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John Napier 698 wrote:
Nope, Baron. Just checked the link and I got a Page not found error. Sorry.

That's so odd, I checked and BOTH links work for me.

Same link!!!/comments/705zgn/one_handed/

edit John we caught the issue at the same time, replace #!# with 'uck' which are the switched out letters that screwed the link.

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Great minds think alike, eh?

Dark Archive

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I'm sure you are more tech savvy than I am John.

Did the link finally work?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Hey Freehold, you might like to know that the Cavalier in my Giantslayer game is a gnome who rides a My Little Pony named Braeburn Apple.


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So, I was thinking about getting one of Paizo's Combat Pads to use instead of pencil and paper. My friend has one, and it seems nice. But, I don't have $25 to spend on one right now, and I'm always leery about buying things like that. After, what if I decide I prefer pencil and paper? Then I'm out $25. Well, this morning I was at Walmart and as I walked past their school/office section, I happened to glance over into the aisle where they sell whiteboards. I saw 8.5" x 11" magnetic whiteboard for $2. So I bought one. I figure if I wind up going back to pencil and paper, I'd rather be out $2 than $25. And if I really like using a whiteboard, I can always upgrade to a combat pad later.

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Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Hey Freehold, you might like to know that the Cavalier in my Giantslayer game is a gnome who rides a My Little Pony named Braeburn Apple.

No, they're from Trunau. I don't know if AAAAAAAAPPLEOOSA is canon in Pathfinder.

But I could always houserule it in.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
So, I was thinking about getting one of Paizo's Combat Pads to use instead of pencil and paper. My friend has one, and it seems nice. But, I don't have $25 to spend on one right now, and I'm always leery about buying things like that. After, what if I decide I prefer pencil and paper? Then I'm out $25. Well, this morning I was at Walmart and as I walked past their school/office section, I happened to glance over into the aisle where they sell whiteboards. I saw 8.5" x 11" magnetic whiteboard for $2. So I bought one. I figure if I wind up going back to pencil and paper, I'd rather be out $2 than $25. And if I really like using a whiteboard, I can always upgrade to a combat pad later.

Yeah I wanted one too until I found out how overpriced they were.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
So, I was thinking about getting one of Paizo's Combat Pads to use instead of pencil and paper. My friend has one, and it seems nice. But, I don't have $25 to spend on one right now, and I'm always leery about buying things like that. After, what if I decide I prefer pencil and paper? Then I'm out $25. Well, this morning I was at Walmart and as I walked past their school/office section, I happened to glance over into the aisle where they sell whiteboards. I saw 8.5" x 11" magnetic whiteboard for $2. So I bought one. I figure if I wind up going back to pencil and paper, I'd rather be out $2 than $25. And if I really like using a whiteboard, I can always upgrade to a combat pad later.
Yeah I wanted one too until I found out how overpriced they were.

Years ago at a con, a stranger overheard me having a similar conversation with a friend, and sold me his combat pad for I think it was ten bucks. I'm not sure one is worth twenty-five, but it really is handy.

/luke-warm product endorsement, where's my Paizo check?

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I would pay 10 for it.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Oh come on!

Geddy Lee!

I thought that was easy! Next time I'm going with naming members of ELP.

I'm pretty sure Neil pert was the drummer.

Yup, I missed that you mentioned him until later, I blame it on your lack of capitalizing his name. :-)

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Fair. I do things in a hurry sometimes, and miss details. Keep in mind I am at work the entire time i'm posting.

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That's okay, I'm not one to complain. :-)

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Scientists say that the Universe is made of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. I think they forgot about Morons.

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Last night I changed my Wifi network name to "Hack me if you can". Today I couldn't connect, and when I looked someone had changed the name to "Challenge Accepted". Now what do I do?

Yes, this is a joke.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:

I'm sure you are more tech savvy than I am John.

Did the link finally work?

With the editing, yes.

