I've thought about it moderator - 2 points

Off-Topic Discussions

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Response to 'why not'?

1. How much do you get paid an hour for screening hypens?

2. Paizo the publisher should change its name to avoid the charge of tasteless crass piggy back.

You see, at best for the Christian you'd have Christian paizo plus something else. Most would stop there. Some don't. I say the game is good without the appropriation of the Christian, which already honors the term, can never be a game, and functions poorly as in not at all regards being an anchor especially if not declared by the person/group/or publisher piggy backing on its core term.

at best for the Christian you'd have Christian paizo plus something else. Most would stop there. Some don't. I say the game is good without the appropriation of the Christian, which already honors the term, can never be a game, and functions poorly as in not at all regards being an anchor especially if not declared by the person/group/or publisher piggy backing on its core term. Thus, you could say, I'm a Christian and I play D&D and I'm damn good at both.
Bob Bledsaw Sr, both Judges Guild founder and member of the Church of the Nazarene (impaled by Death Metal, of course, or otherwise), certainly did both and on all accounts to excellence regards both endeavors.

But you can't say, I'm a Christian and I support this tamer D&D paizo. Not in game (as in pluck) terms. Not in current form as a piggy backed term with a coupling you can't get around. Such support amounts to a devaluing gold armor for bronze exchange experience for the Christian, which the Iliad itself and in more general and famous fashion rudely relays - Glaucus & Diomedes Book VI. Educated: Paizo the publisher knows this, and guess what, there they are...

In contrast, the band, Black Sabbath, doesn't even require such chinse as entry fee. Thus, there's better D&D out there. The adult kind. Clark Peterson saw my Savage Wilderlands art show, for example. It married world class art from across the gamut of fantasy, magical realism, and others both old and new tightly and with passion to theWilderlands Players Guide. This turned out to be frankly quite disturbing. Yes, yes, yes. At any price, trade, or rate, I'm not playing with anything less - it's called exquisite taste.

But you can't say, I'm a Christian and I support paizo. Not in game terms. Not in current form as a piggy backed term with a coupling you can't get around. Such support amounts to a devaluing gold armor for bronze exchange experience for the Christian, which the Iliad itself and in more general and famous fashion rudely relays - Glaucus & Diomedes Book VI. Educated: Paizo the publisher knows this, and guess what, there they are...

In contrast, the band, Black Sabbath, doesn't even require such chinse as entry fee. Thus, there's better D&D out there. The adult kind. Clark Peterson saw my Savage Wilderlands art show, for example. It married world class art from across the gamut of fantasy, magical realism, and others both old and new tightly and with passion to theWilderlands Players Guide. This turned out to be frankly quite disturbing. Yes, yes, yes. At any price, trade, or rate, I'm not playing with anything less - it's called the pursuit of exquisite taste.

Now imagine, me a Christian, sharing paizo with you. It ain't gonna happen. On the other hand, are you a googler or someone who contemplates googol? Are you a game player or a gamer? Thus, (and vastly, truly, the moreso) if you, Paizo the Publisher, change your name, all good will surely then will flow to you and yours. And yes, at the end of the day, this is a fiscal argument, a business argument meant to be in your favor - you conceded f&$%s.

Or, rather - why not a contest to select a better name for the Publisher? Winner gets 1 year subscription to Pathfinder (this doesn't need to change) AP of his or her choice, eh?

I'm sorry, was this post Translation Party'd?

There must be some vital information I'm missing here.

Or... wait, Vladicu, are you high?

Scarab Sages

Three words for Vladicu: Seek professional help.

I did - and I'll let you chew on it. I'm done here. Something to think about though - the idea argued for above isn't something I would just dump on people who play good D&D.

The best charity is to satisfy a hungry person. That's good stuff from our Muslim friends. You, sirs and madames, haven't eaten in years - paizo.

Well, guy, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. I guess you feel that, as a Christian, you can't support Paizo?

If that's so... okay, that's your deal. I don't know how much agreement you're going to get on that, especially when you are essentially unintelligible.

Vladicu, this is exciting. I was certain you wouldn't reply. I'm glad you're sticking around to explain because I didn't understand a word of this. All I can gather is that, as a Christian, you dislike the name Paizo. Can you explain why?

Gruuuu wrote:
Vladicu, this is exciting. I was certain you wouldn't reply. I'm glad you're sticking around to explain because I didn't understand a word of this. All I can gather is that, as a Christian, you dislike the name Paizo. Can you explain why?

