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Hurricanes/tropical storms are some of the many things I don't miss about Florida.

Hmmm...I must have left my clothes there. Oops.

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No one gets out of Florida with their clothes.

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Hope your ankle is feeling a little better, Lynora.


As expected, tropical storm Colin didn't do much to Sanibel. I haven't been out on the beaches, but beach erosion doesn't seem too bad. We were south of the storm, so storm surge could have been much worse than it was. We got a lot of rain and the usual slow drainage that is typical for the island, but it doesn't seem any more than what we get from a good Florida thunderstorm. High humidity is making it seem really hot & muggy, but there is a little breeze taking the edge off.

Hope all is ok otherwise with the other Floridian & Georgia FaWtLies.

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Well, two players in my gaming group quit their jobs at K-Mart (they're in their early 20s and going to school full time) because their boss tried to get them to collect carts during the storm. One other player is *claiming* flooded roads to work from home, so...


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That's great!

But, why would you not get carts in a tropical storm, frankly, I'm tempted to drive down there and do it myself.

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It's chilly and cloudy today.

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captain yesterday wrote:

That's great!

But, why would you not get carts in a tropical storm, frankly, I'm tempted to drive down there and do it myself.

Because it's a s&$+ty minimum wage job you can replace without even trying? Its not even worth getting carts in a regular storm, let alone one with 40mph winds and possible debris knocking you out.

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Inclement weather gives me a rush.

That's why I would do it, certainly not for the job. :-)

So, I see their point, have fun! :-)

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

That's great!

But, why would you not get carts in a tropical storm, frankly, I'm tempted to drive down there and do it myself.

Because it's a s!+%ty minimum wage job you can replace without even trying? Its not even worth getting carts in a regular storm, let alone one with 40mph winds and possible debris knocking you out.

Yeah. It's too bad they refused to do it and didn't quit. Some managers need reminders that they have actual human beings working for them, not interchangeable/disposable things.

Edit: My brother used to have to go out in the rain and thunderstorms rounding up the carts for the a%&$*%~ managers at his first job at a supermarket. They never had a raincoat or galoshes for the cart retrievers to use, and they didn't care that thunderstorms meant lightning, which probably isn't a good time to send an employee outside to round up wet metal objects. Then they gave him crap for being wet and "looking unprofessional" in soaked clothes. But hey, he was making a whole 15¢/hr over minimum wage, so they thought he should just put up with that crap.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

That's great!

But, why would you not get carts in a tropical storm, frankly, I'm tempted to drive down there and do it myself.

Because it's a s!+%ty minimum wage job you can replace without even trying? Its not even worth getting carts in a regular storm, let alone one with 40mph winds and possible debris knocking you out.

Yeah. It's too bad they refused to do it and didn't quit. Some managers need reminders that they have actual human beings working for them, not interchangeable/disposable things.

Edit: My brother used to have to go out in the rain and thunderstorms rounding up the carts for the a!!!$%+ managers at his first job at a supermarket. They never had a raincoat or galoshes for the cart retrievers to use, and they didn't care that thunderstorms meant lightning, which probably isn't a good time to send an employee outside to round up wet metal objects. Then they gave him crap for being wet and "looking unprofessional" in soaked clothes. But hey, he was making a whole 15¢/hr over minimum wage, so they thought he should just put up with that crap.

I never knew it could be so dangerous.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
As expected, tropical storm Colin didn't do much to Sanibel.

You live in Sanibel! I either didn't know, or had forgotten!

I wish I had known you back when we lived in Miami! We'd likely have stopped over for hugs!

Make sure to FaWtL/PM me, if you're ever in the Ocala region for any reason whatsoever...

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Hope all is ok otherwise with the other Floridian & Georgia FaWtLies.


captain yesterday wrote:
Inclement weather gives me a rush.


Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Some managers need reminders that they have actual human beings working for them, not interchangeable/disposable things.

