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Vanykrye wrote:
I don't get into conversations about converting characters into Pathfinder/D&D, but I occasionally do it as a mental exercise for my own amusement. Sometimes I like the concept enough that I adapt it (not strictly) for an actual character that I will play. For instance, I turned Benedict Jacka's Alex Verus character into a 1/x Inspired Blade and Steel Hound Swashbuckler/Empiricist Investigator with VMC Diviner. He was an absolute blast to play, but he ultimately died at level 3 (1/2) due to being tripped onto his own live fuse grenade, which having failed to make several saves, set off nearly all of his other flammable/volatile possessions that he had (alchemist fire, other grenades, etc). The resulting cave-in didn't help him much either.

PCs based on popular book/movie characters are part of a long and honorable tradition, and every player has the right to express his/her character in game form however he/she sees fit. :)

I just couldn't care less to debate what level* and class/race/widgets such a character "should" be, even if the character actually is a D&D character.

*With any action/adventure character, the answer is usually "He or she is a high-level character in a low-level setting."

The Exchange

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A lack of food isn't a petty irritation... - Said the greedy cat.

But I know how I am, which is why I rather not have alignment being abstraction by the GM. I don't trust myself.

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*Gives Mort extra-large servings of warm milk and Tuna*

The Exchange

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You know that you've hit rock bottom in Hearthstone when you're using the tavern brawl to complete your druid and rogue dailies.

Because your druid and rogue decks s*ck so much.

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As ideas go, watching season 4 episode 1 of Sherlock while sick might not have been my best choice. It’s okay. All the tears are helping my sinuses drain.... ; ;

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I have an impacted tooth causing all sorts of trouble, looks like I get to see if any of the two dentists within two blocks takes our insurance tomorrow.

The Exchange

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*purrs at John*

I get irritated quite easily...

I used to write campaign journals and all that, then I channeled that energy into running a PBP, so I don't keep campaigns journals anymore. Because that campaign journal energy was channeled elsewhere.

The Exchange

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I usually don't cry while watching shows or movies. Being a soapy sentimental sap makes me embarrassed.

Listening to songs though, that's a different story.

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Just a Mort wrote:
Using the alignment debate would lead no where hypothesis, who then should get the responsibility on policing alignments, in the case of classes that require it - paladins, monks, barbarians.

The GM of the campaign, after having a discussion with the player in question and working out what the codes mean between the two of them and whether their views on the subjects are compatible.

If they're not, it's probably for the best that the player not play those kinds of classes in that GM's games.

I've caught up!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Zombie dangly bit probably don't last long. really though muscle tissue doesn't last THAT long so Zombies always bother me. they shouldn't last more then 24 hours at the most. I guess resident evil zombies regenerate so at least their is some logic there.

Here ya go.


It's pretty obvious that "negative energy" in D&D actually has some sort of quasi-preservative/regenerative element to it, albeit necessarily mild. Otherwise, you can't get undead that last for any real length of time (though they do).

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Just a Mort wrote:

I usually don't cry while watching shows or movies. Being a soapy sentimental sap makes me embarrassed.

Listening to songs though, that's a different story.

I cry easily when other people, real or fictional, are hurting. Shows, movies, books, music... any of it and the waterworks come right on.

It’s just when it’s something that directly effects me that I’m sitting there dry eyed and wondering why everyone seems to expect me to get so emotional about my feelings.

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Limeylongears wrote:
I always liked the Michael Moorcock-derived Law/Chaos/Balance (or Neutrality) thing, where all three cosmic forces had good and evil elements (though Chaos was kinda evil-y, Law was kinda good-y, and Balance wasn't really evil-y at all). BECMI D&D had it, as does Dungeon Crawl Classics; if you remove the moral element, they are more like affinities/secret societies, which I find quite appealing.

You know, I feel like Moorcockian alignment has the potential to be interesting -- apparently alignment languages were intended to be secret sectarian languages, somewhat like Hebrew and Latin are in the modern world.

But despite reading Elric of Melnibone, mostly all I got was "Blood and souls! Blood and souls for my Lord Arioch!"

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Tacticslion wrote:

I've caught up!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Zombie dangly bit probably don't last long. really though muscle tissue doesn't last THAT long so Zombies always bother me. they shouldn't last more then 24 hours at the most. I guess resident evil zombies regenerate so at least their is some logic there.

