Deep 6 FaWtL

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I've been busy in real life too much lately. I swear, the amount of time I spent at work is amazing.

The new group of students are dumb as a box of hammers. They keep checking out the wrong instruments. Sometimes, they're not even getting in the field of procedure. Why would you need operative tools to clean teeth?

Our workload has quadrupled.

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captain yesterday wrote:
In fairness I've been looking for it for a few years now, but Pathfinder Tales have been hard to find in Madison.

Kindle is your friend.

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They aren't cheap and books are easier to read at work and walking to work.

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Kindle is on your phone now.

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We will have to disagree very strongly on those last two. I find using my kindle far, far more convenient outside the house, whereas I never take actual books anywhere.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Kindle is on your phone now.

Also this yes.

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I finally watched the entire fallout 4 what makes you SPECIAL video. I cannot help but to hear Sharoth narrarating it.

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Orthos wrote:
We will have to disagree very strongly on those last two. I find using my kindle far, far more convenient outside the house, whereas I never take actual books anywhere.

i just read on my phone. I love actual books though. They smell and feel so good.

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I don't discriminate. I like paper books, especially since I like to abuse libraries to save money. But if it's an author I know I like or a series I'm invested into, I'll Kindle it.

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Scintillae wrote:
I don't discriminate. I like paper books, especially since I like to abuse libraries to save money. But if it's an author I know I like or a series I'm invested into, I'll Kindle it.

interesting. I'm the other way around.

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I'll look into it this spring.

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My dad decided on a surprise visit this weekend so I'm walking the dog while he conducts chemistry experiments with the kids.

It's a fair trade and every visit is a welcome visit. :-)

Edit: And in a bit of good news his reason for visiting is to get things finalized for moving down here at the end of February, so Yay!

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Has anyone seen the Quentin Tarantino directs Star Trek trailer?

Edit: This is probably one of the eighty-seven things Sharoth has posted a link to within the past week with no word of comment other than "Wow" or "Shazam", but since I tend to assume that anything posted on FAWTL is NSFW, I don't click often.

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I finished Far Cry 4... :(

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I must be the only nerd in the world who is not at all enthusiastic about the tactile sensations of books. I definitely do not care for the smell and I can take or leave the feel. Kindle is so much more practical and convenient in every way that the only physical books I've gained since getting mine were a couple I received as gifts last year.

Dark Archive

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I might just be ahead of my time, I suppose.

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Kindle makes it a pain in the butt to flip back a few pages to reread something if I missed it. Physical book does not.

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I end up having to rely on Kindle a lot. I just don't have the space to store a lot of books. Kindle allows me to have a library without having to buy a library building :p

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Scintillae wrote:
Kindle makes it a pain in the butt to flip back a few pages to reread something if I missed it. Physical book does not.

Just swipe your finger along the surface from left to right. Goes back a page. Easy.

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Not all Kindles have touchscreens.

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Scintillae wrote:
Not all Kindles have touchscreens.

iirc there is- or maybe was- a significant price jump between the two that may have caused the kindle device to lose out to the app.

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Scintillae wrote:
Not all Kindles have touchscreens.

I wasn't even aware the device was still used by anyone.

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Huh. I thought the Kindle I had was the most basic original model.

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Hi all, I'm on a brief reprieve from the awful insomnia I've been having for the last two weeks. It's gotten so bad that I missed two days of work this week due to getting zero sleep the night before. I've done all the standard sleep advisories and I've tried almost every remedy, and none work -- with the exception of a x4 dose of Ambien, which is a dangerous solution due to my diabetes. I'm getting desperate.

Anyhow, thanks for anyone who wished me a happy b'day on Tuesday -- it's the big three-four for me! I've been checking in on FAWLT sporadically, but haven't read much. What's going on?

I bought myself a Hearthstone value-bundle for my b'day for the guaranteed legendary, but it turns out you can only buy the one. So there'll be no filing out my collection of legendaries the easy way.

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Today, after the usual music and cooking and rapier drills, I went to see the band Wolf People in Manchester. They sound kind of like a cross between Led Zep and Fairport Convention, should anyone be curious.

I do not have a Kindle - if I want to read ebooks or PDFs, I'll do it on the tefelon. More devices I don't need.

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Hsppy belated birthday, Tequila!

The Exchange

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Noooooooo you let blizzard cheat you off your money =P

Happy belated birthday Tequilia. Also I finished hearthstone druid dungeon run and am trying mage again after watching kipparians YouTube guide.

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Eesh. Lucky dice and sneaky aberration nearly killed half my IG party.

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Belated late happy B-day Tequila!
I really hope you find a good recourse for your insomnia. But if you feel like talking, need support or just wanna talk cause you can't sleep (Bad Kjeldorn! Bad! *wacks self with rolled up newspaper*) were here for ya man.

Book or Kindle?
I'm more of a books kind of guy - love the feel and "presence" of a book. But some of it might also have more to do with my enjoyment of murdering trees, instead of ripping out the guts of the earth for its precious minerals and metals.

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Happy belated Birthday, Tequila. I didn't notice the post on Tuesday. Sorry.

The Exchange

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I used to be a book person, then discovered the convenience of always having your AP at your fingertips because it's loaded into your phone in a PDF. I don't really read much these days since most of my time is tied up with PBPs.

And the plotting on how to give my players a good time =)

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Im sorry insomnia is getting the better of you!

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Happy Birthday! I'd tell you not to do anything I'd do but you're doing the whole insomnia thing which used to be my shtick.

Still, congrats!

Crookshanks and the General are arguing over clothes so i am hiding in my room with the dog curled up next to me.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

It has definitely gotten tougher to manage the private group as it grew larger than one table. Juggling people's characters and campaign paths is one major downside to it all. We've had the high level Seekers on hold until we can get together for the next module (Moonscar, at the moment) and the lower level Seekers are trying to assemble at the right level for the new 12-15 content, including getting some players back into the right area after their one Seeker leveled out.

The life of a VC.

I don't know if I could manage more then 2 different games going on at the same time. I feel I would get details mixed up. Right now im at run 1 and play 1 per week.

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Happys the day of birth.

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And Herpes' the Scourge of the North.

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Having two daughters sounded like a good idea. And then glitter happened...

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My wife is such a bad driver that today the GPS said "In 400 feet, turn slightly right, stop, and let me out."

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With the rise of self-driving vehicles, how long it will be until we have a country song where the singer's truck leaves him too?

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Because do cows have hooves instead of feet? Because they lactose.

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If I were addicted to masturbation, but then became addicted to sex instead, would you say my addiction got out of hand?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

If I had to place a finger on the problem their I feel that last pun just gout out of hand. I feel I should give you a rap on the knuckles for it.

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Pun? What pun? I never tell puns.

*Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8*

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Yeah your bluff was a bit lacking there.

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What bluff? I don't own any cliffs.

Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

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Oh good point silly me talking about cliffs.

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I like Cliff.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
With the rise of self-driving vehicles, how long it will be until we have a country song where the singer's truck leaves him too?

Or a song where a guy's truck runs off with his girlfriend.

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