Drejk |

We are going to see Doctor Strange today instead of having session of Vampire The Masquerade - one of the players is busy with work-related things, and her sister was supposed to go see it yesterday. I almost went with her when her intended companion couldn't go but then there was some mess with the tickets and they ended being canceled. So after some discussion on facebook we decided to go today in a larger group.

Freehold DM |

In other news, is resume writing really a completely lost art?
When I was in high school, I had to produce a sample resume. Impus Minor had to do the same. We were graded for brevity and clarity.
Yet our latest candidate comes with unbelievable qualifications (21 years in our specific industry, using our tools, doing exactly what we need), but her resume is 6 pages of full-paragraph descriptions of every job she's ever had. I'm surprised she didn't go ahead and describe her lunch breaks as well.
I suspect she's desperate to find a place because nobody's interviewing her. Because as soon as I saw the poorly-formatted, massively wordy resume my thought was, "She can't possibly do the job because she summarizes things using full paragraphs."
I would've thrown the resume out as well. My new manager is kinder. We'll see which one of us is right.
EDIT: For those who've never taken technical training, our job description is basically, "Take a 500-word page of documentation and turn into three bullet points of no more than 20 words each. Oh, and make it entertaining to boot."
So being unable to write brief summaries is a deal-breaker.
what goes into a resume-or doesn't- has changed dramatically over the years. Personally, as important as resumes are, I think a lot of the mindset behind writing resumes is still stuck in The Time Before The Internet.

Drejk |

We are going to see Doctor Strange today instead of having session of Vampire The Masquerade - one of the players is busy with work-related things, and her sister was supposed to go see it yesterday. I almost went with her when her intended companion couldn't go but then there was some mess with the tickets and they ended being canceled. So after some discussion on facebook we decided to go today in a larger group.
As the friend stressed yesterday—it is not a date!

The Anti-Chris |

Drejk wrote:We are going to see Doctor Strange today instead of having session of Vampire The Masquerade - one of the players is busy with work-related things, and her sister was supposed to go see it yesterday. I almost went with her when her intended companion couldn't go but then there was some mess with the tickets and they ended being canceled. So after some discussion on facebook we decided to go today in a larger group.As the friend stressed yesterday—it is not a date!
It's totally a date.

Freehold DM |

Drejk wrote:We are going to see Doctor Strange today instead of having session of Vampire The Masquerade - one of the players is busy with work-related things, and her sister was supposed to go see it yesterday. I almost went with her when her intended companion couldn't go but then there was some mess with the tickets and they ended being canceled. So after some discussion on facebook we decided to go today in a larger group.As the friend stressed yesterday—it is not a date!
Of course not. You can go as friends.
As an aside, call if you need a convenient excuse to create a romantic opportunity.

NobodysHome |

NobodysHome wrote:...what goes into a resume-or doesn't- has changed dramatically over the years. Personally, as important as resumes are, I think a lot of the mindset behind writing resumes is still stuck in The Time Before The Internet.
Oh, our last hire had an amazingly "different" resume that was essentially a movie poster touting her skills. It was pretty impressive.
Yes, resumes have changed.
But there are still some fundamentals that haven't: A resume is supposed to be a summary, not an autobiography. Given that:
- You shouldn't have full 300-word paragraphs of text in your resume
- You shouldn't have comma-delimited lists of more than 10 items in your resume
- You shouldn't try to pack 18 bullet points into the top 3" of your resume by shrinking the font and the spacing
A resume is still something I should be able to scan in under a minute. If I want to know more about you, I'll read your cover letter.
EDIT: Even in these low-unemployment times we'll get 200-300 resumes per open requisition. Hiring managers don't want to spent 5 minutes trying to parse every resume; they want to be able to scan them quickly, check the skill sets, look for a match, and pass them on.

