Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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The Exchange

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*Takes off clothes to offer to John as a hanky*

--> Is now naked kitty

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I'm fine, Mort. It's just that there's so little that can be done with just a Microwave.

The Exchange

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Agree. They should only be used for reheating food. Though some of them have an oven function... Again I am luddite so I dunno how to use it.

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IF your forced to do primary cooking with a microwave (which suck im sorry.) something that helps is putting damp cloths over the cooking food it keeps it from drying out to much.

The Exchange

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And it's valentines day round the corner again. My BF and I have decided not to go out on that day since restaurants are going to overcharge like no ones business.

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Just a Mort wrote:

Chinese New Year is coming soon (16-18 Feb). The cultural context is that it’s a time we go around visiting our relatives and getting hong bao(red packets), if you’re kids. Its generally the kids favourite time of the year since visiting relatives = endless round of snacking + get to collect money.

For the adults – its probably just a time to catch up with your relatives. Depending on how close to them I am – I may feel awkward, since I usually don’t do the talk to strangers (like relatives you only see once per year) things well. What am I supposed to talk about, the weather?

Anyway, enough of that.

15 Feb will be our reunion dinner – we’ve always hosted it (yeah I know my food parties are…infamous). It seems we’re always having a food party sometime or another or at any drop of the hat.

Anyway – traditionally the reunion dinner is always a hot pot. At least we call it steamboat, but the rest of the world calls it Hot Pot, so we’ll leave it as hot pot for the reason of better understanding.
The soup I think(I had a hand in suggesting what goes in), will be of pork bones + dried s%@#ake mushrooms + cabbage + dried scallops and some leeks. Usually we make it out of pork bones + chicken feet – but this year everyone’s coughing so we’re trying to avoid chicken. In Chinese culture, we feel that eating chicken aggravates the cough.

Here are the ingredients we will be having available for the hot pot.
1) Grouper slices
2) Prawns
3) Scallops
4) clams

That sounds so good!

At our school, we're doing our New Year's cleaning tomorrow. Then on Thursday, we're making 八寶飯 with the children for dessert, and then we're off school Friday and Monday. One day next week, we will cook nian gao, and the final week, we will make tang yuan.
When I say "we", I mean lao-shi and the children. I just get to watch and eat, because since I'm on the English faculty, I don't get to help.

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Yeah me and my gf celebrate most holidays a week later once all the holiday stuff is on sale and all the crazy people are done being out and about.

The Exchange

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八寶飯 is overrated imo. I prefer 清湯.

If you don't mind the mess and extra trouble, make the batter and deep fry the nian gao. Becomes oozy on the inside, crispy on the outside. Slurp!

For tang yuan, for the soup I recommend dried longans, red dates (get the small ones) and pandan leaves. Or just use palm sugar with water to make the soup. Another take on it would be to use ginger and rock sugar but let's just say that one is rather unique. I like it but I also know not everyone is a ginger fan like me.

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NobodysHome wrote:

And speaking of teachers who go above and beyond the call of duty in their attempts to give all teachers a bad name (we were, weren't we?):

Impus Major is not good at math, so I work with him. His math teacher knows this. In fact, he knows that:
(a) I work with Impus Major extensively on his math homework
(b) I have a Ph.D. in Mathematics
(c) Impus Major has gotten a straight-up A in math all this year.

So he implemented a new rule: If you don't check your answers in the back of the book, and show that you checked them by putting a check mark in ink next to every problem, then you lose 25% of your homework score.

Considering I helped pay for grad school by writing solutions manuals and error-checking the solutions in the backs of books, I dare say I am far more qualified than the back of the book to determine whether an answer is correct.

Color me livid.

once again, my mind has blocked out the fact that you have a degree in evil.

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Terrinam wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

How we make pressure cookers explode...this is FATWL, and craziness is to be expected. So yeah, some of us are pryomaniacs and like to see big booms?

In all seriousness: The last time we used one was in the 1980s. Technology isn't what it used to be, so all those fancy safety features you weren't talking about might not have been there.

A 1980s space heater is a great way to burn down your house, but a terrible way to heat it.

i loved those things growing up in the 80s.

Surprised I survived.

They make me think of grandma.

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Just a Mort wrote:
I'll tell you I can't watch belly dancing and any kind of nudity makes me feel uncomfortable. Yes, I am a prude. Sowwie!

Get married so I can abscond with you already! You are too cute!

