Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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The Exchange

Naked and inconvenienced for ToP.

Why the hell not.

The Exchange

Anyway, it's bed time for the LPM, Night y'all.

'night. I'll just go around other threads and exploding posters heads.

Liberty's Edge

Hope tomorrow treats you better LPM.

Scarab Sages

Good morning to all my Fellow FAWTLY Folk! Little pissed that they didn't show Alcatraz last night. NASCAR instead. Which is fine, but the TV guide still showed Alcatraz. Arrggghhh!

Scarab Sages

Sorry for your woes LPM. If you like, I can give a fine rendition of The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow.

Scarab Sages

Darth Charlie! But there is still good in him. I feel the conflict.

Urizen wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Why isn't there an open position for Rule Thirty-Four Analyst? I would excel at that. <frowny face>
Because we would have to fight over it. cue star trek fight music

I would win. Because you're a luddite who just won't traverse certain places.

I know no bounds.

FHDM + Alton Brown + Joss Whedon = Lemon Party.


Me? Naw. Hell, thoughts like that keep me warm at night, so long as I'm the one doing the...ah...lemoning.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Freehold analysis:

"I hate it. Because it sucks."

That is merely the cliffnotes' version of my thought process, and it leaves out so very, very much. Like the all important hateratin' equation and the suckage differential.

Aberzombie wrote:

Night folks! Time for the zombie to get his beauty sleep.

Oh, and tip for all:

** spoiler omitted **

removes movie from netflix cue

Thanks, Zombie.

Wouldn't it be great if we all lived together? Or are we(read: you) all too old for that now?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yowza - I take a 12-hour break from the intrawebz and Paizo goes and hires Daigle? Daiglicious!


Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Wouldn't it be great if we all lived together? Or are we(read: you) all too old for that now?

If I recall correctly, several of us old-timer Paizo folk once talked about all being in the same nursing home when we're really old, just so we could sit around gaming all day.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Ragnarok Aeon wrote:
Congrats Daigle. Not that I know who you are...
Daigle’s a long time message board regular (I think he’s been posting here as long or longer than folk like Sharoth and Heath), a contributer to Paizo products and an all round pretty cool guy.
Th' Magistrate tried to claim my wife in prima nupti on our wedding day. Until Daigle stepped over a largeish crag and smote him dead with a treant.

Oh yeah, don't give the treant any credit. I had blood on my branches for days!

Duh factor. We treants prefer our nutrients softened up a bit by some earth.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Wouldn't it be great if we all lived together? Or are we(read: you) all too old for that now?
If I recall correctly, several of us old-timer Paizo folk once talked about all being in the same nursing home when we're really old, just so we could sit around gaming all day.

And it shalt be known as ElderCon!

It shall never end. There shalt be wheelchair jousting on the front lawn which no child shall set foot upon and tankards of prune juice. And large dice. Yes, easy to read large dice.

First post 7/8/2008. I am but a sapling on these boards.

*Shapechanges into weeping willow* No, not the one from the movie.

Urizen wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Why isn't there an open position for Rule Thirty-Four Analyst? I would excel at that. <frowny face>
Well I know a few *coughs* sites that might need an analyst... I will send you links. :P


Urizen wrote:
Darth Knight wrote:
Urizen wrote:
lynora wrote:
Sounds like it's time to develop a new personality. Trust me, it's the ultimate cure for boredom. ;P

That's code for sock puppetry.

[Ep 3 Vader] NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO! [/Ep 3 Vader]

We've had enough of that to last a lifetime. In fact it smells of old socks in here again.
Adjust your aluminum foil headgear, Darth.

I have you know I adjust it regularly.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Gawds, first post 12/31/2007. Four years and counting. My first PbP is coming up on its four-year anniversary too!

So, who's the new guy/gal?

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
So, who's the new guy/gal?

He's obviously someone with discriminating taste, as he found us relatively quickly since joining the boards. And he's posted a pic to prove he's not a sockpuppet.

Of course, none of that is proof positive that he's not here to steal AZ's horde of brain matter.

So all this talk of first posts made me curious so I had to go and look at mine. May 13 2007. And I lurked for quite a bit first before I actually posted. Huh. Doesn't seem like it's been that long.

