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Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Lindisty wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I've generally been happy when the executive and legislative branches have different parties in control. It seems things are far too contentious this time around, so a shutdown was inevitable.

RPG Superstar 2012

Um...naked Hardy Boys?

hits head on's gonna be that kind of day. :/

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Good night, Mothman.

Madclaw, Lindisty is "it". What does she do now?

RPG Superstar 2012

lynora wrote:
hits head on's gonna be that kind of day. :/

Your headaches will only increase with that activity, Miss Lynora. :)

Sorry you're having a bad day.

lynora wrote:
hits head on's gonna be that kind of day. :/

~puts a pillow between lynora and her desk~ There. That should protect this poor, abused desk from that mean lynora. ~grins and runs~

P.S. - I too hope that your day goes well.

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

Well, with the government shut down looming, Carl planned on using his "time off" to finally arrange for that trip to Kalamazoo that his wife had always talked of so they could participate in the A.M. Todd Company factory tour. Meanwhile, Jason was angry over the shut down, as it means his tax return would be delayed and he could no longer afford the surgery to have his ears pointed, thus ruining his chances at winning the LotR Elf costume contest. And, across town, Jeremy was wondering what sort of mischief he could accomplish by....No, wait! That's my soap opera!

Lindisty, what do you do for a living? I was just curious.

Silver Crusade

taig wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Gary says that Paizo will be down saturday for new servers.

That's true. We're still finalizing the schedule but downtime is likely to be around 14-18 hours if everything goes well.

Think of it as my biggest *click* so far.

A new title for the kiddies: The Post Monster and the Very Biggest Click of All.
That makes me think of the title of a one act play by Christopher Durang: The Hardy Boys and the Mystery of Where Babies Come From.

That sounds awesome.

The title is funnier than the play.

Although some of his other stuff is hilarious.

Scarab Sages

taig wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I've generally been happy when the executive and legislative branches have different parties in control. It seems things are far too contentious this time around, so a shutdown was inevitable.

I still gotta come to work.....

kicks can across thread

Sharoth wrote:
Lindisty, what do you do for a living? I was just curious.

I'm a librarian in one of our national libraries. (NOT the Library of Congress.)

taig wrote:
lynora wrote:
hits head on's gonna be that kind of day. :/

Your headaches will only increase with that activity, Miss Lynora. :)

Sorry you're having a bad day.

Thanks, badger, and Sharoth.

I'm just having no fun at all since we have to watch a video about global warming in class. It's dumbed down and full of bad science and makes me so very frustrated.

Freehold DM wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
i too, am concerned. I don't exactly work for the city directly, but I am wondering what this means for transit and other organizations that, like my employer, get more than a little funding from the government.

My sympathies. I think this is a whole different kind of example of how 'trickle down' economics might work. :P

taig wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I've generally been happy when the executive and legislative branches have different parties in control. It seems things are far too contentious this time around, so a shutdown was inevitable.

I was really trying to keep my political opinions out of that rant, and focus on the personal consequences, out of deference for the thread, so I'm not gonna dwell on what I think the causes are. :)

And things haven't shut down yet, although I'm not hopeful that this disaster will be averted right now.

Lindisty wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Lindisty, what do you do for a living? I was just curious.
I'm a librarian in one of our national libraries. (NOT the Library of Congress.)

D'oh! I forgot. It is still a very cool job. Thanks for doing what you do.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
taig wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
taig wrote:

So, our "after-hours" beer/XBox activity starts at 3:30. I brought Zombie Dice and Kill Doctor Lucky to make sure they know I'm a geek (but not too much of one...yet). :)

I love zombie dice.

Sounds like a cool place to work. I'm glad the move seems to be going well for you!

So far, so good. I felt good about this place--I really had to since I was going to be even more separated from my family for the short term.

@Justin--it's the brand new one that Paizo rereleased. I gave my old Paizo copy to my son's friend, because he absolutely loved the game.

It is on my list of things to pick up eventually. I have really enjoyed many of the Cheapass games. Give me the Brain, Biting off Heads, etc.

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse manuvers suck. but at the same time i'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what i'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse manuvers suck. but at the same time i'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what i'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

Oh, wow, that's awful. :(

Hope your recovery is swift and the pain meds are good.

Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse manuvers suck. but at the same time i'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what i'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

Ouch! How many times have we said "Restrain your Mashocist tendancies!" I hope you feel better soon and I am glad that Jess was there to save the day.

