Miss Chance

Rules Questions

I would like to get some help on a question.

Does a 50% and 20% miss chance end up like this.

if i roll a 49 i still hit or would a 49 be a miss, the same goes for 20% so is a 21 a miss and a 19 a hit.

and how would you rule it in your game. since the avg. die roll is 1/2+ then i would say that a 20 and a 50 would miss and a 21 and a 51 would hit.

Please this is a problem in a game i'm in and would love to hear from everyone on this.


1-20 Hit
21-100 Miss


1-80 Miss
81-100 Hit

Liberty's Edge

when you have a % chance to meet a condition, rolling from 01 to that % causes the condition, with 00 being equal to rolling a 100.

So 20% miss chance = rolling 01-20 = miss.


Sovereign Court

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What pygon said. When you attack you always want to roll high, so anything over 20% or 50% is going to be a hit.

--Vrock of Ages

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

sheadunne wrote:

1-20 Hit

21-100 Miss


1-80 Miss
81-100 Hit

We roll a d20 and...

for 20% miss chance 1-4 miss & 5-20 hit.

for 50% miss chance 1-10 miss & 11-20 hit.

(I always hated d100 rolls, that die rolls forever....)

Personally, with my group I simply ask them before they roll. "Is high good or bad for you?" They choose, then roll. It's just part of the table banter we have. Kind of a "do you feel lucky, punk? well, do you?".

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
(I always hated d100 rolls, that die rolls forever....)

You know, you don't have to use the zocchihedron. ;)

Is this where I sign up for the Miss Chance Pageant?

For 50% miss chance, I roll a d6, and before I roll: I shout out 3 of the numbers. Then I try to hit those. The GM and the players are fine with this, and makes it more interesting for my chaotic characters.

Some ppl in the group also choose odds or evens :P

I generally go with high roll hits myself, but have been known to give players the choice of 'high or low'

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

We've always just rolled a d10 with the attack roll. If its a 20% miss chance you need a 3 or higher, 50% a 6 or higher.

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