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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

The Filipino oxtail & peanut stew I am eating tonight called for snake beans and banana blossoms.

A) These ingredients are far from common in West Yorkshire
B) Together, they sound like a suppertime jazz duo, appearing twice weekly at 'Bojangles' wine bar and bistro.

Or a Screamin' Jay Hawkins album.

If it's half as good as "Cow Fingers and Mosquito Pie", you've got something.

EDIT: Fully clothed. I'm a fan, not a groupie.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

There are things that really help the ego.

My manager pinged a former manager who's now at another Megacorporation. The conversation was basically:
My Manager: I have a report who's looking to move? Can you help him apply to this position?
Other Manager: Happy to help! Who is it?
MM: NobodysHome.
OM: Give me the resume right now. I'll put it in the hiring manager's hands personally.

I may have a teeny bit of a reputation around here.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Overheard in the house:

Impus Major: Yeah, I've thought of putting hard boiled eggs in my bed at night just to warm it up, and then in the morning I'd have breakfast.

And I'm sure he's not the first "teenager" to have had this thought. (He may be turning 21 soon, but he still behaves like a teen, so I'll keep calling him one.)

4 people marked this as a favorite.

OK. OMG. It is far, far, FAR worse than I expected.

Impus Minor is training himself.

To eat whole, unpeeled, hard boiled eggs.

"Why would he do such a thing?", you might ask.
"To avoid uncomfortable conversations."

So yeah. He plans on carrying a hard boiled egg in his pocket everywhere he goes, and if someone engages him in a conversation he deems uncomfortable, he will gaze at the person with big eyes and eat the whole, unpeeled egg.

I can't say it's not a valid strategy.

Good Lord, that's hardcore.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

OK. OMG. It is far, far, FAR worse than I expected.

Impus Minor is training himself.

To eat whole, unpeeled, hard boiled eggs.

"Why would he do such a thing?", you might ask.
"To avoid uncomfortable conversations."

So yeah. He plans on carrying a hard boiled egg in his pocket everywhere he goes, and if someone engages him in a conversation he deems uncomfortable, he will gaze at the person with big eyes and eat the whole, unpeeled egg.

I can't say it's not a valid strategy.

Ugh. I hate when there are small pieces of the shell on my hard boiled egg. I can't imagine how bad it would be unpeeled...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

OK. OMG. It is far, far, FAR worse than I expected.

Impus Minor is training himself.

To eat whole, unpeeled, hard boiled eggs.

"Why would he do such a thing?", you might ask.
"To avoid uncomfortable conversations."

So yeah. He plans on carrying a hard boiled egg in his pocket everywhere he goes, and if someone engages him in a conversation he deems uncomfortable, he will gaze at the person with big eyes and eat the whole, unpeeled egg.

I can't say it's not a valid strategy.

All you have to do is look over someone's shoulder and say "is that Beyonce?!" By the time they look and turn back around I bet he's already got a ten foot headstart on his escape.

It works 100% of the time! Even on my own kids in our own house.

Vanykrye wrote:
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Here's an idea for you: The, "You need to roll for that" GM, leading to inevitable failures in even routine day-to-day tasks.

I hate it when GMs do that.

In the situation of the superior officer, if he's willing to ignore you making a report that should be cause for a Sense Motive or some other check to find out why he's distracted, not a roll to get his attention in the first place.

The other two are literally just ignoring extant rules and/or making up new rules solely for the purpose of fishing for failures. It's spiteful if it's not oblivious.

I'm all for rolling, but not for the routine. I also don't have auto-fail or auto-succeed rules in place. "Can you fail a DC 5? No? Great."

Edit: Also see the entire reason for the Take 10/20 rules.

There are ways to make the game fun when you are rolling poorly for daily stuff. I was actually electronifying some stuff related to that from an old issue of Dungeon a few months back.

NobodysHome wrote:

Overheard in the house:

Impus Major: Yeah, I've thought of putting hard boiled eggs in my bed at night just to warm it up, and then in the morning I'd have breakfast.

And I'm sure he's not the first "teenager" to have had this thought. (He may be turning 21 soon, but he still behaves like a teen, so I'll keep calling him one.)

I tried that. It didn't work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

[Introducing the Cornett

This is a beautiful sounding instrument.

About to update my laptop. Good night, everyone. And have a good weekend.

John Napier 698 wrote:
About to update my laptop. Good night, everyone. And have a good weekend.

Good night, hope the laptop reboots quickly

Me: *desperately Googling* "Snake...bite...leg..what do?"
Google: "Elevate and apply pressure."
Me: *lifts snake real high* "APOLOGIZE OR ELSE!!"

3 people marked this as a favorite.

What I like about Far Cry 6.

The amigos system, it's not as robust as guns for hire in 5 but there's something cathartic about having a rooster murder an entire camp of soldiers while you run around disabling the alarms.

Voiced character, I went with the girl Dani and I love the voice acting, especially when she's singing along to the radio.

You get all your weapon slots available right away.

The not Cuba locale is gorgeous!

The cockfighting mini game. It's basically Street Fighter 2 with roosters. Can be surprisingly challenging.

You can feed pelicans! Finally, a reason to include fishing in a video game! And they are adorable! Also, try petting everything!

