captain yesterday |
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I got back to the shop last night at about 7 and some of the guys were still there drinking beer and one of them says "Are you just getting done!" "Yup, I'm burning down the midnight oil factory!" Another guy thinks about it and says"Wait, is that right?!" I left them as they were trying to remember what the saying was.

BigNorseWolf |

Why I work where I do.
Apparently there was a company meeting (they usually don't tell me about those since I'm busy and they usually don't apply to me) where it was announced that everyone was getting a cap on overtime hours and they were going to start cracking down on people going to Kwik Trip for lunch every day, and he finished the meeting by saying "This applies to everyone! Except Yesterday" I guess the other Captain asked "Why doesn't Yesterday have to follow the rules!" The boss just said "Because he's Yesterday!".
Why are they cracking down on people getting lunch?

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:Why are they cracking down on people getting lunch?Why I work where I do.
Apparently there was a company meeting (they usually don't tell me about those since I'm busy and they usually don't apply to me) where it was announced that everyone was getting a cap on overtime hours and they were going to start cracking down on people going to Kwik Trip for lunch every day, and he finished the meeting by saying "This applies to everyone! Except Yesterday" I guess the other Captain asked "Why doesn't Yesterday have to follow the rules!" The boss just said "Because he's Yesterday!".
Because they're taking an hour or more for lunch.

NobodysHome |
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By the way, how did Impus Minor liked the first class plane flight?
What about him trolling other first class passengers?
All in all, there was only one aspect of the flight that made it really worth the $100 we shelled out for it:
(1) Apparently, at least at Oakland Airport, first class passengers have their own separate security line. The TSA precheck line is almost as long as the regular line, but the first class line was completely empty, so Impus Minor got to skip at least a 40-minute wait. That was the only really big benefit for him.
(2) He wore a Hawaiian shirt, jeans, and a panama hat, but the guy who sat beside him just said, "Hello," and promptly went to sleep. So no trolling.
(3) The only other significant benefit was an extra foot of leg room. At 5'11", this was significant for him, but it was only a two-hour flight so it wasn't that big of a deal.
All in all, pretty much what you'd expect: The perks weren't worth it for a two-hour flight, which is why the ticket wasn't all that expensive.

captain yesterday |
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Definitely not a drainage ditch!
A lot left to do but getting there!

gran rey de los mono |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Near the end of the last episode of Stranger Things there is a subtitle for "dire choral vocalization", and now I want stats for a Dire Choir. I'm picturing a bunch of demons harmonizing behind a death metal band. All of them bards, of course.
Or 30 Balors performing "O, Fortuna" on the back of the Tarrasque.

Syrus Terrigan |

spoiling the spoiler because spoilers.
EDIT: oh, and criticism. just so everyone knows.
2) clearly, 80s-era army jeeps used to convey a high-ranking officer don't come equipped with radios.
3) were Sullivan and his troops hanging out in the tunnel below that trapdoor, just waiting so the teens could have their emotional reunion? i've heard of "hurry up and wait", but . . . uhhhhh . . . .
4) i didn't know Matthew Modine was that daggum tough. winged twice and then took another one center. mass. and it looks like he's gonna sleep it off after having a nice little chat.
5) "it puts the collar 'round its skin, just so we can take it off again."
now, having raised my fussy questions, i do want to say this:
a) i'm enjoying the exploration of Eleven's origins.
b) this season is not dominated with obnoxious content, so it's a vast improvement over season three -- even Lucas's little sister isn't so overwhelmingly "ugh" that i want her to not be on the screen. granted, there are some eyeroll-meriting elements still flitting about, but i don't feel like i've got to choke it down just to get to the end of the plot.
c) those youngsters sure are growin' up. aaahhhhh, pandemic scheduling -- whatcha gonna do?
i'm liking it, overall.

David M Mallon |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Definitely not a drainage ditch!
A lot left to do but getting there!
Instagram account required
On a related note:
While on break this week, my foreman and I noticed a truck parked at a local QuikTrip bearing the emblem "Atlantis Drainage Solutions." It was then brought up that it might not be a great idea to name your drainage solutions company after a mythological city that, famously, had a bit of a drainage problem.

captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Definitely not a drainage ditch!
A lot left to do but getting there!
Instagram account required
On a related note:
While on break this week, my foreman and I noticed a truck parked at a local QuikTrip bearing the emblem "Atlantis Drainage Solutions." It was then brought up that it might not be a great idea to name your drainage solutions company after a mythological city that, famously, had a bit of a drainage problem.
I hate it when photo sharing websites and apps do that! Defeats the whole purpose of sharing pictures!

Freehold DM |

captain yesterday wrote:Definitely not a drainage ditch!
A lot left to do but getting there!
Instagram account required
On a related note:
While on break this week, my foreman and I noticed a truck parked at a local QuikTrip bearing the emblem "Atlantis Drainage Solutions." It was then brought up that it might not be a great idea to name your drainage solutions company after a mythological city that, famously, had a bit of a drainage problem.
"If they hired us, they never would have had that problem!"

