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My dog is a genius. I asked him "What is 2 minus 2?" And he said nothing.

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NobodysHome wrote:

In preparation for watching the series, last night I watched the Stargate movie. And it got me wondering: How many mediocre-to-poor movies have led to good-to-excellent series?

The Stargate movie wasn't awful, but it wasn't good. Yet the series is supposed to be a classic. And I know this will send Freehold into conniptions, but again the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie out-and-out stank, but the first few seasons of the series were excellent.

What other terrible movies led to good series? Now I'm curious...

loads shotgun

Liberty's Edge

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Well... I'm pretty disappointed in my local police force and leadership.

Stopped out to get gas and pick up drinks last night and saw three squad cars pulling over a single car in the parking lot, six officers rummaging through the vehicle looking despondent and frustrated with the middle-aged AA driver just sitting quietly and annoyed on the curb waiting for them to stop tearing his car apart, seems like they'd been there for a while and was just trying to remain patient.

Five of the six police officers were clean-shaven heads and wore the trademark ugly "Hawaiian-print" button-up shirts under their vests in leu of a normal uniform. It may have seemed weird until I remembered that this is something of a uniform/fashion trend to communicate to people that they're card-carrying members of the Proud Boys and/or the "Boogaloo."

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Themetricsystem wrote:

Well... I'm pretty disappointed in my local police force and leadership.

Stopped out to get gas and pick up drinks last night and saw three squad cars pulling over a single car in the parking lot, six officers rummaging through the vehicle looking despondent and frustrated with the middle-aged AA driver just sitting quietly and annoyed on the curb waiting for them to stop tearing his car apart, seems like they'd been there for a while and was just trying to remain patient.

Five of the six police officers were clean-shaven heads and wore the trademark ugly "Hawaiian-print" button-up shirts under their vests in leu of a normal uniform. It may have seemed weird until I remembered that this is something of a uniform/fashion trend to communicate to people that they're card-carrying members of the Proud Boys and/or the "Boogaloo."

Urge to say unkind things about law enforcement that are Proud Boys or Boogaloo rising! Already not a "big fan" of 'Merikan police, but ones such as those...biting tongue now, hard.

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Themetricsystem wrote:

Well... I'm pretty disappointed in my local police force and leadership.

Stopped out to get gas and pick up drinks last night and saw three squad cars pulling over a single car in the parking lot, six officers rummaging through the vehicle looking despondent and frustrated with the middle-aged AA driver just sitting quietly and annoyed on the curb waiting for them to stop tearing his car apart, seems like they'd been there for a while and was just trying to remain patient.

Five of the six police officers were clean-shaven heads and wore the trademark ugly "Hawaiian-print" button-up shirts under their vests in leu of a normal uniform. It may have seemed weird until I remembered that this is something of a uniform/fashion trend to communicate to people that they're card-carrying members of the Proud Boys and/or the "Boogaloo."

Yeah, for me it's pretty simple: Once you've taken an oath of office to be an officer or government official, your freedom of association is necessarily abridged:

- A government official who takes an oath to "uphold the Constitution" cannot then participate in illegal attempts to invalidate the Constitution. That person must be removed from office.
- A police officer who takes an oath to "uphold the law" cannot then join groups that seek to violate the law; for example, the various statutory anti-discrimination laws. That officer must be removed from office.

So themetricsystem is absolutely right in blaming the local leadership: The officers in question are violating their oaths. That should be grounds for:
(1) Corrective action ("Take off that shirt!")
(2) Disciplinary action ("You're on paid leave for a month while you reconsider your choices.")
(3) Dismissal.

For example, we had a local officer show up in a Hawaiian shirt. The eventual (but depressingly delayed) response was rational and reasonable: A general announcement to all officers that such clothing can construe the wrong message, so officers should avoid wearing it.

If leadership can't even do that, there's a serious issue.

Hello, everyone.

Hey there John!

Good evening, Mr. Napier.

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Themetricsystem wrote:

Well... I'm pretty disappointed in my local police force and leadership.