Edit: My brother used to have to go out in the rain and thunderstorms rounding up the carts for the a!!!$~* managers at his first job at a supermarket. They never had a raincoat or galoshes for the cart retrievers to use, and they didn't care that thunderstorms meant lightning, which probably isn't a good time to send an employee outside to round up wet metal objects. Then they gave him crap for being wet and "looking unprofessional" in soaked clothes. But hey, he was making a whole 15¢/hr over minimum wage, so they thought he should just put up with that crap.

I've worked for a pharmacy/minimum wage job, before. It is for this reason that I try to make sure to - unless I cannot for a legitimate reason - either put the carts back in the store (if at all possible) or at least get them to their designated container storage area. Anything else is just rude (though, if they've walked me out to the car, or are already there, and they ask, I'll hand the cart over), and it forces them to continuously go out of their way in oppressive heat that is the state of Florida, though probably anywhere. Anything I can do to make their jobs easier...

(It's also why I make sure to "front" things whenever I take something from a shelf, if I can. It's not, exactly, filling the shelves, but it's a thing I can to to make things a little nicer.)

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Some sort of animal ate one of my corn. >:-(

Oh! It is on!

Hell hath no fury, like a gardener with too much time on his hands.

Step one: make sure outside lights are off at night.

Step two: listen to the bunnies scream as the owl hunts.

There is no step three.

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Work tangent

And, that's why i get paid the big bucks!

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Yes, I would very much like a canvas print of that. Thanks, Photobucket!

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I think you get a deal if you buy in bulk.

You could start an art show, call it Awkward Bear Touching. :-)

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I think one of our tomato plants came from the land of giants, or from The Little Shop of Horrors. It's already over four feet high and just now getting it's flowers. I'll know for sure which if there's mysterious splatters of blood in the garden or the yippy dog from down the street disappears mysteriously.

So, between that and the owl I think the garden safe.

The rest of us, time will tell. :-D

I just have to ask myself "What would Rick Moranis do?" Which should be an album title.

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Two days till the day. I have been studying, but I feel worried either way.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Good news! Ankle is definitely not broken! It only took them two days to get back to me on the X-ray! (Okay that was sarcastic. Should not take that long to find out if you have a broken bone.) Still hurts like mad, but now that I know for sure its a sprain I can at least put a little weight on that foot which makes getting around much easier.

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Icyshadow wrote:
Two days till the day. I have been studying, but I feel worried either way.

Good luck! You can do it! :)

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So happy about your foot, lynora!
Good luck, Icy: you can do it!

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Great description of the effect of a zombie (with 1 remaining hit point) falling 20' onto hard ground:

It's like someone took a really old orange and threw it at a sidewalk.

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Oh, no, Ambrosia...they both quit. The next day - the guy just said no, the girl wasn't asked/told to but that was her boyfriend so she told them to f*** off too. They only finished their shift to avoid driving in the storm and still get paid while they wait.

And this K-Mart closes in a month so it might be difficult to fill two slots for a month of work (the managers get transferred to another K-Mart or Sears I believe so he's probably going to have to make up the difference himself - though I bet he just makes the other workers pick up the slack. Managers who send someone out in a natural disaster always push off responsibility).

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When I was a landscape foreman I never, ever made someone else do something I wasn't willing to do myself. And I often took the lead on the worst jobs. There's no way in hell, if I was the supervisor, I would've made anyone else go out for the carts. Good for them, and I wish them luck with looking for a new job. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Penny Bear gets out of school at 12:30 today, and then one more day for a class trip to the Dells tomorrow, and then School's out for the summer! I'd link to Alice Cooper but Tiny T-Rex just woke up. :-)

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Why were there carts to go get?
The store stayed open in the storm?
The store didn't have a disaster plan?

Having been shopping in a local Michigan Meijer store when a tornado warning was declared I can say a few things.

- They CLOSED the store during the dangerous hours.
- The customers and employees still inside were all gathered in the most secure section of the store to wait out the warning.
- NOBODY was allowed outside. Not even to gather carts.

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lynora wrote:
Good news! Ankle is definitely not broken! It only took them two days to get back to me on the X-ray! (Okay that was sarcastic. Should not take that long to find out if you have a broken bone.)

