First day as President What would you do?

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge

Black Dow wrote:
Declare war on the Union! I'm the King o' the North after all ;)

We must forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged!

Liberty's Edge

I'm finding this terribly relevant.

Dark Archive

Sissyl wrote:

1. Revocation

2. Revocation
3. Revocation
4. Revocation
5. Revocation
For precisely these reasons, I would never become president.

A President who wants less laws and less big government and less George Orwellian dystopia and more freedom and more liberty and more power to the people? Yeah, you'd never make it in politics. :)

But you'd have my vote.

The Exchange

Studpuffin wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:

Day 1: Declare Alaska and Hawaii independant Nations.

Day 2: Declare the Mainland USA a single State Republic.
Day 3: Introduce One Law - Every Act of Government, Law, Constitution Requires the direct and regular approval of every Citizen.
Why do they have to be independent nations?

Because the Russians own Alaska in an alternate reality where they didnt sell it to the USA so everyone there is comprimised.

The British Own Hawaii in an Alternate reality where it didnt fall into US hands.

I'd make it a standing policy to keep AIPAC lobbyists out of the White House, off the list of official functions,etc.

Scarab Sages

yellowdingo wrote:

Because the Russians own Alaska in an alternate reality where they didnt sell it to the USA so everyone there is comprimised.

The British Own Hawaii in an Alternate reality where it didnt fall into US hands.

Who owns Antarctica?

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:

Because the Russians own Alaska in an alternate reality where they didnt sell it to the USA so everyone there is comprimised.

The British Own Hawaii in an Alternate reality where it didnt fall into US hands.

Who owns Antarctica?

The Predators.

Scarab Sages

Moorluck wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:

Because the Russians own Alaska in an alternate reality where they didnt sell it to the USA so everyone there is comprimised.

The British Own Hawaii in an Alternate reality where it didnt fall into US hands.

Who owns Antarctica?
The Predators.

Those sneaky bastards!

We could take over Antarctica.

The Exchange

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
We could take over Antarctica.

You got to admit, all that ice would make for one helluva frozen margarita party.

They gots mineral wealth, right? And all that ice is melting.

Scarab Sages


The Exchange

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
They gots mineral wealth, right? And all that ice is melting.

Thats from all the personal nuclear bombs going off all the time.

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:

Just FYI, margarita+I.V.= Very happy wife. ;)

Moorluck wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
They gots mineral wealth, right? And all that ice is melting.
Thats from all the personal nuclear bombs going off all the time.

I wish I had dose.

Scarab Sages

Moorluck wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Just FYI, margarita+I.V.= Very happy wife. ;)

Hell, I can bring her a french fry and she's happy! Or, better yet, a french fry po-boy.

1) Take a look around, and decide I know no longer know or want the United States.

2) Retarget all the atomic weapons to the largest cities and state capitals in all the Blue States

3) pack my bags and move to Canada.

4) Signs instruments of surrender to China, and any other country who wants this Hell hole Republicans want to make it.

5)push the button! BOOM! problem solved, mission accomplished.

Irv wrote:

4) Signs instruments of surrender to China, and any other country who wants this Hell hole Republicans want to make it.

I...just keep hearing about this new civility, and I can't recall a cessation in Alan Grayson-style rhetoric. Maybe I missed "Let's Make It About Ideas Instead Of Party Day". When was that?

Irv wrote:

2) Retarget all the atomic weapons to the largest cities and state capitals in all the Blue States

You're not going to put those of us unfortunate enough not to live in major population centers out of our misery?



Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Aberzombie wrote:
Or, better yet, a french fry po-boy.


Moorluck wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:

Because the Russians own Alaska in an alternate reality where they didnt sell it to the USA so everyone there is comprimised.

The British Own Hawaii in an Alternate reality where it didnt fall into US hands.

Who owns Antarctica?
The Predators.

Asside from the Shoggoth and the great old ones Australia claims about half of Antarctica.

brent norton wrote:

This a pretty easy question. You are President and you are giving your state of the union address. So, no commenting on each others. What 5 things would you change.

1) Admit that the president is essentially a near powerless figurehead and that I will be doing absolutely nothing with the country.

2) Enact a "Hookers n' Blow" policy to ensure I have a steady supply of both.

3) Enact a "F**K You" foreign policy.

4) Enact a "F**K You" domestic policy.

5) Enact a "You are not allowed to ever speak to the president or comment on him in any way" policy.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Another person stealing the hookers and blow plank of my political platform!

Also, I always love it when someone manages to mortally offend both the right wing and left wing element of Paizo with a single post. Well played, Irv.

Who the hell is Alan Grayson? Is he like the imaginary counterpart to Glen Beck in the Helt-iverse? I bet he wears a black hat to make it easy to tell he's a bad guy.