The Anti-Chris |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:Drejk wrote:We are going to see Doctor Strange today instead of having session of Vampire The Masquerade - one of the players is busy with work-related things, and her sister was supposed to go see it yesterday. I almost went with her when her intended companion couldn't go but then there was some mess with the tickets and they ended being canceled. So after some discussion on facebook we decided to go today in a larger group.As the friend stressed yesterday—it is not a date!Of course not. You can go as friends.
As an aside, call if you need a convenient excuse to create a romantic opportunity.
He should totally bring flours. Whole wheat and self-rising. Giggity.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:...what goes into a resume-or doesn't- has changed dramatically over the years. Personally, as important as resumes are, I think a lot of the mindset behind writing resumes is still stuck in The Time Before The Internet.Oh, our last hire had an amazingly "different" resume that was essentially a movie poster touting her skills. It was pretty impressive.
Yes, resumes have changed.
But there are still some fundamentals that haven't: A resume is supposed to be a summary, not an autobiography. Given that:
- You shouldn't have full 300-word paragraphs of text in your resume
- You shouldn't have comma-delimited lists of more than 10 items in your resume
- You shouldn't try to pack 18 bullet points into the top 3" of your resume by shrinking the font and the spacingA resume is still something I should be able to scan in under a minute. If I want to know more about you, I'll read your cover letter.
EDIT: Even in these low-unemployment times we'll get 200-300 resumes per open requisition. Hiring managers don't want to spent 5 minutes trying to parse every resume; they want to be able to scan them quickly, check the skill sets, look for a match, and pass them on.
Since you do a lot of hiring, and have been for a long, long time, your perspective is probably going to be different from my own, but I have been told the exact opposite of many of the things you said at times throughout my career.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Social niceties are such an odd thing.
Our VP is rather infamous:
- Our annual "holiday" parties were pot lucks held on the corporate campus where you were expected to arrive by 8:00 am, store your food at room temperature until noon, then serve it with no reheating facilities, and then she would join a panel of judges and rate your dish very publicly. This was "fun".
- She tried to organize "team building" exercises. The first one was to pick up garbage at the Oakland Zoo in full summer during one of the major heat waves. And it wasn't a surprise: The last week of September around here is almost always 90°F+. And that's when she scheduled it. It was so unpopular she didn't schedule another one.
- When we got a new SVP who mandated that we reevaluate how we build training, he ordered us to try out new tooling. She refused to approve any requisitions for any new tools, and it's against company policy (and frequently a violation of licensing) to use free trials. She told us that if free trials were available, we should use them anyway because, "Who's going to report you?"
So she finally got ousted in what everyone believes was a hostile ejection.
And now I'm supposed to go to a virtual going-away party and pretend I'm sad to see her go.
Because joining in a singalong of "Ding dong the witch is dead" would probably be frowned upon.

Freehold DM |

- When we got a new SVP who mandated that we reevaluate how we build training, he ordered us to try out new tooling. She refused to approve any requisitions for any new tools, and it's against company policy (and frequently a violation of licensing) to use free trials. She told us that if free trials were available, we should use them anyway because, "Who's going to report you?"
So she finally got ousted in what everyone believes was a hostile ejection.
And now I'm supposed to go to a virtual going-away party and pretend I'm sad to see her go.
Because joining in a singalong of "Ding dong the witch is dead" would probably be frowned upon.
Weird to me, but I don't work in that field.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:- When we got a new SVP who mandated that we reevaluate how we build training, he ordered us to try out new tooling. She refused to approve any requisitions for any new tools, and it's against company policy (and frequently a violation of licensing) to use free trials. She told us that if free trials were available, we should use them anyway because, "Who's going to report you?"
So she finally got ousted in what everyone believes was a hostile ejection.
And now I'm supposed to go to a virtual going-away party and pretend I'm sad to see her go.
Because joining in a singalong of "Ding dong the witch is dead" would probably be frowned upon.
Weird to me, but I don't work in that field.
Think about it in terms of working for Microsoft.
If some small company that produced software tooling found out that Microsoft was using their free trial stuff to do development, imagine the mind-boggling sueball that would occur.
When you're worth over $100 billion, those licensing terms actually matter.

Vanykrye |

NobodysHome wrote:- When we got a new SVP who mandated that we reevaluate how we build training, he ordered us to try out new tooling. She refused to approve any requisitions for any new tools, and it's against company policy (and frequently a violation of licensing) to use free trials. She told us that if free trials were available, we should use them anyway because, "Who's going to report you?"
So she finally got ousted in what everyone believes was a hostile ejection.
And now I'm supposed to go to a virtual going-away party and pretend I'm sad to see her go.
Because joining in a singalong of "Ding dong the witch is dead" would probably be frowned upon.
Weird to me, but I don't work in that field.
When a software company finds out a corporation is using/abusing free trials, well, they start demanding money as a violation of software licensing. Enterprise level software and hardware costs a ton more than they should because they know the companies can afford it.
It's not unlike the medical industry in the US. Friend of mine was feeling awful, went to the doc, and found he had internal gangrene from a chronic condition he was previously unaware of. Four surgeries and two weeks in the hospital later, he was told if he had insurance the bill would be $430,000. However, since his employer doesn't provide insurance he "only" owes $35,000. So did he receive 35k worth of medical care or did he receive 430k? Just depends on who they're billing.

