Deep 6 FaWtL

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Sharoth wrote:
But if you move back to Savannah, GA, then you would have to put up with me! Do you know how annoying I am? And whinny? ~shakes my head~ Or are you coming down to join the tarring and feathering of Sharoth group??

Better to have annoying friends than no friends at all. That, and everything is so g@&$##n cheap down there.

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Ever have one of those nights where you'd give anything to wake up in the morning as Commander Shepard?

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You are more than welcome back, but do wear some clothes.

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David M Mallon wrote:
Ever have one of those nights where you'd give anything to wake up in the morning as Commander Shepard?

Or some other character that you really like? Yes. More often that I would ever care to admit.

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Yea, night shift sucks. The wife is asleep and my Mom's barky dog is here. I would go to WalMart for a bit, but the dog will raise a rucks.

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Dons grumpy old man hat (TM)

While I have no issue with music volume at say, music festivals, why does every band with an amplifier think they need to crank it to 11, no matter how small the venue?

Tonight we were driven out of the Kensington Circus (a wonderful little pub a block and a half from our house) by a live band so loud they were physically painful to my ears, and we sat around the table texting each other because we could not hear each other even when shouting.

Yet most of the people in the venue were applauding and obviously having a grand old time. And almost all of them had brought earplugs and were wearing them.

So is that the modern standard? Play music loud enough to be at a pleasant volume level when listened to through 35 dB earplugs?


EDIT: Another reason I love our farmer's market: They, too, have live music. But the head honcho keeps a decibel meter, and if anyone complains, out comes the meter and he makes them turn it down to a 'reasonable' level whereby those of us trying to conduct business can actually hear each other...

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Spontaneous Me -Lindsey Stirling

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11 is so old school. I say we crank it up to 13 or 19.

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Sharoth wrote:
11 is so old school. I say we crank it up to 13 or 19.

*ahem*. I was wearing the grumpy old man hat, in case you didn't notice!

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NobodysHome wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
11 is so old school. I say we crank it up to 13 or 19.
*ahem*. I was wearing the grumpy old man hat, in case you didn't notice!

~shakes my cane at you~ Get off my lawn!!! You young whipper snappers!

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NobodysHome wrote:
While I have no issue with music volume at say, music festivals, why does every band with an amplifier think they need to crank it to 11, no matter how small the venue?

Because it's hella punx, that's why.

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David M Mallon wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
While I have no issue with music volume at say, music festivals, why does every band with an amplifier think they need to crank it to 11, no matter how small the venue?
Because it's hella punx, that's why.

Hipster! No one spells punk with an "X" anymore!

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Phantom of the Opera - Lindsey Stirling

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David M Mallon wrote:
Ever have one of those nights where you'd give anything to wake up in the morning as Commander Shepard?

I have dreamed I was her. But no not in real life, no thank you. She has no useful real life skills... No shoot guns, blow things up, and bang alien males are NOT useful in the real world.

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Aranna wrote:
NOT useful in the real world.

If I had useful real-world skills...

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David M Mallon wrote:
The Green Tea Gamer wrote:
Winter, cold weather, and grey skies actually cheer me up. It's my Irish blood, and the fact I was born in Boston. Seriously, I love that kind of weather.
Obviously, our ancestors came from very different Irelands.

hugs Scottish ancestor

What's that slang term the kids are using these days? "Turnt?" Or is it still "Crunk?"

Either way, it's what you get when you have an anxiety attack and decide the best course of action is to spend all the money you just made selling concert tickets on alcohol, and then dancing like a fool to Rush's Hold Your Fire by yourself in your apartment.

Because I'm 100% a responsible human being who's turning 30 next year.

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OK, I lied, I'm a hot mess. But you all knew that already.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:

I think maybe the Boston thing was a factor?

Or its that its always so damn sunny here, and I never get the grey. The beautiful, beautiful grey.

What? I like monochromaticism.

I live in Syracuse, NY. Want to trade?

No, but not because of the weather. I have never met a New Yorker in person who wasn't an @$$hole. You guys send a lot of them to Florida. I'm sure there are exceptions, but from everything I've heard from everyone I've known who's gone to New York, and all of the people I've met from there (hundreds if not thousands - seriously A LOT of New Yorkers come to Florida), it seems like decent human beings are like oases in a desert of jerks up there.

I could be wrong, but I'm not willing to take that chance. You're welcome to come down here. From what I hear, Jax has a significantly lower cost of living; you might even be able to live off your freelance work and telecommute. Orlando or Miami is better for creative work in person, though rent near Miami is atrocious. Orlando isn't bad, but the tolls are ridiculous and there's no real mass transit in the state.

we send bad new yorkers to Florida, I thought you knew. Good ones live up here

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Freehold DM wrote:
We send bad new yorkers to Florida, I thought you knew. Good ones live up here

Not in the City, though. I think that's the holding cell for all the ones they're planning on sending to Florida.

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According to urban dictionary the current term is Turnt... Crunk is SO last decade.

David M Mallon wrote:
OK, I lied, I'm a hot mess. But you all knew that already.

Are you sure your not just a train wreck?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
OK, I lied, I'm a hot mess. But you all knew that already.

