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Scarab Sages

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We had some snow yesterday evening but halfway trough today everything has melted.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I went on to a diabetes awareness website, and it asked me if I accept cookies. I thought "Wait. Is this a trap?"
Who isn't aware of Diabetes at this point?
Look for the jackass not wearing a mask. Probably them.
Oh they know about it they just don't believe in it.
I am reminded of a guy I used to game with. He had diabetes. Had it for years. Testing sugar levels and injecting insulin every day. And always complaining that his doctor wouldn't stop harping on him for his high glucose levels. And yet, every other week (the game met twice a month), I would see him come to game and eat his "supper". Which consisted of a gallon, yes an actual gallon, of soda, and 6 to 7 assorted King-Size candy bars.

Yeah, the first friend of our generation to die of "natural" causes was a guy who went through half a case to a full case of diet soda every single day. First diabetes, then a heart attack, then died after waiting nearly 3 years for a heart transplant. All at the ripe old age of 53.

If I did nothing else for my kids, I at least ensured that they never developed a taste for soda.

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Just got an email from the mom of one of my students. The whole family got sick yesterday and are getting tested today, suspect the British variant.

So... great.

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Celestial Healer wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

My favorite games are open world RPGs or the like, Fallout and Skyrim where you can go back and forth and customize your character are ideal.

Any game that lets me run around and do my own thing is the beezneez.

I don't know why it is, but I feel significantly more attached to the story of a game if I am allowed to customize my character. It shouldn't matter so much, but for some reason it does.

Yes, although if the main character or characters are well done or the game is fun to play I can get past a lack of customization.

Ghost of Tsushima, Spiderman (both), GTA 5, Red Dead Redemption 2, Maneater, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, God of War, and Horizon Zero Dawn are great examples of this.

Silver Crusade

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lisamarlene wrote:

Just got an email from the mom of one of my students. The whole family got sick yesterday and are getting tested today, suspect the British variant.

So... great.

Why would they suspect the variant? Aren’t the symptoms identical?

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Celestial Healer wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Just got an email from the mom of one of my students. The whole family got sick yesterday and are getting tested today, suspect the British variant.

So... great.

Why would they suspect the variant? Aren’t the symptoms identical?

Because the mom is a middle school science teacher who thinks their family is doing everything perfectly, and so if they got it, it must be the super extra transmissible strain, because science.

That was the gist of her email, anyhow.

Or, in human terms, she's worried and in denial.

Counting the student who had it over Christmas vacation, if this one has it, that will bring my classroom total to 60%. 60% of my students who have had it.

You know one of the 40% who *hasn't* had it?
The kid whose dad is an ICU doctor in the covid unit.

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Fantasy Monster: Giant Skull Crab

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I finally uninstalled Goth Bard's game and felt massively disloyal. BUT.
Right at the start of Christmas vacation, it crashed and mysteriously erased a bunch of my data, knocking me back from chapter 56 to chapter 34 and deleting months worth of modifications and coin. The customer service reps were all Bad Janets and said, "Yeah, that sux, bye." So I worked my way back up to the end of chapter 57, and it just crashed AGAIN and erased EVERYTHING, back fo the beginning, so, bye, Felicia.

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Should I tell GothBard about this? I think she'd want to know...

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NobodysHome wrote:
Should I tell GothBard about this? I think she'd want to know...

Totally up to you.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Final Fantasy 7 was the only one I played, I was more of a Phantasy Star fan to be honest.

Also that one game for the NES that you recreated old Chinese wars and recruited various historical figures and generals to your party/army.

Phantasy star 4 was my favorite.


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Wore a mask and gloves to make dinner.

I'm distancing from my family, on the couch in a mask while they are in the dining/gaming room.
WW has been running a ridiculously old D&D module from the 80's for us (Treasure Hunt), and I have to say, although I was skeptical about his insistence on converting it to Fate system, it works.

And I'm doing a Northwoods beer battered fish fry, although not totally traditional because I made rotkohl and fries instead of coleslaw and potato pancakes.

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If there is one word that will describe our gaming this winter it would be nonsense.

For Starfinder we'll be starting Live Free or Die, which I've described as Guardians of the Galaxy meets Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

And then for Pathfinder we're going to be doing Extinction Curse where you run a circus. Sure there's a parallel theme of environmental ruin and unintended consequences but the main thing is running a literal circus. Which you can bet will get pretty damn silly.

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We lost Vagrant Erudite. No...NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Oh no wait there he is.

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Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I feel for him. Without power I wouldn't know what to do with myself either. Ok, I could read a book, but it still gets dark early anyway.


I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

Recalling some of the complaints you made about power companies in the past my first guess would be that the obsolete grid that haven't been upgraded for ages finally gave up forcing actual repairs.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Today's News:
<Politics reluctantly deleted>
- Our tree grows a "plague doctor" lemon that Impus Major now keeps as a pet.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

Are we... are we sure Shiro and I are actually different people?

