Deep 6 FaWtL

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Nekkidness for TOP? FINALLY some normalcy...

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Tastes Great or Less Filling

The classic debate.

Scarab Sages

Good morning to all my fawesome FAWTLY Brethren! It's a bright, sunshiny day here in Philly. Supposed to get up to 70! Woohoo!!

With luck, my workday will be slightly less insane today, and I'll even be able to chill a bit and get some key s**& done for my upcoming trip.

Hope everyone else has a Fawesome day!

Scarab Sages

CH, sucks about the car. Hopefully, that'll turn out ok.

Scarab Sages

Jyu1ch1, welcome back to the asylum. Hope you can stay for awhile!

Scarab Sages

Got to daycare this morning and the door was locked. We were worried for a bit because the lady who opens in the morning, Mrs. Paula, is old. I thought something might have happened to her. Turns out, she had just forgotten to unlock the front door, thank God.

Scarab Sages

And, I got a second NPC for my PaizoCon adventure written up! And the rough outline for two other important ones! Woot!

Only thing is, I'm worried the crypt might be too big to get it all explored. But, we shall see!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Suddenly, and without warning, I'm craving tacos. Weird.

Scarab Sages

Damn! According to the car, it's already 57 deg. Sweet!

Ty Freehold & AZ. ;3

Scarab Sages

Almost at work. Have a good one folks. Be back later.

Scarab Sages

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Back sooner than I thought. Was reading that Topher Grace did an on-his-own cut of the Star Wars prequel trilogy - cut out most of the first movie, inserted some deleted scenes, and got all three movies down to about 85 minutes. Then he screened it at his home for about 50 guests.

I'd be interested to see what it was like.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Crimson Jester wrote:
Or did you prefer questions?

I think he wanted false dichotomies.


Call me? :P

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:

Taig: did you order the new iPad yet?

I might be sitting this one out. I'm very happy with what I've got.

I'll end up making a liar out of myself in two months, watch.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm still just fine with my original iPad.

TOZ wrote:

Drama? In MY FaWtL?

It's more likely than you think.

Solnes Feb 9, 2011, 08:55 PM

I would like to welcome all friends new and old to the new Fawtl clubhouse.
The honor of being elected to name and create this new home is one that I will always hold dear.

No, MY FawtL! I brought it into this world, and I can take it out and make another just like it too! ;)

Shadow Lodge

FaWtL is Legion, for we are many.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

I ended up giving my wife the first iPad. It took her until last month to finally start using it, probably because our desktop decided to bid us adieu.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
taig wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:

Taig: did you order the new iPad yet?

I might be sitting this one out. I'm very happy with what I've got.

I'll end up making a liar out of myself in two months, watch.

I am there with you, however I am trying to convince my wife we need a 2nd (one for me one for her) so we will see how that goes. That screen is ridiculous though...

Aw man... I just got here, it's much too early to make another one.

Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
Aw man... I just got here, it's much too early to make another one.


Ha! Naw, we wanna hit 500 pages at the least. And I think The PMG fixed it so we can no longer break em'.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Justin Franklin wrote:
taig wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:

Taig: did you order the new iPad yet?

I might be sitting this one out. I'm very happy with what I've got.

I'll end up making a liar out of myself in two months, watch.

I am there with you, however I am trying to convince my wife we need a 2nd (one for me one for her) so we will see how that goes. That screen is ridiculous though...

Yeah, the screen is making me consider getting one, but I will wait until after the initial rush for sure.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

PMG said he fixed it and we shouldn't have to make another one, until we break it again..

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
taig wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
taig wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:

Taig: did you order the new iPad yet?

I might be sitting this one out. I'm very happy with what I've got.

I'll end up making a liar out of myself in two months, watch.

I am there with you, however I am trying to convince my wife we need a 2nd (one for me one for her) so we will see how that goes. That screen is ridiculous though...

Yeah, the screen is making me consider getting one, but I will wait until after the initial rush for sure.