I'm sorry man.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
We send bad new yorkers to Florida, I thought you knew. Good ones live up here
Not in the City, though. I think that's the holding cell for all the ones they're planning on sending to Florida.

no, all the kids from the middle of nowhere live in the city. They're the only ones willing to pay the ridiculous rents.

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~grumbles~ THAT was stupid. I should not have taken a nap during the 11 pm to 7 am timeframe.

Geeze. I don't even think I was gone eight hours for a proper sleep and - 35 updates!

I suspected you send the jerks out. I wondered why anyone who wouldn't shut the hell up about how great a state was would move away from it forever. They get so mad when you point out to them that NY must have had something wrong with it for them to be here instead of there. Now it makes sense! They've been banished!

Can you guys change the venue to Alabama, or Wyoming, or one of the Dakotas or some other middle-of-nowhere state? We're the fastest growing in America and pretty much decide every Presidential election. Do you really want your rejects picking the future? What about Alaska? Alaska is proper exile territory. It's not even connected, and you have to go through Canada!

As Savannah, Georgia, has been mentioned, I should say it is a lovely city. Wonderful coffee shop by the park that has the farmer's market on the weekend - The Sentient Bean. Seriously a perfect brew, and lots of delicious vegetarian food. Also, the town has so much less overbearing racism than southern Georgia. My wife and I actually had people making remarks and muttering when we were holding hands in Jeckyl Island outside of Brunswick. This was like 2010, not 1972! The Blue Ridge mountains in NW Georgia area and the eponymous town is also gorgeous, and has the friendliest humans I'd ever met. It's like they were all variant Kenneth Parcels from 30 Rock.

Atlanta is a stain that smells like sewer everywhere...and how the f*#@ is it HOTTER when I drove north for half a damn day to get there?!

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No. God, no. Keep the politics out of the middle of nowhere states. It's one of the few comforts of living in Flyover Country that no one cares enough to shove their damn politics down our throats.

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And that is why it's for the best I never actually got a job teaching government despite being certified to do so.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

In better news, the semester is done. Thank the baby Jesus.

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
We send bad new yorkers to Florida, I thought you knew. Good ones live up here
Not in the City, though. I think that's the holding cell for all the ones they're planning on sending to Florida.
no, all the kids from the middle of nowhere live in the city. They're the only ones willing to pay the ridiculous rents.

Indeed. The ones we banish live in the burbs. I know, because I live in the burbs, and about half the people here are still in the queue for Florida exile.

It actually irks me a bit when people retire away from the communities where they earned the money and pensions that made that retirement possible, but that verges on a political rant...

Silver Crusade

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At any rate, this is a dangerous topic of conversation. There are plenty of ways to rant on native Floridians, and a topic like "everybody from X is an a&%!%**" can only end in tears for all involved. FAWTLs are friendly sorts wherever they live, so let's focus on that.

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Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

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Grey Jedi represent.

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You can't walk on the edge of the duct tape, man.

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Watch me. =)

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Celestial Healer wrote:
At any rate, this is a dangerous topic of conversation. There are plenty of ways to rant on native Floridians, and a topic like "everybody from X is an a$$~@@+" can only end in tears for all involved. FAWTLs are friendly sorts wherever they live, so let's focus on that.

CH speaks the truth. I have not been wielding the flaming bicycle of my office very well of late, so I will redouble my efforts and pour more kerosene on the spokes.

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Treppa wrote:
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

That is, itself, an absolute statement.

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Treppa wrote:
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Ain't that an absolute right there?

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Now I want to see a ridiculous idealized drawing/comic of me where I go around fighting crime with a bicycle in a sheathe on my bike with a hilt, handle and pommel that bursts into flame when I draw it in battle.

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A new FAWTLfolk picture with stylized drawings of all of us would be awesome. Draw us like the party of some RPG all together. We're only a teensy bit more numerous than the FF6 main cast, right?

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Orthos wrote:
A new FAWTLfolk picture with stylized drawings of all of us would be awesome. Draw us like the party of some RPG all together. We're only a teensy bit more numerous than the FF6 main cast, right?

only a bit.

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I think I'd be Umaro. I'm a late arrival, kind of hard to control, and I was invited by Mog (captain yesterday).

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I don't remember enough of FF6 to argue with that, as long as he resembles a slightly more buff Brad Pitt.

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He's a furry little critter who dances. =)

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That sounds about right. :-)

I'll dance, but I won't dance well.

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That's okay, Mog's dances have about a 25% chance of him stumbling rather than getting a useful effect out of them.

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captain yesterday wrote:

That sounds about right. :-)

I'll dance, but I won't dance well.

I'll be the judge of that.

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Which one had airships, and that sad melancholy girl who sacrifices herself or something, I think you start out in a slum with amnesia.

I loved final fantasy, but for the life of me I have a hard time remembering which one was which (Castlevania vexes me in much the same way).

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Pretty much all of them have airships =)

FF6 is the one that starts out with the main protagonist - Terra Branford, green-haired magic user and tank pilot - starting out amnesiac and on the run. She could be kinda moody from time to time, but got over that by the end of the first third of the game or so thankfully.

She wasn't the one who ended up sacrificing herself, that was Aeris/Aerith Gainsborough in FF7.

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That's the one, yes, 7 was my favorite.

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