Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Or we could go with golems.

If they're gonna be nekkid golems, we may as well just call them FAWTL-bots.

RPG Superstar 2012

But then Lindsey Wagner will rip their faces off!

Looks like 'Weapon of Choice' was no fluke. Not too terribly safe for work.

If you're too impatient to watch the setup, go to 1:08.

Hmmm, probably a bad idea to go to have a pint or 2 for breakfast. Even if it is the afternoon. Oh well, time for D&D.

Freehold DM wrote:
If they're gonna be nekkid golems, we may as well just call them FAWTL-bots.

ooh! They can be like the cool junky robots from The Ice Pirate !!

Freehold DM wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
If they're gonna be nekkid golems, we may as well just call them FAWTL-bots.
ooh! They can be like the cool junky robots from The Ice Pirate !!

Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of the Fem-bots from Austin Powers. :)

(Although Ice Pirates was a FAW-some movie!)

"The ship has,... Space Herpes,..." ;)

RPG Superstar 2012

Aw, I was referencing the fembots that originally appeared in the Bionic Woman.

Old badger is old...

Scarab Sages

taig wrote:

Aw, I was referencing the fembots that originally appeared in the Bionic Woman.

Old badger is old...

I can sympathize. I knew exactly what you meant.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, Ice Pirates is only one of the great cinematic masterpieces.

taig wrote:

Aw, I was referencing the fembots that originally appeared in the Bionic Woman.

Old badger is old...

Old wizard is also old. Because I know exactly what you are referring to!


Aberzombie wrote:
Also, Ice Pirates is only one of the great cinematic masterpieces.

One of my all time favorites. It brings back memories of my mom's first VCR and our first trips to the video store...Man. I think I was either 8 or 9 years old.

And back from session.

Man, those adventurers, they can't make their mind on their own. The party has waited since the last session to ask me, their glorious and Charismatic leader who holds their lives in own hands on a daily basis (mostly by being party healer) to take decision if tell one suspicious wizard who wanted us to find a connection between a certain girl and a group of sorcerer freedom fighters about what we found about her (not much) or tell her about the fact that she was object of interest of that wizard... After some deliberation I decided that we tell the wizard a few things we learned (but not all) and tell her that the wizard asked about her.

Now we got a new quest to learn what we can about her necklace that is memento of her father and looks very much like necklace worn by murderer that haunted the town a few months ago (stopped by our party).

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Yeah I dropped the extra $40. I am hoping for the Hero Lab addons now.

I am thinking of running some games (including one of the Heart of the Razor modules assuming it's ready) at PaizoCon this year if anyone here is going. Send me a PM, and we shall see if there is any interest.


Celestial Healer wrote:

Let's see... Where did we leave off on our crew?

Captain - Moorluck
His Wench - Solnes
Navigator - CH
Lookout - Treppa
Chief Engineer and Brewmaster - Aberzombie
Dropship/Boarding Vessel Pilot - Freehold DM
Cook - Jess
Arcane Gunnery Sergeant - Ragadolf
Artillery - Sissyl
Bombardier - Orthos
Lucky badger - Taig
Monkey drummer - Patrick
Lazy crewman - Gran Rey
Inside man/bringing up the rear - DSX
Throwing up in the bunk - Drejk
Throwing up over the rail - Lynora
The ship - Kajehase

Have I missed anyone?

I don't see any boarding party troops. I'm game.

Aberzombie wrote:
taig wrote:
I won't promise to take pictures at PaizoCon, because, frankly, I suck at remembering to take pictures. I will be there, though, and I will blog some things on Mairkurion's site.
I would gleefully take many pictures (probably too many)! Alas, I shall not be attending this year. Sad zombie is sad.


This will cut into local beer revenues!

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Let's see... Where did we leave off on our crew?

Captain - Moorluck
His Wench - Solnes
Navigator - CH
Lookout - Treppa
Chief Engineer and Brewmaster - Aberzombie
Dropship/Boarding Vessel Pilot - Freehold DM
Cook - Jess
Arcane Gunnery Sergeant - Ragadolf
Artillery - Sissyl
Bombardier - Orthos
Lucky badger - Taig
Monkey drummer - Patrick
Lazy crewman - Gran Rey
Inside man/bringing up the rear - DSX
Throwing up in the bunk - Drejk
Throwing up over the rail - Lynora
The ship - Kajehase

Have I missed anyone?

I don't see any boarding party troops. I'm game.

I think I might qualify as a place holder.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:


taig is giving it away... nekkid? Oh myyyyy.

And not ten minutes after I told Shiny that most of the Skyrim problems were patched, I killed everyone on board a ship and - lo and behold! - two of them - not one, but two - get stuck in a door. As corpses. Which vibrate rapidly in circles. It was disgusting, yet entertaining, like Conan O'Brian.

Dead bodies tend to mess things up in games, don't they...


Freehold DM wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Problem is... We have ranged capability... But we really need boarders/marines as well. People to go up close and personal with large, strong, sweaty men from enemy ships...
I need people to be the boarding crew that I will coordinate with on my boarding ship.


caught up

Scarab Sages

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
taig wrote:
I won't promise to take pictures at PaizoCon, because, frankly, I suck at remembering to take pictures. I will be there, though, and I will blog some things on Mairkurion's site.
I would gleefully take many pictures (probably too many)! Alas, I shall not be attending this year. Sad zombie is sad.


