LilithsThrall |
LilithsThrall wrote:Voidcloak'tis better Lillith. I think your text in how the cloak takes over the wearer, might be enough to compensate for lack of a physical description as it is good, but a concrete image would go a long way. That said you may spend too much time on the actions of the cloak and not its abilities. The actions are important, but a cloak which consumes its user in shadows will lose out to one that grants a dimensional anchor twice a week (or whenever). As written an emphasis is placed on 'putting on the cloak' rather than 'perform the magic' of. Compare line
LilithsThrall wrote:When a person picks up the cloak as if to wear it, it predatorily latches upon him and crawls its way up his arm and across his body.with The cloak predatorily latches upon the user when activated. or even Once activated the cloak crawls up the arm and across the body of the user.
Ronars is correct in wondering what the abilities are. If they do just duplicate the spell, though you are dangerously close to the SiaC.
Still I think it is a nice job and the images are great. :)
Are you familiar with SKR's 'auto-reject' advice threads from last year?
Thank you :)
I've been reviewing SKR's 'auto-reject' advice over the past several weeks. There's a lot to keep in mind. Respectfully, I don't feel that this is anywhere near a spell in a can. I feel it has a very nice gestalt - a Lovecraftian cloak that eats sanity in order to reveal the pathways between realities and which seems to have a very unnatural lifeforce to it. But, I do get what you mean that I should tie the mechanics in better. I'll work on that in my next version.
RonarsCorruption Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9 |

I don't feel that this is anywhere near a spell in a canQuote:You have to understand, a SIAC isn't something that defines a one-button-one-spell item. It defines any sort of item whose effects could be exactly duplicated if you could cast the spell. Wands and scrolls are spells in a can, obviously, but so is a necklace of fireballs.
It has a few different charges and so on, sure, but at it's core it allows you to do one thing - cast fireball a certain number of times at a certain power level.
The plentiful pouch, for instance is mostly a single spell effect on a single trigger, but it's not so simple as 'push-button-get-spell', you have to fill it with goodberries to get your healing, or plant it to gain your powerful effect.
The voidcloak is push-button-make-save-get-spell, which is okay, but the key factor is basically, make the save and you can cast the spell. If you can make the save, the item is nothing more than a way for you to cast those three spells infinite times per day.
On that front, you've got a 4th, 5th and 5th levels spells, at CL 14th? Why? You only need to be 9th level to cast any of them. And besides that:
+10 on two skills = 20,000gp
4th level spell (7th level) at will = 4*7*2000 = 56,000gp
5th level spell (9th level) at will = 90,000gp
5th level spell (9th level) at will = 90,000gp
multiple effects = +50% * (90,000+56000+20000) = 83,000gp
theoretical item cost = 339,000gp.Even if you considered the save-per-cast to reduce the cost to 25% of this, you get it worth 85k. If you increased the caster level to 14, you wind up well over 100k. How did you get your numbers?

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

Been awhile, but we are not done yet! :)
Icicle Medallion
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price 750 gp; Weight--
A cold glass-shard crosses this rune covered circle of blue metal. Frigid energy pierces the blood of a flatfooted opponent, freezing the mind and body. Activating the icicle is a free action combined with a standard or full round action that targets a flat-footed foe. The target takes a -4 to his initiative check and may only take a standard or move action on their next turn. The medallion can only affect one target at a time and has no effect on someone who has already acted on his or her initiative.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Initiative, slow; Cost 325 gp

RonarsCorruption Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9 |

@icicle medallion - so, it's slow as a free action, with no save, so long as you change targets every turn? That's super powerful. Especially for 750gp.
Although, it's unclear if the whole amulet can be activated except for before battle, anyways. The wording is a little wonky, and I really think it needs a clairifcation that it can only be used while a battle is not taking place.

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

*reads through ultimate combat*
*gets to new spells*dammit, Paizo beat me to the punch. There's a new spell here that is almost word-for-word the effects of a magic item I had thought up for this year's competition. It was a really good one, too. :S
I had that happen when I read ultimate magic. Still might be able to mojo it a little different item. :)
less than slow... but I will see what I can do to clarify it :)

RonarsCorruption Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9 |

Woah, I lost track of this month - how'd that happen? This is another item based off a player in one of my older, 3.5e games.
Truthsayer's choker
Aura faint enchantment, divination; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 8,000gp; Weight --
A soft black velvet choker, the truthsayer's choker is embroidered with a flawless depiction of the night sky and the constellations within.
When fit snugly around a wearer's neck, the wearer of the truthsayer's choker finds it impossible to deliberately speak a falsehood until after they have removed the choker. While this effect grants a +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks, and confers a matching -4 penalty to Bluff checks, the choker's true capacities lie in divination.
The truthsayer's choker has three charges that recharge each day at midnight. By spending one charge as a swift action, the wearer can empower a divination spell they are casting, granting a +5% bonus on that spell producing a useful result (such as a true answer through contact other plane, or a useful answer through augury).
If, instead the wearer spends all three charges as a standard action, they can utter a phrase of absolute truth about a single creature within 30 ft. of the wearer. The phrase may either be attempting to make the target one step more hostile or friendly, and they receive a DC 14 Will save to resist the effects. These effects last until the creature has reason to otherwise change their opinion of you, as Diplomacy.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, zone of truth; Cost 4,000gp

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RonarsCorruption wrote:Formatting. Typically made of silk, this cape glistens... (suggestion to correct active voice). simple torch effect, nice. Ten minutes a day is much more than most parties will spend in combat, meaning this is under-priced at 7k. If it functions only once per day, and that happens to be ten minutes, that is different, but it is unclear on time being consecutive. Simple piece of fabric or fine silk? define 'distraction' mechanically (dazed? blinded? fatigued? AC bonus? other?) what type of save bonus? can't be flanked is general, but you might be able to say adjacent enemies do not threaten a square except on their action, but that might be making it more complicated too. Last line should be sooner, and could be shortened to strengthen it :) My internal...Sure, I'll start us off with one or two of my self-rejected items from this year. Maybe someone will come up with something awesome from their remains. No formatting, and minimal polish though.
Aurora cape
Aura moderate evocation; CL 6th
Slot: Shoulders; Price: 7,000 gp; Weight : 4lbsThis cape is typically made of fine silk, and glistens in the light with all the colors of the rainbow. In presence of dim light or better it sheds light as a torch, amplifying the light that falls across it into a shimmering spectrum of colors.
As a standard action, the wearer of the cape can transform it from a simple piece of fabric into interwoven beams of light. The cape may maintain this form for up to ten minutes each day, and extinguishing the cape is a swift action. This blazing light causes a distraction effect to all creatures in adjacent squares, and also prevents targets from looking directly at the wearer – preventing them from being flanked, and granting a +6 bonus to all saves versus gaze attacks while the cape is active. While the cape is active, it also sheds bright light in a 60ft radius.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Daylight; Cost 3,500gp
(170 words)