I'm suddenly not sure if we're different people.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Today's News:

<Politics reluctantly deleted>

'In other news, on today's episode of Meanwhile, in Russia':

- Putin: Has FSB poison Navalny (Russian opposition leader)
- Navalny (in Germany for treatment for said poison): "FSB Secret Service did it for Putin"
- Putin: "NO, as far as you know; also nobody look into it. "
- Navalny (calls PutinFlunkyOne, pretending to be PutinFlunkyTwo): "Hey, I, totally PutinFlunkyTwo and NOT Nevalny, wanted my fellow PutinFlunkyOne to to clarify to me, PutinFlunkyTwo, all about how you did it over this very secure telephone line that no one else is listening in on and explain how Navalny is still alive."
- PutinFlunkyOne: "Oh, yah, we totes did it, I swear! And this is how: nerve toxin in Dude's undy-pants! Should be ded!"
- Navalny: "FSB Secret Service did it for Putin, canon confirm"
- also Navalny (upon recovery): "now I return to Russia"
- Putin: "still didn't do it, have nothing to do with it, and also that dude what got poisoned is now under arrest; no reason; nobody look into it"
- Navalny: "What a great day to be arrested on false charges~! :wakka:"

Oh those wacky Russians

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

I'm just surprised that Shiro doesn't have a backup generator in his garage. It's not like he can't afford it, and having been through rolling blackouts in California and knowing PG&E's penchant for reckless mismanagement, it would seem like a reasonable thing for him to have.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

Are we... are we sure Shiro and I are actually different people?

I'm suddenly not sure if we're different people.

He's achieved "eff you" level of money and he's single.

Ergo, you are probably not the same person.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

I'm just surprised that Shiro doesn't have a backup generator in his garage. It's not like he can't afford it, and having been through rolling blackouts in California and knowing PG&E's penchant for reckless mismanagement, it would seem like a reasonable thing for him to have.

I'm pretty sure he has one -- after we had solar installed I bought one, just in case. But I'm pretty sure he's too lazy to actually set it up. :-P

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

I'm just surprised that Shiro doesn't have a backup generator in his garage. It's not like he can't afford it, and having been through rolling blackouts in California and knowing PG&E's penchant for reckless mismanagement, it would seem like a reasonable thing for him to have.

I'm pretty sure he has one -- after we had solar installed I bought one, just in case. But I'm pretty sure he's too lazy to actually set it up. :-P

Then he's a dumbass and I have no sympathy. A charming, lovable dumbass, but a dumbass nonetheless.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

Are we... are we sure Shiro and I are actually different people?

I'm suddenly not sure if we're different people.

He's achieved "eff you" level of money and he's single.

Ergo, you are probably not the same person.

Well, at least I am half-Shiro by now. Plus all that "lives sort of attached to computer for gaming" thing.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

I'm just surprised that Shiro doesn't have a backup generator in his garage. It's not like he can't afford it, and having been through rolling blackouts in California and knowing PG&E's penchant for reckless mismanagement, it would seem like a reasonable thing for him to have.

I'm pretty sure he has one -- after we had solar installed I bought one, just in case. But I'm pretty sure he's too lazy to actually set it up. :-P

Ok, more than half...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

Are we... are we sure Shiro and I are actually different people?

I'm suddenly not sure if we're different people.

He's achieved "eff you" level of money and he's single.

Ergo, you are probably not the same person.

Ah. You are correct! :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I'm pretty sure he has one -- after we had solar installed I bought one, just in case.

Yeah, definitely different people.

NobodysHome wrote:

But I'm pretty sure he's too lazy to actually set it up. :-P

Wait, now I'm just confused if we're the same person or not again.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Feels so freaking weird to be rereading "Code of the Harpers" and looking at maps of the Moonshae Isles after all these years.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

I'm just surprised that Shiro doesn't have a backup generator in his garage. It's not like he can't afford it, and having been through rolling blackouts in California and knowing PG&E's penchant for reckless mismanagement, it would seem like a reasonable thing for him to have.

I'm pretty sure he has one -- after we had solar installed I bought one, just in case. But I'm pretty sure he's too lazy to actually set it up. :-P

Ok, more than half...

Dang it! Now I'm also Drejk!

Guys! I'm trying to be a unique snowflake individual over here!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

I'm just surprised that Shiro doesn't have a backup generator in his garage. It's not like he can't afford it, and having been through rolling blackouts in California and knowing PG&E's penchant for reckless mismanagement, it would seem like a reasonable thing for him to have.

I'm pretty sure he has one -- after we had solar installed I bought one, just in case. But I'm pretty sure he's too lazy to actually set it up. :-P

Ok, more than half...

Dang it! Now I'm also Drejk!

Guys! I'm trying to be a unique snowflake individual over here!

