Ioun Stones

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

Any chance that they stack with each other?

Chris Ballard wrote:
Any chance that they stack with each other?

It sounds like you're asking if the stat / AC bonuses from multiple stones of the same type stack. Alas, they do not, because a magical bonus never stacks with another bonus of the same type.

Dark Archive

Zac Bond wrote:
Chris Ballard wrote:
Any chance that they stack with each other?
It sounds like you're asking if the stat / AC bonuses from multiple stones of the same type stack. Alas, they do not, because a magical bonus never stacks with another bonus of the same type.

That's what I meant. I figured not, but wasn't sure. Thanks.

Zac Bond wrote:
Chris Ballard wrote:
Any chance that they stack with each other?
It sounds like you're asking if the stat / AC bonuses from multiple stones of the same type stack. Alas, they do not, because a magical bonus never stacks with another bonus of the same type.

Some of the advanced ioun stones from Seeker of Secrets are exceptions to this rule.

Amber Spindles, Crimson Spheres, Emerald Elipsiods, and Onyx Rhomboids are mentioned as being stackable.

Isn't there a boss-type character of some sort in one of the Adventure Paths (RORL series I think) that has around 25 ioun stones, including ones that stack?
I'm playing in the game at the moment and therefore can't really look it up, but I thought I saw something along those lines a few years ago when flipping through the books.

hexa3 wrote:

Isn't there a boss-type character of some sort in one of the Adventure Paths (RORL series I think) that has around 25 ioun stones, including ones that stack?

I'm playing in the game at the moment and therefore can't really look it up, but I thought I saw something along those lines a few years ago when flipping through the books.

Yes, Karzoug, the Runelord of Greed, from RoRL #6. That AP is the original source of the ioun stones I mentioned earlier.

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