Stopped out to get gas and pick up drinks last night and saw three squad cars pulling over a single car in the parking lot, six officers rummaging through the vehicle looking despondent and frustrated with the middle-aged AA driver just sitting quietly and annoyed on the curb waiting for them to stop tearing his car apart, seems like they'd been there for a while and was just trying to remain patient.

Five of the six police officers were clean-shaven heads and wore the trademark ugly "Hawaiian-print" button-up shirts under their vests in leu of a normal uniform. It may have seemed weird until I remembered that this is something of a uniform/fashion trend to communicate to people that they're card-carrying members of the Proud Boys and/or the "Boogaloo."

Angry Freehold noises

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And I have finished Lara Corft And The Secret Of The Robot Dinosaurs Horizon Zero Dawn...

A fine game. There were some frustrating parts (particularly melee combat, dodging, glinthawks, and fireclaws, but a few others as well), but overall the game was great.

About to go home. Good night, everyone. And have a good weekend.

John Napier 698 wrote:
About to go home. Good night, everyone. And have a good weekend.

Have some fun this weekend, John.

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Most people when they get to Friday with 40 hours already logged would take it easy.

I cut and installed a bunch of pavers and finished my day spending an hour building most of a five foot wide step out of several solid blocks.

I ended up working 11 hours.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

It's Crookshanks' birthday today!

18 years really flies by!!

Fun fact: It's also Eeyore's birthday, which happens to be her favorite Winnie the Pooh character.

Tiny T-Rex shares a birthday with SpongeBob, which is his favorite cartoon character.

As the General put it "We're good cartoon parents!".

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Happy Birthday Crookshanks!

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Last night's schadenfreude:

Younger Brother and his Significant Other are visiting from Seattle, so we went to the pub in the Kensington Circle for dinner. They're still leery of eating indoors, so we were eating outside. Unsurprisingly on a Friday night, there was a Kensington police officer stationed to monitor the circle.

He got out of his car to do a quick walk-around of the circle to make sure everything was quiet. As he was crossing one of the busier streets, a car going through the circle didn't see him in his black uniform (no Hawaiian shirt) in the dark and managed to screech to a halt about 2' from his leg. In a 10 mph circle. Hard to screech.

The cop gave the car a glare of death but let the driver go. We were surprised. But he was obviously upset and shaken, and went back to his car to calm down a bit.

Less than 2 minutes later a Tesla blew through the Stop sign at full speed at that very street and screamed through the circle at at least 25 mph.

The cop, sitting in his car, had an outlet for his frustration.

The Tesla driver didn't even make it a block before getting pulled over, and got a solid 20-minute chewing out (we presume; we couldn't hear the interaction but the cop didn't search the Tesla or otherwise do anything untoward; he just made sure that Tesla driver vastly regretted blowing through the Stop sign).

What kills me is that the circle is an incredibly kid-friendly place; it has two solid kid-friendly restaurants (including the pub), a pre-school, and a bakery. Any time of the day and up until around 10:00 pm at night there's likely to be a little kid (8 or under) in one of those roads.

The notion that people are blowing through the circle unthinkingly incenses me.

The fact that Kensington puts on officer there on Friday nights specifically to slow things down makes me think more of their department.

EDIT: I live in Albany, where putting an on-duty officer in a known dangerous intersection is "too expensive", so watching Kensington do it pleases me, because we can go to the Albany city council meeting and ask, "So, why can Kensington afford it, then?"

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So I'm playing Elden Ring and I find these ruins in the deep dark woods so I start sneaking around and I find this huge ass treasure chest and I think to myself "It sure is weird there's nothing guarding this treasure chest!" So I sneak around another corner and I think to myself "I wonder why this wall is furry, and breathing?.." it's about then the wall gets up and I realize it wasn't a wall at all! It was a f~&%ing huge bear!! So I think to myself "Surely if I roll to the side and hide in these bushes he won't see me!" He saw me. Fortunately I realized this with enough time to roll out of the way as it literally tears apart the wall where I was just standing! He then took another swipe at me, and I must've rolled or something because while he did get a solid hit on me I surprisingly didn't die and his attack propelled me out the ruins where I promptly ran very very very very very far away and hid in a different bush until I get my shit back together.

