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Liberty's Edge

NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Impus Major, it's his Spring Break.

He has FIVE separate writing assignments from three of his four instructors due this week.

This is unusual? Genuinely asking here because I can't recall any time when I was still in school or college and we had an extended break such as Christmas or spring break where the instructors failed to assign additional (as in more than usual) home/coursework. Hell, in college I even had labs I had to attend which were run in the middle of spring break which seemed perfectly normal, and besides the usual griping of students it never really felt unfair. Of course, I never had plans or money to travel during that time so it's not like it caused me to miss out on anything and I'd have been much more upset if that were the case but...

Dunno, maybe education is just way different on the west coast or something.

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Themetricsystem wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Impus Major, it's his Spring Break.

He has FIVE separate writing assignments from three of his four instructors due this week.

This is unusual? Genuinely asking here because I can't recall any time when I was still in school or college and we had an extended break such as Christmas or spring break where the instructors failed to assign additional (as in more than usual) home/coursework. Hell, in college I even had labs I had to attend which were run in the middle of spring break which seemed perfectly normal, and besides the usual griping of students it never really felt unfair. Of course, I never had plans or money to travel during that time so it's not like it caused me to miss out on anything and I'd have been much more upset if that were the case but...

Dunno, maybe education is just way different on the west coast or something.

That is truly amazing to me. In 9 years of college + grad school, plus another 4 years of college teaching, breaks were nigh sacrosanct: You could assign major assignments that were due after the break, but having something due during the break was utterly verboten.

In short, I've never heard of your situation. Breaks are supposed to be periods of rest for both students and instructors; making the students work while the instructors take a break is sadistic.

EDIT: And it's not just "West Coast". Shiro grew up and went to college in Michigan and he's never heard of that kind of stuff either.

I mean the university I work for shuts down for classes (labs too) during spring break.

The university I attended in the 90s shut down for classes (labs too) during spring break.

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Themetricsystem wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Impus Major, it's his Spring Break.

He has FIVE separate writing assignments from three of his four instructors due this week.

This is unusual? Genuinely asking here because I can't recall any time when I was still in school or college and we had an extended break such as Christmas or spring break where the instructors failed to assign additional (as in more than usual) home/coursework. Hell, in college I even had labs I had to attend which were run in the middle of spring break which seemed perfectly normal, and besides the usual griping of students it never really felt unfair. Of course, I never had plans or money to travel during that time so it's not like it caused me to miss out on anything and I'd have been much more upset if that were the case but...

Dunno, maybe education is just way different on the west coast or something.

That is truly amazing to me. In 9 years of college + grad school, plus another 4 years of college teaching, breaks were nigh sacrosanct: You could assign major assignments that were due after the break, but having something due during the break was utterly verboten.

In short, I've never heard of your situation. Breaks are supposed to be periods of rest for both students and instructors; making the students work while the instructors take a break is sadistic.

EDIT: And it's not just "West Coast". Shiro grew up and went to college in Michigan and he's never heard of that kind of stuff either.

I went to college in Illinois, and there was never anything due over breaks. Or even on weekends. Or, frankly, outside of office hours. I suspect part of it is because only one class I took (C++) had a way to submit work online. All other classes required you to hand your work to the professor, whether printed out or on a 3.5" floppy disk. So, since you had to hand it to them, they had to be there to receive it, and they weren't coming in during breaks. And over Christmas break? How could there be any assignments? Fall semester ended in early/mid December, and Spring semester didn't start until January, so how could they assign work to be done when you were either A) no longer in that class as it had already ended, or B) were not yet in the class as it hadn't started yet?

gran rey de los mono wrote:
And over Christmas break? How could there be any assignments? Fall semester ended in early/mid December, and Spring semester didn't start until January, so how could they assign work to be done when you were either A) no longer in that class as it had already ended, or B) were not yet in the class as it hadn't started yet?

Some universities and colleges have fall semesters that last until late January. I think that's less common now, especially as they move from two-semesters plus a couple months summer break, to a 3-terms-per-year schedule.