Okay, so, there's a movie, The Guardian Brothers (not a bad film by any means, but it's super-definitely not on the "recommended list") but it is unfortunately difficult to find or acquire it's sound track. This is especially frustrating because there is a song in the end credits that would be perfect for our Starfinder game, but I can't daggum find it!


The Guardian Brothers is a Chinese-made film and it has... deeply political commentary as an undercurrent (though it is not what I would call subtle). That it never makes good on that deeply political undercurrent (outside of the most, ah, "harmless" let's say, ways) feels like a self-censorship, as it were, and forces the narrative to feel only partially-accomplished. And I don't mean that in the sense that, "I demand they finish this political commentary!" but, rather, "There was a very clear narrative that you were starting to build up to, there, and you just kind of... abandoned it..." I also have a problem with the fact that of the three guardians the only one to be seemingly genuinely hurt is the female who literally never shows up again. And she is literally doing nothing wrong and has been nothing but kind and honorable the entire film... unlike the so-called protagonists, which is another problem where the very clear early narrative is undercut by clearly-artificial constraints that ends with a "moral" that... really isn't and has nothing to do with the narrative, save in only the most abstract manner.

The song is "Glow" by the way, and no, it's not either of the two versions that are readily available on YouTube. It's a pop song.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Big day for Freehold.

My Little Pony is one of twelve finalists to be inducted into the Toy Hall Of Fame.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I'll be back in full in a couple of weeks, after the culmination of a sanity-preserving job resignation. :)

In the meantime, please consider entering this here monster-making contest.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:

I'll be back in full in a couple of weeks, after the culmination of a sanity-preserving job resignation. :)

In the meantime, please consider entering this here monster-making contest.

Woo hoo! A badger sighting!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Okay, so, there's a movie, The Guardian Brothers (not a bad film by any means, but it's super-definitely not on the "recommended list") but it is unfortunately difficult to find or acquire it's sound track. This is especially frustrating because there is a song in the end credits that would be perfect for our Starfinder game, but I can't daggum find it!


The Guardian Brothers is a Chinese-made film and it has... deeply political commentary as an undercurrent (though it is not what I would call subtle). That it never makes good on that deeply political undercurrent (outside of the most, ah, "harmless" let's say, ways) feels like a self-censorship, as it were, and forces the narrative to feel only partially-accomplished. And I don't mean that in the sense that, "I demand they finish this political commentary!" but, rather, "There was a very clear narrative that you were starting to build up to, there, and you just kind of... abandoned it..." I also have a problem with the fact that of the three guardians the only one to be seemingly genuinely hurt is the female who literally never shows up again. And she is literally doing nothing wrong and has been nothing but kind and honorable the entire film... unlike the so-called protagonists, which is another problem where the very clear early narrative is undercut by clearly-artificial constraints that ends with a "moral" that... really isn't and has nothing to do with the narrative, save in only the most abstract manner.

Yes. My issue with many far-east films (Chinese, South Korean, etc.) is that they have a very strong tendency to either have pyrrhic victories, or just have the heroes lose and die outright. I grew up in the 1970s in the U.S., when U.S. filmmakers had just learned, "Hey, the hero doesn't always have to win," so every movie was a horrific disappointment as the good guys lost.

I just don't need more of that, so I try to avoid Chinese-made films (Hero, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and many, many more) when I can. Unfortunately, everyone else just eats them up, so I end up getting dragged along, knowing I'm going to be disappointed, and sure enough, as we leave it's always, "Why did SHE have to die?" or what-have-you.

It's really hard to find intelligently-made films where the good guys win any more. I like the intricacy of the Chinese film industry's plots and the complexity of their characters and relationships. I just wish the protagonists could, y'know, survive on occasion.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Scientists say that the Universe is made of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. I think they forgot about Morons.

There are three known types of matter: matter, antimatter, and doesn't-matter.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, life, you wacky mistress!

So this weekend was supposed to be all kinds of fun:

  • Tonight we've got VIP passes to the Muse concert. We did it with "just the adults" (me, NobodysWife, and Shiro) last year and it was an amazing show, so this year we're bringing the kids and "favored uncle" (my younger brother).
  • Tomorrow lisamarlene and her hubby are throwing their annual birthday bash.
  • Sunday we are supposed to resume Skull & Shackles after a 6-week hiatus, interrupted only once with a fairly short session.

