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And here are the first few pictures.

I hate Flickr's ads, but hard to beat 1 TB of free space.

And I like the juxtaposition of "Dappers" and "Goths". And LOVED the Small World invasion... The Splash Mountain pic is the only known one of my Hawaiian shirt. See how tasteful it is?

EDIT: Wow... "pictures", "Small World", and this...
...had I any shame, I might be feeling some right now...

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Helloooooooo girl in second pic.

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I had shame, once.

It didn't last.

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An evening's sword fighting (with swanky new sabre) was just what I needed to get rid of my hangover.

I am not going to put Vermouth on top of beer again.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Helloooooooo girl in second pic.

LOL. Don't know her, but she was VERY sweet. I learned that no one can say, "No" to a man in a Hawaiian shirt.

She was sans gentleman, though...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Helloooooooo girl in second pic.

LOL. Don't know her, but she was VERY sweet. I learned that no one can say, "No" to a man in a Hawaiian shirt.

She was sans gentleman, though...

black manliness + Hawaiian shirt= ???

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The Doomkitten wrote:
Thank you, TL, for reminding me every day that most religious people are awesome and nice, rather than complete nutjobs. I really need that sometimes.

I've been struggling with how to respond to this.

Such statements and sentiments are always extremely appreciated, but also always make me nervous - I'm always self-conscious, as I'm fairly aware of my own failings, and I'm always worried about that moment when I'll finally disappoint someone.

Generally, I wanted to say something funny, self-depreciating*, or similar, but... mostly I just come back to: I'm really grateful.

Though it's kind of boring, I can't really think of much else to say. I just hope that it's clear where my heart really is (at least, as clear as such things can be**).

I just hope that, as a Christian, and a person in general, I continue to live up to any good thing that you perceive in my manner and presence, and that I continue to live out the grace poured into me by more people than I can count, and, above all, from [Redacted for Religious Content on FaWtL - but, uh, peruse my bio page, and you'll get the idea, pretty quickly, I think :)].

Also: thank you. This has made for an even better day. :D

* For the record, though, I am totally a nutjob... ;p
** Given that hearts can be, and often are, very, very skilled at being deceptive and hiding the truth, even and especially from those who own them, I'm hoping that what I project is accurate to the heart that I have, if what I project is truly a good thing.

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The Doomkitten wrote:
Thank you, TL, for reminding me every day that most religious people are awesome and nice, rather than complete nutjobs. I really need that sometimes.

As a "religious" person myself, sometimes when I meet or see on TV other religious people, I need that reminder too.

It's kind of like finding out a cousin of yours likes Nickelback. You're like "I mean, yeah, we have the same grandpa, but you know, nature versus nurture and all that...and I mean, two generations makes a big difference...recessive genetics."

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Come Tacticslion, embrace the dark side.

presents ceremonial cow to be tipped.

C'mon! It's really, really cool

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I feel like s#+*, and have been awake since 5:35 this morning.

Hence, I only have one joke.

My apologies.
presents apology cow to be tipped.

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At least it's only ten minutes or so until the General returns. So there's that. :-)

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NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Helloooooooo girl in second pic.

LOL. Don't know her, but she was VERY sweet. I learned that no one can say, "No" to a man in a Hawaiian shirt.

She was sans gentleman, though...

I wore a Hawaiian shirt when we got married... My god... would she have said "Yes" if I weren't...

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NobodysHome wrote:

I have to share only because I know several of you hail from the Sunshine state and might take a wee bit of offense...

Florida is an uncontrolled decades-long experiment in unfettered Chaos-driven Darwinian adaptation in (moderately-)sentient humanoids.

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Tacticslion wrote:
* For the record, though, I am totally a nutjob... ;p

Yes, but it is our kind of nutjobness, not religious one... I hope.

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Had a bounce back, but now I'm crashing again. The General says it's just allergies.

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The worst part is, I came up with this alias, and suddenly, I got nothing. I totally have a setup for it and everything. >:-/

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I have to share only because I know several of you hail from the Sunshine state and might take a wee bit of offense...

Florida is an uncontrolled decades-long experiment in unfettered Chaos-driven Darwinian adaptation in (moderately-)sentient humanoids.

Wisconsin is an experiment into how large a population has to grow, before they're hunted down by Floridians.

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The General gave me antihistamines. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel on these.

Tired, it turns out.

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Oh! Now the tired is really hitting me. Otherwise I feel unchanged.

Drugs are dumb, m'kay. They never seem to work on me. :-(

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Since we're posting links to funny stuff we posted in other threads...

Hint - the "apex of mediocrity" I was referring to originally was David Bowie's acting.

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So I'm walking to a downtown train station at 11:30 at night, and there's a dead body on the stairs. Not an everyday occurrence, but I've certainly seen it before. Homeless people sleep there, so if they die in their sleep, that's often where.

Paramedics were already on the scene, so nothing for me to do. Except there's a lot more cops and paramedics than usual. Like, at least six medics and eight cops. And the cops asked me if I saw anything (Nope. The cops were there before me.).

