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Freehold DM wrote:

~shakes my head and does a "tisk - tisk" noise~ Sorry Freehold DM, but you are wrong. Star Wars The Force Awakens was not AWESOME. ~sad sigh~ Please, please, please get it straight. It was...


Do I make myself clear, Freehold DM?

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~chuckles~ The Force may be with me, but my scales were obviously not. ~grabs some spare scales~

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I'm not a Godzilla fan, but I would love to see these two ideas made into movies.

Idea 1

Idea 2

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Yay! My swollen tonsils kept me up most of the night. I could probably finally get to sleep now but I am going for a session soon so I am up...

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It's cold today. I have to wear a jacket and roll the windows up!

Also, this lovely game happened.

Me, ready for over 30 minutes, chilling on couch reading. Wife, late getting ready, comes to me 20 minutes late. I take literally less than two minutes to finish my page before I get up from the couch. Somehow it's my fault we're late.

Ah, marriage. :-)

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That game gets a lot more entertaining when kids are involved.

Or whatever the opposite of entertaining is.

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Ah yes, now the hagglers come out and try to treat me like I'm a simpleton yes man rube.

Stupid a~#*@%+s.

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Next week it's the soul bargaining. "You don't understand! Billy/Abigail must have the robot cat! Someone told me three days ago you had 4 left! why don't you have any left!!!! you don't understand, I need this! Here you want kidney, I'll find you a kidney!"

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...and the cold is gone already! No jacket, windows down.

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Tell me about it, it's already 35 here, i might even set up the swimming pool.

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Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
Next week it's the soul bargaining. "You don't understand! Billy/Abigail must have the robot cat! Someone told me three days ago you had 4 left! why don't you have any left!!!! you don't understand, I need this! Here you want kidney, I'll find you a kidney!"

it's weird to me that no one shops online by you.

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Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:

Ah yes, now the hagglers come out and try to treat me like I'm a simpleton yes man rube.

Stupid a!*##@@s.

the death of haggling is a relatively recent thing.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
Next week it's the soul bargaining. "You don't understand! Billy/Abigail must have the robot cat! Someone told me three days ago you had 4 left! why don't you have any left!!!! you don't understand, I need this! Here you want kidney, I'll find you a kidney!"
it's weird to me that no one shops online by you.

This is Wisconsin, they only recently discovered there was more on the internet then porn and packers tickets.

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captain yesterday wrote:
This is Wisconsin, they only recently discovered there was more on the internet then porn and packers tickets.

Beat me to the punch with that response.

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Got woken up this morning by the kids playing in the street outside my house singing the chorus to 'Anaconda' at the top of their squeaky little voices, with added swear-words. It's that sort of a neighbourhood.

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Limeylongears wrote:
Got woken up this morning by the kids playing in the street outside my house singing the chorus to 'Anaconda' at the top of their squeaky little voices, with added swear-words. It's that sort of a neighbourhood.

I bet all their anacondas don't want none. I know mine don't want one.

David M Mallon wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Got woken up this morning by the kids playing in the street outside my house singing the chorus to 'Anaconda' at the top of their squeaky little voices, with added swear-words. It's that sort of a neighbourhood.
I bet all their anacondas don't want none. I know mine don't want one.

Weren't we just talking about this a few pages back? Or am I just hallucinating again?

F$#& it, I'll check later.

Captain Tomorrow wrote:
F~@% it, I'll check later.

Amen bro.

I have better things to do (drink).

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My brother sent me this link, and I don't know whether to bless him or curse him.

He put it really well. "Fabulous recipes to brighten your holiday season. They’re completely amazing. Appetizing might be a bit of a stretch, but they certainly deliver on 'amazing.' Check it out."

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I actually have some recipe books from the 70s, hilarious! If it couldn't fit in a mold of some sort, well they made it fit!

Silver Crusade

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I love mid 20th century vintage cookbooks. I have a friend who collects them. Leafing through them is like gazing upon an alien world.

Silver Crusade

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In answer to some sort of masochistic impulse, I am at the mall today. I prepped myself by repeating that I am not in a hurry, I am not going to stress, and I am going to smile at all the salespeople who help me. Surprisingly, it has been successful.

Silver Crusade

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I am enjoying a leisurely meal at the lunch counter in Nordstrom. I was smart enough to give the food court a wide berth.

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It can't be as crazy as McDonalds is. Walking in at 12:30 on a Sunday might not have been my best move. My "buy a single coffee, sip, refill with an unfair amount of fountain tea afterwards until my bladder is about to explode as I use the WiFi" plan may have been better served a few hours later.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

There are moments that remind you why you love being a parent.

Our Crimson Throne game is marred by two attention-starved toddlers (1 and 4) whose parents feel it's perfectly OK to show up and assume that someone will watch them so they don't have to. My opinion of such parents is unprintable.
Impus Major has taken it upon himself to watch them every time they come over. Why? "Because I remember when I was that age and how bored I got because the adults were doing something, so I don't want them to be bored like I was."
He gets no pay. He gets no thanks. He just does it because of the goodness of his heart.