RPG Superstar 2012

lynora wrote:
Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse manuvers suck. but at the same time i'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what i'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

Oh, wow, that's awful. :(

Hope your recovery is swift and the pain meds are good.


Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Lindisty wrote:
taig wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I've generally been happy when the executive and legislative branches have different parties in control. It seems things are far too contentious this time around, so a shutdown was inevitable.

I was really trying to keep my political opinions out of that rant, and focus on the personal consequences, out of deference for the thread, so I'm not gonna dwell on what I think the causes are. :)

And things haven't shut down yet, although I'm not hopeful that this disaster will be averted right now.

I left my opinion vague enough, I think. :)

I really hope you don't lose your livelihood, even for a short period of time.

Silver Crusade

taig wrote:
lynora wrote:
Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse manuvers suck. but at the same time i'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what i'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

Oh, wow, that's awful. :(

Hope your recovery is swift and the pain meds are good.


+2 Hope you mend quickly, oh tentacled one. (Who knew you could dislocate a tentacle?)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse manuvers suck. but at the same time i'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what i'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

I am sorry to hear that and hope your recovery is swift.

Sovereign Court

Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse manuvers suck. but at the same time i'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what i'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

A new alias, I see!

Didn't want to call and wake you if you were sleeping, but it's good to see you're up and about. We'll have to see about trying to get your Kindle back asap. :)

Sharoth wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
Good luck Lindisty. And yes, the Government is screwed up.

..and they're getting paid for their screwing up while the rest of us are hanging out on the clothesline to dry. And it's raining.

Celestial Healer wrote:
taig wrote:
lynora wrote:
Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse manuvers suck. but at the same time i'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what i'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

Oh, wow, that's awful. :(

Hope your recovery is swift and the pain meds are good.


+2 Hope you mend quickly, oh testicled one. (Who knew you could dislocate a testicle?)

Perhaps he should be wearing a separate 'safety helmet?'

Sorry to hear about the crash. I hope you will be okay and the bike is repairable. Do you need to mount a .50 cal on the handlebars for people that pull out in front of you?

See you Sunday?

lynora wrote:
hits head on's gonna be that kind of day. :/

Sounds more fun than squeezing those stoopid little stress balls. Can I order a head that looks like my boss? Hmmm, marketing idea... One for the desk, complete with mallet. One to place under the wheel of my car.....

Seriously, hope the day gets better for ya!

Sovereign Court

silverhair2008 wrote:


Sorry to hear about the crash. I hope you will be okay and the bike is repairable. Do you need to mount a .50 cal on the handlebars for people that pull out in front of you?

See you Sunday?

That's all still up in the air. Let's see how things go. Since I'm driving everyone if the Sunday game is a go, it won't be that crazy to coordinate.

At the very least it looks like I won't make Kingmaker nothing but math puzzles after all... :( Poor math puzzles, so underappreciated.

Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse manuvers suck. but at the same time i'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what i'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

Ouch! Hope you get better soon!

Sovereign Court

Yesterday was an interesting day. I was filling the car, about to get home...and some random guy approaches me at the gas station. "Um...excuse me, do you have jumper cables?" It was a busy, well lit gas station, and I was careful, so I was able to help.

I figure I'll just bank a bunch of good karma in case of possible future Jesszilla rampages... an aside, it sucks that one has to be so careful when helping strangers in trouble. :(

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Gary says that Paizo will be down saturday for new servers.

That's true. We're still finalizing the schedule but downtime is likely to be around 14-18 hours if everything goes well.

Think of it as my biggest *click* so far.

A new title for the kiddies: The Post Monster and the Very Biggest Click of All.
That makes me think of the title of a one act play by Christopher Durang: The Hardy Boys and the Mystery of Where Babies Come From.

That's spectacular. Is that an actually play??

taig wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
taig wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I've generally been happy when the executive and legislative branches have different parties in control. It seems things are far too contentious this time around, so a shutdown was inevitable.

I was really trying to keep my political opinions out of that rant, and focus on the personal consequences, out of deference for the thread, so I'm not gonna dwell on what I think the causes are. :)

And things haven't shut down yet, although I'm not hopeful that this disaster will be averted right now.

I left my opinion vague enough, I think. :)

I really hope you don't lose your livelihood, even for a short period of time.