Here ya go.


It's pretty obvious that "negative energy" in D&D actually has some sort of quasi-preservative/regenerative element to it, albeit necessarily mild. Otherwise, you can't get undead that last for any real length of time (though they do).

It's easier to term it "necrotic energy." And "positive energy" as "biotic energy."

The essential physics amount to fueling the cells of the body with necrotic energy rather than the biotic energy they are used to. The amount of preservation/regeneration depends on how the fuel is sourced and how much of it someone is focusing inside themselves. Vampires, for example, are basically converting stolen biotic energy into necrotic energy, allowing them to be the best preserved through the simple tactic of having a steady source. The typical zombie, on the other hand, is very poor at fueling their body.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Finally finished Dragon Age Origins today, after 1+ year of sporadic playing. It's a rad game, but Mrs. Sunrise had to do the final boss fight after I got fed up with the tactical AI. Look Bioware, I'm playing this game to slaughter demons and to see where you take this story, not to fiddle around for an hour just trying to get all four of my party members to actually participate in the final battle.

You have no idea how many times I reset the daggum game to get that STUPID USELESS HELMET after the battle of Redcliffe fo EVERY CHARACTER I PLAY.

I hate that battle.



DANG it, Bioware.

Lol I don't remember that battle, but yeah, there was plenty of me going WHAT ARE YOU DOING STEN MORRIGAN ALISTAIR DON'T JUST STAND THERE while I was figuring out how to program the tactical AI. And lots and lots of expletives during the finale battle, before I threw up my hands and Mrs. Sunrise took over.

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So I just had my entire MacBook keypad and trackpad replaced due to a ghost-signal issue, and after checking out its notably-slow performance they're recommending I let them replace the hard drive.

I'm REALLY patting myself on the back for that extended service warranty I purchased with this thing.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

So I just had my entire MacBook keypad and trackpad replaced due to a ghost-signal issue, and after checking out its notably-slow performance they're recommending I let them replace the hard drive.

I'm REALLY patting myself on the back for that extended service warranty I purchased with this thing.

I did the back patting after Tiny T-Rex made "a wall" out of pennies and dimes in the disc drive.

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412 posts and T-lion is back with a vengeance.

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I have had so much trouble dealing with my dad lately. I just seem to care about everyone but him.

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I am sorry to hear that, doctor_wu. Hopefully things improve on your end. Good luck.

The Exchange

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Sunshine and flowers

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NobodysHome wrote:

And the winning keeps happening:

Property Manager: The new tenants want to get a dog. Is that OK?
NobodysHome: That's fine, but I heard from one of the other neighbors that the fence is in bad shape. Can you check it out and let me know whether it needs any repairs?
NobodysMom: Oh, my, goodness! The gates are old, too! We HAVE to fix the fence! And the gates! What if their poor little dog runs into the street and gets run over! Hey, I notice we didn't get billed for the fence in January! Why haven't you fixed the fence yet?

Cue a $1700 bill for fence repairs. Whether or not it needed any repairs, I'll never know. Because my mom went nuts and it was easier for the property managers to just spend our money rather than deal with her.

I swear, after 9 years of running a rental property problem-free, the amount of trouble my mother manages to cause on a monthly basis makes me actually ponder selling.

Then I remind myself of all the news articles that pretty much say, "If you don't own in the Bay Area now, you never will", so I cling tenaciously to the house in the hopes my kids will live in it...

That strikes me as a lot of cash for fence repairs, unless you're having to replace a lot of panels/you have a flippin' massive fence with a lot wrong with it, the moat and battlements also need attention or your garden fence is made of mithril. Having said that, I have no idea what parts & labour might cost in California - probably pretty expensive.

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Just a Mort wrote:
Sunshine and flowers

Those dog statues are ace - do you know what they're made of?

The Exchange

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Wood of some kind. It's the year of the Dog, so there be dog statues everywhere to commemorate it.

But generally a chill, relaxed, stress-free day spent with family.

Working on making these now - to be given to my aunt when we go to her place for lunch the day after tomorrow.

The Exchange

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And I'm done making osmanthus jelly. I don't really believe in adding osmanthus flowers in there since it makes the jelly less smooth.