Edit: Oh wait! He's the leader of the IHOP meetings where atheists get together to destroy the US and support the rise of the Islamic caliphate. Sometimes I forget how deep the conspiracy goes.

Sebastian wrote:

Another person stealing the hookers and blow plank of my political platform!

Also, I always love it when someone manages to mortally offend both the right wing and left wing element of Paizo with a single post. Well played, Irv.

Who the hell is Alan Grayson? Is he like the imaginary counterpart to Glen Beck in the Helt-iverse? I bet he wears a black hat to make it easy to tell he's a bad guy.

Edit: Oh wait! He's the leader of the IHOP meetings where atheists get together to destroy the US and support the rise of the Islamic caliphate. Sometimes I forget how deep the conspiracy goes.

Yor snark aside, Grayson was a FLorida COngressman who called female counterparts "K Street whores". He made himself famous for explaining that the Republican health care planwas for senior sot just "die quickly". He ran commercials last election cycle where he named his opponent "Taliban Dan" and purposefully lied about his religious beliefs, even using edited audio, to make him sound like some pseudo-sharia nutjob.

In short, he perpetuated this lie that his opponent loved rich white Christians and hated everyone else. His hate is dishonest and partisan, and I am reminded of it when people choose partisan antipolicy comments over substantive debate over ideas.

You know me, no sense of humor about being called a racist or ahving my party glbly assessed as evil folk who want to ruin the country.

Dear Paizo Messageboards OTD forum,
Upon having had whatever silly human laws are in the way of a dragon from another end of reality being declared supreme executive revoked (which shouldn't take long given the shortage of magical weapons capable of harming a dragon of my age and magnificence in your metaphorical neck of the dimensional woods) and been duly appointed to office, my top five priorities would be as follows:
1) Make Fort Knox the new official residence of the President of the United States. Clear out any extraneous 'security' stuff, and make myself at home there.
2) Invite several human chess grandmasters and astronomers around to converse/amuse me whilst the menial servants occasionally bother me with more trivial day-to-day matters of state.
3) Deal with those inadequate laws which define silly little terms of presidential office. The pathetic two terms allowed currently are hardly sufficient for a dragon to get comfortable on a new bed.
4) What the heck is this obsession which you people have with Nuclear Weapons??? Your alchemists should be working on much more useful projects such as reliably transmuting lead into gold in a manner that leaves no unpleasant smells or tickling tingles to a dragon lying on the stuff.
5) Demand tribute from any nations which still have royal families. Tribute may delivered in the form of serving men-at-arms, large quantities of gold and jewels, or beautiful scantily-clad princesses. Invade anywhere else. If they don't have a royal family or are run by a dragon, they're not a real nation anyway.
There are a number of other things that are on the list of things to do, but those are the current top five.

Your Prospective New Executive Tyrant And Overlord,

Smagnavast the Black.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

What a conveniently partisan example of partisanship.

I also like how you ignored the statement against the other political party in the post you originally quoted, and yet still decided it was somehow a partisan attack (and, at that, a statement that breached some alleged agreement to have civil political discourse, presumably by and on behalf of all of the democracts, because it would be partisan to only read the portion of the post about nuking the blue state cities and claim that it was a republican partisan attack).

You do know that partisanship does not mean only statements against God's One Party, right?

I know it can be hard when a statement includes both white (blue state cities need to be nuked) and black (Republicans would ruin the country and China would take over), but I've heard tell of a mythical color, something between white and black. Perhaps it comes into play here.

Or, maybe there's a third party of which I'm unaware, which is in opposition to both democrats and republicans, and thus the original statement was as partisan as you claim.

But, that'd introduce a third side to the equation, and I'm not sure how we could account for it given that the only colors available are black and white. It'd also disrupt the righteous persecution narrative being spun (which is a good fairy tale, as far as such things go).

Scarab Sages

Sebastian wrote:
.....but I've heard tell of a mythical color, something between white and black.


Liberty's Edge

1. Begin wearing black robes and make everyone address me as ‘My Dark Lord.’
2. Have my scientists and military begin work on a new Super Weapon capable of reducing entire planets to rubble.
3. Outlaw all religions, cults, philosophies and belief systems except one that worships me as a living god.
4. Deflower 100 maidens before dinner (or have my lackeys and/or robots do it for me if I got a bit tired after the first few).
5. Win the internet.

... this is the ‘What would you do on your first day as Supreme Ruler of a science fictional universe’ thread isn’t it? Seems like ...

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
.....but I've heard tell of a mythical color, something between white and black.


Step1: Do something to insure the loyalty of the military...
Step2: Declare Martial Law
Step3: Declare myself Dicator for life.
Step4: Claim to be a new country/goverment to get out of all those stupid tyreaties and trade agreements that are killing us.
Step5: Build up the space program....
Step6: All house will have solar power generators
Step7: Alot of things that need to be done but are 'unpopular'

Sebastian wrote:

What a conveniently partisan example of partisanship.