More seriously, you spend a lot of time naked for someone so prudish.

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Just a Mort wrote:


dried s$*&ake mushrooms


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NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Sounds arbitrary, and you may need to edit the names out, NH. Privacy and all.

Thank you! It's harder when I tirade!

I mean, honestly, anyone on FaWtL who really wanted to track me down has enough information to get my name, home address, phone number, and everything else. But that's no biggie to me.

It's the mindless global megacorporations that want my information; THAT"s what I try to avoid.

I was proud when Shiro tried to assault me with his home-brew, "Find out everything about anybody search engine" (he said he usually got 9-10 pages a person), and he got:
My name
My birthday

It was less than half a page.

I try to lay low on the intrawebs. Of course, I've been around since its pre-birth (we played games on the Arpanet when we were kids), so I've learned more paranoia than most.

one of my old friends was a semi major hacking guy in the 90s. Made a loooooot of money in the old porn scams. There was a movie about that mase a few years ago, he worked for one of the guys in the film. He laments that I have zero net presence, it worries him that there is so little of me online.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ah yes, the space heaters that kicked on for just long enough to warm you, then off just long enough to freeze you. Had one in the basement, didn't help much with the cold concrete floor.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Ah yes, the space heaters that kicked on for just long enough to warm you, then off just long enough to freeze you. Had one in the basement, didn't help much with the cold concrete floor.

<can relate... Hate those things.

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Just a Mort wrote:

Chinese New Year is coming soon (16-18 Feb). The cultural context is that it’s a time we go around visiting our relatives and getting hong bao(red packets), if you’re kids. Its generally the kids favourite time of the year since visiting relatives = endless round of snacking + get to collect money.

For the adults – its probably just a time to catch up with your relatives. Depending on how close to them I am – I may feel awkward, since I usually don’t do the talk to strangers (like relatives you only see once per year) things well. What am I supposed to talk about, the weather?

Anyway, enough of that.

15 Feb will be our reunion dinner – we’ve always hosted it (yeah I know my food parties are…infamous). It seems we’re always having a food party sometime or another or at any drop of the hat.

Anyway – traditionally the reunion dinner is always a hot pot. At least we call it steamboat, but the rest of the world calls it Hot Pot, so we’ll leave it as hot pot for the reason of better understanding.
The soup I think(I had a hand in suggesting what goes in), will be of pork bones + dried s#+#ake mushrooms + cabbage + dried scallops and some leeks. Usually we make it out of pork bones + chicken feet – but this year everyone’s coughing so we’re trying to avoid chicken. In Chinese culture, we feel that eating chicken aggravates the cough.

Here are the ingredients we will be having available for the hot pot.
1) Grouper slices
2) Prawns
3) Scallops
4) clams

chinese new year used to be a super important holiday for me and my friends. Used to go to chinatown and get all the food we could afford and then buy all the anime we could afford then dodge firecrackers and dragons on the way to the arcade then stumble uptown.

No wait, that was every weekend. The only difference was the fireworks.

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Just a Mort wrote:

*Takes off clothes to offer to John as a hanky*

--> Is now naked kitty

see! Naked.

The Exchange

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It's the rules, I'm a lawful kitty. In FAWTL, you do as FAWTLians do.

You know Singapore banned firecrackers due to firecracker related injuries?

Might be slightly political:

I feel they did the right thing.

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*throws tomato at Freehold*
*called shot to the eyes to attempt to prevent him from being able to see the nekkid Mort*

*Attack Roll: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (15) - 3 = 12*

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

*throws tomato at Freehold*

*called shot to the eyes to attempt to prevent him from being able to see the nekkid Mort*

*Attack Roll: 1d20-3*

i think that misses. I'm not sure.

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Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

*throws tomato at Freehold*

*called shot to the eyes to attempt to prevent him from being able to see the nekkid Mort*

*Attack Roll: 1d20-3*

i think that misses. I'm not sure.

If it did it would fit well with every other time he's thrown a tomato.

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Hey! I hit you for 1 damage yesterday.

The Exchange

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I think he made more people and cats slip on the tomatoes rolling on the floor then actually hitting anyone...

And after he failed to confirm the crit, he was so frustrated he took off all his clothes.

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Just a Mort wrote:
Just do it full pryo

Dammit kitty! I was clean for almost a year!

I might go on a RWBY binge soon...

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*throws a tomato at Mort, just because*

*Attack Roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18*

The real question is: Where am I getting all these tomatoes from?

