Deep 6 FaWtL

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I woke up, got up, turned on computer, read today's El Goonish Shiv, clicked on the daily gifts in Gems Of War, and then the computer suddenly turned off. No warning, no recoverable crash, no artifacts on screen. It simply turned off and now doesn't react to attempts to turn it on again.

I can't afford anything remotely comparable to it now, and for foreseeable future.

Returning to old slow laptop with much smaller screen will be painful.

Yes, I am naked, I just got up, ok?

I'll try to find a place where I could test the charger. If it is anything worse than that, I am screwed.

Oh, and the most important thing, my loging to work, apparently did not synchronize on Firefox...

NobodysHome wrote:

Just met him this morning. Hate him.

kill! Kill! KILL! KILL!!

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DeathQuaker wrote:
Hi, I know I don't belong here at the cool kids table

No such thing. I know there are people who don't like my tirades and don't appreciate many of my posts, but we're all polite adults and get along. All are welcome. Period. Full stop. PLEASE feel welcome here!

DeathQuaker wrote:
but I needed to show up and offer solidarity in sending waves of rage toward self-entitled bicyclists who literally break the f$!~ing law all the time but insist other people "share the road" with them (by which, in my experience, means "let bicyclists nearly kill you, a pedestrian standing where you belong and minding their own business, and then get mad at you for being in their way").

What I didn't add to the previous post was that Impus Major is trying to teach Talky McTalkTalk to bike (he never learned as a kid) and they're having major issues with cars precisely because drivers have been so abused by bicyclists over the years that they don't know how to react.

They stop at the dedicated bicycle Stop signs and cars stop anyway and refuse to move until they go, going so far as to honk at them if they don't run the Stop sign. If they do run the Stop sign they get honked at.

I fundamentally agree with the statement: "If bicyclists want to share the road, they need to obey the rules of the road."
I've had to slam on the brakes in my car far too many times, or been honked at or run off the road as a cyclist because I dared to obey traffic control devices when cars weren't expecting it to feel any other way.

I commuted by bicycle for 28 years. I won't any more because the cars around here expect me to run Stop signs so that they can honk at me or swerve at me when I do. Too dangerous. Not worth it.

EDIT: When I was teaching the kids to bike and to drive, my instruction was simple and straightforward: "If you force the person with the right of way to react in any way, then you screwed up." I wish bicyclists would live by this.

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And yes, I find this a wee bit personal because I miss biking but I find it too dangerous to do so any more... because of the bicyclists' behaviors, not the drivers'.

The Ohlone Greenway is my favorite example. It's a beautiful bike path stretching for miles through Richmond, El Cerrito, Albany, and Berkeley. At every street crossing there's at least a dedicated 4-way Stop sign, if not a light. The cities have worked hard to make it clear that the Stop sign on the bike path is for bicyclists: The Stop sign has an image of a bicycle on it. They've stenciled, "Bicycles must stop" onto the path.

Yet 90% of bicyclists don't even slow down. Sit at any of the intersections for an hour and you'll see at least one instance of a bicyclist forcing a car to hit the brakes because the car's stopped, started up again, and the cyclist runs the Stop sign at 15 mph. The more terrifying thing is that maybe once a week you'll see a cyclist go against a red light at one of the intersections with lights, forcing drivers with a green light to stop. What really kills me is watching parents teaching their kids to bike this way; you'll be stopped at one of the intersections, start going, and a Dad (it's always a dad) will run his stop sign at a whopping 8 mph, forcing you to stop, then 2-3 kids will follow along in his wake.

I loved a young girl who stopped at the Stop sign and refused to go. "Daddy! There's a Stop sign! We have to stop!"
I could have hugged her. But I'm sure I would have gotten in trouble.

Ugh, I am tired because of a run between multiple shop in search of charger, bringing one back only to discover it isn't merely the broken charger, and going back and returning it.

I am pretty sure I need to finally get the kobolds to bring me one of the Impish computers...

Oh, for f**ks sake, Steam no longer works correctly on Windows 8.1?!

Verifying 1.8 GB installation takes forever...

Is this my life now?

In lighter news, first Elon Musk changed Twitter's name to X, forced everyone to use, and now officially relaxed their policy to allow porn on the platform. is now for porn, and all is right in the world.

Obligatory political statement:
I for one welcome the change, as it'll drown out all the political shenanigans that have been happening there.

In before people literally use this rule change to respond to the political shenanigans.

Everything works so slow it is painful...

And I only need to stop eating for about half a year to get somehow decent computer.

Yaaay?! :/

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This day has been incredibly odd.

Freehold DM wrote:
This day has been incredibly odd.

That explains the lack of a vehement bicycle defense, so I'll play Devil's Advocate for 30 seconds:

(1) It's not the car that's in danger of getting killed in a collision, so cars should necessarily be more aware of/careful around bicycles.

(2) Of the 3 times a car has caused me to crash, 2 of the 3 were a clueless driver hitting me (got doored once, got the classic "run over by a car turning right without looking" the other time).

So yes, drivers are awful.

But I compare it to camping and bears. Bears are dangerous, and will occasionally maul you. But when some jackass throws rocks at the bear and the bear, being a bear, cluelessly comes over and mauls you instead of the jackass, you don't blame the bear.

I'd love drivers to be more bicycle-aware and to be far more careful in sharing the road. But when almost every driver's entire remembered* experience with bicyclists is, "That jerk ran a Stop sign and cut me off," they have little inclination to do so.

Bicyclists need to improve their own behavior before they can expect others to do so as well.

*You tend to remember the negative, so a driver could encounter 30 bicyclists in a day, and they would only remember the one who cut them off and forget the rest.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
This day has been incredibly odd.

You have a weird way of pronouncing "poop".

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Has anyone had any experience with something like that Blackview MP80 Mini PC ( link)?

Is that a decent-ish computer?

I am asking mostly because of the price I seen of this thing here in Poland.

EDIT: The one I had seen on a local computer shop webpage for 1100 złoty had 1 TB SSD instead of 512 so it would be slightly better than the linked one. Also, Windows 11 Home, which is a mixed bag, but it would mean I could use it immediately after bringing home and connecting everything.

Drejk wrote:

Has anyone had any experience with something like that Blackview MP80 Mini PC (Amazon)?

Is that a decent-ish computer?

I am asking mostly because of the price I seen of this thing here in Poland.

EDIT: The one I had seen on a local computer shop webpage for 1100 złoty had 1 TB SSD instead of 512 so it would be slightly better than the linked one. Also, Windows 11 Home, which is a mixed bag, but it would mean I could use it immediately after bringing home and connecting everything.

Asking Shiro.

At least it happened after I finished Nioh 2.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The price and CPU tells me it will not be high performance, but for casual use it should be fine. I have a Lenovo mini PC for the living room that runs fairly well, as long as we're not trying to run high end graphics heavy games.

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