Quick. It two some two weeks and three or four doctors to notice on X-ray that my nose was broken.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Penny Bear gets out of school at 12:30 today, and then one more day for a class trip to the Dells tomorrow, and then School's out for the summer! I'd link to Alice Cooper but Tiny T-Rex just woke up. :-)

who is penny bear?

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The mutant tomato plant grew at least two inches overnight. At least.

Also, no more eaten corn plants, but also no wake-up to owl hunting or telltale tufts of fur in the yard, so.

Also Tiny T-Rex got into some poison ivy, but only on his hand. :-/

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Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Penny Bear gets out of school at 12:30 today, and then one more day for a class trip to the Dells tomorrow, and then School's out for the summer! I'd link to Alice Cooper but Tiny T-Rex just woke up. :-)
who is penny bear?

D'oh! That's Pea Bear. :-) well, it's actually Penelope, but she often goes by Penny. :-)

If it's not too late to edit your original post to protect her anonymity, I am sure people would be happy to edit or delete any responses as well.

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9... 8... 7...

6 people marked this as a favorite.

It's not that big a deal. Yesterday isn't our real last name. :-)

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Still can't find my memory card for the 'Cube. Blarg.

I can tell Nox is... from a different era in gaming.

It's a fun game, but the linearity is impressive, even by NWN OC games. At least, as of the Warrior rout, though I suspect the other two are just as linear, even if the story is strikingly different.

As I've gotten through six chapters (five today yesterday, including the horrendously large chapter three), I expect to be able to run through the other two paths and get a kind of "Grand Story" from the lot of them. I'm planning on going in order: warrior, conjurer, wizard.

EDIT: I'd written this post last night. I only posted it today, when I noticed it was still here. Whoops!

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captain yesterday wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Penny Bear gets out of school at 12:30 today, and then one more day for a class trip to the Dells tomorrow, and then School's out for the summer! I'd link to Alice Cooper but Tiny T-Rex just woke up. :-)
who is penny bear?
D'oh! That's Pea Bear. :-) well, it's actually Penelope, but she often goes by Penny. :-)

{excitedly} 1d4 ⇒ 1 goblin babies want to know, is your beagle named Brain? ♪ ♫ Inspector Yesterday ♩ ♬

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
It's not that big a deal. Yesterday isn't our real last name. :-)

Wait... What?!!!

You are telling us that now, after so many years?!!!

I am shocked! Shocked, I say!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:

If it's not too late to edit your original post to protect her anonymity, I am sure people would be happy to edit or delete any responses as well.

And with that reminder I think that CY already mentioned Pea Bears name before.

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1d4 Goblin Babies wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Penny Bear gets out of school at 12:30 today, and then one more day for a class trip to the Dells tomorrow, and then School's out for the summer! I'd link to Alice Cooper but Tiny T-Rex just woke up. :-)
who is penny bear?
D'oh! That's Pea Bear. :-) well, it's actually Penelope, but she often goes by Penny. :-)
{excitedly} 1d4 goblin babies want to know, is your beagle named Brain? ♪ ♫ Inspector Yesterday ♩ ♬

Believe you me, I tried. But no, she gave him a different name, but at least he isn't named Cutie Pie, which was her first choice. :-)

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In terms of pet names, we've always been tickled pink that, after many years of Greek and Egyptian names (Sekhmet, Calypso, Calliope, Eris, Nefret), we let Impus Major name "his" calico and he named her "Princess Lily".

And she was a post-rescue emergency spay, so when we "interviewed" her at the shelter she was all hopped up on pregnancy hormones and just the sweetest thing in the world.

Then the hormones wore off, and we learned that our "Princess" really should have been named, "Little Miss Hates the Universe".

It's been nearly 10 years now, and it's still a rare week that she doesn't make at least 1-2 family members bleed...
"Princess" indeed...

