Ustalav Homebrew with Zobeck, Margreve, Barovia, etc.


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This map (based on the more canon ones I posted in an earlier thread) shows how I incorporated Zobeck, Margreve and Morgau-Doresh into Ustalav. I also added Barovia.

The Margreve is the large unnamed forest taking up much of Varno and Versex. Zobeck is a minor Palatine free city/River Kingdom on the West Sellen River, near Mosswater and Scrawny Crossing.
Morgau and Doresh are shrunk to minor baronies on the Ulcazar and Varno borders, near Barovia.
I think this location best fits Golarion without distorting things too much-- Zobeck- you can see-- is close enough to Numeria to provide a reason for the Gearmen.
I did consider a placement of the Margreve nearer to Irrisen, but Zobeck really fits best along the Sellen, and that part of the River Kingdoms is still undetailed and unoccupied by a large settlement.

I equate the gods as follows:
Lada = Shelyn
Marena = Urgothoa
Perun = Gorum
Porevit and Yarila = local First World gods
Rava = Brigh
Volund = Erastil
Sarastra = Desna

I'm curious to find out what veryone thinks, and if anyone else has also integrated Zobeck into Golarion and how they went about it.

Very interesting -- thanks for sharing! If you keep working on the map, more variety with the titles/labels would help readability.

I get a 404 whenever I click on the link. I would very much like to see what you've done though, as I have dome similar things in incorporating golarion with my homebrew.

Katerek wrote:
I get a 404 whenever I click on the link. I would very much like to see what you've done though, as I have dome similar things in incorporating golarion with my homebrew.

I hosted it through my Google Sites site. It works fine for me (even if signed out of Google). If you still can't get it- maybe post your email as a spoiler and I can email it directly.

I know Barovia very well- but what are these other places? Zobeck?

Your map is nice, btw. Hexmapper?

ewan cummins 325 wrote:

I know Barovia very well- but what are these other places? Zobeck?

Your map is nice, btw. Hexmapper? decent for a free version, I think.

Now with Averoigne!

This map adds in Clark Ashton Smith's Averoigne, which featured in Castle Amber for D&D, and also is detailed in the now defunct Worlds of Cthulhu magazine for CoC Dark Ages. I was inspired by Chateau Douleurs in Caliphas.

Jeff de luna wrote:
ewan cummins 325 wrote:

I know Barovia very well- but what are these other places? Zobeck?

Your map is nice, btw. Hexmapper? decent for a free version, I think.

Oh yeah, Zobeck. From Open Design. I recommend it highly. There are rules for Clockworks in the new Inner Sea Guide.

I love that you've added Averoigne. I take it you like both 'weird' and Gothic themes in your D&D?

ewan cummins 325 wrote:
I love that you've added Averoigne. I take it you like both 'weird' and Gothic themes in your D&D?

Pulp, Gothic, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, you name it. I'm an eclectic guy. Mostly I like good stories.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Not bad, but I think I would shrink the text of the names down some. it is to cluttered in the middle of the map. Also i would look into finding a font that uses thinner letters as well.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Not bad, but I think I would shrink the text of the names down some. it is to cluttered in the middle of the map. Also i would look into finding a font that uses thinner letters as well.

Unfortunately, a time-consuming and clunky aspect of the program. But I will try to get it more legible. The screen and the .png output are different so it's sometimes unclear if it's unreadable or not. Will get on it.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It is not unreadable persay but a lot of the words in the middle overlap a lot which makes it hard to read and very hard to see what is what at a glance.

Thanks for giving Hexographer a whirl. If you all have some specific suggestions to improve the text usability, I'm happy to hear them.

Also, if you (Jeff) created the text using the "styled text" feature (minor political, minor geographical, continent, etc.) , you can change the font, size, color, etc. of all the text of that style by going to the "Customize lines/text" tab, scrolling to the right if needed, and finding the style and changing the font. Then all the text on your map in that style will change as soon as you hit apply on the bottom of that tab.

You may have to reposition the text on the map as a result though. Just hit the select text button on one of the text tabs and drag the little yellow handles of the text items on the map as needed. (I don't think you will actually have to select it to move it, off the top of my head.)

--Joe (Hexographer creator, in case that's not obvious.)

Heh. This thread should be subtitled: Great Tastes that Go Great Together. Thanks, Jeff (and Hexographer)!

Here's a better map. There are still a couple of problems (that's Perigon behind Ximes), but maybe it will be more legible. I'm working on a different project (an adventure) right now, inspired by the Averoigne materials I've been reading.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Much better, much easier to read the names. I still think it could use a little more polish but big step forward with this version.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Thank you for sharing Jeff!!

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