Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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On bottom and top nekkid! :P

I forget, was there something special we are supposed to do if we got both?

Lunch break!

Scarab Sages


*offers brain*

*sign* "I already ate the rest so I can't put it back."

*flips sign* "Also need to eat it or store it or it'll go bad."

Solnes wrote:

On bottom and top nekkid! :P

I forget, was there something special we are supposed to do if we got both?

eyebrow waggle

Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
~scratches at the carpet, tearing holes in it and the floor~
Carpet needs replaced anyways
Clashes with the drapes. Don't even bother replacing it. Unnecessary.

Hardwood is easier to care for, messes just wipe up ;)


hi everyone

wow, productive day, guys

congtrats freehold on the legendary landmark post (funny thing, I could not see that post from work, I saw the replys and I could see it in your post history, but not in here)

Aberzombie wrote:
A little something for FHDM

Dear Moviegoers,

Thanks for the $$$$$$$$!

Joss Whedon

breaded fried Kohlrabi with Quark and the first fresh herbs from he garden

aeglos wrote:


breaded fried Kohlrabi with Quark and the first fresh herbs from he garden

You ate a Ferengi? Does it go well with bacon?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.


I learned something new.

Edit: How appropriate... From the article:

Wikipedia wrote:
As the large popularity of quark desserts is limited to mainly the German-speaking and central European countries, confusion might arise when talking about quark with people unfamiliar with cuisine from this area.

Sovereign Court

doctor_wu wrote:
Ruroni Kenshin was awesome when I watched it.

The first two season, which followed the manga pretty closely, were quite good. I like the manga better after the Shishio arc finished, though.

My first weekend in Japan I walked into a Japanese bookstore and bought volumes 7-27 (already owned 1-6, 28) of Rurouni Kenshin, and plopped all 21 books down in front of the terrified Japanese store clerk.


Urizen wrote:
aeglos wrote:


breaded fried Kohlrabi with Quark and the first fresh herbs from he garden
You ate a Ferengi? Does it go well with bacon?

wait, what?

Celestial Healer wrote:


I learned something new.

Edit: How appropriate... From the article:

Wikipedia wrote:
As the large popularity of quark desserts is limited to mainly the German-speaking and central European countries, confusion might arise when talking about quark with people unfamiliar with cuisine from this area.

you don't have Quark?

oh, what a poor empty live without Quark

Jess Door wrote:
doctor_wu wrote:
Ruroni Kenshin was awesome when I watched it.

The first two season, which followed the manga pretty closely, were quite good. I like the manga better after the Shishio arc finished, though.

My first weekend in Japan I walked into a Japanese bookstore and bought volumes 7-27 (already owned 1-6, 28) of Rurouni Kenshin, and plopped all 21 books down in front of the terrified Japanese store clerk.


fistbump despite my hatred of kenshin

I really don't like kenshin. I found the dude with the oversized sword to be cooler or at the very least, less annoying.

Freehold DM wrote:
I really don't like kenshin. I found the dude with the oversized sword to be cooler or at the very least, less annoying.

Sano AKA The Requisite Awesome Sidekick without any Special Abilities Character. [/random trivia] I did like him more than Kenshin, though in my case that was because Kenshin was just kinda meh.

The cop guy was pretty cool too though.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hajime Saito, the Wolf of Mibu. Badass.

Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I really don't like kenshin. I found the dude with the oversized sword to be cooler or at the very least, less annoying.

Sano AKA The Requisite Awesome Sidekick without any Special Abilities Character. [/random trivia] I did like him more than Kenshin, though in my case that was because Kenshin was just kinda meh.

The cop guy was pretty cool too though.

shakes fist at trope as well as kenshin

Sovereign Court

I like all of them in their way. It's a fun story. I like how Kaoru, even though she's not anywhere near the level of the heroes, isn't a pushover either.

Silver Crusade

aeglos wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:


I learned something new.

Edit: How appropriate... From the article:

Wikipedia wrote:
As the large popularity of quark desserts is limited to mainly the German-speaking and central European countries, confusion might arise when talking about quark with people unfamiliar with cuisine from this area.

you don't have Quark?

oh, what a poor empty live without Quark

I had never even heard of it.

