Lost Girl


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Thought I'd promote a show I just started watching this month. I'm really into it, and I think it would probably appeal to many people on these forums.

The show is called Lost Girl, and it is about a Succubus named Bo who did not know she was a Succubus at the start of the show. Is follows her adventures through modern Fae society. It is very much monster of the week so far, but there is a nice plot evolving, and I have read that they are filming season two, so I hope to learn more about the over arching plot line.

Anyway you can watch it at:


Or, if you don't like commercials and/or prefer better quality you can pick it up on iTunes.

+1, good show.

Lost Girl is coming to SyFy for all you viewers in the USA.

http://www.daemonstv.com/2011/05/18/supernatural-series-lost-girl-coming-to -syfy/

Roll on S2 please :)

I've seen the first two episodes of season 2, and it looks like we are in for another great season. Plus this season is 22 episodes!

Anyone else watching Lost Girl? I got looped into it from the Syfy marketing, but went through the Canadian/online version of S1 to get the unedited goodness.

I fully approve more "fae who are not Disney faries" on television :)

Also +1 for more meaty roles for 'little people'. I know it pre-dates Game of Thrones, but still, good to see.

I have been watching this on SyFy and have enjoyed it. Is there much difference between the Candian version and the one they are airing on SyFy?

Sovereign Court

I've been watching up here in Canada on Show Case, don't know if there is any difference, but up here we are on season two.

There might be some nudity edited out?

Anna Silk is also known in Canada for a nicoderm patch commercial:

I haven't seen a full US-edited episode, and I couldn't find a side-by-side comparison with a quick google search. But just off-the-top, I'd guess "s??t" was knocked out, maybe some of the more overt sexual scenes, and they would've had to cut at least 15mins from each episode to bring it from Canadian 1hr=60min to US 1hr=44min.

It's a fairly tightly-plotted show, so losing 1/4 of it makes a difference. I remember watching the US A&E edited version of MI-5 and then the UK version on DVD, and whole character-plotlines were sliced out to make room for commercials.

Sovereign Court

It's forty-five minutes an episode up here too. I think they filmed it with the aim of being picked up by syfy.

I've been watching it since it aired on Syfy, and so far I'm liking it.

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:
It's forty-five minutes an episode up here too. I think they filmed it with the aim of being picked up by syfy.

Yup, you're right - I was marathoning & didn't even notice the individual runtime.

Anyone know if they're doing any content-edits at all then? It runs after 10 on Syfy, and I've seen some non-premium cable channels (Comedy Central, F/X) run with looser language/content than is typical (allowing "s??t" through, more nudity).

Did anyone see that Bo got herself a Witchblade last night?!

Yup. Made from 100% unicorn horn! Maybe.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I don't think they're editing (much, if at all) It's chock full of disclaimers and the innuendo runs fast and furious. And sh!t isn't edited out. Heck one of the commericals is "Sh*t Kenszi says."

That said I feel old. I look at Knesia Solo and think "She's a cute kid." Not "Hot girl" more like I look at my friends children. "cute kid." She is quite the scene stealer I feel though.

Dark Archive

I look at this show and ask how in the world this made it on TV.
The entire plot of the show seems to be some vacuous monster sexually assaulting anyone who gets in it's way for fun and profit.

Literally this thing is a rape monster that turns you into a sex slave until it's done with you or you DIE. At least the vampire shows have them feel SOME remorse for their victims, this brushes it off as if it's a non-issue just because the monster is a (slightly) attractive female.

Switch the sex of the main character and see how long the show lasts on air.

two thumbs WAYYYY down.

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

I look at this show and ask how in the world this made it on TV.

The entire plot of the show seems to be some vacuous monster sexually assaulting anyone who gets in it's way for fun and profit.

Literally this thing is a rape monster that turns you into a sex slave until it's done with you or you DIE. At least the vampire shows have them feel SOME remorse for their victims, this brushes it off as if it's a non-issue just because the monster is a (slightly) attractive female.

Switch the sex of the main character and see how long the show lasts on air.

two thumbs WAYYYY down.

Umm...she shows a lot of remorse. The whole reason she's involved with the cop and the doctor is so she can feed from someone who won't die when she does so, and to learn to control her ability so she doesn't drain someone dry when she does feed. You should probably pay a bit more attention.

Dark Archive

Shadowborn wrote:
Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

I look at this show and ask how in the world this made it on TV.

The entire plot of the show seems to be some vacuous monster sexually assaulting anyone who gets in it's way for fun and profit.

Literally this thing is a rape monster that turns you into a sex slave until it's done with you or you DIE. At least the vampire shows have them feel SOME remorse for their victims, this brushes it off as if it's a non-issue just because the monster is a (slightly) attractive female.

