Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Explains why you're naked.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The folks I whip?

I keep them locked in the closet. I let 'em out for beatings.

Fortunately my ability to lack awareness is uncanny. Though, now that I'm aware of my missing pants...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Nah, the belts! If you don't wear them, where do you keep them?

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Nah, the belts! If you don't wear them, where do you keep them?

I use them as choke ties for the afore mentioned folks.

On his arms, wrists, and chest. He gets mistaken for a bondage fetishist, but it's much more convenient that way.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Mistaken for????

The Exchange

houstonderek wrote:
Mistaken for????

He's new. He hasn't had time to get schooled about the LPM yet. ;)

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

We need a FAWTL Faq or something, I guess.

The LPM?

The Exchange

Yeah we do, it's gettin' hard to keep track of all these crazzies.

Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
The LPM?


Moorluck wrote:
TOZ wrote:

Drama? In MY FaWtL?

It's more likely than you think.

Not if everybody keeps their f@#&ing grown up pants on.

Point taken.

I'll go schvitz elsewhere.

The Exchange

And on that note, the LPM is headed of to bed. Night folks.

Silver Crusade

SON OF A B&%+&!

So, this morning, I dropped my partner off at the airport and then drove to work. Normally I take the bus to work because it's so much easier, but I had the car, so I just parked it in a lot across the street.

Like an idiot, I wandered out of work and went right to the bus stop.


The bus I take stops running at 7, so I can't take it back to my office to get my car. I would leave it, but that area is dodgy at night and I think the lot is unattended after dark. No way. Plus, I don't know the lot's policies for overnight parking - it might not even be allowed, and people tow for the pettiest crap in this town.

Now I have to walk to my office (about a 25 minute walk) to get my freaking car. And it couldn't be tomorrow when it's supposed to be 80. It's today when it's 50.

So, it has come to this...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:

SON OF A B@+~$!

So, this morning, I dropped my partner off at the airport and then drove to work. Normally I take the bus to work because it's so much easier, but I had the car, so I just parked it in a lot across the street.

Like an idiot, I wandered out of work and went right to the bus stop.


The bus I take stops running at 7, so I can't take it back to my office to get my car. I would leave it, but that area is dodgy at night and I think the lot is unattended after dark. No way. Plus, I don't know the lot's policies for overnight parking - it might not even be allowed, and people tow for the pettiest crap in this town.

Now I have to walk to my office (about a 25 minute walk) to get my freaking car. And it couldn't be tomorrow when it's supposed to be 80. It's today when it's 50.

That sucks.....

when I read "partner" I thought you said "panther." I was like, "damn, LA is trippy."

Random shit people argue about on the internet #3,458: Fender vs. Gibson.

Liberty's Edge

That sucks CH.

I've had situations where I forgot I drove in and been halfway to the bus stop before I remembered, but fortunately I don't think I've ever actually got onto the bus before realisation hits.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

LA is pretty trippy, but I've yet to see someone with a panther. There is a pirate who hangs out on the corner yelling "ARRRRR" at passersby, though. He even has a hat with the Jolly Roger on it. So, I guess that's trippy.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Random s%$* people argue about on the internet #3,458: Fender vs. Gibson.

It's GRETCH, f-holes.

Celestial Healer wrote:

SON OF A B#!!!!

So, this morning, I dropped my partner off at the airport and then drove to work. Normally I take the bus to work because it's so much easier, but I had the car, so I just parked it in a lot across the street.

Like an idiot, I wandered out of work and went right to the bus stop.


The bus I take stops running at 7, so I can't take it back to my office to get my car. I would leave it, but that area is dodgy at night and I think the lot is unattended after dark. No way. Plus, I don't know the lot's policies for overnight parking - it might not even be allowed, and people tow for the pettiest crap in this town.

Now I have to walk to my office (about a 25 minute walk) to get my freaking car. And it couldn't be tomorrow when it's supposed to be 80. It's today when it's 50.

That sux, bro


Hooray..its almost 0000, meaning its almost time to go home!!!

so sad Gary Moore and George Harrison are dead, and this doesn't have better sound quality.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Random s%+~ people argue about on the internet #3,458: Fender vs. Gibson.

It’s kinda nice to know that role players aren’t the only people with this “what I like is so much better than what you like” thing going on.

Rapier vs. katana.....
star wars vs trek.....
fender vs gibson......
star wars vs LOTR.....

it's inexhaustable.

I saw people b~$@$ing about Zakk Wylde's backup guitar on Bill Shatner's cover of Iron Man.....
"he just doesn't compare with Iommi, man...."

Whatever game I do next,.......this pictovideo clinches it;.....I'm getting thoroughly celtic.

The Exchange

Why hast one of us not just won the damned lottery yet. Oh yeah the odds are better about being struck by lightning.

hey if any of you are up around midnight CST and see the Northern Lights please snap a picture or three.

I don't think it'll be visible in Tejas, will it? That'd be worth a squandered night's rest.

The Exchange

No they say it might be visible at or possibly below the great lakes. In "OZ" the sky will be so damned cloudy even if visible I wont be able to see a damned thing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think of this when tempted to engage with online drama.

And then I'm too busy reading old xkcd comics and laughing to remember what I was so mad about. :)

Crimson Jester wrote:
No they say it might be visible at or possibly below the great lakes. In "OZ" the sky will be so damned cloudy even if visible I wont be able to see a damned thing.

I would if I could, but it's cloudy here too.

The Exchange

Well I am sure there are a few more in the northern climes than I.

Let's see how many Either/Ors we can get. I'll add some more:

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Let's see how many Either/Ors we can get. I'll add some more:




The Exchange

Star Wars

The Exchange

Or did you prefer questions?
Geek or Dweeb
Nerd or Dork

The Exchange

And now comes the rain, no northern lights for me.

Silver Crusade

There's always the neverending... Mac or PC?

Celestial Healer wrote:
There's always the neverending... Mac or PC?

What about Linux?

I've actually used them all at some point. I can't say I favor one over the others, but I will say this: The older Apple mice suck balls

Better then snow. Just sayin'.

wow add new post window is all....different.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You've been gone for too long, Jyu1ch1!

I know. :<
I just kinda got caught up in some craziness.

Just broke up with the bf so I have more free time now. xD

Liberty's Edge

Hey, good to see you Jyu1ch1 (not so good on the reason though ... sorry to hear, that sort of thing is never fun).

It's okay. I'm sorta relieved actually. Now where is the beer and spam?

Moorluck wrote:

The folks I whip?

I keep them locked in the closet. I let 'em out for beatings.

For some reason this really cracks me up.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

SON OF A B@+~$!

So, this morning, I dropped my partner off at the airport and then drove to work. Normally I take the bus to work because it's so much easier, but I had the car, so I just parked it in a lot across the street.

Like an idiot, I wandered out of work and went right to the bus stop.


The bus I take stops running at 7, so I can't take it back to my office to get my car. I would leave it, but that area is dodgy at night and I think the lot is unattended after dark. No way. Plus, I don't know the lot's policies for overnight parking - it might not even be allowed, and people tow for the pettiest crap in this town.

Now I have to walk to my office (about a 25 minute walk) to get my freaking car. And it couldn't be tomorrow when it's supposed to be 80. It's today when it's 50.

That sucks.....

when I read "partner" I thought you said "panther." I was like, "damn, LA is trippy."

Hey, what CH and his panther do is their business...

Good to have you back, 11.

I'm also attributing any drama to full moon fever. It's been a *very* strange week thus far.

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