I love remotely administrated computer s*!~. In theory, the computer at the front desk reboots once per day, between 3 and 4 in the morning. This is, in fact, what the computer says is happening "Required Daily Reboot, between 0300-0400 local client time". Sometimes I go weeks without it happening. Sometimes, like tonight, I get 4! daily reboots in the space of 20 minutes.

I wonder if I'll get another...

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NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Impus Major, it's his Spring Break.

He has FIVE separate writing assignments from three of his four instructors due this week.

I am going to strongly encourage him to write letters of complaint to the appropriate deans.

I mean, seriously, WTF?

Sounds like a super s%$*ty school and he should probably transfer somewhere interested in higher education rather than just your money.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Impus Major, it's his Spring Break.

He has FIVE separate writing assignments from three of his four instructors due this week.

I am going to strongly encourage him to write letters of complaint to the appropriate deans.

I mean, seriously, WTF?

Sounds like a super s*$%ty school and he should probably transfer somewhere interested in higher education rather than just your money.

Interested in money AND power-tripping! Wait no, I think I already said that is double plus un-good. In all seriousness, what is wrong with these professors...teaching ='s good. Expecting the best from your students ='s good. Helping them reach said best ='s good. Loading them with work while you drink scotch over break and laugh at their missery ='s not. good. at. all.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Themetricsystem wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Impus Major, it's his Spring Break.

He has FIVE separate writing assignments from three of his four instructors due this week.

This is unusual? Genuinely asking here because I can't recall any time when I was still in school or college and we had an extended break such as Christmas or spring break where the instructors failed to assign additional (as in more than usual) home/coursework. Hell, in college I even had labs I had to attend which were run in the middle of spring break which seemed perfectly normal, and besides the usual griping of students it never really felt unfair. Of course, I never had plans or money to travel during that time so it's not like it caused me to miss out on anything and I'd have been much more upset if that were the case but...

Dunno, maybe education is just way different on the west coast or something.

Due DURING the week. As in "must be turned in online while the break is still in effect".

It's not just "do it over the break and turn it in when you get back", though as the others have said that's bad enough on its own.

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IIRC, I was in a similar situation back in college. We were one of the first schools to be even partially electronic, and there were individual professors who wanted stuff over break emailed to them. It was a breath of fresh air at the time, but there were people even then who said that this shift would result in spring break more or less being a "work from home" situation. We thought them cassandras at the time, now...well, it seems they were right.

I have one particularly vivid memory of emailing a professor something on my birthday.

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The way I see it is this: Colleges are supposedly training students to become skilled employees in the workforce.

If you are an employee and you schedule a weeklong vacation months in advance, then your employer assigns you non-urgent work to be done over that vacation, you'd consider your employer abusive and look for a new job. Training college students that it's perfectly OK to be forced to work during their time off is not OK.

This is NOT, "I know you're off but the servers are down and we need you in ASAP!" This is, "I know you're off but can you do your regular work anyway on your own time?"

Liberty's Edge

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Orthos wrote:

Due DURING the week. As in "must be turned in online while the break is still in effect".

It's not just "do it over the break and turn it in when you get back", though as the others have said that's bad enough on its own.

Ohhh, that is very different indeed then. Even the crappy labs I had to attend had drop-in hours available every weekday but the actual requirement to have the work done and analysis written up was during the first class when things were back in session. I misunderstood.

Having it be DUE during that time wasn't something I had to deal with, yikes.

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Well, my first job interview in 16 years is this afternoon. And it's funny; I'm more terrified of getting the offer than not. Because right now I'm making a perfectly good salary (even for the Bay Area) doing very little in a job I could do with my eyes closed; it's rare that I work more than 30 hours a week, and only during rare testing times might I break 40.

So, do I want a massive raise in conjunction with a massive increase in my workload and stress level, but with the possibility of NOT being bored stupid every day?