So, yesterday he and Impus Minor went to the park because... winter break! They called. "Dad? We're going to be late. We found these really fun little kids and we're playing with them."

So they entertained a couple of 7-year-olds. For THREE HOURS. They LOVED having kids who could play "real" games with them, like tag, hide and seek, and Nerf wars.

And the kids' nanny came to the Imps afterwards and handed them $5 each. "Thank you for making my kids so happy. If you want to make more, come Monday at 10:00 am."

The kids have an impromptu baby-sitting job. Go figure!

EDIT: And yeah, I'm not 100% naive. They'll have their phones on them and instructions to run like heck and scream if anything seems untoward on Monday, and to absolutely under no circumstances go anywhere but the park. But a public park in broad daylight seems unlikely to be anything beyond what it seems...

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Kick, Scream, and make a scene.

I came up with that, my Aegis-Fang of sloganeering.

Been telling them that since birth. :-)

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Pea Bear went to Tiny T-Rex's best friend's birthday party, and came away with an occasional babysitting job, her kids idolize her tho, so it's not that hard, plus we're two blocks away.

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NobodysHome wrote:

There are moments that remind you why you love being a parent.

Our Crimson Throne game is marred by two attention-starved toddlers (1 and 4) whose parents feel it's perfectly OK to show up and assume that someone will watch them so they don't have to. My opinion of such parents is unprintable.
Impus Major has taken it upon himself to watch them every time they come over. Why? "Because I remember when I was that age and how bored I got because the adults were doing something, so I don't want them to be bored like I was."
He gets no pay. He gets no thanks. He just does it because of the goodness of his heart.

So, yesterday he and Impus Minor went to the park because... winter break! They called. "Dad? We're going to be late. We found these really fun little kids and we're playing with them."

So they entertained a couple of 7-year-olds. For THREE HOURS. They LOVED having kids who could play "real" games with them, like tag, hide and seek, and Nerf wars.

And the kids' nanny came to the Imps afterwards and handed them $5 each. "Thank you for making my kids so happy. If you want to make more, come Monday at 10:00 am."

The kids have an impromptu baby-sitting job. Go figure!

EDIT: And yeah, I'm not 100% naive. They'll have their phones on them and instructions to run like heck and scream if anything seems untoward on Monday, and to absolutely under no circumstances go anywhere but the park. But a public park in broad daylight seems unlikely to be anything beyond what it seems...

I rant a lot about $hitty parents. Cap and Tac know. I know I just sound like a jerk when I do, but it's because I believe parenting to be quite probably the most important thing a person can ever do with their life, and there are far too many idiots who just didn't know how to use proper birth control thrust into that situation. It's righteous indignation more than it is anything else.

That preempting being said to give you an understanding that I don't say this lightly: Based on that set of information, you, sir, have done a good job.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Some people decorate their Christmas tree once a year. I have cats. I get to decorate mine over and over again!
(So yeah, they deconstructed it again while we were out this morning)

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In other odd cat related holiday news, one of my cats has decided that he is crazy about fruitcake. Whenever I have some he will sit there begging until I give him some candied citron. :)

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We went to see Star Wars this morning. It was an odd experience. The movie was good and I recommend seeing it. But while we were watching, the theater had a power outage right in the middle of the climactic scene near the end. And when it came back on the movie had kept going and the sound was off. So we were all trying so hard not to watch the ending before they could fix it and let us watch it properly. Took them forever too since it happened in the whole twenty theater complex. But we did eventually get to see the end and we got vouchers for a free movie out of it so that's alright.

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lynora wrote:

Some people decorate their Christmas tree once a year. I have cats. I get to decorate mine over and over again!

(So yeah, they deconstructed it again while we were out this morning)

I *really* miss our "Davis cats". Every Christmas we'd get a nice big tree (anything under 7' isn't a "real" tree), and every Christmas we'd end up with kitty faces poking out from random places in the tree. We had to switch to 100% plastic ornaments because kitties and glass ornaments just don't mix.

Our current cats just look at the tree as one more odd piece of furniture to ignore. It's not clothing to shed on or homework to barf on, so it's not worth bothering with...

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Our dog likes to scratch his back on the lower branches.

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He likes to scratch his ears on the mid level branches.

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NobodysHome wrote:
lynora wrote:

Some people decorate their Christmas tree once a year. I have cats. I get to decorate mine over and over again!

(So yeah, they deconstructed it again while we were out this morning)

I *really* miss our "Davis cats". Every Christmas we'd get a nice big tree (anything under 7' isn't a "real" tree), and every Christmas we'd end up with kitty faces poking out from random places in the tree. We had to switch to 100% plastic ornaments because kitties and glass ornaments just don't mix.

