Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Adds an extra layer of paranoia and tin foil to the pillow fort, assigns extra guards to watch the parapets.

First Impus... one of them, then Treppa, Pea Bear, Aranna, Tacticslion, and now Lynora. It's only a matter of time until it's me.

Looks at stuffed Tully Monster suspiciously.

Especially, if there's a traitor in my midst...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And so, it seems my suspicions confirmed!

Grover! fetch my sock!

The inquisitions begin at dawn...

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Watching my husband play witcher 3. Seems pretty cool so far. Awesome graphics. And they don't make me motion sick much so that's a bonus. And it's something to do while I'm stuck sitting that keeps my mind mostly off of how gorram bad my foot hurts. :)

Its awesome graphics were too much for my laptop to handle in a way that would make sense. I was able to pass the tutorial, but the framerate was terrible and cut scenes were painful to watch :/

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I'm so sorry about your foot and frustrations, lynora!

Feel better quickly!

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Heal up lynora.

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King Yesterday of Pillowpia wrote:
First Impus... one of them, then Treppa, Pea Bear, Aranna, Tacticslion, and now Lynora.


King Yesterday of Pillowpia wrote:
It's only a matter of time until it's me.
King Yesterday of Pillowpia wrote:
And so, it seems my suspicions confirmed!

Dude, it's been you for the last three pages, skipping page 2844, two pages before that.

EDIT: OOOOOooooooohhhhhh... I get it, now. I'd forgotten that Treppa had been not feeling well, recently.

Got it.

As for my eye, I kind of forgot to update - after all I did for seemingly nothing, a full night's sleep and half a day of doing little other than rest seemed to make it go away. Not exactly what I would have expected from REM, but there you go!

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An update on my elbow. It is healing nicely. I can bend it without pain now and it was awesome to wake up pain free Sat. I still can't hold anything heavy but as long as it is getting better I am on cloud 9.

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Pea Bear now has all her skin back on her elbow. :-)

Glad to hear good recovery stories!

Also: Nox is free on Origin right now...

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Get well soon, FaWtLies and friends/family of FaWtLies.

Back to work for me!

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Nox whom? What are Origins?

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Don't know if it's still available, but it was yesterday!

Also, tropical storm coming! Batten my hatches! Stow my gear! Prep fun things to do without power! :D

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Man your infrastructure in your town must suck Tac. Tropical storms don't knock power out in Jax. Need at least a cat 2 hurricane to worry about that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Be safe and have fun. :-)

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Man your infrastructure in your town must suck Tac. Tropical storms don't knock power out in Jax. Need at least a cat 2 hurricane to worry about that.

Dude, we have brownouts/powerflickers over normal storms. I'm not taking any chances.

captain yesterday wrote:
Be safe and have fun. :-)

Thanks! Will do! :D

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Tacticslion wrote:



Don't know if it's still available, but it was yesterday!

Also, tropical storm coming! Batten my hatches! Stow my gear! Prep fun things to do without power! :D

Find Mrs. Strategypuma and take a page from the Freehold book should the lights go out.

Tacticslion wrote:



Don't know if it's still available, but it was yesterday!

Also, tropical storm coming! Batten my hatches! Stow my gear! Prep fun things to do without power! :D

Freehold DM wrote:
Find Mrs. Strategypuma and take a page from the Freehold book should the lights go out.

I'll stick with Tacticslioness, thanks! :D

EDIT: Huh. I could've sworn somebody'd made a "something"puma alias, but I can't find it. And here I was going to make some sort of joke about combining Strategytiger's wife and either the 'puma or their mate in question. Hmp. Reality, you ruin more jokes...

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I thought it was Lady Firedove! Honestly, it's hard to keep track of what to call you two anymore.

And yes, when the power's out, in a storm, DO AS FREEHOLD WOULD. :-)

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It was Caracal, no idea who though...

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Captain Yesterdayz wrote:

I thought it was Lady Firedove! Honestly, it's hard to keep track of what to call you two anymore.

And yes, when the power's out, in a storm, DO AS FREEHOLD WOULD. :-)

It is. She just made a Tacticslioness alias for that thread, like several others to join the "cunning planimal" club. :D

(Her Tacticslioness profile refers to her Lady Firedove primary alias, though I don't think she linked them.)