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I got to name chickens, and pigs, pretty much anything I then had to help butcher afterwards. Such is life on a farm, Charlotte's Web it ain't. :-)

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My pets have been named, chronologically as far back as I can remember:

Cutie - Hamster when I was 5
Sebastian - Dog from 8-23 (name the pound gave him, I was too young to understand you can change their name when we got him - he was amazing but I couldn't take him to college because he was so old by then)
Trent - Iguana from 15-17 (gave him away when he got enormous and I couldn't fit his required cage size in my room anymore)
Loki - Ferret from 22-23 (best pet I ever had, but roommates snitched on me to landlord as we were in a no-pet apartment)
Lincoln - Dog. I don't want to go into it. I miss him.
Mario and Luigi - Parakeets for about a week (turns out I hate birds - they're filthy and if you have two of them they bond hard and hate everyone but each other)

There was also about 15 goldfish in there somewhere, but like 14 of them ate each other and the last one to survive died shortly after.

EDIT - oh, and my brother's cat, Cloud, who killed snakes after he was declawed. My mom gave him away eventually after I moved out. We hear he's gotten EXTREMELY fat since then, and my brother's dog, Bandit, who he raised from 6 weeks old and is currently about 4.

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Sebastian was a German Spitz, while Lincoln was an Australian Shepherd mixed with what we think was pit bull. Bandit is 1/2 Labrador, 1/4 Aussie Shepherd, 1/4 Chow.

We don't know what the hell Cloud was, but he was white with a big grey patch, short hair, and ridiculously rambunctious and playful...He really did kill many snakes without his claws. (It wasn't my choice to declaw him - I think he was when we got him. It was a long time ago.)

He was f&~~ing terrified of Loki, though, and absolutely lost his s*~@ when the ferret jumped on his back trying to play with him one day.

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I had a cow named Calvin that my parents "gave to the farm two towns over and I can never ever visit him" I'm not quite sure why they thought I was so stupid.

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I had two Roosters that lived forever named Mister Macho and Mister Nacho. I trained them to peck at my older brothers, by putting a few kernels of corn in their pants every morning before they woke up. Which is also one of the reasons I'm a morning person. :-)

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Ferrets are frigging AWESOME!

Illegal in California, but AWESOME!

Our best bonding ever was when my in-laws got a kitten and a ferret, and the two bonded HARD.

You've never seen anything as cute as a full-grown tortie medium hair wrapped around a snoozing ferret...

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captain yesterday wrote:
It's not that big a deal. Yesterday isn't our real last name. :-)

that's not true....that's impossible!

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captain yesterday wrote:
1d4 Goblin Babies wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Penny Bear gets out of school at 12:30 today, and then one more day for a class trip to the Dells tomorrow, and then School's out for the summer! I'd link to Alice Cooper but Tiny T-Rex just woke up. :-)
who is penny bear?
D'oh! That's Pea Bear. :-) well, it's actually Penelope, but she often goes by Penny. :-)
{excitedly} 1d4 goblin babies want to know, is your beagle named Brain? ♪ ♫ Inspector Yesterday ♩ ♬
Believe you me, I tried. But no, she gave him a different name, but at least he isn't named Cutie Pie, which was her first choice. :-)

what's wrong with cutie pie?

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Nothing at all, She tried out whole bunch of names his first week home. She finally named after a fruit, which actually started a trend of naming dogs after fruit and vegetables in the neighborhood. :-)

Edit: I see how I worded that, smurf me, he would've been just fine named Cutie Pie, my bad!

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Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
It's not that big a deal. Yesterday isn't our real last name. :-)
that's not true....that's impossible!

Yeah laugh it up guys.

The internet security expert I was trained to be was just screaming "Nooooo!!! Don't give real names!". Don't mind me I will just be over here looking foolish.

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My cat Samantha got her name shortened to Sami after too many people wouldn't use that many syllables and then to Samurai after her early aged tendency to slash anyone or anything who wasn't on her approved list.

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LOL. I started on the internet in its infancy, and I was taught from the start:

(1) Before you e-mail anything, imagine posting it on a public bulletin board with your name attached. Because that's exactly what's going to happen.

(2) Never use your real name on the interwebs.

So as I mentioned a while back, I've been online since the late 1970's (yes, they had internet then, darn it! It was just... slooooooow!), yet I have "the smallest web presence I've ever seen" according to a friend.

Woo hoo!

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