This will cut into local beer revenues!

Indeed! I imagine the local bars were stocking up in preparation for a zombie visit. I hate to disappoint them, but them's the breaks.

He'll, even if the wife and I don't get hosed in taxes this year, I've already got a July trip on the books - New Orleans for my parent's 50th Anniversary.

Aberzombie wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
taig wrote:
I won't promise to take pictures at PaizoCon, because, frankly, I suck at remembering to take pictures. I will be there, though, and I will blog some things on Mairkurion's site.
I would gleefully take many pictures (probably too many)! Alas, I shall not be attending this year. Sad zombie is sad.


This will cut into local beer revenues!

Indeed! I imagine the local bars were stocking up in preparation for a zombie visit. I hate to disappoint them, but them's the breaks.

He'll, even if the wife and I don't get hosed in taxes this year, I've already got a July trip on the books - New Orleans for my parent's 50th Anniversary.

I hear you.

I'm still undecided for financial reasons.

Freehold DM wrote:
I need people to be the boarding crew that I will coordinate with on my boarding ship.

Boarding crew? Can I do that while relaxing in my hammock? If so, I'm in. Otherwise I'll have to pass or risk losing my position as Lazy Crewman.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Let's see... Where did we leave off on our crew?

Captain - Moorluck
His Wench - Solnes
Navigator - CH
Lookout - Treppa
Chief Engineer and Brewmaster - Aberzombie
Dropship/Boarding Vessel Pilot - Freehold DM
Cook - Jess
Arcane Gunnery Sergeant - Ragadolf
Artillery - Sissyl
Bombardier - Orthos
Lucky badger - Taig
Monkey drummer - Patrick
Lazy crewman - Gran Rey
Inside man/bringing up the rear - DSX
Throwing up in the bunk - Drejk
Throwing up over the rail - Lynora
The ship - Kajehase

Have I missed anyone?

I don't see any boarding party troops. I'm game.

From now I will refer to you as Shark Bait. Until I forget about it in a day or two. ;)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I GMed Exalted yesterday, starting up my first homebrew campaign in positively YEARS. Sure, I ran part of CotCT and a few shorter adventures, but I haven't managed to feel confidence in what I have tried to create. Now, I did, I prepared well for it, and it was great fun for all with an intensely bloody scenario to get into the combat system. Yay confidence!

If only that had been TotP. Then we could have had nekkid confidence.

One more Dark Heresy game this week and I can get back to Kingmaker.

At least, they said so in the group. Also bought all 6 Legacy of Fire books!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ice pirates rocks. Also, bacon.

Whar be t' Man With t' Telescope? You can't navigate (or be spyin' on fine ladies) without a Man With t' Telescope onboard!

I be a Man, and I be havin' a Telescope. I can be your Man With t' Telescope, and go telescopin' all around t' ship!

Reet grand, we need summat to be spying with. And a spyglass is ideal.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I always wanted one of those, but I've never had 1000gp to spare and nothing better to spend it on.

Also, I should focus on the region my 3.5e homebrew world will take place in instead of focusing on the whole world map all the time.

RPG Superstar 2012


Morning Badgah

Derp Heresy game canceled today.

Thought about playing Rogue traderp or Black crusaderp instead?

Scarab Sages

Good morning to all the FAWTLY Folk. First - there will be bacon! Then there will be Hobbit!!!! Woot!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:

Good morning to all the FAWTLY Folk. First - there will be bacon! Then there will be Hobbit!!!! Woot!


I got to see the Hobbit yesterday. A lot of fun

DSXMachina wrote:
Hope the weekend continues to delight for everyone. Later, I'm off to my regular D&D game, where we might have replaced that guy with a couple of flaky players.

Yep. Flaky players didn't show, or not to game - "Haven't finished with my PC yet." Oh well, they might be there next week.

Happy Martin Luther King Day Americans!

The rest of youse will have to make do with a Happy Orwell Day!

Yay Orwell day!

Sissyl wrote:
Thought about playing Rogue traderp or Black crusaderp instead?

My DM bought both game books, and Only Derp.

Actually I am not very much of a Derphammer fan. I am just playing because friends are playing it.

Mmmm.... BAcon? I knew something was missing from breakfast this morning.

Also,... It IS a good day to Hobbit! :)

Morning FAWTL-ies

Time to venture away in search of some bread and tea.

Watching movies is hobbit-forming.

hi everyone

wiFi is very expencive here, so I will not be online much

I hope everyone is OK

*goes back to read last pages*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I 'll be in ghe boarding crew with Bitter Thorn, but I will refuse to go exploring a newfound Island while wearing a red shirt

Kajehase wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Let's see... Where did we leave off on our crew?

Captain - Moorluck
His Wench - Solnes
Navigator - CH
Lookout - Treppa
Chief Engineer and Brewmaster - Aberzombie
Dropship/Boarding Vessel Pilot - Freehold DM
Cook - Jess
Arcane Gunnery Sergeant - Ragadolf
Artillery - Sissyl
Bombardier - Orthos
Lucky badger - Taig
Monkey drummer - Patrick
Lazy crewman - Gran Rey
Inside man/bringing up the rear - DSX
Throwing up in the bunk - Drejk
Throwing up over the rail - Lynora
The ship - Kajehase

Have I missed anyone?

I don't see any boarding party troops. I'm game.
From now I will refer to you as Shark Bait. Until I forget about it in a day or two. ;)


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