NobodysHome |

It's not unlike the medical industry in the US. Friend of mine was feeling awful, went to the doc, and found he had internal gangrene from a chronic condition he was previously unaware of. Four surgeries and two weeks in the hospital later, he was told if he had insurance the bill would be $430,000. However, since his employer doesn't provide insurance he "only" owes $35,000. So did he receive 35k worth of medical care or did he receive 430k? Just depends on who they're billing.
That's really odd to me, because my experience (and Shiro's beliefs) are the opposite: The uninsured get clobbered.
According to Shiro, it's a form of extortion: "Sure, we'll make your hospital in-network, but you have to charge uninsured people 500% of your current rates so we can show them they're getting an 80% discount by having insurance."
When if you do the math, all the insurance company is saying is, "We'll pay you your normal rates if and only if you bilk the uninsured."
And those numbers are really close to Impus Major's final numbers: $130k if we hadn't been insured, but with insurance the bill was "only" $30k.

Drejk |

Aaand back from Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Evil Dead 4.
It was fun.
There were holes, there were inconsistences, there were unexpected twists (more so than in the last Spider-Man in fact), but nevertheless it was wholesome fun full of action without delays and boring parts.
I'd do some of the scenes and some plot twists differently, but that's me.
Music was excellent and the visually it was quite gorgeous (though I'd tamper with the design of a few... beings).

Drejk |

Drejk wrote:Drejk wrote:We are going to see Doctor Strange today instead of having session of Vampire The Masquerade - one of the players is busy with work-related things, and her sister was supposed to go see it yesterday. I almost went with her when her intended companion couldn't go but then there was some mess with the tickets and they ended being canceled. So after some discussion on facebook we decided to go today in a larger group.As the friend stressed yesterday—it is not a date!Of course not. You can go as friends.
As an aside, call if you need a convenient excuse to create a romantic opportunity.
Call to America? That would be a hell of an expensive excuse...

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:Call to America? That would be a hell of an expensive excuse...Drejk wrote:Drejk wrote:We are going to see Doctor Strange today instead of having session of Vampire The Masquerade - one of the players is busy with work-related things, and her sister was supposed to go see it yesterday. I almost went with her when her intended companion couldn't go but then there was some mess with the tickets and they ended being canceled. So after some discussion on facebook we decided to go today in a larger group.As the friend stressed yesterday—it is not a date!Of course not. You can go as friends.
As an aside, call if you need a convenient excuse to create a romantic opportunity.
See, she would immediately be impressed!

Vanykrye |

Vanykrye wrote:It's not unlike the medical industry in the US. Friend of mine was feeling awful, went to the doc, and found he had internal gangrene from a chronic condition he was previously unaware of. Four surgeries and two weeks in the hospital later, he was told if he had insurance the bill would be $430,000. However, since his employer doesn't provide insurance he "only" owes $35,000. So did he receive 35k worth of medical care or did he receive 430k? Just depends on who they're billing.
That's really odd to me, because my experience (and Shiro's beliefs) are the opposite: The uninsured get clobbered.
According to Shiro, it's a form of extortion: "Sure, we'll make your hospital in-network, but you have to charge uninsured people 500% of your current rates so we can show them they're getting an 80% discount by having insurance."
When if you do the math, all the insurance company is saying is, "We'll pay you your normal rates if and only if you bilk the uninsured."
And those numbers are really close to Impus Major's final numbers: $130k if we hadn't been insured, but with insurance the bill was "only" $30k.
The bill will go up. He's got a 5th surgery to go in about two weeks. He just got out of the hospital yesterday.
With my insurance I would have paid $5000 max for that but think of most 80/20 plans that don't have an out-of-pocket maximum. Uninsured he owes 35k. If he had a standard 80/20 plan he'd owe 86k above and beyond his premiums. I've know a lot of uninsured people, and most of the time the bill they end up getting from something that isn't even catastrophic is indeed financially crippling, but they're being billed at about a 10-15% clip of what the hospital would have billed insurance.

captain yesterday |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

We have this new landscape designer at work who is clearly used to working with less professional people because he keeps trying to tell me stuff I already know and assumes I forget anything we discussed after 48 hours and I guess doesn't understand that I can read or decipher landscape plans.
Needless to say, if he keeps this up I'm going to bury him in the dandelion field next door.