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Oh! Did I hit? I think I may have hit!

*Damage: 1d2 ⇒ 2*

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I think you finally hit!!!

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NobodysHome wrote:

So, I may be attacking my kids with a flock of vrocks on Wednesday. And so arises the question: Do I try to set up an entire "Fox in Socks" homage for an encounter they're just as likely to miss?


The Exchange

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*yelps after tomato hits her and finds a bush to hide in for cover from being tomato pelted*

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Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

And speaking of teachers who go above and beyond the call of duty in their attempts to give all teachers a bad name (we were, weren't we?):

Impus Major is not good at math, so I work with him. His math teacher knows this. In fact, he knows that:
(a) I work with Impus Major extensively on his math homework
(b) I have a Ph.D. in Mathematics
(c) Impus Major has gotten a straight-up A in math all this year.

So he implemented a new rule: If you don't check your answers in the back of the book, and show that you checked them by putting a check mark in ink next to every problem, then you lose 25% of your homework score.

Considering I helped pay for grad school by writing solutions manuals and error-checking the solutions in the backs of books, I dare say I am far more qualified than the back of the book to determine whether an answer is correct.

Color me livid.

once again, my mind has blocked out the fact that you have a degree in evil.

Are you so willing to replace NH anymore? To become a perfect replacement you would have to become him, like a true mimic not only change the outside but also the inside to match what you copy...

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Must not watch RWBY now...

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I think you have that backwards. You need to watch RWBY now.

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Don't have time for that now. Maybe in the afternoon.

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Couldn't get into it. More of a hero academia man myself.

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Its true he is^^

The Exchange

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I watched the earlier seasons of RWBY, right until the point when Monty died.

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Which was, what, season 2?

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NobodysHome wrote:

So, I may be attacking my kids with a flock of vrocks on Wednesday. And so arises the question: Do I try to set up an entire "Fox in Socks" homage for an encounter they're just as likely to miss?

Alternatively, what does the vrock say?


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Well that was the quickest game of Heartstone I've ever played. My initial draw hadn't even shown up and my opponent quit.

I'll take it.

The Exchange

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Not really sure. But just felt it was weird watching something that a dead man directed.. Besides I think the new management brought the anime in darker directions I didn't care for?

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Just a Mort wrote:
Not really sure. But just felt it was weird watching something that a dead man directed.. Besides I think the new management brought the anime in darker directions I didn't care for?

Apparently a lot of people said the same thing, but from what I understand Monty planned for it to go this way from the beginning. He even told the voice actress for Yang that she would lose her arm back when they were still casting.

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Oh I just need to beat the solo adventure with the priest now. beat it with pally yesterday artifacts were extra mana my opponent minions cost one more and The one where you steal a minion last boss was the shadow guy I thought I lost when he stole my ragnaros light bringer but I managed to wipe the board with consecrate combo. Then just ran him out of cards.

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I somehow just managed to beat a Kingsbane rogue with a deck that I built just to complete a "Play 15 cards with Overload" quest. And I screwed up at least twice.

The Exchange

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I beat a Kingsbane rogue yesterday by many fireballs to the face. Those explosions... Beautiful!

*beatific smile on furry face*

The Exchange

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I never figured out how to properly use the amulet of domination. I keep seeing Winnie decks everytime I get it. The opponents minions cost 1 more stops Winnie deck cold and prevents casting of 10 cost minions. It's actually more powerful then it first appears.

The Exchange

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Well I don't have time for RWBY anyway, my nights are filled with path of exile and flameblast toteming up sh*t.Yeah! More explosions! Do you see a pattern?

Though I'm working on an essence drain trickster to spread plague everywhere too.

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My jade/evo shaman deck does the best out of all of mine. I think its got me to rank 16 this time around.

The Exchange

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I only got to 17 on my spell mage. But I haven't been able to progress past 20 this month. I think that lucky draw chance has had too many people doing their dailies.

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Scintillae wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

Snow day! Snow not included.

I think this is the first time since I was hired we've had one.

Amendment: theeeeere's the snow. And ice. And I'm not going outside.
is it more or less than one scint of snow?
I don't think it's started to accumulate yet beyond some ice, but...given that we just lost a student to a car accident, I'm glad they're playing it safe today.

50+ pages late, but: I’m sorry. I hope the family finds peace and joy, even now.

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Its T-lion!

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