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

I've toyed with this idea over and over for some time now, and though I don't have all the formatting going on, that's not a weakness I need to really work on right now.
Hell, right now the weakness I need to work on is not having 28 hours in a day. ;)
Immovable Armguard
-magic item formatting, shush-
More than an inch of solid steel with only simple markings around its edges, the immovable armguard is just as difficult to put down as it is to pick up.Normally, the armguard's heft grants the wearer +1 shield bonus to AC, but as an immediate action the wearer can activate its stored power; blocking any single melee attack with the armguard, as if it were an unbreakable obstacle. The wearer of the armguard must be aware of the attack to block it in this way.
This power requires 1d4+2 rounds to recharge, and during that time, the wearer loses any Shield and Dodge bonuses to AC they might have normally had, as the armguard moves slowly in any situation.
-magic item formatting, shush-
This posts constitutes the views of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus, and in the language of the Abyss ‘tact’ is the method by which a demonic temptress’ domestic staff affixed her latest trophy to the wall, ‘unfair’ is a common Abyssal abbreviation for ‘funfair’, and ‘diplomacy’ – like a good china tea-service – is something best kept locked away in a cabinet for special occasions.Having made which quite clear, on to the next Disclaimer…
Further Disclaimer:
Anthea, Byrria, Cynthia, and Daria are off on an errand to keep the sister of Cynthia’s familiar safe from a bunch of rampaging ulfen raiders. (Don’t ask – it’s a story far too long for here.) Would this device be any practical use to them in this?
Anthea is actually an eccentric who enjoys poking things with big sharp hunks of metal in hazardous situations; however I'm not convinced she'd find this useful. It depends upon if it can be dropped easily after use (see below).
Other Comments?
I'm unclear on if it's possible to discard this item in a hurry. The logical thing to do seems to be to use it to block an attack in an emergency at one moment, then discard the item the next to prevent it from slowing one down. If it's impossible to shed the item immediately after employing it, to be honest I can't see any point to it. It saves a wearer from one crisis by dropping the same wearer into a potentially even bigger mess at the next moment. (Well; unless one happens to fight at a snail's pace without a shield anyway, and thus be impossible to hamper in such ways...)
Further final (for now) disclaimer:
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus acknowledges that items presented on this thread are a mixed bag of informal odds and ends and that they are in no way intended to be ‘finished’ items. Add the usual honorifics and mentions to Lord Orcus here too.

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

This posts constitutes the views of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus, and in the language of the Abyss ‘tact’ is the method by which a demonic temptress’ domestic staff affixed her latest trophy to the wall, ‘unfair’ is a common Abyssal abbreviation for ‘funfair’, and ‘diplomacy’ – like a good china tea-service – is something best kept locked away in a cabinet for special occasions.
Having made which quite clear, on to the next Disclaimer…
Further Disclaimer:
Mushrooms I, II and III
Anthea, Byrria, Cynthia, and Daria are off on an errand to keep the sister of Cynthia’s familiar safe from a bunch of rampaging ulfen raiders. (Don’t ask – it’s a story far too long for here.) Would this device be any practical use to them in this?
No. They're trying to be discreet, not brazenly flaunt themselves to all and sundry with exploding or wailing fungi.
Other Comments?
Yet more mushroom items which don't come with decent recipes. Or even an indication if it's safe for normal creatures to eat them? (Mortals running short on provisions in a boat at sea will eat or at least try to eat almost anything; this question of edibility might actually be pertinent even to such lesser beings...)
Further final (for now) disclaimer:
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus acknowledges that items presented on this thread are a mixed bag of informal odds and ends and that they are in no way intended to be ‘finished’ items. Add the usual honorifics and mentions to Lord Orcus here too.

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

Thanks for the feedback guys. I've had a heck of a busy last few months, it's good to see this thread picking back up again.
I've got another item for you guys, based on something one of my players dreamed up last week during Kingmaker.
Boots of Deep Impression
Aura faint conjuration and transmutation; CL 4th
Slot feet; Price 3,500 gp; Weight 6 lbsDescription
With soles of steel and bands of black iron around the ankles, these heavy boots leave deep prints even in packed soil. However, the boots of deep impression are hardly intended for walking in, and instead are designed for close-quarters combat. Once per day, the wearer of these boots can stop their feet on the ground, creating a 15-ft.-by-15-ft. pit beneath themselves, sending them and those beside them down the 20 ft. deep shaft, similar to a pit created by create pit.While the wearer of the boots takes no damage from the drop, as the pit forms beneath their feet, those in adjacent squares must make a DC 13 reflex save to avoid falling in was well. The pit persists for up to five rounds, or until the wearer of the boots dismisses it.
requirements Craft Wondrous Item, create pit, feather fall; Cost: 1,750 gp
Two in one month; that's rule-breaking. On this occasion, I approve. (Plus, of course, there were just all those mushrooms...)
Disclaimer:This posts constitutes the views of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus, and in the language of the Abyss ‘tact’ is the method by which a demonic temptress’ domestic staff affixed her latest trophy to the wall, ‘unfair’ is a common Abyssal abbreviation for ‘funfair’, and ‘diplomacy’ – like a good china tea-service – is something best kept locked away in a cabinet for special occasions.
Having made which quite clear, on to the next Disclaimer…
Further Disclaimer:
Anthea, Byrria, Cynthia, and Daria are off on an errand to keep the sister of Cynthia’s familiar safe from a bunch of rampaging ulfen raiders. (Don’t ask – it’s a story far too long for here.) Would this device be any practical use to them in this?
No. They're trying to be discreet, not leave trails of footprints or scrape-marks everywhere.
Other Comments?
I'm a little bemused that details aren't given of just how much boots which make every step such an apparent drag reduce a wearer's land speed. It certainly seems likely that they should.
Further final (for now) disclaimer:
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus acknowledges that items presented on this thread are a mixed bag of informal odds and ends and that they are in no way intended to be ‘finished’ items. Add the usual honorifics and mentions to Lord Orcus here too.

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

Mountaineer’s Trailing Trowel
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot--; Price 3000 gp; Weight --
Etched footprints line the triangular head of this metal trowel. The footprints shift about the surface when the trowel is tilted or shaken.
Smoothing footprints and other signs of passing with the trowel erases tracks for a distance of 30 feet. Each day 120 feet from up to three creature’s can be erased in this manner. Erased tracks do not need to be consecutive and each 30 foot increment requires a standard action.
As a full round action the user may wave the trowel and cause all erased tracks to reappear in any direction chosen by the user. The tracks start adjacent to the last non-erased tracks and conform to the new terrain becoming easier or harder to discern based on the new surfaces. This ability functions once per day. Erased tracks fade from the trowel if not used within the day.
The trowel can also reveal tracks on stone or stony ground. Twice per day the user may track over hard or firm ground while moving at his normal speed without suffering the -5 penalty to survival checks.Construction
Requirements Craft wondrous item, pass without trace, stoneshape; Cost 1800 gp
This posts constitutes the views of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus, and although there's never actually a need for a succubus to justify anything other than with the simple phrase 'I Am' it's always nice to be able to occasionally wheel a couple of those delightful Alkenstar bombards out, to underscore a point.And yes, you know what's coming. You know what has to be coming given what this presenter did to at least one succubus with his previous item. You know what Honour and Pride positively demand be coming...
Having hopefully made which Quite Clear:
To be frank, no. Not surprising either, given what this monster presented last time.
Other Comments?
Failed to insert a comma when pricing the item. (3000 should be 3,000.)
What sort of 'etched footprints'? Birds'? Dragons'? Sheeps'? Devils'? Others'?
First it erases tracks in one sentence, and then it actually removes creatures' feet in the next, depedunculating them (and if depedunculating wasn't actually a real word before, it is now) to the tune of 120 feet total removed in every twenty four hours. And apparently the targets don't even get the chance to attempt to resist being depedunculated. Oooh. Suddenly this item actually starts to look Quite Fun & Interesting. Sadly there is a restriction that only three creatures per twenty four hour period can be so depedunculated - which does rather raise the question of why so high a limit, unless at least one encounter with a giant centipede is planned? - and of course there are the semantic arguments about whether or not it's possible to depedunculate creatures such as giant slugs?
Okay, then there's some more about tracks. Apparently it has some sort of function regarding tracking, which works on stony ground or inside on stone floors, but not outside on natural rock; not much use on a limestone pavement then...
And finally some more nit-picking: Failed to insert a comma when costing the item. (1800 should be 1,800.)
Final Analysis:
This item is very weird (but given the sadistic likely Asmodeus worshiper nature of the presenter, that's hardly a surprise). The tracking abilities don't make much sense, but to be frank aren't of much interest anyway. The massive depedunculatory capacity, at such a bargain price, whilst quirky is almost acceptable however. (And that's saying a lot, given the sheer brazen cheek this poster exhibited in his/her/its previous presentation.)
Further Disclaimer:
No, that wasn't petty, but yes it was vindictive. What else would you expect from a (very advanced) succubus who's still pissed off at someone who dared to lock at least one succubus up in a corset? In A Corset???
And that just about satisfies the requirements of Honour and Pride for now.
Trusting that you now feel Suitably Chastised.
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus.

