blope |
Well, I don't know about best, but look for wands of spells that are cheap(1st level), and have a lot of utility and will get used.
I like minor image, useful at most levels. For recovery, clw is the cheapest healing you can buy, and lesser restoration is usually quite useful for a group to have.
mage armor is frequently a favorite, esp for use on the party monk and other classes that cant use the wand themselves.
endure elements is practically a necessity, depending on the campaign.
An attack spell that rolls to hit can be used by the party rogue to sneak attack with, and causes the same damage as the spell type.
Anonymous Visitor 163 576 |
I often roll with wands of Create water, Mage armor, Endure Elements, Alarm, and Knock.
The other way to see if a wand is worth it is to see how caster level interacts. Knock, for example, isn't nearly as reliant on caster level as scorching ray.
So, memorize scorching ray and buy a wand of knock, instead of the opposite.
james maissen |
Aside from the wand of Cure Light Wounds, what other spells in wand format really deliver on the price point?
It of course depends on the user in terms of what is available, but if you were to look at it in the sweep of the system, what would be a short list of the best spells to have in wand form?
Level 1 spells that don't scale with level nor require saves.
Obscuring Mist, Unseen Servant, etc.
jhpace1 |
You're talking about 1st-level spells, or else the wand starts getting too expensive and the sorcerer's daily spell list looks cheaper. If your party has a Wizard and not a Sorcerer, then having to memorize the "right" spell every day can be a gamble, hence the wands.
0th Level
Resistance - for those poison traps when you fail the save
Detect Poison - to find out it is a poison trap
1st Level
Endure Elements - your party of 4 to 6 is too much for the Wizard to memorize each day, or for the 1st-level Sorcerer to cover in those hot desert environments
Protection from Evil - a must for every party, up to mid-or-high level; +2 to AC and no Charm Person worries.
Mage Armor - always a good choice because even at 1st level, its +4 to AC lasts for one hour
Detect Secret Doors - in case you don't have an Elf
Enlarge Person - to fight those giants
Feather Fall - because your party needs more than 3 or 4 spells per day; the Rogue isn't up to the DC on pit traps just yet
True Strike - if you can drop it and then shoot because the Target is "You"
That's about it. By the time you can make a Wand (5th level), you can cast Magic Missile for 3 MMs, making the Wand a backup weapon. Same for a lot of other spells - Sleep, Color Spray, Cause Fear, etc. By the time you can make the Wand, the bad guys are a higher HD than what the 1st-level Wand can effect. Read Magic and Detect Magic should always be on the Wiz/Sor's daily spell list.
Fergie |
As others have mentioned, Protection from Evil.
I like a wand of shocking grasp (CL 5) if I have a mage who can get up close. Wands have the advantage of not provoking an AoO.
Mirror image is nice as well. With a wand, you can get the spell off even while surrounded.
A wand of magic missile (CL 5-9) is probably the best way I know of disrupting enemy spell casters.
Gust of Wind is one of those versatile spells that is handy to have.
Resist energy, fly, and other spells that you want to cast on everyone in the party are great as wands.
Also some spells that don't work when you need them if they are in scroll form - Daylight, remove blindness, etc.
Pretty much any spell without a save is going to work fairly well in wand form.
AdAstraGames |
It's a somewhat heretical position to take, but a wand of Bull's Strength/Cat's Grace/Spellcasting Stat is often more generically useful at 4,500 GP than the weaker permanent item at 4,000 GP.
I am also a fan of a wand of Ventriloquism, because it allows you to cast the spell without revealing yourself if you're concealed, and Ventriloquism from concealment is VASTLY more useful for disrupting the plans of your enemies.
The wand of Message is cheap, even at caster level 3, where it allows you to link up an entire adventuring party, and is another "ensure communication and coordination" spell.
I've also found that the wand of Reach Spell'd Cure Light Wounds (to medium range, caster level 5) is worth the money.
Selgard |
It's a somewhat heretical position to take, but a wand of Bull's Strength/Cat's Grace/Spellcasting Stat is often more generically useful at 4,500 GP than the weaker permanent item at 4,000 GP.
I am also a fan of a wand of Ventriloquism, because it allows you to cast the spell without revealing yourself if you're concealed, and Ventriloquism from concealment is VASTLY more useful for disrupting the plans of your enemies.
The wand of Message is cheap, even at caster level 3, where it allows you to link up an entire adventuring party, and is another "ensure communication and coordination" spell.
I've also found that the wand of Reach Spell'd Cure Light Wounds (to medium range, caster level 5) is worth the money.
That may be true for the physical stats but is *not* true for the caster stats. The permanent items actually become permanent bonuses (for as long as the item is worn) after 24 hours allowing the caster to memorize more spells. While the extra DC bump is nice, more spells is.. well.. the reason folks are willing to pay for it in the first place rather than just using the spells as needed to boost it.
meatrace |
Some of these may have been said before.