At 55, you're expecting to cruise through the rest of your years to retirement, not skew into another job and re-learn everything. But I should learn from Shiro: He's 7 years older than I am and has spent the last 10 years bouncing around through at least 4 different jobs, so if he can do it, I can do it, and having the extra cash isn't going to hurt my retirement prospects one bit.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, my first job interview in 16 years is this afternoon. And it's funny; I'm more terrified of getting the offer than not. Because right now I'm making a perfectly good salary (even for the Bay Area) doing very little in a job I could do with my eyes closed; it's rare that I work more than 30 hours a week, and only during rare testing times might I break 40.

So, do I want a massive raise in conjunction with a massive increase in my workload and stress level, but with the possibility of NOT being bored stupid every day?

At 55, you're expecting to cruise through the rest of your years to retirement, not skew into another job and re-learn everything. But I should learn from Shiro: He's 7 years older than I am and has spent the last 10 years bouncing around through at least 4 different jobs, so if he can do it, I can do it, and having the extra cash isn't going to hurt my retirement prospects one bit.

I hate you. Or rather I *want* to say I hate you. But I am loving this job so much I am sorry to leave at 5 each day.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, my first job interview in 16 years is this afternoon. And it's funny; I'm more terrified of getting the offer than not. Because right now I'm making a perfectly good salary (even for the Bay Area) doing very little in a job I could do with my eyes closed; it's rare that I work more than 30 hours a week, and only during rare testing times might I break 40.

So, do I want a massive raise in conjunction with a massive increase in my workload and stress level, but with the possibility of NOT being bored stupid every day?

At 55, you're expecting to cruise through the rest of your years to retirement, not skew into another job and re-learn everything. But I should learn from Shiro: He's 7 years older than I am and has spent the last 10 years bouncing around through at least 4 different jobs, so if he can do it, I can do it, and having the extra cash isn't going to hurt my retirement prospects one bit.

That's why I like my job. Yes, it's hard, yes, I have to constantly think on my feet. But it's definitely not stressful doing it.

captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Impus Major, it's his Spring Break.

He has FIVE separate writing assignments from three of his four instructors due this week.

I am going to strongly encourage him to write letters of complaint to the appropriate deans.

I mean, seriously, WTF?

Sounds like a super s%*@ty school and he should probably transfer somewhere interested in higher education rather than just your money.

Either way, it's been my experience that college these days is a huge waste of time. Trust me, I know.

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David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Impus Major, it's his Spring Break.

He has FIVE separate writing assignments from three of his four instructors due this week.

I am going to strongly encourage him to write letters of complaint to the appropriate deans.

I mean, seriously, WTF?

Sounds like a super s%*@ty school and he should probably transfer somewhere interested in higher education rather than just your money.
Either way, it's been my experience that college these days is a huge waste of time. Trust me, I know.

The counterargument being that, whether or not you learn anything in college, most corporate jobs now require a college degree.

Heck, way back when I worked at the video store, we had a Ph.D., an M.A., two B.A.s (one working on her M.A.), and a police academy graduate.

Grand Lodge

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I went to college on the G.I. Bill just to get the paper to validate my military experience.

When I was young going to university was a way to avoid military service...

Hello, everyone.


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David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of Impus Major, it's his Spring Break.

He has FIVE separate writing assignments from three of his four instructors due this week.

I am going to strongly encourage him to write letters of complaint to the appropriate deans.

I mean, seriously, WTF?

Sounds like a super s%*@ty school and he should probably transfer somewhere interested in higher education rather than just your money.
Either way, it's been my experience that college these days is a huge waste of time. Trust me, I know.

I tried joining the Peace Corp. They wouldn't let me because I hadn't been to college.

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I love you get a trophy for deciding this person's fate.

Yet the options are assassinate her outright or tell her her entire family is dead first and let her kill herself.

Sounds like the game designers already decided her fate for me.

captain yesterday wrote:

I love you get a trophy for deciding this person's fate.

** spoiler omitted **

Sounds like the game designers already decided her fate for me.

Welcome home! That's Far Cry 4 for you, your choices are between sh***y and outright terrible...

Though at least you have some choices.

That one is basically decision if you want to punish her yourself or not. She clearly knows how low she has fallen all for nothing and gives in to despair that she held off with false hope that her family is still alive.