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

That Curaigh wrote:Mountaineer’s Trailing Trowel
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot--; Price 3000 gp; Weight --
Etched footprints line the triangular head of this metal trowel. The footprints shift about the surface when the trowel is tilted or shaken.
Smoothing footprints and other signs of passing with the trowel erases tracks for a distance of 30 feet. Each day 120 feet from up to three creature’s can be erased in this manner. Erased tracks do not need to be consecutive and each 30 foot increment requires a standard action.
As a full round action the user may wave the trowel and cause all erased tracks to reappear in any direction chosen by the user. The tracks start adjacent to the last non-erased tracks and conform to the new terrain becoming easier or harder to discern based on the new surfaces. This ability functions once per day. Erased tracks fade from the trowel if not used within the day.
The trowel can also reveal tracks on stone or stony ground. Twice per day the user may track over hard or firm ground while moving at his normal speed without suffering the -5 penalty to survival checks.Construction
Requirements Craft wondrous item, pass without trace, stoneshape; Cost 1800 gpDisclaimer:
This posts constitutes the views of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus, and although there's never actually a need for a succubus to justify anything other than with the simple phrase 'I Am' it's always nice to be able to occasionally wheel a couple of those delightful Alkenstar bombards out, to underscore a point.
And yes, you know what's coming. You know what has to be coming given what this presenter did to at least one succubus with his previous item. You know what Honour and Pride positively demand be coming...Having hopefully made which Quite Clear:
** spoiler omitted **...
as always after reading An RPGSSSuccubus comment...

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

I was feeling sufficiently fascinated by the depedunculatory function that in the moment I let several other trifling slips such as the misplaced apostrophe in '...up to three creature's...' go. Obviously that particular error didn't make it into the greatly disappointing item redesign (no more feet removal, and let's face it succubi can fly or go ethereal if they don't want to be tracked), but you might need to watch apostrophe use with the judges with authentic items. Some of them [the judges, although there was once an intriguing case in the Outer Sphere where a daemon was bludgeoned to death by a flock of three apostophes, a comma, and a capital letter 'Z'] are pretty brutally Lawful, although of course I consider appropriate punctuation usage to be purely a matter of Good Manners and effective communication in social situations...

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I'll play your game!
Adventurer's Keys
Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
Slot --; Price 1,300 gp; Weight --
This keyboard floats beside the user ready to be played once the command word is spoken. An otherwise normal masterwork xylophone this insturment will automaticly follow the user at a speed of 30 feet per round. If the user is ever 60 feet or more from the insturment it falls to the ground. A compartment on the back contains a small space to store up to two pounds of music sheets tools. Exceeding this weight limit causes the Adventurer's Keys to fall to the ground. Variants of this item as drums, harps, and a variety of other insturments are known to exist.
Requirements Craft Wonderous Item, floating disc, mage hand; Cost 700 gp (Cost baised on mage hand. Movement rate is as per floating disc and contributes 200gp toward cost. A Masterwork insturment is 100gp of the cost.)

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I'll play your game!
Adventurer's Keys
Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
Slot --; Price 1,300 gp; Weight --
This keyboard floats beside the user ready to be played once the command word is spoken. An otherwise normal masterwork xylophone this insturment will automaticly follow the user at a speed of 30 feet per round. If the user is ever 60 feet or more from the insturment it falls to the ground. A compartment on the back contains a small space to store up to two pounds of music sheets tools. Exceeding this weight limit causes the Adventurer's Keys to fall to the ground. Variants of this item as drums, harps, and a variety of other insturments are known to exist.Construction
Requirements Craft Wonderous Item, floating disc, mage hand; Cost 700 gp (Cost baised on mage hand. Movement rate is as per floating disc and contributes 200gp toward cost. A Masterwork insturment is 100gp of the cost.)
This would be OK for RPG Eisteddfod but RPG Superstar I'm not so sure.
The central problem is that it is a portable masterwork Xylophone... and nothing much else. It is useful but not really wondrous and certainly not RPG Superstar wondrous.
In terms of flavor, there is no "angle". Imagine if playing a certain series of notes summoned a pair of flying imps to carry it around as per originally described? Or perhaps when played a ghostly chorus of angels appeared performing a suitable effect? The item feels like it should do more than just float around following the user. The name is not very inspiring and in fact confuses one with the typical immediate impression (that of keys to open locks) with an instrument that is played. And a keyboard to me is more like the keys of a harpsichord rather than the bars of a xylophone.
Being something musical, it should perhaps be particularly useful for a bard (although it should not be restricted to bards only). I suppose my message is that the item should most likely do more than what you have it doing. Search for the Paizocon RPGSuperstar podcast - it has heaps of information that will give you ideas about what you "should" be doing and is the perfect "accompaniment" to SKR's "Do not do this" auto-reject threads.
I suggest listening and reading these and then resubmitting your idea. A xylophone is certainly a different wondrous vessel that could certainly be cool and have a good "vibe" to it. [Please excuse all my bad musical puns - I couldn't help myself].
Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

Truthsayer's choker
This is wordy, and the last paragraph lacks the polish of the first one. A rewrite should help this. 5% seems kind of weak, and I see the phrase of truth being the primary draw to this item. That said I am unclear on how a single phrase can make someone more or less friendly me: “your hair is red” guard: “your right. Buy you a pint?” I imagine this working like the words of power or powerful will of the aes sedai or the bene gesseret (sp?) In this case it is less likely truth or divination and more likely charm person. (which is quite a bit cheaper. :) Love the description though. Hmmm... is there a link between the night sky and truth I am missing? If you want to go SAK on it, you could have dozens of different powers based on the constellation in ascendence, or the bonus be different for different constellations. This is a way of saying this sparked my imagination. Nice job. :)
Adventurer's Keys
Herremann again caught all the points I would offer. Two quick points that might help. Research the spells, summon instrument is limited to handheld instruments It is similar to what this does. Combining it with elements of floating disc for different could be a ‘creative use of spell’ the judges like. Will it also play the instrument for you? That would be the cool thing (ghost sound, mage hand, lullaby) . Secondly (and I apologize if this sounds hypocritical) be sure to spell check. Oh yeah, including the reasoning (in this case in the requirements) garners frowns. Ever since bards got their own class I have been looking for a way to free their hands during combat, nice attempt :) Do a rewrite, I would like to see it.

Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |

Been awhile, but we are not done yet! :)
Icicle Medallion
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price 750 gp; Weight--
A cold glass-shard crosses this rune covered circle of blue metal. Frigid energy pierces the blood of a flatfooted opponent, freezing the mind and body. Activating the icicle is a free action combined with a standard or full round action that targets a flat-footed foe. The target takes a -4 to his initiative check and may only take a standard or move action on their next turn. The medallion can only affect one target at a time and has no effect on someone who has already acted on his or her initiative.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Initiative, slow; Cost 325 gp
I like the idea of this. A few concerns. No range stated. Should that matter? Also, flat footed versus denied dex bonus, did you think about which one? Flat footed is more limited, of course, and basically is only at the start of combat before they have acted. Do you really need to say "has already acted on his or her initiative" if youve already said flat footed? Just some questions for you to consider in how you wrote it up. Basically, this only works during the surprise round or first round of combat, as I read what you have written up. Which is probably an appropriate limitation, was that your intent? Should it perhaps also deny them their dex bonus? Interesting design elements being balanced here.