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SomethingsomethingCaracal wrote:
It was Caracal, no idea who though...

... okay, I walked right into that one.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, the last week of school, so things are looking up. All kinds of nonsense this week, but then an entire summer to try to get the garage habitable!

  • Both kids have always had major issues turning in their homework. It's incomprehensible to me. "Well, yeah, I spent 3 hours doing it, but I forgot to turn it in. What? I still don't have credit for it, and I'm going to have to go to summer school unless I talk to my teacher about it? Oh, well, there goes my summer!"
    Their blase attitude is baffling. "Take 5 minutes to talk to your teacher" vs. "Go to summer school for 40 hours" seems like a no-brainer to me. But no matter what I do, they still forget to turn stuff in. *SIGH*. It gets even more aggravating when you put a folder in their backpack every single morning, tell them, "Everything in this folder is due today. Make sure this folder is empty before you come home," and they still come home with stuff in the folder. It's all beyond my fathoming what is going on in their brains. And don't get me started on the teachers. "Oh, xxx is a wonderful student, and obviously intelligent. We'd love to see him succeed!"
    "Can you remind him to turn in his homework?"
    "Oh, part of learning is to be responsible for yourself. So no. No we can't even be bothered to give a simple reminder. Better that they fail."

    Not that I'm bitter or anything. I just know that when I was a college professor, I personally reached out to every student who was in class every day but who was still getting a D or an F to find out what was up. So the idea that a 6th grader should have to go to summer school for the crime of forgetting to turn in his homework is... irritating.

  • On the bright side, due to finals I'm not running any games this week, so I have plenty of time to prep all 3 games. I finally got to kill the ill-behaved paladin of Torag in my Crimson Throne game, so I'll be working with that player on a new PC for her, but otherwise it's prep prep prep.
  • Dinner at Rivoli on Friday! Woot!
  • Our saving for Disneyland is remarkably staying almost on schedule, in spite of the constant unexpected expenses. But we're getting down to the wire.
  • It turns out that UHC actually DID pay for all the procedures. They just sent me multiple formal letters saying they weren't. Then paid. *SIGH*. I hate UHC.

  • 4 people marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:



    Don't know if it's still available, but it was yesterday!

    Also, tropical storm coming! Batten my hatches! Stow my gear! Prep fun things to do without power! :D

    Find Mrs. Strategypuma and take a page from the Freehold book should the lights go out.

    Sit in a circle and pronounce the Great Malediction on Zuckerwhedon? :P

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    SomethingsomethingCaracal wrote:
    It was Caracal, no idea who though...
    ... okay, I walked right into that one.

    Oh, no, you ran. Like your house was set on fire.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Ever-more thunder. I might should turn the computer off...

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Ever-more thunder. I might should turn the computer off...

    Not even a drop of rain in Jax, yet, but it's grey as far as the eye can see. I love it! No cursed direct sunlight for my pale flesh! :-D

    I think it's supposed to hit us here tomorrow or tonight.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    We're getting northern winds this week, 72 today, 68 tomorrow, 73 Wednesday. Then Thursday, it's back up to 80, with 90 forecast for Saturday. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    So I just HAD to go on a political tirade, and I managed to post it in a different thread, not FaWtL.

    I feel better.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I made a joke about west coast pizza in a thread not FaWtL. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Wanna play Far Scape Star Finder so much...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    Going out in a tropical storm to see if a place has a video game controller. Sane. Sane.

    EDIT: hm. They didn't have it...

    EEIT 2: Hah! Over-priced Best Buy had it!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Don't forget to take some weaponized insects. Just in case...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    WELL that came out of nowhere - knocked the s!*! out of my router, red-ring-of-death'd my x-box, leaking out my skylight, and yet somehow the power is still on. Weird.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    West coast pizza.

    Captain Yesterday: Uh, yeah, we ordered extra cheese.

    Pizza place: Yes, we put extra cheese essence, it's under the pepperoni foam.

    Captain Yesterday: Can we just get one with actual pepperoni and cheese.