Our current cats just look at the tree as one more odd piece of furniture to ignore. It's not clothing to shed on or homework to barf on, so it's not worth bothering with...

Yeah, mine are climbers, but it's a plastic tree that can't support their weight. This ends with all the amusing predictability that one would expect. They're convinced the while contraption is one giant cat toy and no one can convince them otherwise. :)

A real tree could take the abuse better but apartment complex say no. They can't coordinate the tree pickup with the city and decided they didn't want to mess with it.

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Then when he knocks the whole thing over, he carefully collects olde timey Santa from the top and lovingly curls up with him and his humping bear for a long winter's nap.

And if you yell at him, he just looks at you with sad hound doggy face, as if he's saying "what do you expect me to do Ryan, I'm a dog"

Silver Crusade

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captain yesterday wrote:

Then when he knocks the whole thing over, he carefully collects olde timey Santa from the top and lovingly curls up with him and his humping bear for a long winter's nap.

And if you yell at him, he just looks at you with sad hound doggy face, as if he's saying "what do you expect me to do Ryan, I'm a dog"

The funniest part of this is that you throw in a reference to your dog's "humping bear" and no one bats an eyelash.

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Ugh! Sucks to work tonight.

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Well, if it's any consolation... Ummm... You know... OK, I've got nothing.

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Back from session.

We played noble-born siblings in Fading Suns. Except during my introduction I was told by the GM that my character had an affair in the past with a pagan witch while being 16 and the child of that affair was raised by our parents as our youngest sister.

Already in the past I have killed in a duel her suitor when I learned that he intended to kidnap her and hand her to unknown patron. Then she went to a monastery for a few years but then my father had to steal her away from there because her new teacher was weird and she felt endangered there... And the father died two months later...

We gathered for the funeral but a church investigators showed looking for her claiming she is accused of killing her teacher before disappearing from the monastery. Then some other suspicious events happened. Apparently my pagan lover was a final member of a bloodline that sealed some ancient repository of knowledge from a bunch of demonologists and that my daughter was the last person capable of opening it. After consulting with another local druid pagan priest living in the nearby forest (who my little girl summoned with her theurgic powers) we learned that opening of the seal would kill her and that the ability to do so can be only passed from parent to child... Or from the child to parent.

The moment when I revealed to her that I was actually her father was... Dramatic. The other brother and sister deduced as much from some hints (and hidden them from her) before but she had no clue.

There was a discussion about possibility of finding of her father (when we "officially" learned that she is not our sister when we found a book showing her female bloodline of keepers of the key ability) and convincing him to accept the burden. I revealed myself by telling her "I agree" when my brother and sister went away to discuss some things and she was asking the druid pagan priest if he could try to use his theurgic powers to track her true father...

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I saw Star Wars.


Really really good.


In other news, one of the previews before the movie was a new Michael Bay Ninja Turtles movie.

I saw the first and was kinda meh. It wasn't Bay's worst but it wasn't a super-great movie even with the nostalgia filter. I'd put it a little above the first Transformers.

But this one looks really promising.

More plot-involved Shredder.
Tech-savvy Foot Clan.
Bug-eyed looking scientist who I'm pretty sure is Baxter Stockman.

Cautiously optimistic. Do not @(*#^ this up, Bay.

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Oh! Y'all got jokes now, huh!

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This evening's project.

Silver Crusade

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Orthos wrote:

I saw Star Wars.


Really really good.


In other news, one of the previews before the movie was a new Michael Bay Ninja Turtles movie.

I saw the first and was kinda meh. It wasn't Bay's worst but it wasn't a super-great movie even with the nostalgia filter. I'd put it a little above the first Transformers.

But this one looks really promising.

More plot-involved Shredder.
Tech-savvy Foot Clan.
Bug-eyed looking scientist who I'm pretty sure is Baxter Stockman.

Cautiously optimistic. Do not @(*#^ this up, Bay.

I have a friend who was a production assistant on the new film. I am going to have to see it, so I too am hoping it is good.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

All the board games. Dead of Winter, Betrayal at House on the Hill, and some Telegraphics b&#@#$&@ where I couldn't draw for anything.

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Envoy: The Guidance. Because you always wanted to be a minion of benevolent aliens bringing peace and progress to the nations of the Earth!

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N! 30!! 7!!!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

I saw Star Wars.


Really really good.


In other news, one of the previews before the movie was a new Michael Bay Ninja Turtles movie.

I saw the first and was kinda meh. It wasn't Bay's worst but it wasn't a super-great movie even with the nostalgia filter. I'd put it a little above the first Transformers.

But this one looks really promising.

More plot-involved Shredder.
Tech-savvy Foot Clan.
Bug-eyed looking scientist who I'm pretty sure is Baxter Stockman.

Cautiously optimistic. Do not @(*#^ this up, Bay.

it's bay. Of course it's going to be good.

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