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I thought I'd post one of Donna's Dozen here, just for fun. As is usual, Hermit needs editor, badly.
Treasureless Map.
Aura weak conjuration moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 36,950 gp; Weight -
While this looks like a well made map, complete with a route ending in an X, it contains various inaccuracies so that attempting to use it for navigation applies a -2 circumstance bonus to all survival checks. The map’s true power comes not in locating a treasure, but transporting it.
Three times a day, the command word can be spoken to cast create pit. If the pit is created under non-attended objects, when the pit effect ends, the objects do not appear on the surface where the pit was located. Rather they are stored in an extra-dimensional space. To retrieve the items, a second command word is spoken, creating another pit. When the second command word is used, at the end of the spell’s duration anything stored in the extra-dimensional space appears on the surface where the pit was created. While the map can create multiple pits, only one pit can hold items, the rest function as normal create pit spells.
If the map is destroyed, any treasure stored is lost.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, create pit, treasure stitching; Cost 18,475 gp

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

In case you were counting, nine months includes both November, usually when the announcement comes for the new contest. So in order get nine items done here are two. Based on my new favorite old spell.
Brightly Painted Batons of the Happy Harlequin
Aura weak evocation and illusion; CL 4th
Slot none; Price 18 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
An enamel baton narrows at one end and bulges almost comically on the other. A diamond pattern on the neck of the baton scintillates through different colors. When activated (free action) the baton splits into six colorful duplicates of itself.
Juggling the duplicate batons is a standard action and creates six duplicates of the user under a colorful light show of 36 batons. Any attack targeting the user has a random chance to hit an image instead (per the mirror image spell). When struck, an image’s batons converge on the attacker. The batons strike the attacker (touch attack, +5 to hit, 1d6 damage) before they and the image disappear. Hitting the user does not dispel an image or provoke this attack.
As a standard action the user can target an opponent with any remaining baton. The whole troupe appears to throw a baton even while maintaining the performance. This functions as a ranged touch attack (1d6+STR damage) and causes one image and six duplicate batons to disappear. Once all six duplicates disappear, the baton reverts to a single object, remaining dormant until the next day.
Juggling the batons requires concentration to maintain. Any action requiring hands, such as wielding a weapon or somatic spell components, ends the effect. Using the baton as part of a performance increases the earnings. Whenever a Perform: Comedy check succeeds, the user may roll the ‘money earned’ twice and keep the better roll.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mirror image, spiritual weapon; Cost 900 gp
Inspired by Clark's thread and Jason's awesome items I tried to do this one under a week. I probably should have used the whole week though :)
Thug Bug
Aura Weak Illusion and Necromancy; CL 3rd
Slot --; Price 900 gp; Weight --
The casing of this blue and black lozenge splits down the middle like a beetle’s shell. A strong smell of anise erupts from its use. Imbibing the capsule creates 1d4 ‘thug’ images around the user. Random heights, weights, and race appear for each image generated and each thug looks more menacing than the last. The thugs sneer, squint, sharpen knives, flex, pose and make other intimidating gestures for 4 minutes granting the user a fear aura (15 ft., DC 12). The thugs always remain five feet from the user and any physical interaction with a thug ends the image.
Any diplomacy or intimidate checks made by the user with the thugs present, gain a +2 circumstance bonus per image.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, cause fear, mirror image; Cost 450 gp

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

Meant to post this earlier, but check me out in Wayfinder 5.
I have a handful of magic scarves. Please peruse at your leasure. I think this one is the best of the lot:
Scarf, Shinglewalker’s
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot —; Price 1,500 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This long scarf sports a simple orange diamond pattern along
its length. When a command word is spoken, it stretches
to form a rigid surface 10 feet long by 1 foot wide, which
can support up to 1,000 pounds. With a simple snap of the
fingers (a swift action) it returns to its cloth-like state. In
its rigid form, the scarf has a hardness of 5, 10 hp and a
break DC of 13. The utilitarian nature of the scarf provides
a +2 circumstance bonus in Chases (see Pathfinder®
Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide™).
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects
or animate rope; Cost 750 gp
This posts constitutes the views of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus, and in the language of the Abyss ‘tact’ is the method by which a demonic temptress’ domestic staff affixed her latest trophy to the wall, ‘unfair’ is a common Abyssal abbreviation for ‘funfair’, and ‘diplomacy’ – like a good china tea-service – is something best kept locked away in a cabinet for special occasions.Having made which quite clear, on to the next Disclaimer…
Further Disclaimer:
Hallowe’en is here and the fabric of reality is wearing thin. Anakin Skywalker, Albus Dumbledore, and Magnus are all dropping around for an argument about relative morality. Umm, help?...
Sadly, this scarf is unlikely to be helpful in this situation. The best you can hope for is to distract Albus Dumbledore for thirty seconds with it - which might be enough to get you out of range of a toffee, but that's it.
Other Comments?
Wasn't there that Cirroc's Marvelous Crossing presented a number of years ago?
Further final (for now) disclaimer:
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus acknowledges that items presented on this thread are a mixed bag of informal odds and ends and that they are in no way intended to be ‘finished’ items. Add the usual honorifics and mentions to Lord Orcus here too.

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

Voidcloak I and II
This posts constitutes the views of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus, and in the language of the Abyss ‘tact’ is the method by which a demonic temptress’ domestic staff affixed her latest trophy to the wall, ‘unfair’ is a common Abyssal abbreviation for ‘funfair’, and ‘diplomacy’ – like a good china tea-service – is something best kept locked away in a cabinet for special occasions.Having made which quite clear, on to the next Disclaimer…
Further Disclaimer:
Hallowe’en is here and the fabric of reality is wearing thin. Anakin Skywalker, Albus Dumbledore, and Magnus are all dropping around for an argument about relative morality. Umm, help?...
Right, well the good news is that all three of them are probably fans of spiffy cloaks, and since the sanity of all three is debateable anyway, they'll likely end up fighting one another for either version of this item. Toss them a voidcloak and run.
Other Comments?
What is it with items intended to do unpleasant things regarding outsiders in recent months? This really is rather dangerous ground some posters are choosing to tread on...
Oh, yes, from a metagame perspective (since the fabric of reality is currently so thin) the bonus to the knowledge checks is currently untyped. That's a cruel trick to play on baatezu types as they try to figure out if that means a +10 Linguistics bonus implies additional languages... ;)
Further final (for now) disclaimer:
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus acknowledges that items presented on this thread are a mixed bag of informal odds and ends and that they are in no way intended to be ‘finished’ items. Add the usual honorifics and mentions to Lord Orcus here too.

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

Been awhile, but we are not done yet! :)
Icicle Medallion
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price 750 gp; Weight--
A cold glass-shard crosses this rune covered circle of blue metal. Frigid energy pierces the blood of a flatfooted opponent, freezing the mind and body. Activating the icicle is a free action combined with a standard or full round action that targets a flat-footed foe. The target takes a -4 to his initiative check and may only take a standard or move action on their next turn. The medallion can only affect one target at a time and has no effect on someone who has already acted on his or her initiative.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Initiative, slow; Cost 325 gp
(edited, title corrected)
Disclaimer:This posts constitutes the views of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus, and in the language of the Abyss ‘tact’ is the method by which a demonic temptress’ domestic staff affixed her latest trophy to the wall, ‘unfair’ is a common Abyssal abbreviation for ‘funfair’, and ‘diplomacy’ – like a good china tea-service – is something best kept locked away in a cabinet for special occasions.
Having made which quite clear, on to the next Disclaimer…
Further Disclaimer:
Hallowe’en is here and the fabric of reality is wearing thin. Anakin Skywalker, Albus Dumbledore, and Magnus are all dropping around for an argument about relative morality. Umm, help?...
Hmm, it's really rather difficult to catch Darth Vader, the Supreme Mugwump, or Magneto by surprise, so this item isn't much use here. Unless you can distract them into believing this item is useful for icing tea perhaps?
Other Comments?
As Orcus pointed out, no limit on range means yay! It's also apparently irresistible against any victim whom one does manage to catch by surprise, making them even more miserable and slower in getting the chance to fight back - and that's pretty good for the price it is. Almost worth a Gollum rating of precious.
Further final (for now) disclaimer:
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus acknowledges that items presented on this thread are a mixed bag of informal odds and ends and that they are in no way intended to be ‘finished’ items. Add the usual honorifics and mentions to Lord Orcus here too.