    Pizza place: This is Pizza Hut sir, we don't serve gourmet!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Holy f$~@ing s~&+! That's terrible!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Hottest day of the year so far, so what do I do?

    I get padded up and spend the evening in a muck sweat, sword-fighting. We finished up the evening with a simultaneous dual wielding sabre and tomahawk and buckler duel, which was very silly indeed.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    So I showed up at work on a Monday, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to get some REAL work done after a week of relative uselessness.

    And what happens?

    At work I attend meetings, review PPTs, smooth ruffled feathers, and deal with a plethora of e-mails coming in congratulating me on 12 years on the job.

    At home I do laundry, tidy up the house, and work with Impus Major on studying for his finals.

    And I end up getting very, very little REAL work done.

    *SIGH*. Such is the nature of life at a megacorporation. Some days, you just don't get anything done.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Our dog has figured out the bees are living under a our concrete step in the backyard, so now, instead of diligently stalking and bouncing on bees, he just sits there and waits.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:

    Going out in a tropical storm to see if a place has a video game controller. Sane. Sane.

    EDIT: hm. They didn't have it...

    EEIT 2: Hah! Over-priced Best Buy had it!

    Where are you? We are getting some of the rain from that tropical storm here in Savannah, GA.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Ocala, Florida.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Ocala, Florida.

    Ah. Not that far away. It is a pretty place. Someday you, me, thegreenteagamer, and anyone else nearby should meet somewhere.

    Tacticslion wrote:
    Ocala, Florida.
    Sharoth wrote:
    Ah. Not that far away. It is a pretty place. Someday you, me, thegreenteagamer, and anyone else nearby should meet somewhere.


    By "meet somewhere", you mean "in Ocala" - 'cause that's about the best way you're gonna get me somewhere...

    EDIT: Also, if we could get all of FaWtL together... that would be amazing...

    Sharoth wrote:


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Ocala, Florida.
    Sharoth wrote:
    Ah. Not that far away. It is a pretty place. Someday you, me, thegreenteagamer, and anyone else nearby should meet somewhere.


    By "meet somewhere", you mean "in Ocala" - 'cause that's about the best way you're gonna get me somewhere...

    Your disagreement is too fundamental to be settled in the state of Florida. You must all meet at Sobo Ramen in Oakland, California, to resolve your differences.

    On the bright side, I'm buying!

    EDIT: Best. Ramen. Ever.

    Hah! Awesome!

    Also... my son is playing Wind Waker! And loving it! So proud!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I'm not sure if you should let your kids outside...

    Smurf it all, thought you said Windwalker.

    Smurf! We need a GC Save Card... >:I

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Ah, APs! You've gotta love it when you're halfway through a book and you find a little ditty like, "Oh, and unbeknownst to the party, this antagonist has been following them the whole time!"

    WTH, AP!?!?!? You know, I know recommended practice is to read the whole AP before starting, but something at the beginning that says something like, "Oh, by the way, check out page 48 for something really important you need to know," would be really nice.

    I can roll with it in this case, but seriously. The whole, "Oh, by the way, xxx happened and there was no possible way the PCs could have avoided it or figured it out," is not the kind of bombshell you want to drop on your group, especially when you didn't know about it yourself until well into the book.


    Oh, OK. AP spoiler ahoy!:

    We're in Jade Regent, Book 5. They've already finished off the first section, and are moving on to the sandboxy quests, where they can choose to negotiate with the ninjas, greet the geishas, or gank the governor. And in the middle of the ninja quest (which I prepped last, since it's the least likely thing for my PCs to do) on page 24 is the whole, "Oh, by the way, this guy started stalking the PCs the moment they entered Minkai, so you should have made a few assassination attempts by now."

    Ah, well. I guess he ate some bad gas station sushi and was indisposed for a few weeks...




    Tacticslion wrote:

    Hah! Awesome!

    Also... my son is playing Wind Waker! And loving it! So proud!

    Tacticslion wrote:




    Bad news, good news, bad news.

    Bad: We couldn't find our Game Cube Memory Card - so we couldn't save Wind Waker.

    Good: We finally got Steam to work! (Turns out it was a typo on my part. Ooooooooooops.)

    Bad: Nox is still flickering/slow.

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