  • And yet after the last couple of weeks, all I really want to do is have a weekend of nothing to catch up with life. But of course NobodysWife's recalcitrant escapee is probably going to rear its ugly head at some point and make us go in.

    So as usual, you plan a fairly packed, fun-filled weekend, and when you finally get there your thought is, "Do I really have to do all those things? Can't I just hide under the covers for 48 hours?"

    But the Muse concert will be fun, the birthday bash is just a drop-in, say, "Hi", and be sociable kind of thing, and everybody really wants Skull & Shackles to run, so we'll work it all out. NobodysWife's wandering menace permitting...

    TL on a movie wrote:
    it was a movie; not really great but not terrible
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Yes. My issue with many far-east films (Chinese, South Korean, etc.) is that they have a very strong tendency to either have pyrrhic victories, or just have the heroes lose and die outright. I grew up in the 1970s in the U.S., when U.S. filmmakers had just learned, "Hey, the hero doesn't always have to win," so every movie was a horrific disappointment as the good guys lost.

    I just don't need more of that, so I try to avoid Chinese-made films...

    Most people won't care, but...:
    They don't die. It looks like it for a while, but they win.

    The problem is that, politically, there was a clear narrative and obviously problematic thing going on that was just... not addressed by the end of the film.

    Even more of a spoiler:

    It's pretty clear that the oppressive communist "guardian spirit's union" is causing problems, hiding the truth of the past, and harming the ability of people to do meaningful and good work. The people involved are unlikable and clearly in the wrong in numerous instances, including harming people genuinely doing good things.

    The one guy - the kind of local supervisor for the (ill-defined) "community" for the heroes and one of their friends, the right-hand-aid to the "mayor" of the "guardian spirit union"/town - ends up getting a little bit beat up, but his minions (incredibly stupid and irritating spirit baby things) aid the heroes in winning, and the mayor just kind of disappears from the film shortly after his appearance and clear establishment of being the bad guy.

    Further, the quest of the heroes is one that compels them one to fight an evil bad thing... by first releasing it. This, of course, goes against the government "union's" ideas, and he even has to unlock three seals, two of which have guardians appointed by that same - again, I'll remind you, obviously and demonstrably corrupt - government to do so. The first one (a big, powerful fighter) more or less gives up without a fight, while the second - a lovely, kind woman who has been obviously crushing on the protagonist and clearly only cares about him - actually wins, but he unlocks the seal anyway, which forces her out of reality and may or may not kill her - we don't know, though, because we never see her again, and bad things happen in general. The first guardian (big guy) we see again - once - when he eats the other brother's cookies, at least, but her? Nnnnnnnnnnope. Did she die? I don't know. It's never explained or described.


    They do, eventually, beat the bad thing, and the hero... retires and starts a restaurant for the spirit world, "but never has to use his sword" ("again" is implied). And the humans, "feel a little better knowing there are spirits that will help them."

    This is... this is clearly censorship. I mean, self-censorship, yes. But the narrative makes no daggum sense. "Don't fight with your sword." is clearly not the moral of the narrative.

    Ah, well.

    I'm mostly looking to get the song "Glow" - alas.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    NH: I hear you, my dude. I hear you!

    Iron Fist is surprisingly good show.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.


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    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Iron Fist is surprisingly good show.


    I really need to not stop halfway through those series...
    I think my favorite so far has been Luke Cage though.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I think superhero stuff is best left to the movies.

    The only superhero show I've liked is Legion. But that has more to do with Noah Hawley then it does the subject matter.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I had to turn the AC on for the first time in a month.

    It's supposed to get up to 84 degrees today.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Captain Yesterday, FaWtL 6 News wrote:

    Big day for Freehold.

    My Little Pony is one of twelve finalists to be inducted into the Toy Hall Of Fame.


