Me and my group are completely paperless. Our game group gathers around the table basking in the glow of 6 lap tops.
When Pathfinder came out we went digital and have never looked back....much to the joy of all our backs.
Quick question about the Greenstalker Sniper Archetype for the ranger.
but you keep camouflage and hide in plain sight. both of which only work in your favored terrains... so the question is, how are they supposed to work?
in an example we are facing an ogre, i use the swift aid feat to give him a +1 bonus to attack, say by nocking the ogres club out of guard alignment, then using my normal standard action i use the aid another action to grant him another +2 to attack, say by making threatening movements to the side distracting him. for a skill it would be like someone telling you (cut the blue wire, no the other blue wire) when difusing a bomb
When using the aid another option it grants a +2 bonus.
The question is sense they are both unnamed bonuses could you use a swift action to use swift aid and then your standard action for a normal aid another action granting a total of +3? If not can someone tell me where the rules governing this are located?
Playing in a higher powered game and the GM has allowed 3.5 books, including a feat called reserves of strength. It let's me increase my caster level in exchange for being stunned. If I am unable to be stunned it simply does a set amount of damage depending on how high I increase my CL. Damage is much easier to deal with than the stunned condition.
I am actualy building a Monk MoMS for this kind of an idea. All good saves, good AC with the right stances. Sense it wont get flurry
I remember a build in the old wizards boards about a character that had a movement rate in the hundreds if not thousands. I am trying to build a character that focuses on mobility and movement. Feats along the lines of Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack are a given but other then the things that take advantage of a high speed I cant seem to find many ways of increasing speed much. Probably going to go with Monk for the fast movement but other than that I cant find much. Any help would be appreciated. Any and all Pathfinder books allowed, even 3PP.
Depends on one thing, Would everyone agree that it is well within the rights of the GM to decide that the Wizard has to memorize spells that he says or the the cleric has to use channel energy when he says? Because they are all class features of the character. It seems to me taking control of a familiar is just like telling the cleric that he just used his channel energy to heal everyone. even if he had no intention of doing so himself.
I love this book but i do have a few questions if anyone has time to answer.... When wildshaping into multiple creatures if you cast a spell do all the creatures have to cast or just one? If you are targeted by a spell you cast or someone else casts do all the creatures get it or just one? If you have mage armor on before you shift. do all the creatures have mage armor or just one? I have a great idea for a build and will be playing with this book soon so i realy want to know.
Ahh got it. Ok then, how about have them find him in the market place. just cause they find him doesnt meen they can do anything about it. starting a fight with a mad bomber in the middle of a crowd is not a very heroic thing to do.
I remember a game I was running once. The party was bad at hearing me describe a monster and saying ahh! its vulnerable to fire!. Meta-gaming at its best. So one session i had them go to the aid of a small village. the people where under the attack of a white dragon. it would come down and take the animals, destroy the buildings and such. Well they of course loaded up on fire spells and protection from cold and all sorts of anti-cold devices and spells. long story short.......fireball does nothing to an albino red dragon smart enough not to display its fires to the public.... just cause they are collor coded doesnt meen they will always be so..
well the better lucky than good aspect is more RP than anything. I can grap rerolls and luck bonuses on just about anything but if the dc for a skill check is 30 then it doesn't mater how many rerolls i have if i don't have enough ranks to actually make the check. If i take a few ranks in most of the physical skills then i can play it off as luck. Otherwise i just try and fail alot....
Hey everyone, i am getting ready to start a new game and i need a hand with my character. I am going for a guy that is more lucky than good at anything.
I could use a hand in the feat choice as well
Hey everyone. I believe this is the first time i have posted on this site but i have been a long time lurker.
Anyone have any suggestions for feats and such?
Thanks guys, I was afraid of that. In that case maybe you can help me out a bit more. I am playing in a Gestalt game with 2 other people. i am doing a rogue/sorcerer. so far its going to be rogue full on one side and sorcerer 5 arcane trickster 10 sorcerer 5 on the other. i will be staggering the arcane trickster so i can get the sneak attack from both.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Good evening everyone. I believe this is the first time I have posted here lol. I have a small question and I cant seem to find an answer anywhere.