

Hey everyone. I believe this is the first time i have posted on this site but i have been a long time lurker.
I am in need of a little help with a character in an upcoming game.
I am playing a Human Spearman starting at level 2. we are using the Gestalt rules from wizards so i am playing fighter/vanguard.
The vanguard is from Super Genius Games. I am having a hard time focusing on the spear. There are a lot of things that you can do with other weapons and spells but the spear seems to be lacking a bit.

Anyone have any suggestions for feats and such?
Any help is appreciated.

I'm not familiar with the vanguard, but I'll ask you this. What can you do with other weapons that you cannot do with a spear? I'm having a hard time understanding where you are comming from.

Yea I dont see anything in the vangaurd ability list that doesnt work with a spear, the vanguard's version of arcane bond means that a two handed weapon isn't an issue. So what is the problem?

Edit: If you are looking for more speak options you might want to look at the super genius armiger instead of fighter, or the phalanx fighter archetype from the apg. Both would open up your spear using options some.

I know all the abilities work with the Vanguard, what i was asking is effectivly. Are there any spear specific feats or prestige classes out there other than the pikeman from stratigists and tactitions?

There is the Phalanx Soldier fighter variant from the APG.

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