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You're not the only one who doesn't care for live music. :)
My ear disease makes concerts a no go for me. They are pure hell. And yet listening to music with my noise cancelling headphones is a big part of how I cope with my symptoms. I love music. I just can't handle it being played at crazy loud volumes that I can't get away from. Music is not supposed to literally knock you on your ass. It's just not fun. Add in crowds of people and thank you.
Worship music was a big part of the reason we gave up church altogether. Loud live music is just not something I can do. (The rest of it had to do with a total lack of compassion for my autistic kid when he was younger. Sometimes people suck.) And then I remembered that I'm a grown up and nobody was making me be there. So I stopped going back. :)
It's not even style of music either. I can't even handle a classical music concert. I tried. Thank goodness for recordings.

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Bah! That's because you've never been to a Ministry concert. :-)

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Obviously my wardrobe choices are also best suited to listening to recordings in the privacy of my own home. ;P

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I try to avoid Holy ground. It the burning sensation does not get to me first, the electric shock from up high will get me. ~grins~

Lamontius wrote:
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
There's beer that isn't crap?

Oh, yes.

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Tacticslion wrote:

So, the Protomen.

You like Megaman. You like Rock, Opera, Westerns, and Tragedy.
Here is the first two acts. (Act II being a prequel.)
This City Made Us, Hold Back the Night are the newest from Act III.

... yes, they were released six months ago. Yes I just found them. Shut it.

I may or may not be obsessed, recently.

EDIT: Act III isn't released yet. Act I was 2005, Act II (which is fundamentally amazing in every way) was 2009, and Act III has released only two of its songs. I wanna hear the rest so baaaaaaaaaaaad.

Orthos wrote:
Protomen have actually been around for years, they had a concert while I was living out in Phoenix (sadly I didn't get to go). They're great.
Tacticslion wrote:

I was actually introduced to them some years ago (around 2008, maybe?), by way of Nerdy Show and Nerdapolooza (which I was introduced to by 8-bit theater linking to Dungeons & Doritos.

Anyway, I've basically been a fan of them ever since I learned of their existence, but the two songs have only been posted on the Protomens' site for six months or so, and from their website it looks like the vinal only just arrived this December or January (and was announced in July).

I linked their Night of Queen some time back, I think.

Anyway, great group! Love their music! I'm just currently obsessed with the two newest songs (and have never lost my obsession with Act II: Father of Death whichisincredibleandallofyoushouldlistentoitatalltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssszzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~!


Uh, carry on.

Nope. This is too good/important to leave to molder in obscurity on a previous FaWtL page! Listen to their music~!

Shadow Lodge

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Lamontius wrote:
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
There's beer that isn't crap?

You LIE!

Having to scroll left to right when you string out words like that is.. not ideal. :-)

All good and all, love the enthusiasm. :-)

TOZ wrote:
Lamontius wrote:
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
There's beer that isn't crap?
You LIE!


captain yesterday wrote:

Having to scroll left to right when you string out words like that is.. not ideal. :-)

All good and all, love the enthusiasm. :-)

If you mean me... uh, hm. That doesn't happen for me. Sorry, I just thought it would drop down (which is what happens for me).

Anyway, just for you, teenagers. Hope it helps! ;D

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It's on my phone it does that, no big deal. :-)

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Soon it will be new PC time.

The old one's lasted 10 years, but it's showing definite signs of age now, and I'm too much of a techno-dunce to upgrade it myself. Money I'd rather not spend (and, of course, money I don't have to spend at all), but there you go.

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*SIGH* Working in the tech industry, you get so jaded about the scams that have been around for 20+ years, and so tired of talking 'til you're blue in the face warning your friends and family that it's a nasty, nasty world out there, that you forget that some people are just sweet and decent and trusting and the people who take advantage of that should have unmentionable things done to them.

Long story short, Shiro's aunt got a call from the Dominican Republic that he'd been in a drunken car crash, was injured and arrested, and needed money ASAP. He didn't sound like himself because he'd broken his nose in the crash.

And the poor dear, an elderly woman in Kentucky, didn't think twice about wiring her life savings (around $3400) to a random account in the Dominican Republic, no questions asked.

