John Templeton |

I am currently designing a 'series' of Pathfinder swords inspired by the first FF game. Looking to share them and for help refining them if needed. Here is the first.
Aura no aura (nonmagical); CL -
Slot none; Price 35,050; Weight 8 lbs
The Masamune is essentially +1 keen adamantine greatsword but is in fact non-magical weapon. It was so wonderfully crafted that the sword is beyond the usual mastercraft. It’s amazing quality also makes it a perfect channel for magic, any beneficial spell casted on the Masamune is treated as if it had the Empowered quality. Oddly enough this same quality prevents the Masamune from gaining a permanent magical quality.
Also given the expanded threat range is non-magical it does stack with other effects that expand threat ranges.

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I am currently designing a 'series' of Pathfinder swords inspired by the first FF game. Looking to share them and for help refining them if needed. Here is the first.
Aura no aura (nonmagical); CL -
Slot none; Price 35,050; Weight 8 lbs
The Masamune is essentially +1 keen adamantine greatsword but is in fact non-magical weapon. It was so wonderfully crafted that the sword is beyond the usual mastercraft. It’s amazing quality also makes it a perfect channel for magic, any beneficial spell casted on the Masamune is treated as if it had the Empowered quality. Oddly enough this same quality prevents the Masamune from gaining a permanent magical quality.
Also given the expanded threat range is non-magical it does stack with other effects that expand threat ranges.
It's really cool, but a couple of things.
First, if you want the +1 aspect, give the sword a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Period. By saying it's a +1 sword, but not an enhancement bonus, you introduce all kinds of weirdness.
Second, if you want the critical range to be expanded, simply say that it functions as a greatsword, but with a critical range of 17-20/x2. Or, if you don't want to double the full critical hit range, state that the wielder doubles the benefit from Keen or Improved Critical, rather than saying it stacks with Keen and Improved Critical... without being Keen. Does that make sense?
Also, 15-20/x2 is a big crit range for a Greatsword, especially considering it's not technically a magical weapon yet. As such, I'd probably double the price. MAYBE take it to 150% of what you have listed, just because a 27.5% chance to crit is REALLY big, and everyone would go for it.

Lathiira |

Funny, my memory of the Masamune from FF1 was that it was one-handed, as I always used a shield with it...it also was usable by everybody and did more damage than any other weapon until you got into the optional GBA stuff. I like this version more though!
Healer's Staff
Aura strong conjuration CL 10th
Slot none Price someone else can compute, I'm feelin' lazy
Weight 4 lbs
The Healer's Staff is an essential tool for those going into battle with allies. This humble staff is not wielded as a staff, instead requiring proficiency with clubs due to its unwieldiness and can be considered a +1 club. What makes the staff so useful is its healing ability. Once per day the Healer's Staff allows the wielder to invoke a mass cure light wounds spell. Like other magical staves, the wielder may use their own caster level if it is higher than that of the staff.
Why? Because getting through that game was soooooo much easier with this and a healing glove or two! Sorry this isn't a sword, but I think it's just as important a weapon in that game.

John Templeton |

It's really cool, but a couple of things.
First, if you want the +1 aspect, give the sword a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Period. By saying it's a +1 sword, but not an enhancement bonus, you introduce all kinds of weirdness.
Second, if you want the critical range to be expanded, simply say that it functions as a greatsword, but with a critical range of 17-20/x2. Or, if you don't want to double the full critical hit range, state that the wielder doubles the benefit from Keen or Improved Critical, rather than saying it stacks with Keen and Improved Critical... without being Keen. Does that make sense?
Also, 15-20/x2 is a big crit range for a Greatsword, especially considering it's not technically a magical weapon yet. As such, I'd probably double the price. MAYBE take it to 150% of what you have listed, just because a 27.5% chance to crit is REALLY big, and everyone would go for it.
will take the first half of your advice and think about the second. For the price I treated it as if it had +4 weapon bonus.