Listening to Paul when you drive him to rebels has a splendid moment—once he realizes that Noore belives her family is alive, he knows he is screwed because he can't trade them for his life...

Have you done any Reggie & Yogi quests yet?

After playing about a third of Far Cry 6 (I killed Jose and reached the alliance with Montenero family), I still consider Far Cry 4 the best part story-wise.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I love you get a trophy for deciding this person's fate.

** spoiler omitted **

Sounds like the game designers already decided her fate for me.

Welcome home! That's Far Cry 4 for you, your choices are between sh***y and outright terrible...

Though at least you have some choices.

** spoiler omitted **

Have you done any Reggie & Yogi quests yet?

After playing about a third of Far Cry 6 (I killed Jose and reached the alliance with Montenero family), I still consider Far Cry 4 the best part story-wise.

Yes, a couple. You'd think you'd learn not to grab a joint from them the first time they used it as a ruse to jab you with a needle.

I will agree it's the best story wise (and certainly the most believable) 5 I felt was pretty stupid as far as story goes and 6 is okay, it has it's parts I like and it's always a treat watching Giancarlo Esposito do his thing, so definitely not far behind 4.

As far as progress goes I've only recently opened the path to the north and then did the stupid towers to get them out of the way and overthrew a couple of bases.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, well, I've learned interesting things:
(1) I would be great at the job I just interviewed for; it's in my wheelhouse, and I'd amaze them.
(2) I need to work on my interview skills.

At the end of the hour, I got a telltale pause out of the hiring manager that said, "You're not our #1 choice."

Doesn't bother me. I'm already employed, I don't need the other job.

But it was sad to see that I really could have knocked their socks off, and I managed to mess up the interview.

On the other hand, considering it was my first interview in 16 years, at least I didn't emit bodily noises or scratch myself.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Drejk wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I love you get a trophy for deciding this person's fate.

** spoiler omitted **

Sounds like the game designers already decided her fate for me.

Welcome home! That's Far Cry 4 for you, your choices are between sh***y and outright terrible...

Though at least you have some choices.

** spoiler omitted **

Have you done any Reggie & Yogi quests yet?

After playing about a third of Far Cry 6 (I killed Jose and reached the alliance with Montenero family), I still consider Far Cry 4 the best part story-wise.

Yes, a couple. You'd think you'd learn not to grab a joint from them the first time they used it as a ruse to jab you with a needle.

I am pretty sure that Ajay starts to enjoy these trips after the first few times. In fact in one of the later missions when Reggie and Yogi start to ramble too much Ajay reminds them "don't you forget about something?" and only then they jab him with a needle.

As far as progress goes for the main story for 6 I helped the Montero's overthrow the nephew and then helped El Tigre, and have begun overthrowing the American corporate douchebag.

10 people marked this as a favorite.

My students found a dead bird in the woods today and asked me to bury it.

While I dug, they argued among themselves about whether the bird would turn into:
a) an angel,
b) a zombie,
c) a new bird, or
d) just dirt.

Centuries of theological debate, in one tidy little package.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

My students found a dead bird in the woods today and asked me to bury it.

While I dug, they argued among themselves about whether the bird would turn into:
a) an angel,
b) a zombie,
c) a new bird, or
d) just dirt.

Centuries of theological debate, in one tidy little package.

Clearly it turns into a dirty zombie angel bird.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

My students found a dead bird in the woods today and asked me to bury it.

While I dug, they argued among themselves about whether the bird would turn into:
a) an angel,
b) a zombie,
c) a new bird, or
d) just dirt.

Centuries of theological debate, in one tidy little package.

Clearly it turns into a dirty zombie angel bird.

That's almost exactly what Eve said.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
About to go home. Good night, everyone.

Good night, John.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

My students found a dead bird in the woods today and asked me to bury it.

While I dug, they argued among themselves about whether the bird would turn into:
a) an angel,
b) a zombie,
c) a new bird, or
d) just dirt.

Centuries of theological debate, in one tidy little package.

