Deep 6 FaWtL

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

"I use my massage cantrip."
"It's actually 'message', but I'll allow it."

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My toe is feeling better, so it looks like mowing the yard is back on for Sunday, barring rain.

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Anyone else ever feel like their playing a different game then some of these people on this forum?

Sovereign Court

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Is that how you spell parchisi?

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Anyone else ever feel like their playing a different game then some of these people on this forum?


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Just me then. ok.

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Rifts is always fun. Hackmaster, Toon, Paranoia, MERP, Champions (1980s version), or many others. Chess and checkers also works, but not Go. I am no good at Go (or Chess, or checkers, or...)

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I just noticed my massage/message post was ToP. Nekkid messages can be fun, but nekkid massages might be better.

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Hmm Indeed?

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"You put your fingers in my chest!!"
"Some people would consider that flirting."

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"You freaking electrocuted me because I wouldn't give you my chest granola!"

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I don't even know what your doing.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
I don't even know what your doing.

I'm confusing you.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Yeah, you don't tell the General her youngest child being bullied is his fault for not telling a teacher.

That didn't go over very well.

this is why i keep shovels and a list of alibis in the Geeky Married Women abscondi-cave.

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Well it worked!

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NobodysHome wrote:

Aaaaand.... now somebody invited the fever!

Darn it people! It's too crowded in here already! Shoo, fever! Shoo! Shoo!

hmm. Maybe i should have sanitized the prius before driving around in you...

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Hey there Freehold DM.

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I just found out that an old friend of mine was found dead yesterday. He worked far away and was very busy, so we haven't met much lately. He was one of the more inspiring people I knew, always clear on what was important, always kind and caring. He was a christian, and while I as an atheist often have a hard time with that, he was one of the few people I had no such reservations about. He believed, saw no conflict in his belief and science (which he worked in), and his belief made him a better man in my eyes.

And now I sit here and wonder if I missed anything. I still don't know anything more.

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I'm sorry, Sissyl. *Hugs*

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Aw I'm sorry to hear about your lose Sissyl.

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Jess Door wrote:



Is that how you spell parchisi?

No. It's parcheesi.

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"If you turn into a bird, you could pick me up and drop me off by the bad guys so I could use my thunderwave."
"Just walk."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey, Freehold. It was cold enough in Pittsburgh to almost snow. If this weather pattern holds, New York might get this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"I go in for a kiss, but an angry, rage-filled kiss."
"That's the best kind of kiss."
"That's the best kind of kiss? What kind of relationships have you been in?"

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"The troll, confused, turns and just...eats some chocolate."

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I am sorry to hear that Sissyl.

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~sighs and grumbles a bit~ Oh well. All my current bills are paid. I am still behind my personal schedule on the mortgage and car, but whatever. They will still be paid on time.

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Bills suck.

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I used to like paying bills until our debt started getting out of hand and we got too many pets. The wife doesn't like that we are down to one car and she keeps on pushing for me to get a second car. But until our debt goes down some, I refuse. Getting another car right now is not in the cards.

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Yeah my GF is all about some pets too. Too much work for me.

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~grumbles~ In fact I need to call the vet to have our newest cat taken in for her first shots and examination. ~sighs~ Good bye $160. So much for getting the War of the Chosen expansion for XCOM 2 on the XBOX one.

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Well, I did not realize that I would turn into the crazy cat lady after getting married.

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I want that game (expansion w/e) too but the reviews were so terrible for it I saw nothing but 1 star reviews and they were saying it wasn't even working and crashing frequently. I figured I would wait.

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It is well worth picking up. I have it for the computer, but I am in the mood to sit on the couch and play on the big screen. So that means doing it on the XBOX one. But it is $40 for the expansion. Sadly too many bills means something has to give. That is it.

Edit - But yes, XCOM 2 on the XBOX one is not quite as smooth as the PC version. It still runs fine, but there are some laggy areas, especially on cut scenes. War of the Chosen is great on the PC and worth the price.

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Sharoth wrote:
It is well worth picking up. I have it for the computer, but I am in the mood to sit on the couch and play on the big screen. So that means doing it on the XBOX one. But it is $40 for the expansion. Sadly too many bills means something has to give. That is it.

That seems like soo much for it. does it really have 40 dollars worth of content?

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Oh well, I GUESS I will just have to make do with playing Skyrim this weekend. Poor, poor me. ~grins~

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
It is well worth picking up. I have it for the computer, but I am in the mood to sit on the couch and play on the big screen. So that means doing it on the XBOX one. But it is $40 for the expansion. Sadly too many bills means something has to give. That is it.
That seems like soo much for it. does it really have 40 dollars worth of content?

Yes. I consider it almost as good as the Enemy Within expansion for the original XCOM.

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Oh ok I might have to reconsider it them. I don't suppose it adds the mecah (i loved those in the 1st one. )

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The "mechs", actually robots, get added in Shen's Last Gift.

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Hmm I remember looking through them and most of them didn't seem worth the price they wanted for them is their any others you would suggest besides war of the chosen?

I really just need to wait till they bundle them all.

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If I had to pick, War of the Chosen would be the only one really worth the price. The other two were ok at best, but I would try to pick them up on a sale. They are nice once you have them, but not worth full price.

Of course, I have everything BUT war of the Chose on the XBOX one, and all of them on the computer, so I might be a bit biased. I do not mind paying the money out if I have it so they have more money for future expansions and new games.

The best part of WOTC is the revised ending cut scene. Totally worth the price just for that. I was cheering at the end of the final cut scene. I replayed the last save 5 times just to rewatch it.

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No snooping on Youtube to watch it. Play through the game FIRST!!!

Edit - Trust me, it is well worth the wait to finish the game first with the WOTC expansion to get that ending.

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Lol k no problem their I hate spoilers. SO If I get all these expansions they do all add to the main game right So i can play through the whole thing adding all the new content to the normal game play yes?

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Lol k no problem their I hate spoilers. SO If I get all these expansions they do all add to the main game right So i can play through the whole thing adding all the new content to the normal game play yes?

Yes, but WOTC modifies Shen's last gift and the alien rulers DLC to fit in with the main game. In those two cases, you might want to play through them in the base game since the two intro missions are cut out in the WOTC expansion.

The WOTC expansion treats it as a different game, just like the Enemy Within was a "different" game than Enemy Unknown was. They were not, but it is an easy way to let you play the base game or the expansion.

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I have been trying to get Freehold DM to join me on the XCOM 2 train, but he is stubborn.

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I have it on x-box I played through the main story twice. Didn't get much into the arena thing.

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I never did any of the multiplayer stuff on XCOM or XCOM 2. OTOH, it was fun watching some of the experts do it on Youtube.

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I just didn't want to spoil the game for myself by getting pvp involved. It always seems like pvp in pretty well every game ends up play drastically different from the regular one and often involves some silly exploit or some such.

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~laughter~ Yep. Yep indeed. In my case, I am too chicken to do PVP. Loosing all the time is never very fun and since I am not really that good at video games...

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