Entangle, Endure Elements, CLW, Enlarge Person, Silent Image, Detect Secret Doors, Sanctuary.
I like Enlarge Person quite a bit. For a level 1 spell that even at level 1 lasts the duration of 90% of all fights, it gives a fighter a pretty decent boost to combat ability. +1 damage, reach, and extra weapon damage.
bittergeek |
Align weapon is a 2nd level spell, but is just an awesome spell to have available in bulk - when you need it, you really need it, but it's so situational a cleric wouldn't regularly memorize it without specific data about an upcoming threat. Now that a holy enhancement at a +2 weapon equivalent is the only option to permanently make a weapon aligned, it's much less likely that the party will be carrying such weapons normally.
Kierato |
Greater Magic weapon is great for characters reliant on thrown weapons, I have always had good luck with Magic missile (higher caster levels are better). Wand of vampiric touch is nice no save, 1d6/ caster level, gain the damage you deal as long duration temp hit points.
Not to mention almost any spell you like to use a lot.
0gre |
what would be a short list of the best spells to have in wand form?
Things that don't require a save and that don't rely overmuch on caster level. Lots mentioned above. (lots of not-so-good stuff mentioned too)
Second and third level wands are an even tougher bet. My short list for 2nd is:
Glitterdust (the save sucks but you always have an invisibility counter measure)
Invisibility (Go invisible a bunch, 1/4 the cost of the ring. It's likely you will never burn 200 charges with this.)
At 225gp per shot my third level is super short:
Haste - 5 people, 5 rounds, it's perfectly matched for the typical party, expensive so save it for critical encounters.
Forth level wands are likely not worth the gold. I have only one suggestion:
Dimension Door - By the time you can afford this wand getting around effectively is imperative.
I skipped 1st level and there are likely a few more second or third level ones that are useful. A lot of the above mentioned second/ third level items are far less useful than a comparable priced permanent item.
0gre |
It's a somewhat heretical position to take, but a wand of Bull's Strength/Cat's Grace/Spellcasting Stat is often more generically useful at 4,500 GP than the weaker permanent item at 4,000 GP.
The usefulness of any 1m/ level spell is largely dependent upon how close together and predictable your encounters are. If you are in a scenario where encounters are bunched up and you can predict them then minute per level effects are fine. If you have to spend a round casting a buff spell it's not nearly as good.
As with a lot of spells/ items, usefulness varies based on campaign/ GM.
0gre |
Greater Magic weapon is great for characters reliant on thrown weapons, I have always had good luck with Magic missile (higher caster levels are better). Wand of vampiric touch is nice no save, 1d6/ caster level, gain the damage you deal as long duration temp hit points.
Not to mention almost any spell you like to use a lot.
This is an interesting thought, if you have 5 weapons you are essentially paying 11,000gp for 10 days worth of encounters... hmm
Why not just buy 5 +1 weapons? Seems to me that regardless of how many weapons you have the burn rate is too high to make it economical.
Kierato |
Kierato wrote:Greater Magic weapon is great for characters reliant on thrown weapons, I have always had good luck with Magic missile (higher caster levels are better). Wand of vampiric touch is nice no save, 1d6/ caster level, gain the damage you deal as long duration temp hit points.
Not to mention almost any spell you like to use a lot.This is an interesting thought, if you have 5 weapons you are essentially paying 11,000gp for 10 days worth of encounters... hmm
Why not just buy 5 +1 weapons? Seems to me that regardless of how many weapons you have the burn rate is too high to make it economical.
I was thinking more along the lines of shurikens.
james maissen |
Aside from the wand of Cure Light Wounds, what other spells in wand format really deliver on the price point?