And to illuminate Urizen's comment, Quark was the name of a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine character. He does not look very appetizing to have as an accompaniment to your kohlrabi.

Jess Door wrote:
I like all of them in their way. It's a fun story. I like how Kaoru, even though she's not anywhere near the level of the heroes, isn't a pushover either.

that she rarely gets time to shine is another issue I had with the series. I know the name of the series is Ruroni Kenshin, but there are other people there too who are (IMO) far, far more interesting.

Ugh. I can't be levelheaded when kenshin comes up. I have no idea why the series irks me so.

Celestial Healer wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:


I learned something new.

Edit: How appropriate... From the article:

Wikipedia wrote:
As the large popularity of quark desserts is limited to mainly the German-speaking and central European countries, confusion might arise when talking about quark with people unfamiliar with cuisine from this area.

you don't have Quark?

oh, what a poor empty live without Quark

I had never even heard of it.

And to illuminate Urizen's comment, Quark was the name of a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine character. He does not look very appetizing to have as an accompaniment to your kohlrabi.

damn, I had forgotten him :-D LOL

Hour to go...

Sovereign Court

Kenshin had my favorite villain ever: Seta Soujiro.

I love his final fight with Kenshin. It is absolutely epic in the manga. I never get tired of reading that.

I really love Kenshin's departure for Kyoto scene, when he says goodbye to Kaoru. The manga illustration for it is so dramatic and cool. Technically excellent!

Slow day...

Seems like FaWTLie tikes are into everything.

I always liked Quark.

Cleaning up the mess my office had become, it became apparent that I needed to create a Clockwork Gnome Publishing file folder, therefore I did so.

Am I missing anything?

A daily post pandering us to read your blog? I didn't see one.

Oh, *I* saw it. It was a blaze of a read. Lots of smoke and mirrors.

{twirls stache}

Eating ferengi isn't technically cannibalism.

Wife is in CA safe and sound. My sister rented a red Camaro for them. I sure hope I don't have to fly there to bail them out.

I whooped it up locally by doing 2 hours of yard work tonite. To quote Doctor Smith "Oh, the pain. The pain" And I missed The Big Bang Theory! Have to check the DVR later.

Silver Crusade

Where in CA is your wife driving that Camaro? I'd want to take it out on the PCH.


I put too much lime in tonight's rum cocktail. God, I love the end of the semester.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I still think that words do matter, and with that in mind we do have some responsibility to think about which ones we use to describe people.

Like "Swedish Meatball?"

Say what you want, just think it through first is what I'm saying.

The Exchange

First day on the phones and I get stuck all by my lonesome because there is not enough people to buddy jack with. Yet I am second in sales and the only one who logged in, in a minimum of time and had minimum of help during the day.

Damn I hate this job. Not to toot my own horn but I am too damned smart and talented for this place. They pay like crap.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:

Hmmm....Taig and Sebastian both mysteriously absent from the boards at the same time.

Why do I suddenly have the image of a pony and a badger, dress to the nines in Tuxedo's, using cool spy tech to battle some madman bent on global domination?

This was the first thing that came to mind when I read that...

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:
if easily offended

Ha. You're funny. I used to work for Boy Scouts, and then left to work in a mechanic's shop. NOTHING offends me. I am immune.

The Exchange

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
if easily offended
Ha. You're funny. I used to work for Boy Scouts, and then left to work in a mechanic's shop. NOTHING offends me. I am immune.

That sounds like a challenge!?!

Liberty's Edge

He makes a very persuasive argument...


GooooooooooooooooooD Morning FawtL!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Its a.... lots of coffee kinda mornin! I wish hubby could stay home and hang out today. I've been thinking, its time for us to win the lottery so that we can stay home and game all day everyday.

Liberty's Edge

Solnes wrote:

Wait, you said "bottom" in the previous post. Make up your mind.

I'm thinking its also a muffin for breakfast kinda morning.

Have soda. Wishing I had something warm for breakfast.


Forums go kaput for anyone else there for a few minutes or is my connection just being wonky? >_>

Liberty's Edge

They went kaput for a minute.

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