Switch the sex of the main character and see how long the show lasts on air.

two thumbs WAYYYY down.

Umm...she shows a lot of remorse. The whole reason she's involved with the cop and the doctor is so she can feed from someone who won't die when she does so, and to learn to control her ability so she doesn't drain someone dry when she does feed. You should probably pay a bit more attention.

Uhmm, what part of the whole "sex slave until it's done with you or you DIE" part does your comment invalidate?

Sovereign Court

They did the male version of the show - it was called the Tudors. Sex slave till he was done with them.

If you don't like the show, don't watch it, I guess. It is on a specialty network late at night right?

Shadow Lodge

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

I look at this show and ask how in the world this made it on TV.

The entire plot of the show seems to be some vacuous monster sexually assaulting anyone who gets in it's way for fun and profit.

Literally this thing is a rape monster that turns you into a sex slave until it's done with you or you DIE. At least the vampire shows have them feel SOME remorse for their victims, this brushes it off as if it's a non-issue just because the monster is a (slightly) attractive female.

Switch the sex of the main character and see how long the show lasts on air.

two thumbs WAYYYY down.

This "review" is a perfect example of why someone should actually WATCH a show before they condemn it. Bo is one of the relatively few characters that do have some degree of morality / remorse on the show.

Plus there's the fact that she's only used her actual "life-sucking" powers offensively a small handful of times since the pilot, usually in self-defense or to save someone else's life.

I don't remember her having ANY non-consensual sex during the entire series. It's all been with people who have wanted to be with her without the benefit of the "succubus touch".

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Kthulhu wrote:

Plus there's the fact that she's only used her actual "life-sucking" powers offensively a small handful of times since the pilot, usually in self-defense or to save someone else's life.

I don't remember her having ANY non-consensual sex during the entire series. It's all been with people who have wanted to be with her without the benefit of the "succubus touch".

The guy she saved Kenzi from, the security guard, the one woman she lost control on.*

Is she Lawful Good? No, CG at best, if not CN. The guy in the pilot was before she had any control. The woman she wanted to stop, Kenzi saved her (they didn't show her under a sheet. That's usually Hollywood for 'still alive') and the security guard she was trying to use it like a 'sex stun-gun' instead of injuring him. Hale's encounter in the spider episode doesn't count either.

I'd guess Mathwei couldn't stand the X-men movies or comics since they included a soul sucking monster who stole your identity and powers by touch, without your consent either.


I think Wolf-boy was being injured long term by their healing. "Girl, he was healing you all night!" But it's not her fault that she doesn't know it. Did I mention I love Kenzi?

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

I look at this show and ask how in the world this made it on TV.

The entire plot of the show seems to be some vacuous monster sexually assaulting anyone who gets in it's way for fun and profit.

Literally this thing is a rape monster that turns you into a sex slave until it's done with you or you DIE. At least the vampire shows have them feel SOME remorse for their victims, this brushes it off as if it's a non-issue just because the monster is a (slightly) attractive female.

Switch the sex of the main character and see how long the show lasts on air.

two thumbs WAYYYY down.

Well... switch the gender and it's David Duchovny's Californication, or any number of vampire movies from before the sexual-violation aspect was toned-down.

The fae are explicitly portrayed in this show as predators of humans in general, perhaps forming a symbiotic or at least conservationist relationship with humans as a food-source population. They make no excuses or bones about this, and Bo is seen as naive and deviant for even considering a more egalitarian approach, kind of like someone asking for livestock to be treated with full human rights (but without the option of going vegan).

It's certainly a dark take on two parallel humanoid species, and a refreshingly cynical modern interpretation of the fae. But despite the 'sexy bi chick' aspect, I think Bo is pretty clearly intended as a heroic figure struggling (tragically?) against her own nature & against the cultures of both the fae & humans (who are shown frequently as being just as predatory, in their own way).

Vacuous and implications-unaware certainly do not apply.

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:

...this brushes it off as if it's a non-issue just because the monster is a (slightly) attractive female.

So yeah I'm failing to see the problem?

Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
Switch the sex of the main character and see how long the show lasts on air.

Or if she was an ugly chick. Then I'd be up in arms.

But she's not (ugly or a he) so there's no drama here.

I really like where they are going with Bo. Her relationship with Ryan Lambert had me really wondering if they were going to take her down a Dark road.

I've just watched the latest episode, and I like that they are really starting to show that even among the Light fae there are no lawful good characters.

Our world is a flawed place, and I think the fae in Lost Girl really reflect that. Bo is the one fae trying to hang on to her humanity, and I enjoy watching that struggle.

Plus I get a kick out of Kenzi.

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