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Does Elden Ring provide any +5 skid loaders of shaving?

Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Does Elden Ring provide any +5 skid loaders of shaving?

Not that I know of, I have a +1 Broad Sword but so far it just delays the inevitable.

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Drejk wrote:

And I have finished Lara Corft And The Secret Of The Robot Dinosaurs Horizon Zero Dawn...

A fine game. There were some frustrating parts (particularly melee combat, dodging, glinthawks, and fireclaws, but a few others as well), but overall the game was great.

It took me 73 hours and I still left a few quest unfinished.

Five fireclaws? Nope, nope, nope... nopectopus.gif

captain yesterday wrote:

It's Crookshanks' birthday today!

18 years really flies by!!

Fun fact: It's also Eeyore's birthday, which happens to be her favorite Winnie the Pooh character.

Tiny T-Rex shares a birthday with SpongeBob, which is his favorite cartoon character.

As the General put it "We're good cartoon parents!".

Happy Shanksday!


Today, let us take the opportunity to wish Happy Birthday to Crookshanks,
Perhaps if you gave her a corned beef sandwich and a mug of Bovril she would say 'Thanks'
Or perhaps she would ask, 'What is Bovril?'
And then produce a single gold coin from her left nostril,
In a manner more friendly than hostile.
Anyway, many happy returns and hip hip hip hip hip hip hip hip hip hip hooray,
To Crookshanks Yesterday,


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Happy Birthday to Crookshanks!
(fires cookie cannon)

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WW tried to show the original Battlestar Galactica to the kids last night. Val ran out of the room heaving sobs after the Cylons killed Zach and said it was the worst show in the world.

Guess we're not showing him Game of Thrones, then.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Impus Major's 21st birthday party went off without a hitch: The karaoke machine performed beautifully, there was WAAAAAAY too much food (enough for around 3x the actual number of visitors), Younger Brother and friends hung around here instead of going out, and a good time was had by all...
...with virtually no alcohol consumed by anyone...
...and all wrapping up shortly after 10:00 pm.

Definitely my kind of party. Lots of music in ONE ROOM so guests could have conversations in the rest of the house, WAY too much good food, almost no mind-altering substances, and done at a reasonable hour.

NobodysHome Approves. +1.

(The funniest part is that I scheduled the party for 5-midnight, Impus Major told everyone to show up by 4, so by around 8:30 pm they were completely karaoked out and did some JackBox games, then decided they would rather sleep.)

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Hey. My post didn't go through. Huh.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The forums tend to fail you your most recent posts when you reload and try to see if they posted. It's annoying.

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On this day, 20 years ago, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind was released.

Fantasy Monster: Quaff-bird

A potion-sipping birb.

David M Mallon wrote:
On this day, 20 years ago, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind was released.

And I still haven't reached far beyond... Balmora? I think that town was called Balmora.

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Going back to Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

84 hours, 66% main story progression?!

Drejk wrote:

Going back to Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

84 hours, 66% main story progression?!

The story is devisive but beautiful.

I personally think they wrote themselves into a corner.

lisamarlene wrote:

WW tried to show the original Battlestar Galactica to the kids last night. Val ran out of the room heaving sobs after the Cylons killed Zach and said it was the worst show in the world.

Guess we're not showing him Game of Thrones, then.

More than a few people were really upset by that in modern re-showings.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
On this day, 20 years ago, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind was released.

Probably my favourite TES game, all things considered.

My Paladin now has a +5 cold iron Vorpal bastard sword. Crikey.

Limeylongears wrote:
My Paladin now has a +5 cold iron Vorpal bastard sword. Crikey.

Careful not to fall! Watch out for those rocks as you're rushing past the orphanage!!

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Well, either I just got scammed by the most useless scam ever, or I helped out a neighbor in need.

A guy in a beat-up black pickup called me over urgently, and he told me that the "nice old lady" in the house needed my help. I hurried in. She'd just gotten out of the hospital recently, her daughter had put all her things away, she'd ordered some wine to be delivered, and in California the drivers can't legally deliver wine without scanning an I.D.

She was obviously well past 80, but the driver couldn't give her her wine.