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

Woah, I lost track of this month - how'd that happen? This is another item based off a player in one of my older, 3.5e games.
Truthsayer's choker
Aura faint enchantment, divination; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 8,000gp; Weight --
A soft black velvet choker, the truthsayer's choker is embroidered with a flawless depiction of the night sky and the constellations within.When fit snugly around a wearer's neck, the wearer of the truthsayer's choker finds it impossible to deliberately speak a falsehood until after they have removed the choker. While this effect grants a +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks, and confers a matching -4 penalty to Bluff checks, the choker's true capacities lie in divination.
The truthsayer's choker has three charges that recharge each day at midnight. By spending one charge as a swift action, the wearer can empower a divination spell they are casting, granting a +5% bonus on that spell producing a useful result (such as a true answer through contact other plane, or a useful answer through augury).
If, instead the wearer spends all three charges as a standard action, they can utter a phrase of absolute truth about a single creature within 30 ft. of the wearer. The phrase may either be attempting to make the target one step more hostile or friendly, and they receive a DC 14 Will save to resist the effects. These effects last until the creature has reason to otherwise change their opinion of you, as Diplomacy.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, zone of truth; Cost 4,000gp
This posts constitutes the views of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus, and in the language of the Abyss ‘tact’ is the method by which a demonic temptress’ domestic staff affixed her latest trophy to the wall, ‘unfair’ is a common Abyssal abbreviation for ‘funfair’, and ‘diplomacy’ – like a good china tea-service – is something best kept locked away in a cabinet for special occasions.Having made which quite clear, on to the next Disclaimer…
Further Disclaimer:
Hallowe’en is here and the fabric of reality is wearing thin. Anakin Skywalker, Albus Dumbledore, and Magnus are all dropping around for an argument about relative morality. Umm, help?...
Well, 'choker' is going to confuse Anakin for several seconds until he figures out it's not an innovative new way to punish subordinates.
Sadly, this item isn't really much use for escaping this trio of demented good/evil geniuses.
Other Comments?
Pushes some divinations towards being one hundred per cent certain, which has interesting implications, since prognostication magic is usually has a bit of room for error to drive magicians and priests up the wall. (That's probably some sort of divine joke.)
As an occasional Abyssal Temptress, I feel like pointing out on this occasion that being unable to speak a deliberate falsehood is seldom a significant drawback. There are these wonderful little things called 'errors of omission' which it's possible to work with; also using tone of voice, facial expressions, and context to imply that something verbally stated which is actually true isn't so...
Not much use from a spellcasting point of view to many succubi, but let's face it, it's pretty, and who cares?...
Further final (for now) disclaimer:
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus acknowledges that items presented on this thread are a mixed bag of informal odds and ends and that they are in no way intended to be ‘finished’ items. Add the usual honorifics and mentions to Lord Orcus here too.

RonarsCorruption Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9 |

@ batons - these seems a little dull. It's mirror image with a baton-whacking for failed attempts. Interesting flavor, but the item itself isn't that exciting.
@ Thug bug - This is a really cool effect. I love the idea of creating a fear-effect in the form of a gang of intimidating thugs, but with sentances like the second, it's clear you didn't have a lot of time to work on this. With a little more polish, I think it could have been superstar, no doubt.

RonarsCorruption Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9 |

So, after a lot of thought, I've decided that this item I've been holding onto all year is a little too much exactly like the spell from Ultimate Combat, so I'm going to put it up here.
Also, I'm not going to add the requirement for absorb toxicity out of principle, even though it would make a perfect spell requirement. Also also, I know this is 311 words. I wasn't done.
Urgathoa's Vaccine
Aura faint necromancy; CL 5th
Slot --; Price 750gp; Weight 1 lb.
Six inches long and made of burnished silver, the urgathoa's vaccine has a barbed point at one end, and a small clear globe at the other. As a standard action, the needle can be driven into the flesh of any creature suffering from a non-magical disease, whereupon the orb will rapidly fill with an ounce of the creature's diseased blood. This does 1d4-1 damage to the target, but also immediately acts as a successful save against the disease for that creature, and may end the disease if the creature required only one more save.
The globe of blood, however, remains afflicted with the disease for up to one week after drawing it from the target and can be used to re-inflict a second target with the same disease in one of two ways. Firstly, the globe of blood can be broken open and applied to a weapon as a poison. This poison has all the same effects as the original disease, including save, onset, frequency and effect - except its type is now injury. Alternately, the wielder of the needle can leave the orb attached, and attack with the needle as if it were a silver dagger to attempt to inject the blood directly into another creature. On a successful hit, the blood in the orb drains into the other creature and immediately inflicts the target with the disease, bypassing the onset of the effect. The creature must immediately make a save against the effects of the disease.
Regardless of if the blood is used or spoiled, once it has the urgathoas vaccine loses its magical properties and becomes a simple, nonmagical silver dagger.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, remove disease, contagion, gentle repose; Cost 375gp

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

So, after a lot of thought, I've decided that this item I've been holding onto all year is a little too much exactly like the spell from Ultimate Combat, so I'm going to put it up here.
Also, I'm not going to add the requirement for absorb toxicity out of principle, even though it would make a perfect spell requirement. Also also, I know this is 311 words. I wasn't done.
Urgathoa's Vaccine
link fixed (at least on my machine :) I can see why you might be upset with this spell ruining your item. :) I guess I really need to rethink my 'almost a copy of a later spell' item.
I do not know what a vaccine is or looks like, at least not one that is made of burnished silver (I assume a syringe?) I think a disease that needed a second save a day later, would break this item. If it had a time limit relative to contracting the disease, or only relevant on the first save (or between save one and save two... just throwing out ideas. :)it would help. As written any party with a 5th level caster (or gp equivalent) could defeat any lycanthrope without an attack or save! :) And no one will ever be threatened by diseases. For the cost of a curing wand, (a common party item) you have an antidote to any disease/poison. also reinfecting someone up to a week later is a long time to keep such a dangerous weapon.
Still. The kernal is good, saving you from a poison AND letting you pass it on. (passing it on is the SS part :) I have several images going through my head now on how I would do this (stirge's syringe, needle of the tick, viper's fang, dracule's ampoule, an alchemist's "meta-potion" type thingy, limiting to one type poison or disease. :) I like where you were headed with this, but agree the toxicity spell does really steal your thunder. :(

RonarsCorruption Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9 |

Well, it's good to know you think I was on the right track with it ;)
Yeah, it was supposed to act like a syringe, and evoke imagery of something halfway between a knife and a syringe in appearance.
As to the werewolf bit... I really don't see what you mean. You could do 1d4-1 damage to it (which should also require an attack roll, actually - d'oh) but once it's done the needle is full, and it can't be used again. And besides, lycanthropy is a magical disease (otherwise, any cure disease would work), which I exclusively exclude.

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

...(which should also require an attack roll, actually - d'oh)...
This is what I meant :)
And besides, lycanthropy is a magical disease (otherwise, any cure disease would work), which I exclusively exclude.
so it is and yes you did :) my apologies.
.Announcement coming soon... mebbe?

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

Ok, I went to my spell randomizer to create this item (to keep me thinking outside my box. :)
Nivi's Randomizing Dinnerplate
Nivi’s Randomizing Dinnerplate
Aura strong conjuration; CL 14th
Slot —; Price 35,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
Small gems form pips along the rim of this plate carved from the bole of a Paueliels tree. A band of mithral circles the plate’s edge. Once per day the user may conjure five grey cubes resembling six sided dice. Conjuring these cubes takes one minute and grants any person who eats one two magical effects that last for the next ten minutes when any uneaten cubes disappear.
First, a person who eats a cube gains the ability to switch places with the plate. The first time the person is the target of an attack or a spell while under this effect, he is transported to the location of the plate and the plate is transported to his location. If the plate’s location is occupied, he appears in an adjacent square. The plate becomes the target of the triggering attack or spell instead of the person.
The plate has an 11 AC, hardness 15 and 15 hit points. If an object cannot be targeted by a spell (such as a charm person) the spell fails. Reducing the plate to zero hit points does not destroy the plate, but its magic ceases to function until returned to full hit points. It regains one hit point per day or a mending spell can heal one point per casting (instead of the normal 1d4).
Secondly, each person eating a cube is nourished as if eating a full meal. He also gains 1d8+6 temporary hit points and a +4 moral bonus against fear and enchantments during the ten minute period.
Because of its quality the plate can be thrown up to 60’.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, greater hostile juxtaposition, heroe’s feast; Cost 17,500 gp
1d2= vowel, constanant;
1d20= for a letter
and then 1d8 since there were seven spells starting with an H. :)the end result being greater hostile juxtoposition (which is a cool spell btw :)

