
Sudden Toughness: Temporary hit points equal to 5 per level for 1 round
Swift Athlete: +10, +10/4 levels, to Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks for 1 round
Swift Disappearance: Become Invisible 1 round
Swift Puissance: Bonus Combat Feat, +1 at 4th and every 4 levels thereafter
Swift Reach: As a swift action increase your reach by +5 feet for 1 round
Swift Running: As a swift action, gain a +30 bonus to speed for 1 round.
Swift Senses: +10 to Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks for 1 round
Swift Skirmish: +1d6 point of damage if you move 10 feet, +1d6/4 levels.
Swift Step: Take a 5 foot step as a swift action.
Swift Strike: Make a melee or ranged attack at your full attack bonus as a swift action.
Swift Wise Strike: Wisdom modifier to attack and damage for 1 round
Improved Boosts:
Sudden Blur: Gain 20% concealment for 1 round per Wisdom.
Sudden Durability: As an immediate action, the mystic gains DR 5/- for 1 round; at 10th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the DR increases by 5.
Sudden Mettle: as immediate action, ignore negative effects on successful Fortitude or Will save for 1 round.
Sudden Retribution: As an immediate action, you cause damage equal to your level against opponents that hit you with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or non-reach weapon.
Sudden Shifting: As an immediate action, the mystic can teleport 5 feet per 2 mystic levels for a number of rounds equal to the mystic’s Wisdom modifier. If this is done in response to an attack, there is a 50% chance the attack misses the mystic.
Sudden Sundering: cause 1 point of damage/level + Wisdom to weapons striking you.
Sudden Wakefulness: gain immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, and sleep for 1 round per Wisdom modifier.
Swift Crippling: Ability damage equal to ½ level
Swift Flight: Fly for 1 round
Swift Flurry: As a swift action, you gain a number of additional attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier at your highest base attack bonus.
Swift Ghost Strike: resolve melee attacks as touch attacks for 1 round
Swift Ghost Touch for 1 round per Wisdom
Swift Haste: Haste for 1 round per Wisdom modifier
Swift Movement: Move speed as swift action
Swift Retribution: Retributive Aura for 1 round
Swift Silencing Strike: for 1 round, all opponents you strike are silenced for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Swift Vision: See Invisible for 1 round per Wisdom
Greater Boosts:
Sudden Energy Immunity: gain immunity to one of the following for 1 round: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic.
Sudden Freedom of Movement
Sudden Improved Evasion: gain improved evasion for 1 round as immediate action.
Sudden Vitality: gain immunity to negative energy, poison, disease for 1 round.
Sudden Wall of Force: for 1 round
Swift Blink: blink for Wisdom rounds
Swift Enervating Strike: bestow 1 negative level, heal 5 hit points.
Swift True Strike: +20 on single attack roll, no miss chance
Swift Vampiric Touch: Cause 1d6 points of damage per 2 levels; heal same amount.
Advanced Boosts:
Sudden Spell Resistance: gain spell resistance 15 + CL for 1 round as immediate action.
Sudden Incorporeality: become incorporeal for 1 round as an immediate action.
Swift Crippling: Ability drain equal to ½ level
Swift Displacement: Gain 50% concealment for 1 round per Wisdom
Swift True Sight: for 1 round per Wisdom modifier
Swift Vanishing: as swift action, gain greater invisibility for 1 round per Wisdom
Supreme Boosts:
Sudden Anti-Magic Sheath: gain immunity to all magic for 1 round as immediate action.
Sudden Energy Invulnerability: gain immunity to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic for 1 round
Swift Dimension Door:
Swift Disintegrating Touch: cause 2d6 points of damage; Fort for 5d6.
Swift Twin: Double bodies for 1 round, 2 negative levels, split hit points, swift action.
Reserve Powers
Celerity: Your speed increases by 10 feet. At 10th level, and again at 20th level, your speed increases by 10 feet.
Dimensional Pocket: You can access an non-dimensional space that can store up to 10 pounds per level. Depositing or withdrawing an object from the non-dimensional pocket is a free action.
Durability: You gain DR/magic equal to ½ your mystic level.
Enduring Fortitude. You gain the benefits of the Endurance and Diehard feats. In addition, you add half of your mystic level to the bonuses provided by the Endurance feat.
Energy Resistance: Choose one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You gain energy resistance 5 against the selected energy type. At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, you gain energy resistance 5 against a new energy type or increase an existing energy resistance by 5.
Fast Healing: You gain fast healing 1 whenever your hit point total is reduced to less than your level.
Fearlessness: You gain immunity to the shaken condition. At 5th level, you gain immunity to the frightened condition. At 10th level, you gain immunity to the panicked condition.
Iron Health: You become immune to the sickened condition. At 5th level, you become immune to the nauseated condition. At 10th level, you become immune to disease. At 15th level, you become immune to poison.
Light as Air. You benefit from a constant feather fall effect. At 5th level, you gain a constant glide ability. At 10th level, you gain a constant water walking effect. At 15th level, you gain a constant air walk effect. At 20th level, you gain a fly speed of 60 with perfect maneuverability. Fly is a class skill for you.
Mystic Might: You treat your mystic level as your BAB when determining your CMB and CMD, and when qualifying for feats.
Night Vision: You gain low-light vision. At 5th level, you gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet. At 10th level, you gain blindsense with a range of 60 feet. At 15th level, you can see through magical darkness. At 20th level, you gain blindsight with a range of 60 feet.
Wakefulness: You gain immunity to sleep effects. At 5th level, you gain immunity to fatigue effects. At 10th level, you gain immunity to exhaustion effects. At 15th level, you gain immunity to nightmare effects.