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As far as games on the list the best one is Ghost of Tsushima.

Not only is it fairly historically and geographically accurate but it also has a spectacular fighting system and level up tree.

Plus, you get to pet foxes, bow to EVERYONE, and soak your naked bum in hot springs for a longer life bar.

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After becoming the Nectarine and Potato of all three houses in Morrowind, I am presently running around in Oblivion, having disposed of the pesky main quest, merrily collecting swords and books, which is what I like to do best in video games as well as IRL.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I tried playing Kingmaker, once.

I made my character, went through all the options and then when I got to my first fight it hung up and I was forced to do it ALL over again. I did not.

I'm not 100% satisfied with Kingmaker. Did NOT like the timer aspect of the first part of the game, and pointed out how foolish it was to have something like that in an EXPLORATION BASED GAME FOR GODS SAKE, and had a game where time would run out for me literally ONE MOVEMENT SPACE away from the supposed goal. There were so many issues with sleeping/resting and healing it wasn't funny. May just uninstall and not look back.

Oh, I f!!!ing hate timers! I thought they stopped putting those in video games that didn't involve racing, football, or basketball.

And yes, it's absolutely ridiculous for a supposed open world exploration rpg to have one.

I THINK (but I'm not sure) you can turn that off in the options.

The options had a LOT of useless garbage to turn off.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I tried playing Kingmaker, once.

I made my character, went through all the options and then when I got to my first fight it hung up and I was forced to do it ALL over again. I did not.

I'm not 100% satisfied with Kingmaker. Did NOT like the timer aspect of the first part of the game, and pointed out how foolish it was to have something like that in an EXPLORATION BASED GAME FOR GODS SAKE, and had a game where time would run out for me literally ONE MOVEMENT SPACE away from the supposed goal. There were so many issues with sleeping/resting and healing it wasn't funny. May just uninstall and not look back.

Oh, I f!!!ing hate timers! I thought they stopped putting those in video games that didn't involve racing, football, or basketball.

And yes, it's absolutely ridiculous for a supposed open world exploration rpg to have one.

I THINK (but I'm not sure) you can turn that off in the options.

The options had a LOT of useless garbage to turn off.

You can't. Its part of the opening. I tried to turn it off and it's impossible for that part. Truly enraging.

Scarab Sages

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I have the kingmaker video game ready to play but Im waiting, because we're still playing the Real Life AP.

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I want to play the KM AP IRL so bad but all my current players, across 3 campaigns, have already played through it with other GMs. There's only 1 gal I know who hasn't. I wonder if she'd run the AP solo and I'll play 4 PCs...

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I have to admit I find the actual Kingmaker AP to be somewhat overrated.

Skull and Shackles is my favorite.

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There's a lot in the videogame that isn't in the AP or is changed from the AP itself, so even if you've played the AP, it's worth a play through.

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Tiny T-Rex's teacher had to leave class early to get her vaccination, so at least they're starting to get it to teachers, which is progress.

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I got the Razor Coast ship combat rules, Fire As She Bears, because I heard they were better than the rules for Skull and Shackles.

At first glance, holy s%#& are they confusing. I don't really see how they're an improvement, but we'll see as I delve deeper.

And it was a new hardcover on sale so even if it sucks I'm only out 15 bucks.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
There's a lot in the videogame that isn't in the AP or is changed from the AP itself, so even if you've played the AP, it's worth a play through.

Yeah, after my brother completed it he borrowed the books to see how close the game was, he said they added a lot of new stuff.

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Yay, I got permission to go into work and carve a bowl into a boulder or three, on my own time because I'm THAT bored.

Honestly, if anyone needs me to cover for them at work the next three to four weeks I'm available (people already say I look like someone they know).

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Woran wrote:
Most of my furniture is thriftstore/scrouned up sommewhere by my dad.

My sister's husband likes to bring home furniture left by the road in front of people's homes for free and/or the trash guys to pick up. Calls them "curbies."

This habit was somewhat curtailed (but not completely) after his curbie-scavenging caused them to be the PC party in a horrible grinding adventure fighting bed bugs.

Limeylongears wrote:
'That's the way the kukri crumbles', as the rust monster said the the rogue.

Gonna need a a blue muppet-y kukri monster now.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
'That's the way the kukri crumbles', as the rust monster said the the rogue.
Gonna need a a blue muppet-y kukri monster now.