So I let him scan my driver's license.

Which I'd be slightly worried about except it gets scanned at almost every bar I go into, and by every deliveryperson who delivers alcohol to MY door.

I can't see the scam.

So I'm pretty sure I just helped out someone who just needed her wine.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nothing gets the crowds riled quite like "Think of the Children" does. Let's just see how badly that goes.

Cyberpunk 2077 update shows 62 GB...


Hello, everyone.

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My wife has been complaining that I don't treat her like I did when we were dating. So tonight I took her to dinner, then a movie, and then dropped her off at her parents' house.

A new Christmas-themed strip club opened up recently. It's called "Santa's Twerkshop".

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

WW tried to show the original Battlestar Galactica to the kids last night. Val ran out of the room heaving sobs after the Cylons killed Zach and said it was the worst show in the world.

Guess we're not showing him Game of Thrones, then.

More than a few people were really upset by that in modern re-showings.

I wouldn't have thought there were that many Rick Springfield fans around these days...

David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

WW tried to show the original Battlestar Galactica to the kids last night. Val ran out of the room heaving sobs after the Cylons killed Zach and said it was the worst show in the world.

Guess we're not showing him Game of Thrones, then.

More than a few people were really upset by that in modern re-showings.
I wouldn't have thought there were that many Rick Springfield fans around these days...

WW cannot let go of his love for cheesy 70s sci-fi. Last night, we watched the Japanese Spider-Man.

Change Leopardon!

Is a werewolf youtuber a Lycansubscribe?

Square Enix supposedly sells Crystal Dynamics, Square Montreal, Square Eidos, and some other, and the rights to Tomb Raider and Deus Ex (among the others) to group that owns GearBox and THQ Nordic...

Can we hope to see new Tomb Raiders and Deus Ex games? Will they be continuation or another reboot?

I'd love to see more new of the both, preferably continuations (though I wouldn't mind if Shadow Of The Tomb Raider was quietly swept under the rug, and the Trinity storyline got a better ending.

Or will be that an another trainwreck of reboots and reimagining?

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After a significant parent homework revolt last year, then Impus Minor turning 18 this year, I thought I was pretty much done with Albany High School's nonsense:
- Due to a multitude of complaints directly to the school board, teachers are no longer allowed to have assignments due on weekends or during breaks.
- Now that Impus Minor is 18, his absences are his business and not mine and the school can't do anything about it.

But I never thought the other kids would pull off some dumb stunt.

Albany High is a school that prides itself in not just being for the rich locals. It provides field trip scholarships. It provides free lunches. It goes out of its way to try to attract and retain students from lower-income families.

Except prom, apparently.

Prom at Albany High has always been a low-key affair: Rent out a hall or a hotel somewhere in Berkeley or Oakland where kids' parents can drive them there easily, and include a place with hotel rooms for kids with more, erm, liberal parents. And always on a Friday or Saturday night.

So this year Impus Minor wants to go to prom for reasons beyond my comprehension. And this year they decided to have it in a ballroom in San Francisco on a Sunday night. So unless the parents are up for two round trips to San Francisco (no small feat on any night), they'll be paying around $150 for Uber or Lyft. Plus $200 per person for prom tickets. Plus hoping their kids aren't dumb enough to wander around outside the building, because it's not in a great area of San Francisco. Plus hoping the kids have phones that can Uber. (Impus Minor's can't.)

So for all of Albany's supposed "inclusiveness", if you can't drop $400 for your kid's "special night" AND give them a phone that can get them there and back, you're out of luck.

NobodysHome is... displeased.

Interesting... I spoke with GothBard and Impus Major about it:
- GothBard's prom was also in San Francisco, and she drove herself to it in her dad's car.
- Impus Major's prom was in Berkeley and a friend's parent drove him there and back with no issues.
- Both of them had prom on a Saturday night; they were both shocked to hear it was on a Sunday.

As I said, my primary objection is getting a bunch of high schoolers to San Francisco at night. It's not a good idea these days. My secondary objection is doing it on a Sunday night with school the next day.

Just how many students do you expect to show up on Monday?

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