"YES! We are all individuals! YES! We are all different"

"I am not."


5 people marked this as a favorite.

...and until you're all wearing fish pants you're not me.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

With no Shiro to game with, I just watched the first episode of WandaVision.

Being a child of the early 1970s, I have fond memories of shows like Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie, especially the original black-and-white seasons of the shows.

So, the writers for WandaVision decided to capture that old cheesiness whole hog. And they did a d**ned good job.

It's not high art. It's not roll-on-the-floor laugh-out-loud riotous.

But it's sure as heck a 1965 black and white magic-based sitcom. Filmed in 2020.

I am impress.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

...and... confirmed!

Shiro has a generator, and didn't think it was worth the bother of breaking out, setting up, fueling, and running the generator, especially since they kept pushing out the restore time.
"You'll get power by 2:30 pm."
"You'll get power by 7:00 pm."
"You'll get power by 8:00 pm."
Yep. He's back online.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah I'm quite sure they used the exact same set from Dick VanDyke. the whole thing had a bewitched feel to it as well.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
...and until you're all wearing fish pants you're not me.

My favorite, most comfortable pair of pajama pants has sharks on them. Does that count?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The manager worked 2nd shift again tonight, and again apparently decided that he was too important to work on the laundry. I know this, because, as I believe I have mentioned before, one of the dryers has a digital display that, among other things, shows how long it has been since the cycle ended. It stops counting if you press the "Stop" button, or open the door. When I came in, it showed that the cycle had been over for 8 hours and 40 minutes. So, it was finished for the entirety of the shift, and he didn't so much as open the door. Also, of course, the two loads worth of sheets in the corner hadn't been washed. So, I have folded what was in the dryer, and the first load of sheets is about half done, and I hate him so much right now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

He's supposed to work tomorrow night as well, so I'm betting it will be more of the same.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
He's supposed to work tomorrow night as well, so I'm betting it will be more of the same.

Management man. like you got to wonder how these people get to where they are.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
He's supposed to work tomorrow night as well, so I'm betting it will be more of the same.
Management man. like you got to wonder how these people get to where they are.

How else is the boss' wife's cousin Cletus going to get work? C'mon man, be reasonable! ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Jimmy John's is the place that has the slogan 'We'll deliver your sandwich in 5 minutes, or we'll shoot the driver', right?"

5 people marked this as a favorite.

(Discussing Waffle House)

A: "Last time I went there, I was with C, and I didn't feel well afterwards."

7 people marked this as a favorite.

And this reminds me of when I lived in Florida and heard this conversation between a coworker and a guest.

Guest: "What's the closest place to get something to eat right now." It was around 3am.
Coworker: "There's a Huddle House a couple of blocks over."
Guest: "What's a Huddle House?"
Coworker: (In his best Florida-man accent) "It's where you go when you don't want to get all fancied up to go to Waffle House."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

And this reminds me of when I lived in Florida and heard this conversation between a coworker and a guest.

Guest: "What's the closest place to get something to eat right now." It was around 3am.
Coworker: "There's a Huddle House a couple of blocks over."
Guest: "What's a Huddle House?"
Coworker: (In his best Florida-man accent) "It's where you go when you don't want to get all fancied up to go to Waffle House."

I haven't been to a huddle house in a long time but that sounds right.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Today's News:

<Politics reluctantly deleted>
- Our tree grows a "plague doctor" lemon that Impus Major now keeps as a pet.

why does he look like a bad supervillain from a CW TV show?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Poor Shiro.

He lost power at 10:00 am, and it's still not back as of 5:30 pm, with the latest estimate being no power before 7:00 pm at the earliest.

For me, that's, "Woo hoo! Time to completely reorganize the bookcases, move some furniture, work 'til I'm ready to drop, and then read a book!"
Shiro's existence is pretty much video games, streaming shows, and using his computer to build a new RPG, so he's been bored stupid all day.

I'm just surprised -- around here a 9-hour outage for anything short of a major fire or earthquake is unheard of. I wonder what the heck happened?

Are we... are we sure Shiro and I are actually different people?

I'm suddenly not sure if we're different people.

He's achieved "eff you" level of money and he's single.

Ergo, you are probably not the same person.

I'll marry him.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

(Discussing Waffle House)

A: "Last time I went there, I was with C, and I didn't feel well afterwards."

...there is no emoticon for what I am feeling.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Feels so freaking weird to be rereading "Code of the Harpers" and looking at maps of the Moonshae Isles after all these years.

loads flamethrower the realms must burn.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

If you know of a better place to get Emo Rangers and dirty old wizards, I should like to hear of it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
He's supposed to work tomorrow night as well, so I'm betting it will be more of the same.
Management man. like you got to wonder how these people get to where they are.

I may get a reprieve. 1st shift called off this morning, so he came in. I'm assuming he's not going to work a double shift.

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