Coincidentally, 'New Bird' is probably the best track on Ohio grindcore pioneers Angel Zombie's 1992 debut album, also called 'Just Dirt'

Val doesn't know it yet, but tonight, WW is taking him to see a musical documentary about the Tedeschi Trucks' reunion of Joe Cocker's "Mad Dogs".
They are both huge Tedeschi Trucks fans and will find the subject matter fascinating.
I will be happy to take Hermione to ballet and go to the grocery store instead.

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I am going to spend this evening freaking out over my first presentation/group tomorrow.

I'm about to go to a music store to rack a couple new servers. If we could get the network switches we ordered for them I'd also be installing their new SAN. It's really weird what we can and cannot get in a consistent time frame these days.

I'll be hording saw blades and marking pencils in our trailer. Hopefully for next week.

Vanykrye wrote:
I'm about to go to a music store to rack a couple new servers. If we could get the network switches we ordered for them I'd also be installing their new SAN. It's really weird what we can and cannot get in a consistent time frame these days.

I parted out Impus Major's new computer and including tax it was indeed $1000 cheaper for a somewhat better computer and everything's supposed to arrive by April 8 instead of June 8.

We'll see whether that actually occurs...

For my company ordering equipment for our clients usually looks like this:

UPS...3-10 days
SAN...10-180 days
Server...random parts will show up over the course of 90 days
Network matter what it is...90-270 days
Laptops and PCs... anywhere from 3-270 days

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Taking another between-books break from Harry Potter and FF5, we're now moving down underground to the creepy crawly realm of Hollow Knight's Hallownest, and taking our first unnerving look into the depressing realm of Franz Kafka with his most famous work, The Metamorphosis.

Vanykrye wrote:
I'm about to go to a music store to rack a couple new servers. If we could get the network switches we ordered for them I'd also be installing their new SAN. It's really weird what we can and cannot get in a consistent time frame these days.

I only know SAN from Shadowrun for Genesis.

I can't think of anyone who played anything other than a decker. Unless you count the people who played as a street samurai or gator shaman and then had a datajack put in. Which I'm pretty sure is what people who played as those classes did.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
If we could get the network switches we ordered for them I'd also be installing their new SAN.
I only know SAN from Shadowrun for Genesis.

I was thinking Call of Cthulhu RPG...

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It's funny -- one of the things I was really proud of my father for was inadvertently creating the "Home Community Center": He stocked the fridge with sodas and ice cream and made it clear that kids were welcome to come over and hang out.

With a house right across the street from the high school, we typically had 10-20 people over during lunchtime, and many times even more.

His house was a welcome respite from the world for a LOT of teens.

So, I've tried to do the same: I stock the freezer with snacks, and have started adding ice cream and cookies. There's a ping pong table in the back yard.

But working from home, it's MUCH harder.

A group of kids showed up uninvited and unannounced today, when Impus Major is off to the beach with his friends, Impus Minor may be gone all afternoon, because our cleaner is coming for the afternoon.

So yeah, going to have to throw them out once the cleaner shows up. I want them to feel welcome, but at least one of my kids has to be around and there can't be anything else going on in the house...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

It's funny -- one of the things I was really proud of my father for was inadvertently creating the "Home Community Center": He stocked the fridge with sodas and ice cream and made it clear that kids were welcome to come over and hang out.

With a house right across the street from the high school, we typically had 10-20 people over during lunchtime, and many times even more.

His house was a welcome respite from the world for a LOT of teens.

So, I've tried to do the same: I stock the freezer with snacks, and have started adding ice cream and cookies. There's a ping pong table in the back yard.

But working from home, it's MUCH harder.

A group of kids showed up uninvited and unannounced today, when Impus Major is off to the beach with his friends, Impus Minor may be gone all afternoon, because our cleaner is coming for the afternoon.

So yeah, going to have to throw them out once the cleaner shows up. I want them to feel welcome, but at least one of my kids has to be around and there can't be anything else going on in the house...

That never happens in Wisconsin. If you show up to your friend's house unannounced or early you're liable to get roped into doing chores or milking cows. Or even worse if you showed up to Danny's house early his mom will walk you through how to saddle a horse.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

It's funny -- one of the things I was really proud of my father for was inadvertently creating the "Home Community Center": He stocked the fridge with sodas and ice cream and made it clear that kids were welcome to come over and hang out.