No, but sorry for the back edit.

Sovereign Court

His board vacation must be up. The first hyphen comment refers to him using hyphens to evade the profanity filter a few days ago and having his posts deleted.

The christian thing? I can start to guess, a bible verse.

http://bible.cc/1_corinthians/10-7.htm Paizo being greek for play or revelry. Verses would have originally been in greek.

There is some illiad stuff going on there, Glaucus has his wits taken away from him because he trades his gold armour for Diomedes bronze armour.

The Exchange

Vladicu wrote:

I did - and I'll let you chew on it. I'm done here. Something to think about though - the idea argued for above isn't something I would just dump on people who play good D&D.

The best charity is to satisfy a hungry person. That's good stuff from our Muslim friends. You, sirs and madames, haven't eaten in years - paizo.

What Idea? You do not write in any manner in which a sane man can understand let alone respond to.

As others have suggested please seek medical help.

Scarab Sages

I first read his previous postings to try and make sense of his current posting and got nowhere. I've flagged him for attention. In some quick research, the only thing that I came up with is Paizuri is a Japanese slang for a certain sex act per wikipedia. I think our best action is to ignore him/her/it until moderators remove him.

You should not write anything with a severe concussion. Go to a doctor. You need lots of rest and probably medicine. You need supervision. This is a serious thing.

Then, when you're better, you post your thoughts in a way that people speaking English can understand them.

I hope you get well soon.

james jackson aka JJ wrote:
In some quick research, the only thing that I came up with is Paizuri is a Japanese slang for a certain sex act per wikipedia.

Hm.. interesting. In Germany, it's called "Spanish", and I've heard it called a Cuban W*** in English.

But now I have a nice name for the ninja I'm going to play :D

Doesn't Paizo mean "I play" in Latin?

Anyway, I'm off sacrificing animals to the dark forces so they satisfy my base urges for lust and power. Or something.

Sovereign Court

It's greek for play.

'Paizo' is indeed Greek for 'I play', as in 'I play games'. Not really sure how to write it phonetically, but it is pronounced more or less 'PEH-zo' (the 'ai' in the first syllable pronounced like the 'e' in the word 'pet', while the 'o' in the second syllable pronounced like the 'o' in the word 'log'). The company, of course, is free to pronounce it any way they want, it is its name after all. :-)

I seem to remember an article in a Dragon magazine from a few years back explaining why they chose to name their company Paizo. All in all, I was delighted to see a Greek word used in the naming of what is now probably my favorite online place to hang out and play some much needed pen-and-paper (alright, PbP... :-P) RPG.

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:
It's greek for play.

Right. Hence the Pi.

So he's gotta be Greek then? Maybe he's close to the Turkish border, which would explain the Muslim reference?

At any rate, he's refused to explain his standing, so, yeah.

Sovereign Court

I don't think he's greek, I think he's a fan of judges guild / wilderlands.

I am so confused.

Sovereign Court

I don't understand the OP, I've thought hard about it, and I am a Teacher of English, but I just can't understand it.

Vladicu, please attempt to explain again so that English speakers can understand.

It still does not get much clearer, though. "If you can´t win, confuse your enemy" seems to be the order of the day here.

Jack Chick, Abdul Alhazred, and Aleister Crowley walks into a bar...

The question is: Does he stay away by himself, or do I have to put him to the ignore list? Well, better save than sorry.

Taketh to thine bathroom, and flusheth unto mine septic systemas crazy crazy, ca-hu-ra-zy.

"Basically" I think he believes he ought to be able to use foul language, etc. because Paizo's name has links to certain things he considers to be vulgar as well,

The fact that he rambles on about how terrible the meaning of the name Paizo is a pretty pathetic attempt at justification for using inappropriate language.

Just because YOUR interpretation of something may be vulgar, it does not excuse, nor give you the right to speak however you wish.

99.9% of the population know what *@#K,S%#@,A@%, etc mean, I don't think there are many 10yr old gamers who are researching the latin roots of the word Paizo, let alone getting offended by it's meaning due to some ill-conceived notion that it is anti-christian,

Oh man that was a good laugh.

EDIT: Read this guys other posts, sooo crazy. Also everyone in black sabbath was a christian, their record company put the inverted cross on their first album.

