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Freehold DM wrote:
Terrinam wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

When Crookshanks was two she had a bug bite on her upper leg that had gotten irritated and slightly infected, so the General mentioned it at her appointment.

Immediately, the doctor said "well, we should test her for lupus! It's probably just a bug bite, but your insurance covers it!"

And then, for her bug bite, she prescribed the strongest antibiotic she could find.

We switched doctors immediately afterwards.

Wow... just... wow! Good for you!

With all the publicity about the overuse of antibiotics, doctors who are still prescribing them willy-nilly without cause really should be losing their licenses.

It is... a non-trivial matter, in my opinion.

(Of course, my mother was an M.D./Ph.D., so she had... opinions about such doctors that I likely inherited...)

It's not just antibiotics. There's now a vaccine-resistant type of polio.

Because, apparently, the entirety of medicine failed to pay attention when evolution was explained.

evolution/mutations vs. individual strains is still hotly contested to my knowledge.

Remember when the superflu/swine flu/bird flu/spanish flu/(insert natiionality you dont care for here) flu killed us all?

Yeah, me neither.

There's multiple strains that are vaccine resistant in polio. And what they've found is that while it may not present any symptoms in those vaccinated, those vaccinated are still infectious and can spread the disease to those not. Herd immunity no longer works against polio.

That may not seem like a big deal, until you consider the people protected under herd immunity include babies. Imagine some polio-vaccinated nurse accidentally infecting your newborn child due to simply not knowing he or she was a carrier.

There's a real danger to abusing medical treatments for disease. Not the extinction of the species, but the elimination of effective tools and resulting spike in death rates. Imagine if Hawking had died because of disease before making any of his discoveries. Or if Musk died in childhood to polio instead of going on to create Tesla and do everything else he's done. That's the danger we're dealing with.

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A danger so terrible, polio ate my clothes.

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Just a Mort wrote:
Also forgot - for food preferences how much spiciness can Hi take?

I'm afraid you'll find him quite the wimp by your standards. But similar to Shiro, he's willing to try anything. He was actually looking forward to the fish head curry, for example.

If it's too hot, he just finds a beverage with a lot of fat in it and deals.

But yeah, in general, if you give me some local peppers and how hot you think they are raw, I can probably give you a scale for him. But something like chili oil, which you really should be able to eat by the spoonful because it's not all that hot, is probably towards his high end.

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Everybody must have passed out. Dst catchup blues.

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No overnight crew last night?

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I recently discovered I have an untapped tolerance for spicy food.

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No school today and the General has off as well.

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Yeah, it's funny; DST's main impact has been to take me offline in FF. Instead of waking up between 4:30 and 5:00, I'm waking up between 5:30 and 6:00, which barely gives me time to browse my daily sites and send out my FF retainers before I have to start work. And my body is proving yet again that it has no idea what it's doing: DST ended and I was suddenly only sleeping maybe 5 1/2-6 hours a night, and I figured it was the classic, "As you age you need less sleep" phenomenon, but DST is back and suddenly I'm sleeping 7 1/2-8 hours.

I think my body is just as confused as the rest of the universe by why the heck we still have DST.

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In other news, it's Friday and I have maybe 4 hours of work on my plate. I figure I can stretch that to 5-6 by dealing with my backlog of "interesting" e-mails, but I'm either going to post a lot here or take an early day.

Probably the latter. My manager's really good about, "If you don't have work to do, you don't have to stick around on a Friday afternoon."
Another reason I've been with her for 14 years now...

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Crookshanks (to Tiny T-Rex): I wonder if you'll be taller than me.

Tiny T-Rex: Just a matter of time.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Everybody must have passed out. Dst catchup blues.

No, I was asleep. I need to do that, now and then.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Aiymi's 46th birthday was in February. Tonight, Zelda and I finally give her the gift. We're taking her to an interactive murder mystery dinner theater.

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My mom loved throwing murder mystery parties.

It was the only time my mom threw parties.

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I took Tiny T-Rex to a morning showing of the Lego Ninjago Movie.