Ziv Wities RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Standback |

Tactician's Castling Cloak
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th
Slot body; Price 9,450 gp; Weight 1 lb. (each)
Brown, coarse, and comfortably well-worn, tactician’s castling cloaks are always created in pairs. Embroidered chess pieces adorn the corners of the bottom hem - a king on one side, a rook on the other; on the matching cloak, the two pieces are transposed.
When two people wear the two matched close, and are within 100 feet of each other, either one may activate the cloaks, a standard action causing the two wearers to instantaneously teleport and switch places. This does not cost an action for the partner who did not activate the cloaks. If the second partner opposes the activation, a successful Will save (DC 16) negates the effect, and neither partner is teleported. Gear and held objects come along, but additional creatures cannot be included.
Each pair of cloaks is created with 25 charges; activation of the cloak expends one charge, whether or not the activation was successful.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door; Cost 4,725 gp
Dimension door is 4th level, and the obvious candidate.
Technically this might seem like 2 spells per activation, but I feel comfortable leaning on dimension door's take-a-friend-along-if-you're-touching to handwave this away.
7(CL)*4(SL)*1800(Command Activated) / 4(25 charges) = 9450
I think that creating a 25-charge item is half of a 50-charge item.
What I personally really like about this item is the thought of two characters bomfing around the battlefield, wreaking havoc with foes "bring down the tank!" or "take down the spellcaster!" tactics, or letting the quick guy slip in somewhere where the heavy hitter will be able to swap him and do some damage.
The thing is, this item is obviously pretty inferior to a cape of the mountebank, but with them both based off the same spell, their prices wind up really close. I can't really knock my item down a whole order of magnitude - at least, not without being terribly confusing. If I were homebrewing, I'd cheerfully rule that, as a spell effect, swapping places with a willing ally sounds distinctly like a level down from dimension door, which'd put a more serious dent in the pricing and get the item to the availability I'd like for it. I don't think that'd be very clear in the context of the contest, though.
Any thoughts?

Ziv Wities RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Standback |

Nivi's Randomizing Dinnerplate
Once I understood the effect, I really liked this - I like the image of a dummy object swapping in for the PCs every time they're about to get hit.I really like this for Superstar, because you've taken an existing spell and given it a cool twist - you've kind of inverted it, which is pretty cool :)
But there were a lot of details that bothered me here. I don't like the name - obviously, it sets off (unjustified) alarm bells for a Random Item; it also doesn't really describe what the item does. It doesn't randomize; it shunts, it protects, it reshuffles the battlefield... randomness ties into Nivi, but not into what the item actually does.
I didn't know Nivi, so I'm glad you had the link - that made the cubes much clearer. In general, though, you seem to have glommed together several very disparate concepts: gambling gnome god Nivi, eating a meal, and the actual main effect of the item. There's a functional connection between these, but they don't feel like they fit together naturally. A dinnerplate is a pretty odd choice for your base item - it doesn't feel very heroic; it doesn't have a thematic connection to the item's purpose; it feels like it'd break if you actually took it in your pack. So, I think if you found a more iconic object-focus, you'd have a much tighter item. Your focus here is something that swaps places with characters about to get hurt; that makes me think of whipping boys, targets, substitutes of all kind. How about a pathetic little dummy doll? The creatures all need to pull a hair from it to use its effects; they grow back every morning. That'd be a fun battle, fireballing some creature and having him swapped for a singed little doll...
Another big problem is that it took me a couple readthroughs to understand what you were trying to do. The thematic confusion was part off it, but part was also because you really underplay the group nature of this item. You say in one place that there are several cubes to eat, okay, great, but nowhere do you call attention to the fact that five people are using this thing at once. To a cursory glance, this item gives you a one-time teleport out of trouble, which doesn't seem any different than the original juxtaposition.
In short, I like the idea, but it needs some rewriting to make it work and to make it enticing.

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

I'll play your game!
Adventurer's Keys
Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
Slot --; Price 1,300 gp; Weight --
This keyboard floats beside the user ready to be played once the command word is spoken. An otherwise normal masterwork xylophone this insturment will automaticly follow the user at a speed of 30 feet per round. If the user is ever 60 feet or more from the insturment it falls to the ground. A compartment on the back contains a small space to store up to two pounds of music sheets tools. Exceeding this weight limit causes the Adventurer's Keys to fall to the ground. Variants of this item as drums, harps, and a variety of other insturments are known to exist.Construction
Requirements Craft Wonderous Item, floating disc, mage hand; Cost 700 gp (Cost baised on mage hand. Movement rate is as per floating disc and contributes 200gp toward cost. A Masterwork insturment is 100gp of the cost.)
This posts constitutes the views of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus, and in the language of the Abyss ‘tact’ is the method by which a demonic temptress’ domestic staff affixed her latest trophy to the wall, ‘unfair’ is a common Abyssal abbreviation for ‘funfair’, and ‘diplomacy’ – like a good china tea-service – is something best kept locked away in a cabinet for special occasions.Having made which quite clear, on to the next Disclaimer…
Further Disclaimer:
Fair is foul and foul is fair supposedly (trust a mortal to make up a piece of complete mumbo-jumbo – it is of course generally impossible to get anything much fairer in any context which actually matters than a succubus). Basically, though, does this item have any useful application in a spa?
Since a volcanic hot-springs in a spa (or possibly a brine-pool in a cold spa) is likely part of the pampering process, a spa is actually one of the few places where a floating instrument might actually be handy. There's not going to be much liquid around at the top of a sand-dune in a desert, in a city street, or in a madder-than-usual high-priestess of Irori's lair (to cite a few examples) for anything to float in...
All this presupposes, of course that there's a point to having a floating instrument bobbing around in the water. I suppose it could make a useful sort of decorative feature if there isn't actually anyone around capable of playing it (and with their hands free).
Any paladin pets present in a spa pool should of course have their hands too busy with more important things to be able to play a xylophone...
Other Comments?
'play your game' quite possibly being supposed to be some clever reference to this being an instrument for playing...
'falls to the ground' should presumably be 'sinks like the credit-rating of a phistophilus in the Abyss'?
Further final (for now) disclaimer:
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus acknowledges that items presented on this thread are a mixed bag of informal odds (and believe me some of them are odd) and ends and that they are in no way intended to be ‘finished’ items. Add the usual honorifics and mentions to Lord Orcus here too.

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

I thought I'd post one of Donna's Dozen here, just for fun. As is usual, Hermit needs editor, badly.
Treasureless Map.
Aura weak conjuration moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 36,950 gp; Weight -Description
While this looks like a well made map, complete with a route ending in an X, it contains various inaccuracies so that attempting to use it for navigation applies a -2 circumstance bonus to all survival checks. The map’s true power comes not in locating a treasure, but transporting it.
Three times a day, the command word can be spoken to cast create pit. If the pit is created under non-attended objects, when the pit effect ends, the objects do not appear on the surface where the pit was located. Rather they are stored in an extra-dimensional space. To retrieve the items, a second command word is spoken, creating another pit. When the second command word is used, at the end of the spell’s duration anything stored in the extra-dimensional space appears on the surface where the pit was created. While the map can create multiple pits, only one pit can hold items, the rest function as normal create pit spells.If the map is destroyed, any treasure stored is lost.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, create pit, treasure stitching; Cost 18,475 gp
This posts constitutes the views of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus, and in the language of the Abyss ‘tact’ is the method by which a demonic temptress’ domestic staff affixed her latest trophy to the wall, ‘unfair’ is a common Abyssal abbreviation for ‘funfair’, and ‘diplomacy’ – like a good china tea-service – is something best kept locked away in a cabinet for special occasions.Having made which quite clear, on to the next Disclaimer…
Further Disclaimer:
Fair is foul and foul is fair supposedly (trust a mortal to make up a piece of complete mumbo-jumbo – it is of course generally impossible to get anything much fairer in any context which actually matters than a succubus). Basically, though, does this item have any useful application in a spa?
There are much more fashionable ways to carry manicure sets around, and other than that you need to get quite inventive (or vulgar) to find a worthwhile use for this item in a spa.
Other Comments?
This looks like a relatively quick and easy way to get rid of annoying artefacts. Step one, place one or more such annoying items in a cheap, expendable, chest. Step two, place said chest in a pit created with this map and wait for pit to disappear taking aforementioned chest and contents with it. Step three, rip map to shreds and burn it to ashes. Chest and contents are now 'lost' - quite possibly irretrievably.
Further final (for now) disclaimer:
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus acknowledges that items presented on this thread are a mixed bag of informal odds (and believe me some of them are odd) and ends and that they are in no way intended to be ‘finished’ items. Add the usual honorifics and mentions to Lord Orcus here too.