Scarab Sages

Time magazine article on warning signs on schizophrenia:

Arguably, our original poster has at least three of the six signs. I hope he does get help if that is the case....

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I removed a post. What people do on other websites isn't our concern here.

As for the crazy, I don't mind crazy. I do mind repeated deliberate attempts to bait Paizo staff and skirt the edges of our messageboards rules. So as long as I can trust that I'm not going to have to parse every word in every post someone makes to determine whether or not they're trying to mess with us, I'm OK with their presence.

Also, I like the name Paizo and I don't think we have any intention of changing it anytime soon.

Sovereign Court

He's done the hyphen thing again - last word of the second to last paragraph of his first post. Flagging system is giving me an error message.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Sigh. I missed that. I've cartooned up the profanity.

Wait...we're NOT supposed to bait Paizo staff? WHAT?

Liberty's Edge

james jackson aka JJ wrote:
In some quick research, the only thing that I came up with is Paizuri is a Japanese slang for a certain sex act per wikipedia.

Wow, you learn something new every day.

Liberty's Edge

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Wait...we're NOT supposed to bait Paizo staff? WHAT?

Two things even ...


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

Shaka, when the walls fell.

Temba, his arms wide.

Mirab, his sails unfurled.

Sokath - his eyes uncovered.

The river Temark - in winter.

Kiazi's children - their faces wet.

Zinda - his face black, his eyes red.

Uzani - his army at Lashmir.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Jeremiziah wrote:

Fixed for you.

Scarab Sages


It's going to happen very soon. The great event which will end the horror. Which will end the sorrow. Next Tuesday, when the sun goes down, I will play the Moonlight Sonata backwards. This will reverse the effects of the world's mad plunge into suffering, for the last 200 million years. What a lovely night that would be. What a sigh of relief, as the senile robins become bright red again, and the retired nightingales, pick up their dusty tails, and assert the majesty of creation!

Until then, I'm spiking my coffee.

I think I smoked too much of your relatives.

I'm pretty sure one of those was poison oak... you might want to start up the Calamine mister and the Benadryl cocktail.

Scarab Sages

The herds are coming. Soon....very soon.

pres man wrote:

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

Shaka, when the walls fell.

Temba, his arms wide.

Mirab, his sails unfurled.

Sokath - his eyes uncovered.

The river Temark - in winter.

Kiazi's children - their faces wet.

Zinda - his face black, his eyes red.

Uzani - his army at Lashmir.

This big a piece of fire, you say?

Xabulba wrote:

It's going to happen very soon. The great event which will end the horror. Which will end the sorrow. Next Tuesday, when the sun goes down, I will play the Moonlight Sonata backwards. This will reverse the effects of the world's mad plunge into suffering, for the last 200 million years. What a lovely night that would be. What a sigh of relief, as the senile robins become bright red again, and the retired nightingales, pick up their dusty tails, and assert the majesty of creation!

No way. Before you can do it, I'll get a bunch of guys, a Tarot deck, and have a big poker tournament. With the Tarot deck. The Fates of the World will be cast in utter disarray as the Pillars of Reality will crumble.

Yes, cover! You're one straight flush away from absolute chaos!

Liberty's Edge

Bah last time we five gamed and got bored we pulled out a tarot deck. This got boring too so we started playing poker with it. Now this wasnt a problem until one of us drew a royal Flush and then three of us died ...

Oh and Pres Man:
Uzani - his army at Lashmir.
Uzani - his army with fist open.
His army with fist closed.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu at Uruk.
Enkidu caught the Bull by the tail.
Gilgamesh struck him with his sword.

You are only allowed to bait Paizo employees with cookies. I have this on good authority from Lillith.

I suspect that baiting them with their body mass in gold might merit an exception, but nobody has tried.

The Exchange

Urizen wrote:
Jack Chick, Abdul Alhazred, and Aleister Crowley walks into a bar...

My brain hurts.

I think I want Gruuu as a henchman!

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Jeremiziah wrote:
Fixed for you.

In this case, there are definitely three. :-p


Just sayin'.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

I don't know why the rest of you are so dense. Everything in the OP makes perfect sense to me. Maybe some of you should try cracking a bible, particularly the Book of Paizo, which depicts the journey of Mona of Erik as he travels through the Cosmos on his quest to slay the Monster-Post of Generalis.

Mark my words: you have been warned, and those who fail to heed the warning WILL BURN IN HELL!!!!!!

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