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Just a Mort wrote:

Snatch arrows feat:

When using the Deflect Arrows feat you may choose to catch the weapon instead of just deflecting it.

Thrown weapons(like tomatoes) can immediately be thrown back as an attack against the original attacker (even though it isn’t your turn) or kept for later use.

Deflect Arrows:

Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon(like tomatoes) you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it.

Nope. Arrows only. If they meant for it to be used for other things, like tomatoes, it should be called "Deflect Missiles".

(I hope it's obvious that I'm joking.)

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Snatch arrows feat:

When using the Deflect Arrows feat you may choose to catch the weapon instead of just deflecting it.

Thrown weapons(like tomatoes) can immediately be thrown back as an attack against the original attacker (even though it isn’t your turn) or kept for later use.

Deflect Arrows:

Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon(like tomatoes) you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it.

Nope. Arrows only. If they meant for it to be used for other things, like tomatoes, it should be called "Deflect Missiles".

(I hope it's obvious that I'm joking.)

Cause we all know Gran is a person you always take seriously...

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The Exchange

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*writes a letter to the devs. Please rename the feat*

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Deflect missiles could be confusing when I attack my party with giant robots. I don't need the monk trying to bate away my Agni-V ICBM (surface-to-surface intercontinental ballistic missile)

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Definitely not being sarcastic wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Snatch arrows feat:

When using the Deflect Arrows feat you may choose to catch the weapon instead of just deflecting it.

Thrown weapons(like tomatoes) can immediately be thrown back as an attack against the original attacker (even though it isn’t your turn) or kept for later use.

Deflect Arrows:

Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon(like tomatoes) you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it.

Nope. Arrows only. If they meant for it to be used for other things, like tomatoes, it should be called "Deflect Missiles".

(I hope it's obvious that I'm joking.)

Cause we all know Gran is a person you always take seriously...

Why on Earth would you NOT take me seriously?

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Deflect missiles could be confusing when I attack my party with giant robots. I don't need the monk trying to bate away my Agni-V ICBM (surface-to-surface intercontinental ballistic missile)

Technically it's a ranged attack, so deflect away!

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Definitely not being sarcastic wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Snatch arrows feat:

When using the Deflect Arrows feat you may choose to catch the weapon instead of just deflecting it.

Thrown weapons(like tomatoes) can immediately be thrown back as an attack against the original attacker (even though it isn’t your turn) or kept for later use.

Deflect Arrows:

Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon(like tomatoes) you may deflect it so that you take no damage from it.

Nope. Arrows only. If they meant for it to be used for other things, like tomatoes, it should be called "Deflect Missiles".

(I hope it's obvious that I'm joking.)

Cause we all know Gran is a person you always take seriously...
Why on Earth would you NOT take me seriously?

I can't actually count that high. The number of reasons far out weighs what my fragile human mind can comprehend.

The Exchange

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Your giant robot look like this?

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UGh those movies.

The Exchange

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I though everyone had secret fantasies of having giant T-Rex ninja robots?

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Which sounds like a lot of fun and speaks to my inner child but somehow bay still made those movies horrible. well the first one was enjoyable.
The one with mark wahlberg was atrocious. I didn't think I could get bored watching giant robots fight but an entire movies worth of dialog about statutory is apparently the way.

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I love giant robots riding dinosaurs. Thats just so 8 year old its hilarious1

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Sourdough is out of the oven and cooling. Soon it shall be ready for the eating.

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Limeylongears wrote:
That strikes me as a lot of cash for fence repairs, unless you're having to replace a lot of panels/you have a flippin' massive fence with a lot wrong with it, the moat and battlements also need attention or your garden fence is made of mithril. Having said that, I have no idea what parts & labour might cost in California - probably pretty expensive.

Welcome to the Bay Area, where a simple licensed handyman runs $35/hour, and more skilled "specialists" run $45-$55/hour. And that was in 2007!

The Bay Area has constant, ongoing construction throughout, so skilled labor is in high demand. Hence, high prices.

And while you can argue that building a fence isn't "skilled" labor, we're going through a property manager, so they're going to hire people who have Albany business licenses, which means people who have taken the time to actually go to City Hall and register themselves, which means skilled labor.

The Exchange

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Another secret fantasy

Gran actually I'm very sensitive to sour stuff so I probably wouldn't like your sourdough. I'd still give it a try though.

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It's not sour, just a little tangy.