On the one hand, the harm done is minimal; we constantly tease him about it, but Shiro is an executive at a Fortune 500 company, and he can wire her the money without putting himself out excessively.

On the other hand, I am seething right now. I love friendly, loving, trusting people. And I hate the scumbags who take advantage of them and make them fear the world. H-e-double toothpicks is too good a place for such scammers.

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Limeylongears wrote:

Soon it will be new PC time.

The old one's lasted 10 years, but it's showing definite signs of age now, and I'm too much of a techno-dunce to upgrade it myself. Money I'd rather not spend (and, of course, money I don't have to spend at all), but there you go.

How much are you planning on spending for a new computer and what do you want to do with it? Would you prefer a desktop (better for gaming) or a laptop (portable but low upgrade potential)?

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lynora wrote:

Obviously my wardrobe choices are also best suited to listening to recordings in the privacy of my own home. ;P

really? Because I think ticket sales at any concert you attend would go through the roof.

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lynora wrote:
Obviously my wardrobe choices are also best suited to listening to recordings in the privacy of my own home. ;P

That kind of attire from female fans could actually make a concert worth attending.

Yes, I am in the "give me mp3/YT recording over live concert" camp too.

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I had some guy call once and say my brother was in jail, I told him to make sure he got the chair and hung up.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I had some guy call once and say my brother was in jail, I told him to make sure he got the chair and hung up.

I think I posted this one before, but my worst was when I was dealing with a rough day at work and someone from "Microsoft Technical Support" called to tell me that there was a problem with my computer.

My response of, "OK, let's do this, <obscenity>. What's my IP address?" got an immediate hang-up.

My all-time favorite was when some guy had to read a full 2-minute speech at me. So I said, "What?" And he had to read it again. And I said, "What?" and he read it a third time.

When I then said, "Can you say that again?" he finally got mad and said, "Oh good God!" and hung up on me.

You know you're good when you get them to waste their time, get mad, and hang up on you! :-P

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I just don't have time to waste their time.

Just get to the punchline, that's my phone philosophy.

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NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I had some guy call once and say my brother was in jail, I told him to make sure he got the chair and hung up.

I think I posted this one before, but my worst was when I was dealing with a rough day at work and someone from "Microsoft Technical Support" called to tell me that there was a problem with my computer.

My response of, "OK, let's do this, <obscenity>. What's my IP address?" got an immediate hang-up.

My all-time favorite was when some guy had to read a full 2-minute speech at me. So I said, "What?" And he had to read it again. And I said, "What?" and he read it a third time.

When I then said, "Can you say that again?" he finally got mad and said, "Oh good God!" and hung up on me.

You know you're good when you get them to waste their time, get mad, and hang up on you! :-P

I have done that before. Some scammer with too good an offer wanted my checking account information. But I wasn't going to give that over the phone... But it sounded so good so I kept him on the phone for a long time being indecisive until he gave up. When I checked up on him online I realized it was fake.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

*SIGH* Working in the tech industry, you get so jaded about the scams that have been around for 20+ years, and so tired of talking 'til you're blue in the face warning your friends and family that it's a nasty, nasty world out there, that you forget that some people are just sweet and decent and trusting and the people who take advantage of that should have unmentionable things done to them.

Long story short, Shiro's aunt got a call from the Dominican Republic that he'd been in a drunken car crash, was injured and arrested, and needed money ASAP. He didn't sound like himself because he'd broken his nose in the crash.

And the poor dear, an elderly woman in Kentucky, didn't think twice about wiring her life savings (around $3400) to a random account in the Dominican Republic, no questions asked.

On the one hand, the harm done is minimal; we constantly tease him about it, but Shiro is an executive at a Fortune 500 company, and he can wire her the money without putting himself out excessively.

On the other hand, I am seething right now. I love friendly, loving, trusting people. And I hate the scumbags who take advantage of them and make them fear the world. H-e-double toothpicks is too good a place for such scammers.


Sorry to hear that, I'm glad things are relatively okay now. But yeah, that absolutely sucks.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I had some guy call once and say my brother was in jail, I told him to make sure he got the chair and hung up.