Okay here's the list of 1st level spells useful as wands in kind of random order:
Alarm (nice for being paranoid on checking backtrail, etc)
Endure elements (when you need it you need it for everyone)
Prot align
mount (trap springers)
obscuring mist (blocks line of sight, gives concealment, foils true seeing)
unseen servant (multiple uses in and out of combat)
comp langs (if not permanent or on enough scrolls)
enlarge person (casting time is still annoying, but if you have it out it works and 10 rounds should be long enough)
expeditious excavation (adjusting position of a PC in danger)
ant haul (when you need it)
bless (later on vrock spores)
hide from undead (for mindless undead)
swallow your fear (for contriving morale bonuses)
borrow skill (if you can do it with a move action, otherwise skip)
feather step (great when you need it)
innocence (also great when you need it ;) )
obscure object (on the bard list, so cheap, but situational)
solid note (should have a good number of uses)
speak with animals
aspect of the falcon (couple with a 1 level spell storing ioun stone)
gravity bow (same deal)
detect animals/plants
detect aberations
detect undead
detect align
dream feast (consider it emergency rations)
entangle (at DC 11 no one should get entangled, but hindered terrain is great.. better when coupled with another spell)
faerie fire (removes concealment, cheaper than glitterdust but has SR, have a scroll of glitterdust for those if you can't afford the 4500gp wand)
keen senses (nice for sniping and some steath situations)
longstrider (again good for movement PCs that know combat is nearby)
negate aroma (with a stealthy PC its awesome, also good in some circumstances)
wrath (a better individual bless)
divine favor (luck bonus to hit/dam)
bless weapon (bypass DR, autoconfirm)
cure light wounds/infernal healing (for downtime healing)
lesser restoration (for ability hits)
grace (to run away)
honeyed tongue (for the face rolls)
rally point (nice for an archer)
veil of positive energy (nice when fighting undead)
animal messenger
call animal
residual tracking
mask dweomer
Dragonchess Player |
Spells in wands should be ones that you want to cast often and/or have lasting effects (10 min/level or more). Spells that have effects closely tied to caster level or saving throws lose a lot of their impact when placed in a wand, so the most useful spells (IMO) to place in wands are:
1st level spells-
aspect of the falcon (APG)
bless weapon (only on the paladin list)
cure light wounds
enlarge person
gravity bow (APG)
lead blades (APG; only on the ranger list)
mage armor (especially useful in parties with a mounted fury barbarian, cavalier, cleric with Animal domain, druid w/animal companion, monk, paladin w/mount, ranger w/animal companion, and/or summoner)
magic missile (higher CL versions can be cheaper than wands of higher level spells for similar damage)
magic stone
true strike
2nd level spells-
acid arrow (ranged touch, long range, energy damage, no save/SR)
false life
flame blade
flames of the faithful (APG; only on the inquisitor list)
gallant inspiration (APG; only on the bard list and the bard must already be holding the wand)
heroism (bard version)
honeyed tongue (APG; for serious diplomancers)
lesser restoration
protection from arrows (most useful at lower levels when magic weapons aren't common)
resist energy
scorching ray (a little more damage than acid arrow, but short range and affected by SR)
spectral hand (especially useful for casters with a lot of touch range spells)
spider climb
spiritual weapon
stone call (APG)
summon swarm
weapon of awe (APG)
3rd and 4th level spells tend to be more expensive than they're worth (IMO) when placed in wands, so those I consider on a case-by-case basis. In most circumstances, by the time you can afford a wand of a 3rd or 4th level spell, it's more useful to either cast natively, scribe a small number of scrolls, or have a X times per day or spell storing item.
Aelryinth RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Dragonchess Player |
Nobody mentioned Non-Detection? 24 Hour duration makes it ideal for a wand.
Likewise, Water-breathing (situational), Darkvision, and such spells that basically need to be Mass when you suddenly need them, but never are.
I mentioned darkvision. Non-detection (3rd level spell, material cost; duration 1 hr/level) and water breathing (3rd level spell) are expensive to place in wands (13,750 gp and 11,250 gp market price, respectively) for their effects. You're better casting natively or scribing a few scrolls for "just in case" circumstances.
Utgardloki |
Generally I prefer scrolls instead of wands because scrolls are cheaper for those spells that you might want to use someday but don't have to have available at the moment.
But my PC recently invested in a wand of Endure Elements for those times when we don't have enough of those spells to go around, like in the last session we played and our horses almost froze to death.
(On the other hand, maybe we would have been better off just relying on the cleric to cure the frostbite damage. Oh well, at least the horses will be more comfortable.)
But then, my PC does not like relying on one-use items. She keeps a few around for when needed, like a dose of healing potion for emergencies. The paladin is drinking healing potions left and right, but I think my bard has only used one potion so far.
Maybe she should ask the paladin to buy her a wand of Cure Light Wounds, especially since my character has a level of Druid and thus does not need a UMD roll to use it.
Quantum Steve |
If you have a Wizard in the party, scribing your own arcane scrolls is cheaper and more versatile than buying wands. The only drawback being the extra time it takes. Even if your not a Wizard, Scribe Scroll is often a better feat than Craft Wand just because you don't have to make 50 at once.
Any 1st level wand your sure to use several times a day is a good bargain over scrolls: CLW, Mage Armor, Shield,etc. (Others mentioned above are okay too) 2nd level wands and higher CL wands are often not worth the cost.
If your DM allows custom magic items, an unlimited use command word item is only 2.4X the price of a wand. A much better alternative to any wand that you'll need more than one of in a campaign.