I also like how you ignored the statement against the other political party in the post you originally quoted, and yet still decided it was somehow a partisan attack (and, at that, a statement that breached some alleged agreement to have civil political discourse, presumably by and on behalf of all of the democracts, because it would be partisan to only read the portion of the post about nuking the blue state cities and claim that it was a republican partisan attack).

You do know that partisanship does not mean only statements against God's One Party, right?

I know it can be hard when a statement includes both white (blue state cities need to be nuked) and black (Republicans would ruin the country and China would take over), but I've heard tell of a mythical color, something between white and black. Perhaps it comes into play here.

Or, maybe there's a third party of which I'm unaware, which is in opposition to both democrats and republicans, and thus the original statement was as partisan as you claim.

But, that'd introduce a third side to the equation, and I'm not sure how we could account for it given that the only colors available are black and white. It'd also disrupt the righteous persecution narrative being spun (which is a good fairy tale, as far as such things go).

See....I came here to have a little fun and to talk about ideas. Not to blow anyone up or beat anyone with my smarter-than-thou sense of snark. I'm terribly bad at not taking the bait from someone who gets their jollies poking other peoples' beliefs, but after this post, I'll try to remember there's no talking to you. Wish me luck.

In the post I mentioned, only one party was named. One reply assessed the pointing the nukes at the blue states as putting those states out of their misery. That's how I took it. Maybe the other respondent was making their own joke, but my response was focused on the supposition that remaining Republicans would turn the residual country into some kind of hellhole. But only because those are the actual words used.

If you don't like something I write, it isn't that hard to engage me without biting me. "Steve - I think you missed that he was picking on both sides of the aisle there." But then I don't think you care about getting along or carrying on productive conversation. You think you're justified in kicking people from the safety of your keyboard, and insofar as it's a free country, I've got to learn that there's nothing I can do about it, and that somewhere, someone is going to CHOOSE to be offended by me just so they can throw a punch.

I deeply regret that you and I can't have civil dialogue, but in my defense, I bothered to at least ask for it in the last couple of threads. I won't bore people by investing the energy next time.

Smagnavast the Black wrote:

Dear Smagnavast:

I'm really sorry about this. Back in 3e, I sort of really committed myself to the blue dragon. I jsut couldn't help it..the majestic snout, feral horn and powerful musculature jsut took my breath away. LE has always been my favotire gaming alignment, but I am afraid lightning breath and a love of the dogfight makes for just too much history to overlook.

If you beat my guy in the primary, perhaps you'll gain my vote by asking a blue to be your running mate. Do dragons...have...running mates?

Ancient Sensei wrote:
Smagnavast the Black wrote:

Dear Smagnavast:

I'm really sorry about this. Back in 3e, I sort of really committed myself to the blue dragon. I jsut couldn't help it..the majestic snout, feral horn and powerful musculature jsut took my breath away. LE has always been my favotire gaming alignment, but I am afraid lightning breath and a love of the dogfight makes for just too much history to overlook.

If you beat my guy in the primary, perhaps you'll gain my vote by asking a blue to be your running mate. Do dragons...have...running mates?

I've always been fond of the green dragon, but blues are nifty.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Aberzombie wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
.....but I've heard tell of a mythical color, something between white and black.


Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

And the narrative continues...

Edit: needs more songs...maybe a talking animal sidekick...

Edit2. Hey! I know a talking animal sidekick...


Rodent of Glory!


Oh wait...he's fuchsia...that wouldn't work...

Sebastian wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
.....but I've heard tell of a mythical color, something between white and black.


You called?

Mothman wrote:

1. Begin wearing black robes and make everyone address me as ‘My Dark Lord.’

2. Have my scientists and military begin work on a new Super Weapon capable of reducing entire planets to rubble.
3. Outlaw all religions, cults, philosophies and belief systems except one that worships me as a living god.
4. Deflower 100 maidens before dinner (or have my lackeys and/or robots do it for me if I got a bit tired after the first few).
5. Win the internet.

... this is the ‘What would you do on your first day as Supreme Ruler of a science fictional universe’ thread isn’t it? Seems like ...

signs up to become part of Mothman's cabinet

I would write and executive order to disband the IRS as the Judiciary is to stupid to figure out their illegal, disband the FED RESERVE and continue by writing a presidential pardon to all those in jail for possession - not dealing - put possession of marijuana as the laws accross states widely vary in punishment and the Fed have no business in this and a few other legislations that Big Brother has done that is way out of line. hehe if you think my first thing to do was something; wait till you saw my second hehe.

Scarab Sages

1. Build a fall out shelter in Antartica
2. Staff it with my friends and move Halle Berry in.
3. Declare Halle Berry my wife.
4. Nuke the world/let lose a biological plague.
5. Wait for it all to reset.