Drejk, I believe you've been given a new opportunity!

The "razorpuff" . . . the . . . . I dunno. But I'm having visions of kukri-studded azure 'tumbleweeds' of baked-good-hunting, exsanguinary furor.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I got the Razor Coast ship combat rules, Fire As She Bears, because I heard they were better than the rules for Skull and Shackles.

At first glance, holy s~@& are they confusing. I don't really see how they're an improvement, but we'll see as I delve deeper.

And it was a new hardcover on sale so even if it sucks I'm only out 15 bucks.

I lean towards spelljammer rules, which may be 3.x rules.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Woran wrote:
Most of my furniture is thriftstore/scrouned up sommewhere by my dad.

My sister's husband likes to bring home furniture left by the road in front of people's homes for free and/or the trash guys to pick up. Calls them "curbies."

This habit was somewhat curtailed (but not completely) after his curbie-scavenging caused them to be the PC party in a horrible grinding adventure fighting bed bugs.

has flashbacks


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Crap. A small piece of enamel fell off of my upper left incisor. Just like that. Now I will need to go and visit a dentist. I was supposed to do that in completely unrelatted matter... A year ago, but well, the times were not terribly supportive for going anywhere and opening a gaping maw at anyone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Crap. A small piece of enamel fell off of my upper left incisor. Just like that. Now I will need to go and visit a dentist. I was supposed to do that in completely unrelatted matter... A year ago, but well, the times were not terribly supportive for going anywhere and opening a gaping maw at anyone.

You're a dragon. Shouldn't your teeth just grow back in like a shark?

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Pleasant surprise at work: effectively no laundry for me to do. There were two unfolded decorative sheets (10 seconds each to fold), one unfolded blanket (10 seconds to fold), and then maybe 2 minutes to move towels from a s$&%ty cart to a good one, and another minute to put some sheet bundles into a cart. Later on, I can deliver this pittance to the closets where they belong. I don't know why there isn't more. Considering who worked 2nd shift, and how many rooms got cleaned today, I was expecting several hours worth to do. Someone must have done 90% of it, including putting it away, or, for some unknown reason, the housekeepers didn't bring 90% of the laundry to the laundry room. Either way, not my problem.

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My GM, who is an exterminator, posted a picture to the group chat today of something he saw at a job. It was a children's bathroom (I don't know if it was at a school, or daycare, or church, or whatever. Not a private home or small business.) that had "CR 5" painted above the door. His caption? "Found a pretty tough toilet at work today." And now I want to write an encounter with a CR 5 toilet mimic.

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MIT Opencourseware

I figure that someone might find that helpful.

Scarab Sages

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Woran wrote:
Most of my furniture is thriftstore/scrouned up sommewhere by my dad.

My sister's husband likes to bring home furniture left by the road in front of people's homes for free and/or the trash guys to pick up. Calls them "curbies."

Oof. Me/my dad never pick up matrasses and 'soft things' that can retain such things, unless they can also be washed.

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Yeah, once you've thrown away all your furniture due to a flea infestation picking up furniture off the curb loses it's luster.

Granted our dog didn't get fleas from furniture we picked up but the possibility of getting a new bug infestation completely destroyed all enthusiasm we had for the custom.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Yeah, once you've thrown away all your furniture due to a flea infestation picking up furniture off the curb loses it's luster.

Granted our dog didn't get fleas from furniture we picked up but the possibility of getting a new bug infestation completely destroyed all enthusiasm we had for the custom.

There was an episode of Big Bang Theory where Penny picked a chair off the road, and Sheldon couldn't stop freaking out that bugs and stuff might be in it.

By the end of the episode they find out there was SOMETHING in it, likely a rat, and ditch the chair before he can find out and say "I told you so."