Thank you. Financially, I'm far better off than many other federal employees with families and kids to worry about. I only have to support myself, and I can survive a month or two on savings (it wouldn't be easy, but it's possible). But who knows how long this will take to resolve?

(And yeah, I know you weren't specific about the politics-- I just didn't want to overstep that boundary myself, so it's probably best for me to keep my own comments focused on the personal rather than the political.)

Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse manuvers suck. but at the same time i'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what i'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

Ouch. I hope your recovery is swift and easy. Take care of yourself!

Sovereign Court

Lindisty wrote:
taig wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
taig wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I've generally been happy when the executive and legislative branches have different parties in control. It seems things are far too contentious this time around, so a shutdown was inevitable.

I was really trying to keep my political opinions out of that rant, and focus on the personal consequences, out of deference for the thread, so I'm not gonna dwell on what I think the causes are. :)

And things haven't shut down yet, although I'm not hopeful that this disaster will be averted right now.

I left my opinion vague enough, I think. :)

I really hope you don't lose your livelihood, even for a short period of time.

Thank you. Financially, I'm far better off than many other federal employees with families and kids to worry about. I only have to support myself, and I can survive a month or two on savings (it wouldn't be easy, but it's possible). But who knows how long this will take to resolve?

(And yeah, I know you weren't specific about the politics-- I just didn't want to overstep that boundary myself, so it's probably best for me to keep my own comments focused on the personal rather than the political.)

Our dad worked as a special agent for the DoD when we were kids, and we went through a couple shut downs. They stink for gov't workers, but my understanding ( I was a kid and didn't always pay attention to this stuff ) is once the shut down ended, people would get back pay. And I think the political fallout of a shutdown will be such that it won't last for too long. Hopefully that will be the case for everyone struggling with uncertainty of what's coming over the next couple weeks.

Jess Door wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
taig wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
taig wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I've generally been happy when the executive and legislative branches have different parties in control. It seems things are far too contentious this time around, so a shutdown was inevitable.

I was really trying to keep my political opinions out of that rant, and focus on the personal consequences, out of deference for the thread, so I'm not gonna dwell on what I think the causes are. :)

And things haven't shut down yet, although I'm not hopeful that this disaster will be averted right now.

I left my opinion vague enough, I think. :)

I really hope you don't lose your livelihood, even for a short period of time.

Thank you. Financially, I'm far better off than many other federal employees with families and kids to worry about. I only have to support myself, and I can survive a month or two on savings (it wouldn't be easy, but it's possible). But who knows how long this will take to resolve?

(And yeah, I know you weren't specific about the politics-- I just didn't want to overstep that boundary myself, so it's probably best for me to keep my own comments focused on the personal rather than the political.)

Our dad worked as a special agent for the DoD when we were kids, and we went through a couple shut downs. They stink for gov't workers, but my understanding ( I was a kid and didn't always pay attention to this stuff ) is once the shut down ended, people would get back pay. And I think the political fallout of a shutdown will be such that it won't last for too long. Hopefully that will be the case for everyone struggling with uncertainty of what's coming over the next couple weeks.

In the current political climate, I'm not expecting back pay if there's a shutdown. Public opinion about government workers is too negative as it is, there's going to be no popular support for paying us for time we really *weren't* working.

The Exchange

Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse maneuvers suck. but at the same time I'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what I'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

We will try to keep you entertained while you recover, I will refrain from saying "don't do that," since you already know not to, plus my wife has gotten to SMACKING ME anytime I do anymore.

Sovereign Court

Lindisty wrote:
In the current political climate, I'm not expecting back pay if there's a shutdown. Public opinion about government workers is too negative as it is, there's going to be no popular support for paying us for time we really *weren't* working.

Well, it's probably best to plan pessimistically - I tend to do that myself - but here's hoping past experience proves more accurate than necessary pessimism. :)

Damn, Wolfie, that sucks. I hope you feel better soon, although it sounds you are in for a lengthy recover, at least with the rib. Hmm...if only you had something awesome to read. Like a Rambling blog of some sort, with cooled named weapons and such things.

Howdy my dear FAWTLers, just tonig the artsy ones /Jess, Shiny, Moorluck, etc?) that the Wayfinder artistcall is open, thou you don't need to apply, I'll email you this weekend with your commissions unless you say otherwise

We are also open for donations for the printing fund you know... ;)

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Damn, Wolfie, that sucks. I hope you feel better soon, although it sounds you are in for a lengthy recover, at least with the rib. Hmm...if only you had something awesome to read. Like a Rambling blog of some sort, with cooled named weapons and such things.