With a house right across the street from the high school, we typically had 10-20 people over during lunchtime, and many times even more.

His house was a welcome respite from the world for a LOT of teens.

So, I've tried to do the same: I stock the freezer with snacks, and have started adding ice cream and cookies. There's a ping pong table in the back yard.

But working from home, it's MUCH harder.

A group of kids showed up uninvited and unannounced today, when Impus Major is off to the beach with his friends, Impus Minor may be gone all afternoon, because our cleaner is coming for the afternoon.

So yeah, going to have to throw them out once the cleaner shows up. I want them to feel welcome, but at least one of my kids has to be around and there can't be anything else going on in the house...

That never happens in Wisconsin. If you show up to your friend's house unannounced or early you're liable to get roped into doing chores or milking cows. Or even worse if you showed up to Danny's house early his mom will walk you through how to saddle a horse.

Meh, I just have to have faith in my kids.

Impus Major left. Impus Minor got home. He threw them all out. There is peace in the house again. And I'm not the bad guy. :P

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NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

It's funny -- one of the things I was really proud of my father for was inadvertently creating the "Home Community Center": He stocked the fridge with sodas and ice cream and made it clear that kids were welcome to come over and hang out.

With a house right across the street from the high school, we typically had 10-20 people over during lunchtime, and many times even more.

His house was a welcome respite from the world for a LOT of teens.

So, I've tried to do the same: I stock the freezer with snacks, and have started adding ice cream and cookies. There's a ping pong table in the back yard.

But working from home, it's MUCH harder.

A group of kids showed up uninvited and unannounced today, when Impus Major is off to the beach with his friends, Impus Minor may be gone all afternoon, because our cleaner is coming for the afternoon.

So yeah, going to have to throw them out once the cleaner shows up. I want them to feel welcome, but at least one of my kids has to be around and there can't be anything else going on in the house...

That never happens in Wisconsin. If you show up to your friend's house unannounced or early you're liable to get roped into doing chores or milking cows. Or even worse if you showed up to Danny's house early his mom will walk you through how to saddle a horse.

Meh, I just have to have faith in my kids.

Impus Major left. Impus Minor got home. He threw them all out. There is peace in the house again. And I'm not the bad guy. :P

I totally understand, I'm just letting you know you're missing out on free labor is all.

Personally, if any of Crookshanks' friends want to hang around when she's not there you know I'll put them to work on building the castle tower in the garden.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

It's funny -- one of the things I was really proud of my father for was inadvertently creating the "Home Community Center": He stocked the fridge with sodas and ice cream and made it clear that kids were welcome to come over and hang out.

With a house right across the street from the high school, we typically had 10-20 people over during lunchtime, and many times even more.

His house was a welcome respite from the world for a LOT of teens.

So, I've tried to do the same: I stock the freezer with snacks, and have started adding ice cream and cookies. There's a ping pong table in the back yard.

But working from home, it's MUCH harder.

A group of kids showed up uninvited and unannounced today, when Impus Major is off to the beach with his friends, Impus Minor may be gone all afternoon, because our cleaner is coming for the afternoon.

So yeah, going to have to throw them out once the cleaner shows up. I want them to feel welcome, but at least one of my kids has to be around and there can't be anything else going on in the house...

That never happens in Wisconsin. If you show up to your friend's house unannounced or early you're liable to get roped into doing chores or milking cows. Or even worse if you showed up to Danny's house early his mom will walk you through how to saddle a horse.

Oh, we also have one of "those" kids. He seriously shows up and starts cleaning the house. One day he brushed all the cat hair off the sofas. The next time he came over he folded a TON of laundry. If he can't find cat hair or laundry, he does dishes.

I never complain about him coming over. Though his friends tease him mercilessly for it, and I do wonder about him a little...

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I'm definitely ready to start building on Monday.

I'm making slight adjustments to my routine which will yield better results.

Also, in two days and it'll be four years.

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