I've seen worse kids movies.

It was helped by a cast of primarily Robot Chicken alumni.

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Vanykrye wrote:
Aiymi's 46th birthday was in February. Tonight, Zelda and I finally give her the gift. We're taking her to an interactive murder mystery dinner theater.

i had to read that twice. I thought things were going in a freeholdian direction there for a moment...

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Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Aiymi's 46th birthday was in February. Tonight, Zelda and I finally give her the gift. We're taking her to an interactive murder mystery dinner theater.
i had to read that twice. I thought things were going in a freeholdian direction there for a moment...

That comes afterwards.

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Blah. I went to bed very late and woke up very late today and yesterday. I dread the DST which hits us the next Sunday... Getting up early will be next to impossible. Probably on the other side of the impossible than I am.

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Although it's partly matter of the current weather.

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Vital, life-altering news:

Fancy Feast, at "only" $0.99 per 3 oz. can at the corner store, has been deemed "acceptable" by my feline companions.

Hey, it's better than I was paying at PetCo for the really stupid stuff!

7 people marked this as a favorite.

OK, sometimes I just love Impus Major and his friends.

Much to our dismay, he has been eagerly counting the days until the opening of Sherlock Gnomes with his friends. Mind you, this is the same group that willingly watched the Star Wars Holiday Special with me, and many of them have seen The Room multiple times.

But now I'm proud. Impus Major plans on wearing a full-on gnome costume to the premiere (keep in mind he's a baritone in choir, yet only 5'1", so his voice is already freakish for his size). His friend plans on hanging out out front and handing out suicide hotline flyers to anyone going to see the movie.

Sounds like good times!

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NobodysHome wrote:

Vital, life-altering news:

Fancy Feast, at "only" $0.99 per 3 oz. can at the corner store, has been deemed "acceptable" by my feline companions.

Hey, it's better than I was paying at PetCo for the really stupid stuff!

We pay the stupid $1.09-1.29 prices for a 3oz. Our savannah (a rescued f6 mind you) can't have anything with fish or fish oil in it without getting major bathroom issues. And she won't eat anything that's a pate. Won't touch it unless we serve it at least 3 days in a row, and then she'll eat a little bit of it and then attack the other cat since it's clearly her fault.

Then again...anytime the savannah gets reprimanded by one of us she attacks the other cat since it's clearly her fault.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

OK, sometimes I just love Impus Major and his friends.

Much to our dismay, he has been eagerly counting the days until the opening of Sherlock Gnomes with his friends. Mind you, this is the same group that willingly watched the Star Wars Holiday Special with me, and many of them have seen The Room multiple times.

But now I'm proud. Impus Major plans on wearing a full-on gnome costume to the premiere (keep in mind he's a baritone in choir, yet only 5'1", so his voice is already freakish for his size). His friend plans on hanging out out front and handing out suicide hotline flyers to anyone going to see the movie.

Sounds like good times!

If he asks Teensy Valeros nicely, Impus Major might just be able to borrow the life-size Sherlock Gnomes action figure Val got in his BK happy meal to take to the film with him.

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Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Vital, life-altering news:

Fancy Feast, at "only" $0.99 per 3 oz. can at the corner store, has been deemed "acceptable" by my feline companions.

Hey, it's better than I was paying at PetCo for the really stupid stuff!

We pay the stupid $1.09-1.29 prices for a 3oz. Our savannah (a rescued f6 mind you) can't have anything with fish or fish oil in it without getting major bathroom issues. And she won't eat anything that's a pate. Won't touch it unless we serve it at least 3 days in a row, and then she'll eat a little bit of it and then attack the other cat since it's clearly her fault.

Then again...anytime the savannah gets reprimanded by one of us she attacks the other cat since it's clearly her fault.

Yes. Apparently in catland "pate" = "inedible".

Our cats will happily eat dry kibble before touching pate.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Impus Major: I'm done with my homework! And I still have enough time to order my gnome costume!
NobodysHome: (Rolls eyes) Because everyone needs a gnome costume.
IM: Yeah, Dad! You never know when you might get invited to a wedding!