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

@Stand back: Thanks, I will have a critique for you soon.
@RPGSS: no worries. If anything I do not want to upset someone who can sneak into my dreams and steal my rightiousness.
but on the other hand... blazing number nine...
Hangman’s Helm
Aura moderate transmutation, weak necromancy; CL 6th
Slot head; Price 16,600 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Coils of steel rope make this helm thick and heavy. The mouthpiece of the helm forms a hangman’s knot that drops below the wearer’s neck. The rope’s separate to show the wearer’s eyes which always glow red when wearing the helm. The coils of steel animate to strangle the wearer’s opponent.
While in a grapple the wearer may animate the ropes of the helm as a free action. These coils wrap around the opponent’s neck giving the wearer a constriction attack. For six rounds, every time the wearer deals damage to the opponent the ropes deal an additional 1d6 constricting damage and an equal amount of non-lethal damage. The wearer does not need to maintain the grapple, but must stay within the chord’s reach (15’) of the opponent, and continue to attack him or her. The magical effects cease if the wearer does not attack the opponent, or if the opponent and wearer move more than 15 feet apart.
The ropes do not prevent movement so the opponent may move beyond the helm’s reach to escape. The opponent must succeed against both the wearer to move and both the wearer and the Hangman’s Helm (DC 16) to get free without moving.
The wearer may restart the helm’s constriction for the remainder of the six rounds as a free action if he is grappling the opponent.
If the wearer has killed an opponent while using the Hangmen’s Helm, the wearer also gains lifesense 30’ six rounds a day. These rounds need not be consecutive.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, deathwatch, strangling hair; Cost 8,350 gp
I will do rewrites, after my local folks read these. Their proofing should get some practice too. :) And I will do critiques on the last few. Otherwise, I think we will be too busy with the real deal soon. If any of you regulars would like to critique my real entry or if you would like me to critique yours please let me know. the more eyes (even those of the chaotic evil outsider nature) the merrier. :)

Ziv Wities RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Standback |

Hangman’s Helm
This'll be very terse, because I only have a few minutes. I might have more comments later, but this is my initial reaction:
- My biggest issue here is that I cannot understand how this item is supposed to look - and this is an idea where appearance is critical. "Coils of steel rope make this helm thick and heavy" - think about that sentence for a second. It's unintelligible without further context, because you don't explain how the ropes are connected to the helmet. ("I toss dust of weight on the helmet!" "OK, coils of steel rope! You toss the dust on, and the helmet becomes thick and heavy!") Some details can be inferred from your descriptions later, but I'm really not getting the visual. Is the noose around the guy's neck? Is the helmet itself made out of rope? Does the rope dangle down like ginormous steel dreadlocks? Again, you're going for a very visual effect here, which I think is great strategy, and the effect you've chosen is a cool one. But the description isn't equal to the idea.
- More proofing, please. :) "The ropes separate," not "the rope's separate," and "the cord's reach" rather than "the chord's reach". You're missing some commas, and there might be more stuff I didn't catch at quick glance.
- Magic item names aren't capitalized in the body of the text - so "while using the hangman’s helm," rather than "while using the Hangman’s Helm."
- Whoops, another proofreading note - "while using the hangman’s helm," not "while using the Hangmen’s Helm." Consider firing your local folks, or at least docking their salary :P
- "The magical effects cease if the wearer does not attack the opponent" - I'm wondering if this is too imprecise a requirement. What exactly does it mean? If I cast a protective spell instead of attacking, does this stop? What if I cast a spell summoning more creatures to attack? What if I take an attack of opportunity on somebody else, or have several attacks per round and choose multiple targets? It's not very imprecise, but it might be a cause for concern, this being such a common pitfall.
I like the general idea, but the problems made it hard for me to appreciate the item as a whole. I'm not sure I'd consider even a clearer version to be Superstar, unless the flavor was really good - it's a nice effect, but doesn't feel substantially exciting to me. Flavor could take this a long way, though.

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This looks like a relatively quick and easy way to get rid of annoying artefacts. Step one, place one or more such annoying items in a cheap, expendable, chest. Step two, place said chest in a pit created with this map and wait for pit to disappear taking aforementioned chest and contents with it. Step three, rip map to shreds and burn it to ashes. Chest and contents are now 'lost' - quite possibly irretrievably.
Heh, if my players thought that would get rid of an artifact...
(It is a clever perversion of intent, but I'd not let it get rid of an artifact) :-)

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

Curaigh wrote:
Icicle Medallion
I like the idea of this. A few concerns. No range stated. Should that matter? Also, flat footed versus denied dex bonus, did you think about which one? Flat footed is more limited, of course, and basically is only at the start of combat before they have acted. Do you really need to say "has already acted on his or her initiative" if youve already said flat footed? Just some questions for you to consider in how you wrote it up. Basically, this only works during the surprise round or first round of combat, as I read what you have written up. Which is probably an appropriate limitation, was that your intent? Should it perhaps also deny them their dex bonus? Interesting design elements being balanced here.
My emphasis.
Phew. Hi praise for a practice item. To be honest I was a little worried that posting all year long in here just showed everyone all my worst stuff and what a yokel I be :)
Icicle Medallion
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price 750 gp; Weight --
A cold glass shard crosses this rune covered circle of blue metal. Frigid energy pierces the blood of a flatfooted opponent, freezing the mind and body. Activating the icicle is a free action combined with a standard or full round action that targets a flat-footed foe. The wearer’s attack gains a piercing blue sheen. The target takes a -4 to initiative checks and may only take a standard or move action on their next turn. Until their turn, the target is denied their dexterity bonus. The medallion can only affect one target at a time.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Improved Initiative, slow; Cost325 gp
hah who am I kidding it was lame to start with, got worse trying to add mojo. The lesson here is:know when to say when... :)
Aura Weak Illusion and Necromancy; CL 3rd
Slot --; Price 900 gp; Weight --
The casing of this blue and black lozenge splits down the middle like a beetle’s shell. The lozenge emits a strong smell of aniseed. Imbibing the capsule creates 1d4 ‘thug’ images around the user. Random heights, weights, and race appear for each image generated and each thug looks more menacing than the last. The thugs sneer, squint, sharpen knives, flex, pose and make other intimidating gestures for 4 minutes granting the user a fear aura (15 ft., DC 12). The thugs always remain five feet from the user and any physical interaction with a thug ends the image.
Any diplomacy or intimidate checks made by the user with the thugs present, gain a +2 circumstance bonus per image.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, cause fear, mirror image; Cost 450 gp
The others need more work, and especially the plate which I kind of like. you are right Standback that any second set of eyes would be useful... I have fired myself from that position as you recommended. :)