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Happy Chinese New Year, Mort.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

  • Happy Chinese New Year, everyone! But why is it that neither the Chinese nor the Gregorian calendars align with significant astronomical phenomena? "The second new moon after the winter solstice" isn't exactly something I'd make my canonical new year. Why not just, "The Winter Solstice?" Ah, well, I'm not in charge of calendars, so...
  • Cross your fingers, everyone! There's a remote possibility I'll be able to finish Jade Regent on Saturday and get at least ONE of my four campaigns out of my hair. I'm extremely doubtful, since this is the heavy-RP group and they have people to rescue and creatures to interact with, but NobodysWife wants breakfast, meaning we'll be starting at around noon instead of the usual 3-4 pm, so we should be able to get in a LOOOOOONG 8-9 hour session. Considering it's only 3-4 more fights, you'd think this would be plenty. But as I said, they're probably going to spend 5 hours in the basement alone just talking to people, so I'm guessing third-to-last session...
  • The kids are on break next week! Woo hoo! A week where I'm not making them breakfasts or lunches, nor helping with homework! What ever shall I do with my free time? Oh, yeah. Game prep for the OTHER games I'm running. *SIGH*...

  • 1 person marked this as a favorite.

    My brothers tried convincing me I was Chinese (because back in the day there was a statistic that every fifth child born in to the world is Chinese).

    They also tried telling me I had a glass eye, but I never believed that one.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Thanks for happy Chinese new year wishes John!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Dentist appointment at 1 today.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    Thanks for happy Chinese new year wishes John!

    You're welcome. :)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Dentist appointment at 1 today.

    I'm glad you could find a Dentist, Cap.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    John Napier 698 wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Dentist appointment at 1 today.
    I'm glad you could find a Dentist, Cap.

    Finding a dentist was easy, figuring out the insurance was the hard part.

    Just a Mort wrote:

    Another secret fantasy

    Gran actually I'm very sensitive to sour stuff so I probably wouldn't like your sourdough. I'd still give it a try though.

    Link fixed!

    EDIT: in fairness to me, I started typing this an hour and forty minutes ago when it was still a broken link... XD

    (Kids take up time, alright?! They want to be fed and stuff!)

    Vidmaster7 wrote:
    412 posts and T-lion is back with a vengeance.

    Nyahahahah~! >:D


    And so now, it's time for another dream recitation.

    (I figure I might as well, considering I seem to be telling you guys about my dreams, lately.)

    Anyway, so this is from last night.

    The first part was when I and my wife lived in this house very similar to ours, except huge, and maybe combined with both of our parents' houses or more? Something like that.

    Despite this truly enormous house (like, it's hard to even guess at how big - it's just... big).

    Anyway, there'd been a rash of incredibly thorough and brazen burglaries/robberies and, despite our truly enormous house, we weren't all that wealthy, and a lot of our wealth was represented in our material goods (we did have other money, but we couldn't afford to be wiped out, physically). The break-ins had all been home-invasions that ignored whether or not people were present, and had consistently taken everything from a house with no real clues to capture them.

    So, somehow knowing that we were next, I'd rented an incredibly expensive (and well-hidden) camera system with multiple cameras in each room (I'd had to take out a loan to do so) - I really wanted to stop these robberies entirely.

    So my wife and I went around making last-minute preparations, and we heard a large crowd of people loudly talking outside, demanding to be let in, and all sorts of similar things. I knew this was a trick, but I wanted to give them a chance. They carefully hid out in the darkness just beyond normal visual acuity range, while they could see inside fine (except for the blinds I'd put up). I ran to (one of our many) glass sliding doors (the one where the shouting was the loudest) and - carefully avoiding opening any, as they'd rush the opportunity - I yelled as loudly as I could that they needed to back off and leave at once. The police were being called by my wife.

    The dude closest to us was taunting me, which alerted me to the fact that this wasn't the point of first assault. I sprinted across the house, and found a gaggle of four girls running into the house. I slammed and re-locked the door (which they'd picked; I then barricaded it better) as they scattered to steal stuff, and I hunted/confronted them, herding them into a smaller hallway. A confrontation happened, I caught a couple of things that they threw at me, and I grabbed one's wrist when she tried to slap me, shoved her into another, and pushed the collective three (with an arm-grip) into a room, which I then sealed (basically locking it, then crushing their side, so it couldn't unlock, then closing the door, leaving it perma-locked; oh, and apparently I had super-strength or something? Low-key super-strength, but super-strength nonetheless).