Ancient Sensei wrote:
I'll try to remember there's no talking to you. Wish me luck.

*cough* Choking...irony...overdose... *ack*

1) Enact a human hunting season on illegals.
2) Disband all unions - both for government and private employees. They had their time and now have become a problem bigger than the one they fixed.
3) Cut ALL government employees wages by half with the exception of the military, teachers, police and firefighters.
4) Make all government employee pensions and health care equal to public pension and health care.
5) Make a government health care program that all must participate in - including all government workers (ie: the president, senators, congressmen, etc)
6) Strip away the secretaries and secret service from past presidents and other political figures.
7) Kick out of office ALL career politicians and enact a law that no one may be in office for more than 8 years.
8) Kill Medicare, Medicaid, SSI.
**The health care I started on #5 would cover everyone.
**SSI would be privatized and held to the standard it should. Anyone not working would not benefit.
9) Make gun safety a required class in middle school.
10) Make the death penalty mean something.
**If someone is found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt (ie: DNA evidence) - there is no sitting on death row for 20 years. Strap them in the chair in the court room and light them up right then - on public t.v.
**If guilt is not absolute via DNA proof - the death penalty may not be handed down.
11) There is no plea bargaining - you did the crime, you do the time.
12) Prisons would become brutal. Not the sissy country clubs they are now.
13) Child molesters and rapists are automatically executed on public t.v.
14) Enact a straight 8% tax for each man, woman and child. Though with what I already did above the this tax would only be in effect until the deficit was reduced and then this would be reduced.
15) Any Congressman, Senator and/ or President found to be going against the U.S. Constitution would be brought up on treason charges and executed. Starting with the lot we have now.

That would be a good start for the first day. I think I'd have a snack at this point and take a nap.

Ricca Adri' Thiakria wrote:

1) Enact a human hunting season on illegals.

2) Disband all unions - both for government and private employees. They had their time and now have become a problem bigger than the one they fixed.
3) Cut ALL government employees wages by half with the exception of the military, teachers, police and firefighters.
4) Make all government employee pensions and health care equal to public pension and health care.
5) Make a government health care program that all must participate in - including all government workers (ie: the president, senators, congressmen, etc)
6) Strip away the secretaries and secret service from past presidents and other political figures.
7) Kick out of office ALL career politicians and enact a law that no one may be in office for more than 8 years.
8) Kill Medicare, Medicaid, SSI.
**The health care I started on #5 would cover everyone.
**SSI would be privatized and held to the standard it should. Anyone not working would not benefit.
9) Make gun safety a required class in middle school.
10) Make the death penalty mean something.
**If someone is found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt (ie: DNA evidence) - there is no sitting on death row for 20 years. Strap them in the chair in the court room and light them up right then - on public t.v.
**If guilt is not absolute via DNA proof - the death penalty may not be handed down.
11) There is no plea bargaining - you did the crime, you do the time.
12) Prisons would become brutal. Not the sissy country clubs they are now.
13) Child molesters and rapists are automatically executed on public t.v.
14) Enact a straight 8% tax for each man, woman and child. Though with what I already did above the this tax would only be in effect until the deficit was reduced and then this would be reduced.
15) Any Congressman, Senator and/ or President found to be going against the U.S. Constitution would be brought up on treason charges and executed. Starting with the lot we have now.

That would be a good start for the first day. I think I'd have a snack at this point and take a nap.

Not that it will help, but...

What are you trying to say Bugleyman?

There were no conditions on this - I am omnipotent remember?


bugleyman wrote:
Not that it will help, but...

Sounds like that author is the leftist version of Glenn Beck. He's trying really hard to connect a lot of dots that aren't there.

Garydee wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Not that it will help, but...
Sounds like that author is the leftist version of Glenn Beck. He's trying really hard to connect a lot of dots that aren't there.

Beck is a pundit; this guy at least does research. I personally found this book to be pretty well done, especially as a counterpoint to the "imprison/shoot/gas -- for the good of the country" (e.g. "Enact a human hunting season on illegals") crowd.

But I've derailed this thread enough already. Carry on.

Ricca Adri' Thiakria wrote:

What are you trying to say Bugleyman?

There were no conditions on this - I am omnipotent remember?


You're just joking on issue number one, right? :)

bugleyman wrote:
Ancient Sensei wrote:
I'll try to remember there's no talking to you. Wish me luck.
*cough* Choking...irony...overdose... *ack*

Isn't it just?

Garydee wrote:
Ricca Adri' Thiakria wrote:

What are you trying to say Bugleyman?

There were no conditions on this - I am omnipotent remember?


You're just joking on issue number one, right? :)

Yes, number one was a joke.

Ya'll need to relax!

Execute Good John Wilkes Booth.

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