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I had to pry a dog's mouth open yesterday because she wanted to bring s*$+ into the house and hide it for awhile before eating it.

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My mother once had two Poodles that would often eat their own s@&%. It was the most disgusting, stomach-turning thing I've ever seen.

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Getting nauseous just remembering it.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Vital, life-altering news:

Fancy Feast, at "only" $0.99 per 3 oz. can at the corner store, has been deemed "acceptable" by my feline companions.

Hey, it's better than I was paying at PetCo for the really stupid stuff!

3 oz.?

Isn't that like... Uh... Very Small Can?

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More like one of those small single servings sold in the metallic foil bags?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Impus Major: I'm done with my homework! And I still have enough time to order my gnome costume!

NobodysHome: (Rolls eyes) Because everyone needs a gnome costume.
IM: Yeah, Dad! You never know when you might get invited to a wedding!


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In the Pathfinder CRB one of the suggested names for a male elf is Zordlon.

Which only opens up the question, how would you make Zordlon, the elf.

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In what should be a great surprise to no one given my appallingly low constitution score, I have a cold. I knew something wasn't right last night when I couldn't stop sneezing and ended up almost crying because I couldn't make my yarn winder work right. It's not a complicated piece of equipment. Also it has developed a squeak. This is not cool. I'm trying to remember where I hid my sewing machine oil as I don't have any wd40 on hand. I used up my last can in a futile attempt to get the closet doors to stop squeaking. It's never gonna happen. They're old metal doors. There's just too much rust. Anyhow, back on topic, which is not easy when I'm sick as I'm even more prone to weird digressions, this morning it had blossomed into a full on cold. So I am miserable. I should be home in bed watching Netflix. Instead I am here in a crowded room full of children because kidlet has jujitsu practice. Ugh.

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Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Vital, life-altering news:

Fancy Feast, at "only" $0.99 per 3 oz. can at the corner store, has been deemed "acceptable" by my feline companions.

Hey, it's better than I was paying at PetCo for the really stupid stuff!

3 oz.?

Isn't that like... Uh... Very Small Can?

3 oz is around 90 mL, so yes, it's a very small can. But it's a treat for them, not a meal. I split one can between the two of them.

I'd expect if you were feeding 'em nothing but this stuff each cat would need 3-4 cans a day!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Vital, life-altering news:

Fancy Feast, at "only" $0.99 per 3 oz. can at the corner store, has been deemed "acceptable" by my feline companions.

Hey, it's better than I was paying at PetCo for the really stupid stuff!

We pay the stupid $1.09-1.29 prices for a 3oz. Our savannah (a rescued f6 mind you) can't have anything with fish or fish oil in it without getting major bathroom issues. And she won't eat anything that's a pate. Won't touch it unless we serve it at least 3 days in a row, and then she'll eat a little bit of it and then attack the other cat since it's clearly her fault.

Then again...anytime the savannah gets reprimanded by one of us she attacks the other cat since it's clearly her fault.

Yes. Apparently in catland "pate" = "inedible".

Our cats will happily eat dry kibble before touching pate.

We give our cats a combo of pate and kibble. The greedy kitty only wants the pate and the skinny kitty only wants the dry kibble, which is actually perfect. Our vet just shakes her head because it's super weird to find two cats who can share food peacefully and in such a way that they both get the kind that's good for them, even though they are eating out of the same bowl.

Of course they get fancy food, cause I have to buy grain free thanks to my allergies. I break out if I so much as touch anything with any wheat in it and it's amazing how many things that have no business having wheat in them actually do, including pet food. Thank goodness for Amazon. Buying their food in bulk and having it delivered saves us a ton. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Vital, life-altering news:

Fancy Feast, at "only" $0.99 per 3 oz. can at the corner store, has been deemed "acceptable" by my feline companions.

Hey, it's better than I was paying at PetCo for the really stupid stuff!

3 oz.?

Isn't that like... Uh... Very Small Can?

3 oz is around 90 mL, so yes, it's a very small can. But it's a treat for them, not a meal. I split one can between the two of them.