    Freehold DM wrote:

    Huzzah! Seconded!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Iron Fist is surprisingly good show.
    The Game Hamster wrote:

    I really need to not stop halfway through those series...
    I think my favorite so far has been Luke Cage though.

    I've seen nothing but Iron Fist, so far, and only part of that.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the other series!

    I actually only decided to watch it, because of some seemingly-unlikely accusations made elsewhere on the forums and research into the related controversy. I honestly had no idea which one was first (though now, upon research, it seems it's Daredevil), so I just started with this one.

    captain yesterday wrote:
    I think superhero stuff is best left to the movies.

    So far, at least, I disagree! It's been good!

    captain yesterday wrote:
    The only superhero show I've liked is Legion. But that has more to do with Noah Hawley then it does the subject matter.

    I'd love to see that show, but it's not on Netflix, so...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    You absolutely must watch it, at least twice, if only to see Aubrey Plaza kill it as The Shadow King.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:



    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    So, as I age, I am becoming more and more convinced that old men do not get "crotchety", they simply lose patience with attempts to be tactful and speak their unfiltered minds.

    Nursing Home Staff Member: OK, Mr. NobodysHome! Eat your tasty, tasty bran muffin, and then we'll wheel you out into the garden for some fresh air and sunshine!
    Old Man NobodysHome: No! Your bran muffins taste like crap! I'd rather go hungry and then take an Ex-Lax later if I need to. It would be a lot less unpleasant. And why on Earth do you think, given my entire life history and the pallor of my skin, that I would want to go out into the direct sunlight?
    NHSM: Oh, look who's being cranky! Well, if you're a good boy, maybe you can play Bingo tonight! Now eat your bran muffin!
    OMNH: What? You mean Bingo in the Bingo Hall with all the chain smokers threatening to end my life 10 years early? No thanks! I'm running a Roll20 game for the kids tonight...
    NHSM: But the bran muffin!
    OMNH: Hurls bran muffin out the window
    NHSM: (Thinks to herself) "What a crotchety unpleasant old man! No wonder his family never visits him!"

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    Speaking of bad behavior, I would apparently be doomed to "Librarian Prison" if it weren't for Freehold valiantly volunteering to take my place. ("Librarians? Whips? Chains? Where do I sign up?")

    At back-to-school night, I noticed that the high school library includes a decent-sized manga section, including the entirety of Attack on Titan, so it's not like they're not carrying risque stuff already. I checked for One Punch Man, and found only volumes 1-4. The resulting conversation was quite telling:
    NobodysHome: Awesome! You have One Punch Man. Do you only have volumes 1-4? Because I'd happily get you the rest if you need them!
    Librarian: That would be amazing! Let me double-check for you... Checks system... yes. We only have volumes 1-4.
    NH: OK. I'll get you the rest.
    L: Well, that's very generous of you, but if you don't want to bother, you could just fill out one of those slips over there and write a check and we could spend the money on whatever we felt the library needed the most...
    NH: Well, I noticed you're missing One Punch Man, and I'm going to buy it for you.
    L: (Quickly losing enthusiasm) Well, I guess that's OK. But really, it would be better if you filled out a slip.
    NH: So you don't want One Punch Man?
    L: No, we do, but... (trails off, wistfully thinking of other, more classic books she could buy)
    NH: Great! One Punch Man it is!

    It's kind of like I PM'ed a FaWtLer the other day: I don't give gifts to get tax write-offs or receive prodigious thanks. I see what I perceive as a "need": A series I love is missing. Someone's Hero Labs doesn't have sufficient privileges (not a hint or anything, LM!). I have the means to take care of it at the moment. I do it. It makes me feel like a better person.

    My best example: I donated roughly $1800 to the choir last year to fund 5 scholarships so that underprivileged kids could come with us on the LA trip. I have no idea who they were. They have no idea that one person donated that much money. But I know that on that trip were 5 kids who wouldn't have been there if I hadn't stepped up. And I'm good with it. The fact that we have no idea who each other are (is? What the heck kind of conjugation is that?) is beside the point. I had the means. I made the world a teensy bit better in my teensy little mind.