    I started to rush back out to the "main" area, when I realized a moment before it happened that bullets would be incoming. I told my wife to get down, and she asked, "What?" but before she could finish (having (fore-?)seen how that works out), I dive-bomb her to the ground as bullets spray from a machine gun - the first obviously violent crime they'd committed.

    I think someone go shot, but I don't know who. Either way, I leapt up, managed to disarm the dude while rage-lecturing/shaming him and the others, gave him a black eye with the butt of the rifle, and nabbed him and the other dudes with more violent (though still restrained - I didn't want to kill them and my wife wasn't dead) force than I had the initial invasion.

    There was another simultaneous assault (after I'd made sure the four that had broken in with violence wouldn't be going anywhere...) and a few take-downs later, there were people scattering when the police arrived (as I'd stalled them longer than anyone else had). I ran into the night to get a few others, before the last few escaped.

    At the court hearing, there was a question about suitable force and whether or not I showed appropriate restraint. Pointing out that my wife might have been shot, I then proved my strength by snapping a thicker-than-arm small wooden log. It was suggested that I (was a martial artist) might know "tricks" to break wood, as I do so for my training all the time. I acknowledged this, and invited other martial artists to beak the same lock with punches or kicks - it, being a small, but definitive log, is not akin to the boards we usually break. After a time of mostly failures, I easily break it with my hands - not using martial techniques. This corroborates with the video that I did not use body-crushing force, or at least that I was restrained when doing so.

    With restraint proven, and their faces and likenesses shows on-camera from multiple angles (including nightvision and day-vision cameras when I turned my floodlights on), plus testimony of some of their own, fingerprints, and so on, it was a solid case. I was exonerated of any wrongdoing, and counter-suits annulled, damages repaid, and even my security system given "for free" due to the prestige given the company and things were mostly all-good.

    At some point, I was recruited into (or informed of) a mission. My wife was in no condition to go (again, this wasn't clear in-dream if recovering from gunshot, or just stress), and I left to find this other monstrously large labyrinth-like mansion-place. Apparently there were a large number of prisoners.

    This part of the dream is getting more hazy by this point, but I snuck around, almost getting spotted a few times. I eventually had to find a place to hide, and ran into a fellow sneaking character - there was a moment of tension as we both struggled to quietly find a place to hide, but eventually managed and didn't rat each other out.

    A second time, I was found when there was no ready place to hide, but it was by the enslaved women and children, so they didn't reveal my presence to the next-door captors.

    <skip a bit, brother>

    ... and then, while I was sneaking around, I was confronted by a few of the badguys. Silent take-downs ensued, and I used cuffs to stop them.

    There was a snide comment from the judge at my trial when I'd suggested I didn't have cuffs (also about the combination of cuffs and gags), but I clarified that I'd suggested that I didn't have enough to use them on everyone, and had thus saved them for now. This may indicate that the trial happened later, but I'unno.

    Anyway, some time later, I faced down a collection of bad guys who'd taken a woman hostage. I picked up a small log and flung it so the gun he was holding got turned toward and smashed into his face, then I leaped at him, disarming him, and flinging the gun (after removing the bullets) at the other bad guy.

    I was shot once in the arm by a third baddy and had my side grazed as well, but the bullet-pack from the first gun made a nice distraction; as he shot my leg, I was able to slam him to the ground. A quick check to make sure the hostages were okay, and I did a vague patch-job on my body (it would be fine - I apparently also was able to take an inhuman amount of damage at no particular weakening of my abilities?). Cuffs and gags all 'round.

    My dream never really concluded the story, though I do vaguely know that I finally finished exploring the place, claimed some sort of treasure, and got the hostages out safely. Also, the police eventually arrived.

    I remember being thankful that I tended to quickly go to obscurity (No One of Consequence: apparently I was mythic, as well?) otherwise all this fame and treasure and nonsense would leave me and my family targeted for a long time (which might have been another reason my wife didn't do things - either a lack of super-human abilities or a desire to leave us private/faith in my abilities to succeed alone).

    And so, I have now given you lot a third dream of mine. Go figure.

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