I'd expect if you were feeding 'em nothing but this stuff each cat would need 3-4 cans a day!

Nope. 1-2 cans per cat per day is plenty even if you're not supplementing with kibble. Things I've learned from having to feed older kitties who can't chew kibble well in the past. :)

Edit: But it's usually easier to just get the 5.5 oz cans instead of the tiny 3 oz ones.

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I'm trying a new sock knitting pattern. This one uses a tiny circular needle instead of double pointed needles. I suuuuck at magic loop, which is when you use a big circular needle for tiny projects, so this is my first time making socks on a circular needle. It's difficult to get the sock started, but gets easier once you're a couple rounds in, and I do have to admit that the reduced risk of accidentally stabbing someone when working in a crowded area is a big plus. :)

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Are you no longer able to create aliases, or am I just being dense?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

We had a mandatory school meeting last night for incoming magnet students. The principal sent out the wrong time in the school wide email and only like half the parents got the correction emails. We were not among that half. I felt bad for the teachers who had to give the presentation twice. But it was important info, so it wasn't like we could just skip it. Hence the whole mandatory thing. Bet the principal heard about that a lot this morning.

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Limeylongears wrote:
Are you no longer able to create aliases, or am I just being dense?

It's under My Account, then Account Settings, then find the aliases box. There's a create new alias button at the bottom

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Of course I knew that. Me and my 89 least half of those are NPCs from my game. And I'm not even close to the worst when it comes to making aliases. :)

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I have a couple of aliases.

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I do not have a single alias.
This should surprise no one.

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I'll sell you some of mine.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Fun work stuff!

"Wow, you guys have been out of trays for a couple days!" a student said.
"I'm the one who cleans them," I said.
"Don't you, like, spend all of your time checking in kits?" the student asked.
The light began to die in the student's eyes as he realized something. "I'm never going to see trays again, am I?"
I tilted my head. "I could teach you how to make some using some small Tupperware containers and a really good knife."

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lynora wrote:
In what should be a great surprise to no one given my appallingly low constitution score, I have a cold. I knew something wasn't right last night when I couldn't stop sneezing and ended up almost crying because I couldn't make my yarn winder work right. It's not a complicated piece of equipment. Also it has developed a squeak. This is not cool. I'm trying to remember where I hid my sewing machine oil as I don't have any wd40 on hand. I used up my last can in a futile attempt to get the closet doors to stop squeaking. It's never gonna happen. They're old metal doors. There's just too much rust. Anyhow, back on topic, which is not easy when I'm sick as I'm even more prone to weird digressions, this morning it had blossomed into a full on cold. So I am miserable. I should be home in bed watching Netflix. Instead I am here in a crowded room full of children because kidlet has jujitsu practice. Ugh.

I hope you get to feeling better quickly.

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Thankyou Lynora, and as Terrinam said, hope you feel better soon :)

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain ? wrote:

In the Pathfinder CRB one of the suggested names for a male elf is Zordlon.

Which only opens up the question, how would you make Zordlon, the elf.


That was worth waiting for, wasn't it?

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NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Vital, life-altering news:

Fancy Feast, at "only" $0.99 per 3 oz. can at the corner store, has been deemed "acceptable" by my feline companions.

Hey, it's better than I was paying at PetCo for the really stupid stuff!

3 oz.?

Isn't that like... Uh... Very Small Can?

3 oz is around 90 mL, so yes, it's a very small can. But it's a treat for them, not a meal. I split one can between the two of them.

I'd expect if you were feeding 'em nothing but this stuff each cat would need 3-4 cans a day!

Ah, ok, for a treat it makes sense.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

I do not have a single alias.

This should surprise no one.

I am my own alias!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain ? wrote:

In the Pathfinder CRB one of the suggested names for a male elf is Zordlon.

Which only opens up the question, how would you make Zordlon, the elf.

In Colorado, I hiked a trail dedicated to the pioneer Zebulon.

Which begs the question "When did Zebulon go out of style as a name?"

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