Pimp it.

Now I am thinking of a song....hmmm

How come you're always such a fussy young man
Don't want no Captain Crunch, don't want no Raisin Bran
Well, don't you know that other kids are starving in Japan
So eat it, just eat it

Don't want to argue, I don't want to debate
Don't want to hear about what kind of food you hate
You won't get no dessert 'till you clean off your plate
So eat it

Don't you tell me you're full
Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it
Get yourself an egg and beat it
Have some more chicken, have some more pie
It doesn't matter if it's boiled or fried
Just eat it, eat it, just eat it, eat it
Just eat it, eat it, just eat it, eat it, ooh

Your table manners are some cryin' shame
You're playin' with your food, this ain't some kind of game
Now, if you starve to death, you'll just have yourself to blame
So eat it, just eat it

You better listen, better do what you're told
You haven't even touched your tuna casserole
You better chow down or it's gonna get cold
So eat it

I don't care if you're full
Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it
Open up your mouth and feed it
Have some more yogurt, have some more spam
It doesn't matter if it's fresh or canned
Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it
Don't you make me repeat it
Have a banana, have a whole bunch
It doesn't matter what you had for lunch
Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it
Eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it

Eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it
If it's gettin' cold, reheat it
Have a big dinner, have a light snack
If you don't like it, you can't send it back
Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it
Get yourself an egg and beat it (oh lord)
Have some more chicken, have some more pie
It doesn't matter if it's boiled or fried
Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it
Don't you make me repeat it (oh no)
Have a banana, have a whole bunch
It doesn't matter what you had for lunch
Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it

Hugo Solis wrote:

Howdy my dear FAWTLers, just tonig the artsy ones /Jess, Shiny, Moorluck, etc?) that the Wayfinder artistcall is open, thou you don't need to apply, I'll email you this weekend with your commissions unless you say otherwise

We are also open for donations for the printing fund you know... ;)

Who was that masked Froggie?

~waves~ Hey there Hugo!

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Crimson Jester wrote:
Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse maneuvers suck. but at the same time I'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what I'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

We will try to keep you entertained while you recover, I will refrain from saying "don't do that," since you already know not to, plus my wife has gotten to SMACKING ME anytime I do anymore.

Huh. I don't think Urizen will have to do anything to "fix" this post.

The Exchange

Seems my son broke his write while rollerskating at school, and my wife had to replace a tire, no not the one where the spare was on, but another tire.

The Exchange

My oldest son was caught, hmmm on my laptop looking up stuff. Found out this morning it was just some manga. Felt better but he was still in my room on my laptop. Then I realized WHAT SORT of manga it was. Boy is going to be grounded for a bit I think.

Grand Lodge

Crimson Jester wrote:
My oldest son was caught, hmmm on my laptop looking up stuff. Found out this morning it was just some manga. Felt better but he was still in my room on my laptop. Then I realized WHAT SORT of manga it was. Boy is going to be grounded for a bit I think.

Oooo, found the hentai did he?

Sharoth wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:

Howdy my dear FAWTLers, just tonig the artsy ones /Jess, Shiny, Moorluck, etc?) that the Wayfinder artistcall is open, thou you don't need to apply, I'll email you this weekend with your commissions unless you say otherwise

We are also open for donations for the printing fund you know... ;)

Who was that masked Froggie?

~waves~ Hey there Hugo!

Hola dragon de plata :)

The Exchange

Madclaw wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
My oldest son was caught, hmmm on my laptop looking up stuff. Found out this morning it was just some manga. Felt better but he was still in my room on my laptop. Then I realized WHAT SORT of manga it was. Boy is going to be grounded for a bit I think.
Oooo, found the hentai did he?

As a matter of fact he did.

The Exchange

Hugo Solis wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:

Howdy my dear FAWTLers, just tonig the artsy ones /Jess, Shiny, Moorluck, etc?) that the Wayfinder artistcall is open, thou you don't need to apply, I'll email you this weekend with your commissions unless you say otherwise

We are also open for donations for the printing fund you know... ;)

Who was that masked Froggie?

~waves~ Hey there Hugo!

Hola dragon de plata :)

You need to stop by and say hello more often.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Hee hee. Hugo called Sharoth a plate dragon.

That's what he meant, right? :)

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