Riku Riekkinen |
Aelryinth wrote:I mentioned darkvision. Non-detection (3rd level spell, material cost; duration 1 hr/level) and water breathing (3rd level spell) are expensive to place in wands (13,750 gp and 11,250 gp market price, respectively) for their effects. You're better casting natively or scribing a few scrolls for "just in case" circumstances.Nobody mentioned Non-Detection? 24 Hour duration makes it ideal for a wand.
Likewise, Water-breathing (situational), Darkvision, and such spells that basically need to be Mass when you suddenly need them, but never are.
Yes, some spells are better just in scrolls... Darkvision gets some favor as you can trigger the wand in dark, but can't read a scroll in dark (so if enemy casts darkness, darkvision scroll is too late).
Aelryinth RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Ringtail |
Create Pit is a pretty decent wand. While the save isn't great it combos well with combat manuevers preformable at many levels via spells or the old fashioned way if you have a warrior friend. It is also battlefield alteration on command, which can be used to create a choke point against non-flying enemy.
Dragonchess Player |
The paladin is drinking healing potions left and right, but I think my bard has only used one potion so far.
Maybe she should ask the paladin to buy her a wand of Cure Light Wounds, especially since my character has a level of Druid and thus does not need a UMD roll to use it.
The paladin can also use a wand of cure light wounds without a Use Magic Device check. Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, pg. 458: "Spell trigger items can be used by anyone whose class can cast the corresponding spell. This is the case even for a character who can't actually cast spells, such as a 3rd level paladin." Note that this has been the case since the 3.0 rules.
can you use a scroll when the pit trap dumps you underwater?
If it's a common enough occurance that you're considering investing in a wand of water breathing, then maybe the party needs a better trap finder. Or you could invest in a bottle of air (7,250 gp), cloak of the manta ray (7,200 gp), or a neckalace of adaptation (9,000 gp) and save some money; a pearl of the sirines (15,300 gp) is a bit more expensive, but it doesn't take up an item slot like the cloak of the manta ray; a helm of underwater action (24,000 gp) is probably not worth it except in a sea-faring campaign or one with a lot of underwater activity, where the visual properties can be fully used.
Utgardloki |
Utgardloki wrote:The paladin can also use a wand of cure light wounds without a Use Magic Device check. Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, pg. 458: "Spell trigger items can be used by anyone whose class can cast the corresponding spell. This is the case even for a character who can't actually cast spells, such as a 3rd level paladin." Note that this has been the case since the 3.0 rules.The paladin is drinking healing potions left and right, but I think my bard has only used one potion so far.
Maybe she should ask the paladin to buy her a wand of Cure Light Wounds, especially since my character has a level of Druid and thus does not need a UMD roll to use it.
That's a good point.
However the advantage of giving this to the bard/druid is that my character can use the wand while the Paladin continues making full attacks. I'm the bard. I'm used to not spending my rounds attacking monsters.
AdAstraGames |
I am fond of one level dips into Sorcerer or Wizard for melee types, grabbing True Strike and Feather Fall as prepared spells, and using wands of Shield and Expeditious Retreat for self-buffs at the start of a fight.
Two handed fighters have a difficult time getting a +4 shield bonus, as do archers.
james maissen |
I am fond of one level dips into Sorcerer or Wizard for melee types, grabbing True Strike and Feather Fall as prepared spells, and using wands of Shield and Expeditious Retreat for self-buffs at the start of a fight.
Two handed fighters have a difficult time getting a +4 shield bonus, as do archers.
Buy an ioun stone that can store 1 level of spells (like 1k gold). Then have another PC cast it into the stone, or take a few ranks of UMD and a wand.
Much better overall,
Purplefixer |
Aside from the wand of Cure Light Wounds, what other spells in wand format really deliver on the price point?
It of course depends on the user in terms of what is available, but if you were to look at it in the sweep of the system, what would be a short list of the best spells to have in wand form?
Just as a note:
If you're allowed to use 3.5 spell compendium for your game, Lesser Vigor beats the tar and feathers out of Cure Light Wounds for a Post Combat Healing role. It can replace a cleric right up until you have to fight significant quantities of undead. Since healing is action economy at its worst in a combat, the 11hp guaranteed from a first level wand of lesser vigor is always always always always better than the 1d8+1hp gained from CLW. The math is fantastic. At ~275 points of healing from the CLW wand, and 550 points of healing from the Lesser Vigor wand, you're more than doubling your value.What's even more horrifying is when you compare the value of a Cure Serious Wounds wand, 3d8+5 has an average of 18.5 points of healing per charge, but at 11,250 gp, well...
1st level Wand: 50 charges, 15gp per charge. 11hp per charge =1.36gp/point of healing.
3rd Level Wand: 50 charges, 225gp/charge. 18.5hp per charge = 12.16gp per charge...