I think I posted this one before, but my worst was when I was dealing with a rough day at work and someone from "Microsoft Technical Support" called to tell me that there was a problem with my computer.

My response of, "OK, let's do this, <obscenity>. What's my IP address?" got an immediate hang-up.

My all-time favorite was when some guy had to read a full 2-minute speech at me. So I said, "What?" And he had to read it again. And I said, "What?" and he read it a third time.

When I then said, "Can you say that again?" he finally got mad and said, "Oh good God!" and hung up on me.

You know you're good when you get them to waste their time, get mad, and hang up on you! :-P

I've been plagued by scammers doing something similar, recently (though they claim to be from Dell, for me).

Man, I love just chatting on and on and on with them. When they get really, really, really ticked and try to goad me into doing what they say and "fixing my computer", I ask them for my case number, so I can call Dell and report their behavior. What's great is they hang up, but then, because I "bought it" or whatever, they keep calling me back. It's kind of hilarious, if it weren't so sad. Frankly, I agree: people who scam the innocent (and vulnerable!) out of their hard-earned funds are terrible. I enjoy causing them difficulty pretty exclusively because that means they're not hurting anyone else during that time, and it doesn't really cost me anything.

(The best thing, though, is when I can get them to wait while I put them on "hold" - actually, just "mute" - so I can watch a sci-show or other educational video while killing time, and reporting their number to the actual Dell. When they get to cursing or something similar and telling me - who, you know, they don't think can hear them - that I'm such an idiot, I know they've basted enough, and I answer them again, and frustrate them with 'ignorance' by asking questions until they hang up.)

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I do hope to smell again, someday...

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captain yesterday wrote:
I do hope to smell again, someday...

~sniffs you and then recoils in horror~ Oh, you do! You do indeed!!!


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Sharoth wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Soon it will be new PC time.

The old one's lasted 10 years, but it's showing definite signs of age now, and I'm too much of a techno-dunce to upgrade it myself. Money I'd rather not spend (and, of course, money I don't have to spend at all), but there you go.

How much are you planning on spending for a new computer and what do you want to do with it? Would you prefer a desktop (better for gaming) or a laptop (portable but low upgrade potential)?

Desktop (it's not going anywhere :)) for (not very advanced) gaming/admin-y stuff. Ideally, I wanted to spend around £3-400 ($450-600, roughly), but getting anything at least slightly future-proof for less that £600/$850 odd seems unlikely, after checking out minimum specs for various things. With any luck, I'll be able to pay by instalments, which will lessen the pain somewhat.

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Limeylongears wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Soon it will be new PC time.

The old one's lasted 10 years, but it's showing definite signs of age now, and I'm too much of a techno-dunce to upgrade it myself. Money I'd rather not spend (and, of course, money I don't have to spend at all), but there you go.

How much are you planning on spending for a new computer and what do you want to do with it? Would you prefer a desktop (better for gaming) or a laptop (portable but low upgrade potential)?
Desktop (it's not going anywhere :)) for (not very advanced) gaming/admin-y stuff. Ideally, I wanted to spend around £3-400 ($450-600, roughly), but getting anything at least slightly future-proof for less that £600/$850 odd seems unlikely, after checking out minimum specs for various things. With any luck, I'll be able to pay by instalments, which will lessen the pain somewhat.

Are you willing to build it yourself? Or would you prefer to just buy a name brand? Both options have their pluses and minuses. Sadly, a semi top notch gaming computer would run you at least $1000 without a monitor. You CAN get a useable one for less, but corners will be cut. Either an older system or needing upgrades sooner than later.

Edit - What kind of games are you wanting to play? Are you planning on doing any photo or video editing? Those will oftentimes dictate what you will need in a computer.

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Mirror's Edge Catalyst looks like it will be fun.

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So, saw some stuff online about the 20th anniversary re-release of the original Pokemon games has caused me to dig out my old Gameboy Color and the only game I ever got for it, Pokemon Blue. I had forgotten just how small that screen is, and how hard it can be to see it given the lack of backlighting. Still, have put about 6 hours in over the last two days, so I guess that's something.