But seeing that moving indentation in the chair below the fabric was enough to get me thinking the same way - though with the contingencies that Woran mentioned - nothing soft or that can hold that. I've grabbed bookshelves or end tables and cleaned them up still. Those you can run bleach over.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

So yesterday was one of those days that really make me wish I could tap out.
I had to respond to an email from a parent complaining about my class problem kid, for the third time this year, saying her daughter doesn't want to go to school because she's scared of him.
He's five. And going through a lot at home. And he's a good kid, he just has crappy parents.
And answering the email, and going back and forth with my boss about the response, made me remember that I'd overheard him the day before telling another kid that his dad hits him.
So I reported that to my boss, and she helped me make a report to the state abuse hotline, where (as my boss predicted) they gave me a case number but said there was insufficient evidence to pursue.
And after all my in-person students left, I had to give my home learning lessons, and then had to do an online prospective student interview for next year, and then clean my classroom, and finish the email for the parents, and I ended up getting home around two hours late, and then made dinner and did laundry and balanced my books and paid bills, which was fun, because WW hasn't gotten paid unemployment for the last month and they're holding it back and telling him he's ineligible but won't tell him why.
And he can't get a live person on the line when he tries to call to appeal (every day).
So, fingers crossed, we'll be okay until the stimulus comes through.
And he applied for three more jobs yesterday, but in four and a half months, he hasn't gotten called for one interview.
So I'm holding it together, and I just have to get through today and tomorrow and I'm off for a week.
But, ugh. This week can burn in a dumpster.

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Sorry you're having such a time, LM!

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Crap. A small piece of enamel fell off of my upper left incisor. Just like that. Now I will need to go and visit a dentist. I was supposed to do that in completely unrelatted matter... A year ago, but well, the times were not terribly supportive for going anywhere and opening a gaping maw at anyone.
You're a dragon. Shouldn't your teeth just grow back in like a shark?

That would be loveley.

Scarab Sages

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Internet hugs for you LM

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Hang in there, LM. I hope things start breaking y'all's way quickfastandinahurry.

And I really hope something changes for that young man. And soon. Give him a little extra love and support today (or when you can) -- Syrus is thinking of him.

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Good luck LM. Hopefully it gets better soon.

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Texting you, LM

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That sucks LM. You guys are in my prayers.

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When I was in school, the teachers told me that if I wanted to be a great writer, I needed to study Shakespeare. I told them that didn't make sense. Shakespeare never studied Shakespeare, and he went on to become Shakespeare.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Tech, to everybody, including Manager: "This is a process that takes an hour."

Manager, afterwards, to someone else: "The tech told me this can be done in 5 minutes. I'll call him and see why this isn't going according to plan. The tech is obviously doing something wrong or something."

Thanks Manager, two levels above me, for throwing my *best* person under the bus for something that is going exactly according to plan.

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lisamarlene wrote:


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Hello, everyone.

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Success! I carved a bowl in a boulder in less than half the time I assumed it would.

Which is great, because I did it on my own time. Of course now I want to bring in my own boulder from home to carve a bowl into.

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I guess they're fully (but optional) opening all schools at the end of April.

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Is this a rice bowl or a bird bath bowl or a swimming pool bowl?

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CrystalSeas wrote:
Is this a rice bowl or a bird bath bowl or a swimming pool bowl?

Definitely not for swimming.

The plan is to drill a hole through it, feed a hose through it set it in a watertight basin and hook up a pump to the hose and then you have a super awesome water feature.

But yes, you could use it as a bird bath or rice bowl instead (admittedly, it's probably too heavy for a regular table).

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I sent the boss a text telling him I accidentally included drive time and the time it took to fish a boulder out of the boulder field and he told me he's already sold two fountains and asked if I could come in again tomorrow and get a drill bit to drill through the first one and to carve out another boulder (paid this time).

This is why I work where I do.

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Are you going to drill a boul in a bowlder next?

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Rocko, the only guy on my winter route who hasn't quit asked if I'd carve him a dog bowl.

So, yes.

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Can you carve the boulder dog bowl to look like a dog?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Can you carve the boulder dog bowl to look like a dog?

In Longhorn Cavern here in Texas, there is a natural dolomite formation that is known as The Queen's Watchdog. It's actually the size of a 25-30 pound dog. Except, you know, a bit more than that, being made of rock.

If I were British, I'd insert a stupid joke here about it being the size of a 2 stone dog, but it's only one piece of stone.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Can you carve the boulder dog bowl to look like a dog?

With the proper tools, yes.

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About to go home. Good night, everyone.

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Good night, John.

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A quiet morning.

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The General: It looks like the winter storm that usually hits us in the middle of march is hitting the south this year

Me: That's okay, they can take it!

The General: No, they can't, but they don't really have a choice.

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