Kaisoku |

I like the idea of giving it the enhancement bonus, but saying it's not from a magical source. This means it acts like a normal enhancement bonus (treated as magical for purposes of DR bypass), without actually being magical.
It's so well made, it cleaves through magical defenses.
If it has all the qualities of the effect, then call it what it is.
But yeah, I remember it being a sword anyone could use, and one-handed. Perhaps a take on the sunblade might be a good idea? Bastard sword that is so light that it can be treated as a shortsword in proficiency (and thus anyone can use it one-handed if they can use a shortsword).

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In my games, weapons can have four seperate mundane bonuses.
Masterwork +1 Attack 300 Gp
Superior +2 Attack 2000 Gp
Dire +1 Damage 300 Gp
Dreadful +2 Damage 2000 Gp
Both Superior and Dreadful stack with Magical Enhancements, but only offer +1 Attack or Damage, essentually they both offer a +1 Enhancement and +1 Sacred/Profane Bonus because they require some sort of Divine onspiration to craft, (and essentually cany be purchased).
Maybe something along that line. A side note, for that price, it is a pretty weak weapon. Basicly a +1 Keen, Adamantine Weapon, but one you cant improve to be at the level appropriate to when you could afford to purchase, craft, or reasonably find it.
The other thing is in the game, the best thing to do was give it to the weakest character, (white mage). Anyone could use it. Maybe add in to make it an Int weapon that grants its user the knowlege to be automatically proficient?

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And of course, now that there's a Final Fantasy # swords topic, I absolutely feel like this has to be used.
Aura Evocation (Holy, Lawful) CL 15th
Slot None Price Not for sale
Weight 6 lbs
This sword, upon first glance, appears to be the legendary Excalibur (a +5 Holy Axiomatic Bastard Sword). However, whenever it is used in melee combat, it confers no enhancement bonus to the attack roll. Further, all damage inflicted by Excalipoor is always 1 + the wielder's Strength. (This damage is always a minimum of 1 damage, even if reduced below 1 by DR.)
Whenever Excalipoor is thrown by a character with the Throw Anything feat, its true strength comes out. Excalipoor inflicts double damage whenever thrown (the Holy and Axiomatic properties do not double if applicable). Excalipoor may be thrown once per encounter- if it is retrieved and thrown again during the same encounter, Excalipoor deals the minimal damage as above.

John Templeton |

@Stabatha I believe so, given I am going more off my FF 1 game app on my iPod/Pad.
@Kaisoku I have no attention for it to beat DR beyond the fact it is adamantine.
I like to mention the key word is inspired and not copy though I will admit I might have taken a bit from the other games for this one too.
So far have one person going it is too cheap and other going it is too expensive and both are good but I am leaning to the fact it might be too expensive. So let's break this don.
Greatsword - 50 gp
Adamatine - 3000 gp (includes masterwork)
+1 enhancement like - +1 bonus - +1 bonus total
Keen Like - + 1 bonus - +2 bonus total
Spell Extension - +2 bonus? - +4 bonus total
+4 bonus is 32,000 plus 3050 for adamatine greatsword giving a total 35,050.

mdt |

I know it's not FF1, but I felt compelled to add this.
Buster Sword
This finely crafted large bastard sword is made of Mithral. While a large weapon, it is balanced for use by a medium creature, and is treated as a medium or large bastard sword for purposes of proficiency and exotic weapon use rules, at the wielder's whim. Regardless of whether the wielder uses it as a medium or large sword, it does large bastard sword damage.
Cost : 9100 gp
Damage : 2d8
Crit : 19–20/×2
Weight : 6 lbs
Priced as a Large Mithral Bastard sword, with a +50% increase in price for the ability to be used by either large or medium creatures without penalty, and always do large damage. So if you have Exotic Weapon (Bastard Sword), you can use it one handed or two handed, even as a medium fighter (ala Cloud).

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+1 keen adamantine greatsword
This would only work in the rules if you did something like the Cold Iron rule, where if you made it magical it counted for +2 in any price calculation but didn't require an initial +1.
So a throwing, returning, masamune would cost the difference between a +4 weapon (32,000) and a +2 weapon (8000) or 24,000 gp to add the two properties (throwing and returing) to the masamune.