Drejk |

captain yesterday wrote:Definitely not a drainage ditch!
A lot left to do but getting there!
Instagram account required
I watch those photos by opening Cap's links in Chrome's incognito mode. It shows me the photo linked but doesn't allow digging deeper through past photos—I can click on cap's name to see the thumbnails of past photos but can't view them closer because that asks for logging in Instagram.

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

We've been at a wedding all weekend, where ALL (DE) and I were playing music. Nice pub, and a very picturesque campsite (with tame blackbirds & ducks), but the drive home, with a tiny car crammed with camping equipment, was a bit of an operation.
Now on the shudderingly climactic end session of our 'Kingmaker' campaign. ALL (DE) is fast asleep.

Drejk |

I will have to find a more internationally and non member friendly photo app!
Check the photo settings. Photos set to public and not private should be visible even on Instagram... Unless they changed the police or decided that they don't want to show them to people who don't let them steal their data that easily.

Drejk |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Fantasy NPC: S'berion, The Clockmaker
Creator of devilish clocks.

Orthos |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Near the end of the last episode of Stranger Things there is a subtitle for "dire choral vocalization", and now I want stats for a Dire Choir. I'm picturing a bunch of demons harmonizing behind a death metal band. All of them bards, of course.
Or 30 Balors performing "O, Fortuna" on the back of the Tarrasque.
If Drejk doesn't want this one, I could take a crack at it >.>

Drejk |

gran rey de los mono wrote:If Drejk doesn't want this one, I could take a crack at it >.>Near the end of the last episode of Stranger Things there is a subtitle for "dire choral vocalization", and now I want stats for a Dire Choir. I'm picturing a bunch of demons harmonizing behind a death metal band. All of them bards, of course.
Or 30 Balors performing "O, Fortuna" on the back of the Tarrasque.
Oh, come, on, been there, done that.
Five years ago.
Alternatively, you can get an actual choir Stygian Chorus.
Dead bard.

NobodysHome |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

It really does depress me both as a parent and as a former alcoholic just how much of a grip the alcohol industry has on the youth of America.
Here's the stark contrast:
Impus Major went to Santa Cruz to visit his stoner friend. They went from party to party, room to room. At every party, people were openly doing drugs, from quasi-legal to highly illegal. As polite hosts, they would occasionally offer some to Impus Major. When he declined, they'd smile and say, "Good on you, bro! Keep it up!"
One guy on a particularly potent drug actually staggered up so he could shake Impus Major's hand and congratulate him.
The entire environment was one of, "We'll do us, you do you, and if you're not going to partake, we're going to congratulate you on it."
Another of Impus Major's friends has fully subscribed to the alcohol culture. At Impus Major's 21st birthday party, the friend was openly upset that Impus Major wasn't drinking. He was angry that we wouldn't give him alcohol, even though he was underage. Now it's his 21st birthday and he planned a 21-pub crawl so he could do 21 drinks. No one wanted to go with him. He ended up splitting the party into a karaoke night last night "for the wusses who won't drink", and he's trying to at least get a few people to come with him to a bar tonight so he can drink on his 21st birthday, even though ALL of his friends have already indicated that they'd rather not.
And before you say, "Well, the second friend is obviously a jerk," trust me. After 5 years of refusing to drink, I've learned that the alcohol culture is all about, "You have to drink with me because drinking alone isn't fun."
I've never done drugs. I've never been majorly pressured by friends to try. I say, "No thanks," they say, "Suit yourself," and we move on.
I stopped drinking alcohol. Every single time we're at an event that involves alcohol (which is most), someone HAS to say, "Oh, c'mon! One little drink won't hurt you!" to try to coax me to drink.
I found it enlightening that this year's sensitivity training at Global Megacorporation included, "If you're having a social gathering away from the office, consider having it somewhere other than a bar, and try not to make drinking alcohol the center of the event, because some people choose not to drink for religious or other reasons."
In short, it's so bad that even our corporate training is now trying to address it.

NobodysHome |

That's not only America. It's how it works here.
It is getting slightly better, but it is so very very slowly.
OK. Now I'm honestly confused. I wanted to make the claim that countries with minimal legal drinking ages had much more of a problem with alcohol, but it turns out that almost all countries have a minimum drinking age.
Which makes France and the U.K. confusing to me: Both of them are listed on that web site as having a minimum legal drinking age of 18, yet in both of them kids frequent drinking establishments, and especially in France it's completely normal to give your kids a small amount of wine with their meals if they want it. I know Impus Major's friend who moved to Germany was always able to have beer with a meal, but I forget whether he was under 16 for his first trip.
So maybe it's attitude and enforcement rather than law.
Limey, want to chime in?

Limeylongears |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

You can have a small amount of alcohol with a meal in a pub/restaurant at the age of 16 if you're with a responsible adult who orders it for you, but it happens very seldom.
The US has inherited the UK's drinking culture, by all accounts, despite being happily Independent this day in most other respects, and as a nation, we are not to be trusted with booze, or your natural resources, antiquities/cultural treasures, etc.