    Anyway, after a certain birthday bash tomorrow I gotta start saving up for Xmas...

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Happy birthday LisaMarlene!

    Happy birthday to the Wizard!

    I saw Muse at the Leeds Festival in around 2002, and they were very rude about Oasis.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Limeylongears wrote:

    Happy birthday LisaMarlene!

    Happy birthday to the Wizard!

    I saw Muse at the Leeds Festival in around 2002, and they were very rude about Oasis.

    Interesting -- I Googled "Muse Oasis" just to find out what that was all about, and all I can find is Liam Gallagher (of Oasis) ripping into Muse every chance he gets.

    Obviously no love lost between the two bands...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    How is it I know Oasis but not Muse.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Two weeks in and Tiny T-Rex and I have walked to and from school every day.

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    NobodysHome wrote:
    Limeylongears wrote:

    Happy birthday LisaMarlene!

    Happy birthday to the Wizard!

    I saw Muse at the Leeds Festival in around 2002, and they were very rude about Oasis.

    Interesting -- I Googled "Muse Oasis" just to find out what that was all about, and all I can find is Liam Gallagher (of Oasis) ripping into Muse every chance he gets.

    Obviously no love lost between the two bands...

    One are a bunch of nice boice from sunny, rural Devon.

    One are a bunch of proper lads from a krutty part of Manchester, who you'd never catch making a concept album about alien civilisations on Mars.

    Having said that, Liam doesn't really like anybody, his brother especially, and is also a prize twitt, so I wouldn't pay too much attention to him.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Thanks, but my birthday was actually a week ago. (Hence the worry about the oven being repaired, and the creation and demolition of the Boston Cream Pie.)
    (I finally got my Wonder Woman motorcycle jacket from Think Geek! It was my present from Whingey Wizzard and the kids. And it is the best thing ever.)
    The party tomorrow is my husband's party (his birthday is Talk Like a Pirate Day, so we generally have a Pirate cosplay hootenanny with lots of food, which Nobody's Home won't eat anyway because it always contains shellfish).

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    BTW, Nobody, instead of cooking bouillabaisse over the fire tomorrow, I'm making jambalaya, which is a damned sight cheaper but still contains prawns. Which you could pick out, leaving just the andouille sausage and chicken, or would you consider the whole thing contaminated?
    There will still be the chorizo-stuffed dates wrapped in bacon.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    (Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I wasn't going to tell anyone but Nobody outed me.)

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    lisamarlene wrote:

    BTW, Nobody, instead of cooking bouillabaisse over the fire tomorrow, I'm making jambalaya, which is a damned sight cheaper but still contains prawns. Which you could pick out, leaving just the andouille sausage and chicken, or would you consider the whole thing contaminated?

    There will still be the chorizo-stuffed dates wrapped in bacon.

    Jambalaya's easy -- I just dump the prawns on NobodysWife's or Impus Major's plates, whoever happens to be closer.

    Prawns, lobsters, and crabs dwell in the "less harmful" shellfish realm, and don't inundate the entire dish with their flavor (unless you try really, really hard). Mussels are the big, "I put one mussel in this giant pot and now the entire thing tastes like rotten ocean" culprit.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Mussels and chips/fries is a bit of classic; maybe only if you're Belgian, though.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Limeylongears wrote:
    Mussels and chips/fries is a bit of classic; maybe only if you're Belgian, though.

    Our local French bistro does it -- NobodysWife and Impus Major swear by 'em; apparently they're really good.

    But as lisamarlene indicated, I don't eat shellfish.
    I don't like the texture, and whatever it is that most people in the world find "delicious" is a very strong "rotten ocean" taste for me.

    I'm sure I've mentioned that years ago, NobodysWife shared "the best crab she'd ever tasted" with me. The best I could do was to declare it, "Not excessively unpleasant."

    So yeah, I don't eat shellfish, so people who actually like the little buggers can have more.

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