Turns out the dead guy got shot twice right there in the train station. The medics almost sounded bored while doing chest compressions and stuff, but I guess that's because screaming like on TV wouldn't really help communication in an emergency.

That's awful. I'm so sorry.

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I still feel terrible. At least it should be ridiculously nice outside today.

78 degrees and mostly sunny, doesn't get any better than that. :-)

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Talk about feeling out of it, the high today is 69, not 78. For some reason I was looking at Friday.

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I'm feeling unusually combative today, but I'm starting to feel better, so it's passing. Not feeling well when it's nice out leads to disgruntled feelings I suspect.

Anyway, I try not to let it get to me. :-)

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:

So I'm walking to a downtown train station at 11:30 at night, and there's a dead body on the stairs. Not an everyday occurrence, but I've certainly seen it before. Homeless people sleep there, so if they die in their sleep, that's often where.

Paramedics were already on the scene, so nothing for me to do. Except there's a lot more cops and paramedics than usual. Like, at least six medics and eight cops. And the cops asked me if I saw anything (Nope. The cops were there before me.).

Turns out the dead guy got shot twice right there in the train station. The medics almost sounded bored while doing chest compressions and stuff, but I guess that's because screaming like on TV wouldn't really help communication in an emergency.

HOLY S&#@.

That is awful.

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I saw s$@+ like that in Seattle.

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It's probably because they're required to do the compressions even if they know the guy is 100% dead. Only a doctor can legally pronounce their death, so anyone else in the medical field, until that point, has to do their diligence - even if they know it's pointless. Unless there's like a head missing, you just can't not do it.

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There's always the occasional story where they say someone's dead, only for them to wake up or come to later. :-)

edit: added link.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Unless there's like a head missing, you just can't not do it.

Even then, they have to try if there is a pulse. A friend of mine told me a horrible story about that

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Tacticslion wrote:
That's awful. I'm so sorry.

Sad part is, I'm not surprised in the least. It's just not shocking for a major American city.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
That's awful. I'm so sorry.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Sad part is, I'm not surprised in the least. It's just not shocking for a major American city.

While true, from what I can tell, that's not just a trend in the U.S..

Also that first link is interesting. It seems that metropolitan areas have a much lower crime rate than non-metropolitan cities... but major non-metropolitan areas have a much, much lower rate. Weird. Though it does, over-all, synch with "More people close together, higher crime rate" concept. Also, this was an interesting, if statistically uncertain study I just found. What a terrible topic.

EDIT 1&2: Related, am article linked in the comments. Also.

But! Let's go back to playing our game... where we break in... kill people... and... take... their... stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-...

So how is everyone in FaWtL?

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Spring is in bloom here.

captain yesterday wrote:
Spring is in bloom here.

I'm sorry. I've got allergies tooooooooooooooooooo...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, I was *going* to go through the 100+ photos I took, delete the "boring" ones, and post a "highlights reel", but my new 50 Mbps internet plus sheer lack of time means I posted everything here.

On the one hand, a lot of 'em are boring or, "Huh"?
On the other hand, it's the usual, "Take 100 photos to get 10 decent ones, and one really good one."

I do notice that I'm framing people a little bit high. I'll work on that.

And while one of them couldn't stand still for more than half a second in spite of her awesome, awesome hair, here is one of our hostesses.
Amazing women! Awesome time!

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Goth absorbed Rockabilly's fashion so gradually, I hardly even noticed. :-)

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Disney World full of Goths.

On a boat.

And you're wearing a DAG-GUM Hawaiian shirt.

NH, why are you living all of my dreams.


And now, in order, comments:

Also, I have no idea who they are, but I love that sequence of the dapper-dressed gentleman eating an apple when the goth woman came up to him and chatting, him leaning and saying something, and then the two walking off side-by-side.

I also love <Impus? {can't tell slouch}?>'s "fake tie T-shirt" - it's about the best tie he could ever wear. Good taste.

The lady in the purple flowers is ridiculous! That dress and ensemble is incredibly gorgeous (and she sells it, too!) and must trap heat like an oven!


I love how "chill" you look going down Splash Mountain. You're just holding you hat: happy.

<Impus? {I'll say "green"}>'s chillaxing just makes me want to be there so daggum much. I want a pink/orange drink thingy at Disney!


I love <Impus? {I'll say "black"}>'s picture with "Raven's Lament"... in front of the raven griffon. So awesome.

Also, I've noticed: <The General?> seems to have "the look" down hard - I bet she practiced! (Reminds me of my wife when in-costume! XD) Hope her birthday was awesome!

The young Disney Alice girl and older Goth Alice* girl are adorable!
* I'm presuming it's Goth Alice. It really reminds me of American McGee's Alice for some reason, even though that had a more 'traditional' look to her...

Nice "panning" shot! (I can't tell what everyone was gathered around, but it was cool seeing so many gathered like that!)

Also: rainbow-face sparkle man spandex? Is... is that a goth thing that I just don't get?

I also love everyone's hats! Good call on those, really.