Also, that's cool about the PBP Patrick. And here I was excited about having one that's almost made it a year. :)

My first post was sept 05. Take that, Zuckerberg! I've no need of your plagued website to socialize electronically!

lynora wrote:

So all this talk of first posts made me curious so I had to go and look at mine. May 13 2007. And I lurked for quite a bit first before I actually posted. Huh. Doesn't seem like it's been that long.

Also, that's cool about the PBP Patrick. And here I was excited about having one that's almost made it a year. :) older woman. How ya doin'? ;P

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wow my first post wasn't until November of 2009. Now I just need to figure out when I started posting in FAWTL.

Is it just me or is there a truly horrific scene in MARS NEEDS MOMS?

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

I had no idea that starting in July 2006 makes me such an old-school Paizonian...

Are debt collectors allowed to call my work?

Sharoth wrote:
Are debt collectors allowed to call my work?

To the best of my knowledge yes. Unfortunately.

lynora wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Are debt collectors allowed to call my work?
To the best of my knowledge yes. Unfortunately.

~curses` I hate my ex- and I hate her kids!

Dark Archive

Argh .... sometimes it does not pay to get out of bed. My step daughter crashed our only car Sunday night and now I am fighting with the insurance company to get them to pay since she was not on our insurance.

The car maybe totaled and I had just paid the darn thing off like 4 months ago. We were hoping to get the wife a new car but now I need to replace the old one and probably can't afford two car payments.

On the bright side she was not hurt too badly bruising and the like and her daughter was perfectly fine. Those are the most important things in this. So I suppose I should count myself lucky.

Jun 24, 2007

Damn I feel old.

Sorry about the car Gruumash . I can fully understand not being able to afford a car payment.

Sharoth wrote:
lynora wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Are debt collectors allowed to call my work?
To the best of my knowledge yes. Unfortunately.
~curses` I hate my ex- and I hate her kids!

It depends on the state. I keep telling you to take him out hunting, Dick Cheney style.

Celestial Healer wrote:

Morning, all. What did I miss?

I had no idea that starting in July 2006 makes me such an old-school Paizonian...

beat me by a year. :P

Gru, is she an insured driver? Vehicles she drive may be covered on her insurance, at least for some amount. That's awful, but fortunate nobody is injured.

It must be said:

Darth Knight wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
lynora wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Are debt collectors allowed to call my work?
To the best of my knowledge yes. Unfortunately.
~curses` I hate my ex- and I hate her kids!
It depends on the state. I keep telling you to take him out hunting, Dick Cheney style.

I wish I could.

Scarab Sages

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

You're just now figuring this out?

Scarab Sages

My first post was 30 June 2005. Does that make me the old man of the FAWTLY threads?

Scarab Sages

The bacon gods did smile upon me today.

Dark Archive

Treppa wrote:
Gru, is she an insured driver? Vehicles she drive may be covered on her insurance, at least for some amount. That's awful, but fortunate nobody is injured.

No she does not have her own insurance since she does not have a car.

Yes the best part is that she and her daughter my grandchild were fine. Granted she my step daughter has some bruising and hurts some but she is otherwise unhurt and her daughter did not have a scratch on her thank god. This might be a reminder of why not to try and text and drive. As well as why she might wear her seatbelt. She is unlikely to make that mistake again granted I doubt I am going to let her drive my car ever again.

Silver Crusade

I had bacon, too. And yes, you are the old man of the FAWTLy threads.

Has anybody tried go-oo?

Um, Gru, did you say, Grandchild? B/C I thought I had seen a picture of you.

Dark Archive

why yes I did say grandchild. And yes you probably have seen a picture of me. The Monkey Man Mr Curtin took one this weekend of Ankelbiter and me together. I actually have two grandchildren one 8 months and one 5 years old.

Yes I am young looking and I have not yet hit 40 (This year). But my wife is a little older than me and her children are 26 and 19 right now both with children of their own.

I have to say I love the double take people do when I say grandchildren. ha ha ha

Well, I seem to be making progress through my to-do list this week. The kitchen is all cleaned out and reorganized and I changed the showerhead in the bathroom. Now I just have to pack up all this crap I took out of the kitchen and pack it up to take to the salvation army.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I don't like people near my age being GPs. Cut that out!


Seriously, though, Gru, I'm glad your family is okay.

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