I agree in principle, but oooooh shiny!!!


Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Better then snow. Just sayin'.

Not if you live in a place that got no winter this year. :-/

CrimJ: Yeah, I was thinking questions, like

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Or did you prefer questions?
I think he wanted false dichotomies.

There's not enough Cartesian anxiety in this thread.

MORE, I say!

You're either FOR US or AGAINST US!!!!

If this thread stays long enough, maybe I'll post some awesome pictures.

Maybe we need a series of coordinated blitzes?

Corner blitz

Safety blitz

The Exchange

Jyu1ch1 wrote:
Better then snow. Just sayin'.

Seems the weather couldn't make up its mind. We got Snow, Rain, Ice, Hail, and Sleet. Least it could have done was blow hard enough to take that damn branch off the roof.

Linebacker blitz


Blitz, the movie

I need to update my deviantArt. I haven't touched it in years.
Here are some samples.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Or did you prefer questions?
I think he wanted false dichotomies.

There's not enough Cartesian anxiety in this thread.

MORE, I say!

You're either FOR US or AGAINST US!!!!

I'm in favor of non-Euclidean anxiety.

Ragnarok Aeon wrote:

I need to update my deviantArt. I haven't touched it in years.

Here are some samples.

Nice stuff!

taig wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Or did you prefer questions?
I think he wanted false dichotomies.

There's not enough Cartesian anxiety in this thread.

MORE, I say!

You're either FOR US or AGAINST US!!!!

I'm in favor of non-Euclidean anxiety.

They have a cream for that

How are things going for you, CJ?

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Emperor7 wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:

I need to update my deviantArt. I haven't touched it in years.

Here are some samples.
Nice stuff!


Thanks, though to be honest, I don't think I've improved much in the last three years. I guess that's what I get for going to a tech school instead of an art school.

It's going to be 70 degrees today. This is unholy.

Ragnarok Aeon wrote:

I need to update my deviantArt. I haven't touched it in years.

Here are some samples.

Cool art. :)

Added you to my watch list. Put some more stuff up soon. (Like I should be talking...paintings on my easel are mocking me now. :/)

Sovereign Court

Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
Thanks, though to be honest, I don't think I've improved much in the last three years. I guess that's what I get for going to a tech school instead of an art school.

I feel your pain. Haven't been drawing much the last couple of years, and I'm feeling real twitchy about it, but when I draw I haven't been liking the results. :/ I tried to do a new character portrait yesterday, however, and it went rather well.

I went to school to study a technical field too - but it didn't mean I stopped being creative. My best friend at work is a CPA, and she's branching into digital art now, and is pretty awesome at it. When I really take the time to concentrate on pushing myself, I have improved in my art a lot. If you enjoy it, it's worth working on when you can. You'll only stop improving when you stop trying. You may not see improvements, but that's probably because you're too close to it. If you really want to push things, find something a bit outside your comfort zone and run as far as you can with it. That's what I like to do. Sometimes it turns out well, though more often it doesn't. But I always learn something valuable along the way!

Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
It's going to be 70 degrees today. This is unholy.

stops doing his Sacred Happy Sunshine Dance

What's that? I can't hear you over the joyous feeling of warm air settling on my skin.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Drawing is a muscle. It needs to be exercised, stretched, and pushed to its limits to get better. (Draw once a day. It can be anything. BUT DRAW!:D)

Scarab Sages

Woot!! Finally got the report I'd been waiting on. Now I can finish the report I've been promising!

On the other hand:

Grr#1 - so busy working on said report I missed out on my window of opportunity for short lunch line. SO, vending machine's it is.

Grr#2 - this scum sucking bean counter is still insisting I go out to Japan in April for an inspection rather than wait until later in the year to do it in San Diego. Sebastian - you should totally go kick his ass for me, since you're closer.

Otherwise, wrt job, things are going relatively less insane than usual, yet more frantic than usual. Does that even make sense?

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