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I remember when Pokemon was an actual RPG. Those were good times.

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Sharoth wrote:

Are you willing to build it yourself? Or would you prefer to just buy a name brand? Both options have their pluses and minuses. Sadly, a semi top notch gaming computer would run you at least $1000 without a monitor. You CAN get a useable one for less, but corners will be cut. Either an older system or needing upgrades sooner than later.

Edit - What kind of games are you wanting to play? Are you planning on doing any photo or video editing? Those will oftentimes dictate what you will need in a computer.

I don't want to build it myself; someone at my gaming group recommended a reasonably local company that'll build it for you, so I'll probably go for that option.

No need for photo/video editing; I'd like to be able to play Fallout 4, and the one I've specced up on their website matches the minimum specs.

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Minimum specs, I've found, makes for a very crappy experience on a computer. You want recommended specs.

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The General loved Midnight Taxi Tango by Daniel Jose Older, it is highly recommended. :-)

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Never go for minimum specs. Your play experience will be horrible at best if the game even runs. If you are on a budget shoot for as close to recommended as you can get in your price range.

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The General has a stomach bug, I got the congested part of it, but not the stomach bug part. She wondered aloud why that is, to which Pea Bear helpfully piped up "Mom, you forget, Dad grew up on a backwoods farm, they probably drank their milk straight from the cow's udder" to which I replied, "hey now, we washed the udder before we drank from it"

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Aranna wrote:

Just did a quick web search. Looks like the slang names for the rolling stop are California Stop, Various variations of California stop, Chicago Stop, Jakarta Stop, and Michigan Stop. The most popular seems to be California Stop. Michigan Stop must be fairly popular in Michigan however. I like that most of those are American. :) HA world! Look what bad drivers we are!

Ha! The fact that there is a name for it is a reflection that Americans care about stop signs at all. Outside of North America and Northern Europe, road signs are merely helpful suggestions.

Traveling anywhere gives you a whole new appreciation for the boring predictability of American drivers.

Seriously, the taxi drive from the airport to the town centre in Lisbon (at rush hour) was one of the scarier than if one of the wings on the plane had caught fire.

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I will not try out for The Amazing Race, I will not try out for The Amazing Race, I will not try out for The Amazing Race...

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I am far more excited about the rice cooker that came to my job today than I am about the super hyper fancy funky fresh drop razor I got today.

Aeglos, I have a merkur futur safety/drop razor with a satin finish. I always think things that come to me from Germany are inspected by you beforehand to ensure maximum efficiency.

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Have you (or has anyone else) ever tried shaving with a straight razor?

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I have not.

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
I remember when Pokemon was an actual RPG. Those were good times.

The newer ones are not so bad as long as you avoid the competitive scene.

Albeit the whole series is incredibly formulaic, so don't expect too much drastic evolution ;)

I do approve of a lot of the minor tweaks over the years, though. Especially the physical/special split in Gen4, that one repaired a LOT of headaches with some of the stat spreads in earlier games.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
So, saw some stuff online about the 20th anniversary re-release of the original Pokemon games has caused me to dig out my old Gameboy Color and the only game I ever got for it, Pokemon Blue. I had forgotten just how small that screen is, and how hard it can be to see it given the lack of backlighting. Still, have put about 6 hours in over the last two days, so I guess that's something.

I don't have my old copies of Red, Yellow, and Gold anymore - and no idea where they went - but I do have emulator copies and I'll probably get them on the 3DS virtual console, as it's been not-so-subtly hinted that there'll be something "special" done if you transfer critters up from the VC versions of RBY to the 7th-Gen games being released late this year via the Pokemon Bank service.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I am far more excited about the rice cooker that came to my job today...

So, many horror stories about cooking rice for my family for 35+ years later...

...I have such a "rice sense" that on our ski trip I cooked a pot of rice for my kids, looked at my brother, and said, "Weird. We must be at altitude. Are these cabins at altitude?"
"Yeah... we're at around 4000'."
"Oh, that explains it."
"You can tell what altitude we're at from how the rice comes out?!?!?!?"
"Yeah... can't you?"