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Ah, you mean Extended rather than Empowered. That is a little stronger. Empowered beneficial spells on the weapon would not often change anything. I still think it is a little bit low powered for the level/price you would be expected to reasonably find this. Its not so much that its overpriced as it is weaker for intended level availability, I think. I could be wrong.

John Templeton |

The New version, Coral Sword is next.
The Masterpiece (Masamune)
Aura no aura (nonmagical); CL –
Slot none; Price 5,000; Weight 8 lbs
There are masterwork swords then there is the Masterpiece or more common known as Masamune (named after it’s creator). The Masterpiece is an adamantine greatsword who’s masterwork +1 extends to damage as well as attack rolls. Also the Masterpiece’s crit range is expanded to 18-20.
Oddly enough the Masterpiece is resistant to becoming magical weapon but any spell casted on the sword (like align weapon or magic weapon) the duration of the spell is doubled.

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That looks a lot better, I think. Maybe more around 8,000 or 10,000 Gp, but as i dont think you can purchase the weapon, it isnt that big of a deal. Does it still stack with keen/Imp Crit? Might be a good idea to indicate that it uses a great swords nat crit range for that as 15 to 20 is way to good.
In the hands of a Cleric or Wizard, this could become devistating for a period.

mdt |

That looks a lot better, I think. Maybe more around 8,000 or 10,000 Gp, but as i dont think you can purchase the weapon, it isnt that big of a deal. Does it still stack with keen/Imp Crit? Might be a good idea to indicate that it uses a great swords nat crit range for that as 15 to 20 is way to good.
In the hands of a Cleric or Wizard, this could become devistating for a period.
I think 5K is ok, since it specifically can't be enchanted.

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The New version, Coral Sword is next.
The Masterpiece (Masamune)
Aura no aura (nonmagical); CL –
Slot none; Price 5,000; Weight 8 lbs
There are masterwork swords then there is the Masterpiece or more common known as Masamune (named after it’s creator). The Masterpiece is an adamantine greatsword who’s masterwork +1 extends to damage as well as attack rolls. Also the Masterpiece’s crit range is expanded to 18-20.
Oddly enough the Masterpiece is resistant to becoming magical weapon but any spell casted on the sword (like align weapon or magic weapon) the duration of the spell is doubled.
This is much better. I think the price could be doubled and it'd still be desirable. And, as a legendary weapon, the extended crit range seems fine, since only a DM who is okay with it being in the group would allow it anyways.
One more thing though, and I'm sorry to be nit-picky. Masterwork bonuses don't stack with enhancement bonuses to attack and damage rolls so, while the inherent +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with the weapon is nice, once Magic Weapon is cast it becomes obsolete. My suggested wording:
"The Masterpiece (Masamune) is a masterwork adamantine greatsword that grants the wielder an additional +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. The Masterpiece cannot, however, be enchanted, although spells and abilities which grant an enhancement bonus to attacks made with the Masterpiece are extended, as though affected by the Extend Spell feat. This does not increase the level of the spell. The Masterpiece has a critical hit range of 18-20, and deals double damage on a successful critical hit."