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

Tactician's Castling Cloak
I toyed with something like this with druid/animal companion that used oak collars and tree stride :) My comments mostly hinge on the description. 'Course' and 'comfortably worn' seem contradictory to me. I get that they can go together but anything that takes the reader out of the read is to be avoided. The 'chess' 'knight' and 'rook' are problematic to me, but not necessarily to the item. They refer to a real world game which may or may not be in the game world. This may only be an issue in SS where they are expecting mojo, but if there is a chess equivlent game in Golarion, you will need to use it. matched cloaks not close?
Functionally I think 'tis fine, I think you are correct on the charges bit. The first sentence could be thinned a bit. I would probably rewrite the whole paragraph from one partner or the other's perspective (e.g. user) to thin the word count a bit. That is minor though. Good addition of the unwilling save. There is a spell that does this (other than hostile juxtaposition), but now I cannae find it now. Dim door is not necessarily the best bet and that spell steals a lot of the thunder (like Ronar's vaccine). 'Each' in the weight, brings to question the price: namely should it also say 'each,' or should it be doubled? I think your math is for one cloak.
I love the idea, even if it already exists. Castling is a rare/advanced move in chess and a RPG version is a superstar idea. Nice job. :)

Ziv Wities RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Standback |

Thanks for the feedback, Curaigh!
Standback wrote:The 'chess' 'knight' and 'rook' are problematic to me, but not necessarily to the item. They refer to a real world game which may or may not be in the game world. This may only be an issue in SS where they are expecting mojo, but if there is a chess equivlent game in Golarion, you will need to use it.Tactician's Castling Cloak
Now there's an interesting conundrum.
I really liked the idea of putting the chess pieces on, because it uses a touch of flavor to make very very clear why this item might be useful, and what it's meant to do. Hence also the explicit reference to "castling" in the item's name.
My understanding was that R1 doesn't require a Golarion-specific setting. So I figured I'd use the flavor to make the purpose clear; anybody adapting it for a specific setting would be able to change the name and pieces and appearance entirely, but keep the functionality and intent.
Is this no longer true for R1? Or does it just seem incongruous? Would the item have worked at all without the chess references?
The first sentence could be thinned a bit. I would probably rewrite the whole paragraph from one partner or the other's perspective (e.g. user) to thin the word count a bit.
Something like this?
When you and a partner wear matching cloaks and are within 100 feet of each other, you may activate the cloaks, a standard action causing you and your partner to instantaneously teleport and switch places. This does not cost an action for your partner. If your partner opposes the activation, a successful Will save (DC 16) negates the effect, and neither of you is teleported. Gear and held objects come along, but additional creatures cannot be included.
Is this clearer than the first version? Is the first version sufficiently clear on an initial read-through, or is this mostly a wordcount issue? Am I allowed to write this in second-person, about "you"? That seems non-standard.
There is a spell that does this (other than hostile juxtaposition), but now I cannae find it now. Dim door is not necessarily the best bet and that spell steals a lot of the thunder (like Ronar's vaccine).
Really? I searched the PRD high and low and didn't find anything. I found weaker teleportation effects (e.g. Dimensional Step), but nothing that seemed more appropriate. Maybe in one of the other books... but I can't really search all of those. :-/
'Each' in the weight, brings to question the price: namely should it also say 'each,' or should it be doubled? I think your math is for one cloak.
Nope, the math is for both cloaks - because each activation covers both of them. The 25 charges is also per pair, not per cloak - is that clear?
Consider - the price is already in the same ballpark as a cape of the mountebank. But a single cape is very often as good as castling or better - just move one guy to safety, or just bring in the guy you want present (and let the other escape on foot). Setting up a situation where castling is better is tricky (though immensely fun :P). If you double the price, the cape becomes much, much more attractive - and duplicating the effects by just buying two capes becomes a clear option.
I love the idea, even if it already exists. Castling is a rare/advanced move in chess and a RPG version is a superstar idea. Nice job. :)
I'm really glad to hear that :) The other stuff I can clean up with editing and feedback, but a strong idea is invaluable here.
This was really helpful. Thank you :)

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

Thanks for the feedback, Curaigh!
My pleasure! It is not a hard rule, just something some judges do not like and others do. On balance it will not hurt,I think it is a 'meh' subject for most. When you want to stand out the most, to avoid 'meh' the most, is getting into R1. Who can predict what the rules for R1 will be?
The spell I was referring to is called King's Castle and took me a while to find :) now it seems silly advice :) just goes to show you what I know. I only mention the math on both cloaks as you brought up 'each' which leaves a little bit of ambiguity. Still I understood your intent as you explain it so maybe my confusion is not a big deal.
Ziv Wities RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Standback |

The spell I was referring to is called King's Castle and took me a while to find :)
Ha! Well, now I'm really glad I didn't pursue this idea... it would've been a SiaC, and I wouldn't have known... And a 4th level paladin spell - my! That kind of makes sense (paladins seem a much better fit for this effect than wizards et al), but it seems a shame to limit such a cool effect to such high-level paladins.
My guess is the APG used the chess references for the same reason I did :P
Doubly-thanks for all the effort (I guess I didn't hunt through paladin spells...)

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

Ha! Well, now I'm really glad I didn't pursue this idea... it would've been a SiaC, and I wouldn't have known... And a 4th level paladin spell - my! That kind of makes sense (paladins seem a much better fit for this effect than wizards et al), but it seems a shame to limit such a cool effect to such high-level paladins.
My guess is the APG used the chess references for the same reason I did :P
Doubly-thanks for all the effort (I guess I didn't hunt through paladin spells...)
Same thing happened to RonarsCorruption and I have one that the UM took out of the running...
For the regulars

Curaigh Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

I am really struggling to find something creative this year. Partially I think my brain is waiting for me to finish these. (by finish I mean a rewrite... :)
Bouncing Apple of the Bull’s Eye
Aura strong conjuration; CL 14th
Slot —; Price 35,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
Five mithral bands encircle this sphere of carved paueliel wood. A sharp point sticks from the top like the stem of an apple, but when viewed from above the bands look like the rings of a target.
To active the apple the user (and up to four others) pricks himself on the point. One of the mithral rings turns red magically connecting the user to the apple for one hour. The apple can hold five such connections during that hour.
The next time a connected person is the target of an attack or a spell he is transported to the location of the apple. If the apple’s location is occupied, the user appears in an adjacent square. The apple is transported to his location, becoming the target of the triggering attack or spell.
The apple has an 11 AC, hardness 15 and 15 hit points. If an object cannot be targeted by a spell (such as a charm person) the spell fails. Reducing the apple to zero hit points does not destroy it, but its magic ceases to function until returned to full hit points. It regains one hit point per day or a mending spell can heal one point per casting (instead of the normal 1d4).
The apple can be thrown 30 FT, or used in a sling for a range of 60 FT. It otherwise suffers the normal penalties for improvised weapon (and deals only 1d2 damage).
The bouncing apple of the bull’s eye can only be activated once per day.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, greater hostile juxtaposition; Cost 17,500 gp
I really like this (except the name) and would have enjoyed submitting it. :)
Hangman’s Helm
Aura moderate transmutation and weak necromancy; CL 6th
Slot head; Price 16,600 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
Coils of steel rope form into a thick and heavy helm. The coils separate to show the wearer’s eyes which always glow red when wearing the helm. The helm’s mouthpiece forms a hangman’s knot that drops onto the wearer’s chest. While in a grapple the wearer may animate the ropes of the helm as a free action. These ropes spring out, stretching to the grappled opponent and coil around his neck giving the wearer a constriction attack. For six rounds, every time the wearer deals damage to the opponent the ropes deal an additional 1d6 constricting damage and an equal amount of non-lethal damage. Once established, the wearer does not need to maintain the grapple. If the wearer releases the opponent but continues to attack him, the coils writhe and stretch up to 15 FT. The opponent is not considered grappled like this, but continues to take the constriction damage.
The opponent may escape the coils by making a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check (DC 16). Roll once if the wearer is still grappling and compare the result to both. The wearer may restart the helm’s constriction for the remainder of the six rounds only if he first grapples the opponent.
If the wearer has killed an opponent while using the Hangman’s Helm, the wearer also gains lifesense 30 FT six rounds a day. These rounds need not be consecutive.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, deathwatch, strangling hair; Cost 8,350 gp