I do feel lied to, however: YOU'RE NOT BLONDE. C'mon, dude! I've been picturing you basically as Elan since we started talking! Deception~!



EDIT: Cooooooooooddddddddiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg~!

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Well, I am now the proud owner of a Goth tiki shirt, so I believe that forevermore I'll be able to associate with them and be called, "That d**ned Hawaiian guy!"

Some of us aspire to greatness. Others aspire to cool nicknames...

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NobodysHome wrote:

Well, I am now the proud owner of a Goth tiki shirt, so I believe that forevermore I'll be able to associate with them and be called, "That d**ned Hawaiian guy!"

Some of us aspire to greatness. Others aspire to cool nicknames...



2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, I was *going* to go through the 100+ photos I took, delete the "boring" ones, and post a "highlights reel", but my new 50 Mbps internet plus sheer lack of time means I posted everything here.

On the one hand, a lot of 'em are boring or, "Huh"?
On the other hand, it's the usual, "Take 100 photos to get 10 decent ones, and one really good one."

I do notice that I'm framing people a little bit high. I'll work on that.

And while one of them couldn't stand still for more than half a second in spite of her awesome, awesome hair, here is one of our hostesses.
Amazing women! Awesome time!

sets black manliness to "inseminate"

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That doesn't sound like me...

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Tacticslion wrote:

Disney World full of Goths.

On a boat.

And you're wearing a DAG-GUM Hawaiian shirt.

NH, why are you living all of my dreams.


I looked them up and dutifully stole them.

Tacticslion wrote:

And now, in order, comments:

I also love <Impus? {can't tell slouch}?>'s "fake tie T-shirt" - it's about the best tie he could ever wear. Good taste.

That's Impus Major in the green Ghost Host shirt. NobodysWife insisted on it.

Tacticslion wrote:

The lady in the purple flowers is ridiculous! That dress and ensemble is incredibly gorgeous (and she sells it, too!) and must trap heat like an oven!

She was utterly amazeballs. Never got a chance to talk to her, because too many people were busy worshipping that amazing look.

Tacticslion wrote:

I love how "chill" you look going down Splash Mountain. You're just holding you hat: happy.

LOL. My hat was protecting my camera. It was there for a good reason. :-P

Tacticslion wrote:

<Impus? {I'll say "green"}>'s chillaxing just makes me want to be there so daggum much. I want a pink/orange drink thingy at Disney!

He is just too much at home anywhere for anyone else's comfort. I swear, when some girl accused the debate teams of being lopsided because it was unfair to have to debate against him because everybody loved him, she wasn't exaggerating.

Tacticslion wrote:

I love <Impus? {I'll say "black"}>'s picture with "Raven's Lament"... in front of the raven griffon. So awesome.

That's Impus Minor, trying to emulate his mother.

Tacticslion wrote:

Also, I've noticed: <The General?> seems to have "the look" down hard - I bet she practiced! (Reminds me of my wife when in-costume! XD) Hope her birthday was awesome!

If you keep mixing up NobodysWife and the General, you're going to get ALL of us in trouble! ;-)

Tacticslion wrote:

Nice "panning" shot! (I can't tell what everyone was gathered around, but it was cool seeing so many gathered like that!)

Considering I'm 5'6" and had to take it with my arms outstretched straight up while not being able to see the camera, much less the shot, I'm glad you like it.

Tacticslion wrote:

Also: rainbow-face sparkle man spandex? Is... is that a goth thing that I just don't get?

Ziggy Stardust.

Tacticslion wrote:

I also love everyone's hats! Good call on those, really.

Now that I have a Goth tiki shirt, I need an appropriate hat. Stay tuned!

Tacticslion wrote:
I do feel lied to, however: YOU'RE NOT BLONDE. C'mon, dude! I've been picturing...

LOL! Maybe I just dye...

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Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, I was *going* to go through the 100+ photos I took, delete the "boring" ones, and post a "highlights reel", but my new 50 Mbps internet plus sheer lack of time means I posted everything here.

On the one hand, a lot of 'em are boring or, "Huh"?
On the other hand, it's the usual, "Take 100 photos to get 10 decent ones, and one really good one."

I do notice that I'm framing people a little bit high. I'll work on that.

And while one of them couldn't stand still for more than half a second in spite of her awesome, awesome hair, here is one of our hostesses.
Amazing women! Awesome time!

sets black manliness to "inseminate"

Now I'm just worried...

On all accounts: fair enough.

(Also, oooooooooooooooops.)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
I also love everyone's hats! Good call on those, really.

One of my favorite lines from the day was when they were trying to take the group shot sans parasols, so they made everyone fold up their parasols, and a cry came out from the back, "Aaaaaah! I'm melting! Meeeeeelting!!!!!!!"

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I totally would've said that. :-)

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Now that I'm feeling better, all my complaining about not feeling well seems a tad... overblown... dramatic... unnecessary perhaps.

The real crime though, is it couldn't have waited until after work tonight.

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Especially since they've been calling me every day because someone else calls in. So far my favorite excuse when they ask if I can work is "I have a family thing" :-D

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