John Templeton |

That looks a lot better, I think. Maybe more around 8,000 or 10,000 Gp, but as i dont think you can purchase the weapon, it isnt that big of a deal. Does it still stack with keen/Imp Crit? Might be a good idea to indicate that it uses a great swords nat crit range for that as 15 to 20 is way to good.
In the hands of a Cleric or Wizard, this could become devistating for a period.
Yes, the intention is for it to stack with Keen/Imp Crit and for that crit range to be 15-20. The original had it starting at 17-20 but I changed it to 18-20.
This is much better. I think the price could be doubled and it'd still be desirable. And, as a legendary weapon, the extended crit range seems fine, since only a DM who is okay with it being in the group would allow it anyways.
One more thing though, and I'm sorry to be nit-picky. Masterwork bonuses don't stack with enhancement bonuses to attack and damage rolls so, while the inherent +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with the weapon is nice, once Magic Weapon is cast it becomes obsolete. My suggested wording:
"The Masterpiece (Masamune) is a masterwork adamantine greatsword that grants the wielder an additional +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. The Masterpiece cannot, however, be enchanted, although spells and abilities which grant an enhancement bonus to attacks made with the Masterpiece are extended, as though affected by the Extend Spell feat. This does not increase the level of the spell. The Masterpiece has a critical hit range of 18-20, and deals double damage on a successful critical hit."
I do not think your nip-picking, the wording is the mechanics and basis for the cost of the sword.
I realize that it bonus would disappear with certain spells which is why I had the cost at 5,000. Let me if I understand, you think it should keep the bonus +1 and that your excellent wording suggests that?
Oh, I will not be doing versions of Flame sword, Ice brand, Sunblade or the werebane as Paizo has already made wonderful versions of these.

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Thanks for the wording compliment :P
I really do think the sword should keep the extra +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, mostly because it cannot be enchanted with weapon abilities as a consequence of being unable to be enchanted.
Basically, in order to get +10 weapons in game, you get a +5 enhancement bonus and then add weapon abilities. However, if it can only be given enhancement bonuses by spells, etc., it's going to lag behind other weapons in the long run since you can only get up to a +5 enhancement from spells, despite the awesome critical hit range. The +1 doesn't make up for the difference, but it helps it get close, and is very much in keeping with the "Masterpiece" feel of the item. At least I think so.
But, if you weren't going to allow the weapon bonus to attack and damage rolls to stack with enhancement bonuses, I think that 5k gold would probably be a reasonable price.

John Templeton |

Thanks to @Davor and everyone else, I think we have a 'final' version of the Masterpiece.
The Masterpiece (Masamune)
Aura no aura (nonmagical); CL –
Slot none; Price 8,000; Weight 8 lbs.
The Masterpiece (Masamune) is a masterwork adamantine greatsword that grants the wielder an additional +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. The Masterpiece cannot, however, be enchanted, although spells and abilities which grant an enhancement bonus to attacks made with the Masterpiece are extended, as though affected by the Extend Spell feat. This does not increase the level of the spell. The Masterpiece has a critical hit range of 18-20, and deals double damage on a successful critical hit.
Construction none/mystery (Craft Weapons 20 Ranks?, Master Craftsmen?)
Now the 'rough drafts' of both the Coral Sword and the Defender
Waterborne Stalker or Shoreline Avenger - name work in progress (Coral Sword)
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 82,335 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
This +2 bane vs. aquatic subtype bastard sword sheds light as a light spell when underwater. At such times it cannot be concealed when drawn nor can its light be shut off.
Its wielder is under the effect of a constant water breathing spell and can move 'n' attack normally while underwater.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon monster I, Freedom of Movement, Water Breathing; Cost 41,167 gp and 5 sp
The Defender
Aura Moderate Transmutation; CL 12th
Slot none; Price 60,315 gp; Weight 4 lbs
This +3 defending longsword treats one of its enhancement bonus permanently as a bonus to AC. Additionally the wielder may use the blink spell up to 12 rounds per day. The rounds do not need to be consecutive but they must be spent in 1 round increments.
Rumors has it that some Defenders allow passage to the Ethereal plane as an extra ability of the sword. Some extend further that these Defenders are cursed one way keys to the Ethereal plane.
Construction Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield or shield of faith, blink; Cost 30,157 gp and 5 sp

John Templeton |

I just wanted to chime in, since I'm following this thread because I love the idea. (can't wait until you get to the later games for the Atma weapon).
Minor point: Given that the coral sword sheds light, should the light spell also be listed in the crafting requirements?
As per pg 468, second column, heading 'Light Generation' magic weapons can glow as a side effect. Later under construction this effect is a choice by the crafter.
Also I am not planning to go past Final Fantasy 1.