NobodysHome |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Impus Major shared something about video gamers from a video he saw that's political, but depressingly accurate.
Races: "White" or "Political"
Genders: "Male" or "Political"
Sexual Orientations: "Straight" or "Political"
The point was that if the protagonist isn't a straight white male, gamers will complain that it was done for "political" reasons.
Pretty astute, and pretty depressing.

lisamarlene |

Ten more days until my summer vacation begins. Although one of those days I will be spending in Jury Duty.
Of all the times I received a summons to serve in California, I only had to go to a courthouse twice (in 23 years) but never made it past the waiting room and was never even questioned, let alone impaneled.
It will be interesting to see what the experience is like here.

lisamarlene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:We are going to see Doctor Strange today instead of having session of Vampire The Masquerade - one of the players is busy with work-related things, and her sister was supposed to go see it yesterday. I almost went with her when her intended companion couldn't go but then there was some mess with the tickets and they ended being canceled. So after some discussion on facebook we decided to go today in a larger group.As the friend stressed yesterday—it is not a date!
Why the Spock is everyone trying to make it a date?
Do you have any idea how hard it is for a woman, an average-looking standard gamer-geek woman who prefers the company of men, to get through what was supposed to have been a friendly, not-a-date evening without a man trying to put the moves on her?
And it totally doesn't matter if you are /they are married, single, or otherwise spoken for.
Thank goodness for NH, who goes so far in the opposite direction that I would have sworn he was a eunuch, were it not for the fact that his wife is hotter than a chili cookoff in a dry county.

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:As the friend stressed yesterday—it is not a date!Why the Spock is everyone trying to make it a date?
Do you have any idea how hard it is for a woman, an average-looking standard gamer-geek woman who prefers the company of men, to get through what was supposed to have been a friendly, not-a-date evening without a man trying to put the moves on her?
And it totally doesn't matter if you are /they are married, single, or otherwise spoken for.
Thank goodness for NH, who goes so far in the opposite direction that I would have sworn he was a eunuch, were it not for the fact that his wife is hotter than a chili cookoff in a dry county.
It's called "being polite".
More men should try it.

gran rey de los mono |
Well, I thought tonight's game went well, but then one of the players told me that he was upset at how the others were making fun of his attempts to solve the mysteries, especially since they didn't have anything useful to contribute. So he's planning to take next week off, and is considering possibly not coming back. I apologized for anything I had done (He said I wasn't the problem, but I feel like I should have noticed and did something about it. I guess that's a problem with sitting next to him. It makes it easy to talk to him, but hard to see his face and body language.), and asked if he wanted me to talk to the others. He said no, that he wanted time to think, and would say something to them if he felt it necessary. This sucks not only because I want everyone to enjoy the game, but also because if he quits, his brother might also (the brother doesn't drive), and their other brother was just about to come back to the group but if the others leave, he probably will too. That could end the campaign and possibly the group.

Drejk |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:Why the Spock is everyone trying to make it a date?Drejk wrote:We are going to see Doctor Strange today instead of having session of Vampire The Masquerade - one of the players is busy with work-related things, and her sister was supposed to go see it yesterday. I almost went with her when her intended companion couldn't go but then there was some mess with the tickets and they ended being canceled. So after some discussion on facebook we decided to go today in a larger group.As the friend stressed yesterday—it is not a date!
Basically, she planned to go with her friend on Wednesday, but when he couldn't go at that time she asked on facebook messenger group discussion for someone to go with her because she could not cancel the tickets for technical reasons. Another member of our group, known for being rather crude at the edges (funnily of us all he is the one who appreciates the high culture - music, theater - the most of the group) noted that she should not cry over lost tickets but over lost date (causing an internal eye-roll from me, and possibly from others), to which she responded it was not a date. Because the rest of the group was busy, and coincidentally earlier that day I considered to go see Doctor Strange on my own, I volunteered. However, soon after that she got an email informing her that that the tickets were actually canceled so after some discussion with the rest we went in a group of five on Thursday. Then the same crude player noted that we shouldn't spoil her date with her friend to which she stated second time it wasn't a date.
And so we went.
My post mentioning it is not a date was a joke referring to the fact that the post about going to a cinema ended being top of the page.
Do you have any idea how hard it is for a woman, an average-looking standard gamer-geek woman who prefers the company of men, to get through what was supposed to have been a friendly, not-a-date evening without a man trying to put the moves on her?
Oh, yes, I do (well, to a degree that a third party observer can) - back in the old days of early 2000s, when I was attending a gaming club some of the folks there hit on almost every woman that showed herself in the club.
I mostly avoided doing that myself because for most of that time, I was madly in (unrequited) love with another woman (though she was a gamer too) to the degree that I ignored (or even gently-I hope-rebuffed) advances of a few women myself.
Thank goodness for NH, who goes so far in the opposite direction that I would have sworn he was a eunuch,
Lawful Good paladin of Erastil, remember. He has to live up to his name.
Sorry, NobodysHome, I'll go sit in the corner now.
were it not for the fact that his wife is hotter than a chili cookoff in a dry county.
Must. Resist. Joking. About. GothBard's. Surname.
*adds another ten minutes to timeout in the corner*