The stupid and illiterate kobold sorcerer case

Rules Questions

A stupid and illitterate kobolt sorcerer cast tre spells over tre days

The first day he casts read magic.

The second day he casts comprehend language.

The third day he casts tongues.

My question is will he be able to read anything by using the spells?

Paizo Employee Developer

Zalco wrote:

A stupid and illitterate kobolt sorcerer cast tre spells over tre days

The first day he casts read magic.

The second day he casts comprehend language.

The third day he casts tongues.

My question is will he be able to read anything by using the spells?

Well first he'll need to keep casting those spells unless he casts permanency on each one.

While Comprehend Languages is up he can read any language as well as a fluent scribe. He could also understand any spoken language. He cannot speak or write any language he didn't already know, though.

While tongues is up he can speak any language.

Read magic allows him to... well... read magic. Specifically writings like scrolls and spellbooks.

So, if he had Read Magic, Comprehend Languages, and Tongues he could understand every language, spoken or written, and even magical writings would not pose any problem. He could also speak any language. He would still be unable to write a single sentence coherently in any language.

That being said, there really isn't a RAW mechanic for illiteracy, so there's no Write Language spell.

sounds like a great wonderous item.
a parapet maby?
dosent read maghic alow you to wright as well?

I want to make this as an NPC now. Or even play it as a PC in the next game.

A kobold sorceror/scholar who can't read except when he uses these spells...

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