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Limeylongears wrote:

Have you (or has anyone else) ever tried shaving with a straight razor?

I do, but it is with a shavette (disposable) not a "true" straight razor. I think I am comfortable enough to make the switch, but straight razors are rare as hens teeth nowadays and quite expensive.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I am far more excited about the rice cooker that came to my job today...

So, many horror stories about cooking rice for my family for 35+ years later...

...I have such a "rice sense" that on our ski trip I cooked a pot of rice for my kids, looked at my brother, and said, "Weird. We must be at altitude. Are these cabins at altitude?"
"Yeah... we're at around 4000'."
"Oh, that explains it."
"You can tell what altitude we're at from how the rice comes out?!?!?!?"
"Yeah... can't you?"

if I were not already married (and into dudes), I would marry you on the spot.

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I'm sure I can jam some teeth into a chicken, how much will you pay for it.

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You're right Freehold, Django will have a coffin. I have ideas, but still getting the story straight in my head.

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Freehold DM wrote:
I am far more excited about the rice cooker that came to my job today than I am about the super hyper fancy funky fresh drop razor I got today.

You can now make pancakes* at work.

(* NSFHungryStomachs link)

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Dread Piewright Jacques Pepin wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I am far more excited about the rice cooker that came to my job today than I am about the super hyper fancy funky fresh drop razor I got today.

You can now make pancakes* at work.

(* NSFHungryStomachs link)

I can make a dump cake too, I'm sure.

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The villainy continues, Mwahahahahahahaha!!!

Male human (Varisian) warpriest of Urgathoa 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 60)
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +3
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee heavy pick +4 (1d6+3/×4)
Special Attacks blessings 3/day, sacred weapon (1d6, 0)
Warpriest Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st—cause fear (DC 14), cure light wounds
0 (at will)—bleed (DC 13), detect magic, read magic
Str 17, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (heavy pick)
Traits amoral mercenary, bully
Skills Heal +7, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (religion) +4, Sense Motive +8
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ blessings (evil: battle companion, unholy strike, magic: blessed magic, hand of the acolyte), manifestation points, ability scores
Other Gear chain shirt, heavy pick, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, coffin[UE], flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text[UE], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Urgathoa, 46 gp
Special Abilities
Blessings (3/day) (Su) Pool of power used to activate Blessing abilities.
Combat Reflexes (1 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Manifestation Points, Ability Scores ([none], 14/psychic duel) Every combatant begins a psychic duel with a pool of MP equal to the combatant’s HD + the average of her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. As a free action, a combatant can draw from this pool to generate MP. A combatant who draws any numb
Sacred Weapon (Su) As a swift action, grant weapon enhancement bonus or certain powers.
When Django was a small lad growing up destitute, living on the docks of Riddleport, he dreamed of leaving the squalid life behind, on the deck of one of the many pirate ships that made port.

So, no one was surprised (nor did they care) when young Django stowed away on a ship bound for Cheliax. it was a long trip, alone in the hold, the only friends, the plague rats, that the church of Urgathoa had stowed away with him.

At some point, Django wasn’t sure when, he ventured out of his little corner, to find a ship devoid of life, except himself and the rats. while feasting like the pirate king, Django was sure that he would doubtlessly become, he noticed the rats, sitting by the door, staring.

Django wasnt exactly sure why he followed, the madness of lonliness maybe, but follow he did. Down into the cargo hold, deeper then even he had dared venture.

There sat a plain wooden coffin, “but whose coffin” Django thought to himself, “Yours” whispered a rat, into his ears.

By the time the ship had floated into Kintargo, and Django dragged his coffin ashore, his destiny as a servant of Urgathoa was sealed.

And so Django travels Cheliax, seasoning his coffin with blood, pestilence and death, waiting for the moment when he transcends his mortal form, a humble servant of the Pallid Princess.

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After having the game for Ao knows who long (you've got to go Aoooo - maybe this is neither the time nor the place for Goon Show quotes), I have finally completed Baldurs Gate. Whoopee for me.

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