B@#!&%* video game physics. Some people might say a horse suddenly appearing out of nowhere destroying every fence it can find while the local farmer is launched moonwards and the soldier's body you just shot flops awkwardly down the road is a bug. I call it a feature.

Treasure hunt quests.

Giancarlo Esposito.

EMP Supremo, an absolute necessity if you want to rampage loudly without triggering alarms.

Danny Trejo.

So many shotguns, grenade launchers, and rocket launchers!

What I don't like about Far Cry 6.

Leveling up has no discernable effect. I complain about weapon slots being gated behind leveling perks but at least that gives you a reason to want to level up.

Perks are now attached to your outfit, which means if you want to build your character a certain way you better be ready to run around everywhere or at least do a Google search to find the stealth outfit or the bullet sponge outfit or the parkour outfit.

No guns for hire, it kind of decentifizes rescuing hostages (technically you get a los banditos recruit every time you do but I don't know what effect that has besides the usual feeling of gratification from doing good) and what's the point of having all these eccentric caricatures in your game if I can't take them out rampaging with me.

That's really my only complaint, it can be a bit of grind collecting everything but I've been having fun doing it.

Overall I'll give it an A+ for fun and rampage enjoyment.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Judge: "Anything you say will be held against you."

How is it only 3:50am? I feel like I've been here for at least 13 hours.

Thunderstorms with lightning and tornado watches last night.

2-4 inches of snow expected tonight.

Gotta love March in the Midwest!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fantasy NPC: Taylamanas, The Usurer From Hell

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Thunderstorms with lightning and tornado watches last night.

2-4 inches of snow expected tonight.

Gotta love March in the Midwest!

Thunderstorms and lightning, very very frightening?

NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Thunderstorms with lightning and tornado watches last night.

2-4 inches of snow expected tonight.

Gotta love March in the Midwest!

Thunderstorms and lightning, very very frightening?

I suppose, if you're on a golf course.

captain yesterday wrote:

Thunderstorms with lightning and tornado watches last night.

2-4 inches of snow expected tonight.

Gotta love March in the Midwest!

You too, huh?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Let's talk about wizard racism! And fight a wizard in the forest.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Just an average day in retail

Employee: "Ok, repeat after me."
Customer: "Right."
Employee: "We don't..."
Customer: "You don't..."
Employee: "...carry that item..."
Customer: "...carry that item..."
Employee: " the store..."
Customer: " the store..."
Employee: "...only online."
Customer: "...only online."
Employee: "We don't carry that item in the store, only online."
Customer: "It's in the back."


Good morning, John!

A fun scene, and how I felt yesterday morning.

Eight guys in my lobby b~%@*ing about how there's no coffee. None of them have asked me if there is, or checked if there is. In fact, there are two pots of coffee, made about 90 minutes ago, sitting right in front of them. But they're just gonna sit there and whine.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Musician math.

Geez, I've never seen a corporate announcement like this before: "Due to the high crime rate in the area, we will not be re-opening the office at this location at this time."

I'm just kind of speechless. Oakland, Richmond, and San Francisco aren't exactly full of safety and rainbows, but I don't know that I've ever heard of a business office closing due to the neighborhood crime rate...
...and now I'm going to waste half an hour at work looking up that office and that city and trying to figure out what the heck is going on...

EDIT: OK, it took a LOT less than 30 minutes...

NobodysHome wrote:

Geez, I've never seen a corporate announcement like this before: "Due to the high crime rate in the area, we will not be re-opening the office at this location at this time."

I'm just kind of speechless. Oakland, Richmond, and San Francisco aren't exactly full of safety and rainbows, but I don't know that I've ever heard of a business office closing due to the neighborhood crime rate...
...and now I'm going to waste half an hour at work looking up that office and that city and trying to figure out what the heck is going on...

EDIT: OK, it took a LOT less than 30 minutes...

Yeah, that was a terrible neighborhood when we lived in Seattle.

I remember catching a bus in that area during the day and saw three separate people shooting up or cooking needles in the one block I had to walk to catch my second bus.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Eight guys in my lobby b!#++ing about how there's no coffee. None of them have asked me if there is, or checked if there is. In fact, there are two pots of coffee, made about 90 minutes ago, sitting right in front of them. But they're just gonna sit there and whine.

Just pour the coffee on them. Or pour yourself a cup and then go up to them and ask what the problem is.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Geez, I've never seen a corporate announcement like this before: "Due to the high crime rate in the area, we will not be re-opening the office at this location at this time."

I'm just kind of speechless. Oakland, Richmond, and San Francisco aren't exactly full of safety and rainbows, but I don't know that I've ever heard of a business office closing due to the neighborhood crime rate...
...and now I'm going to waste half an hour at work looking up that office and that city and trying to figure out what the heck is going on...

EDIT: OK, it took a LOT less than 30 minutes...

Yeah, that was a terrible neighborhood when we lived in Seattle.

I remember catching a bus in that area during the day and saw three separate people shooting up or cooking needles in the one block I had to walk to catch my second bus.

Lived in Brooklyn almost all of life and only learned of Seattle through Shadowrun and White Wolf and even I know to avoid the neighborhood they are talking about.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Got my first nibble -- sent a resume to a company Saturday, got an email first thing this morning and he's responded to me immediately every time I've contacted him.

So it's a really cool company and a job I'd greatly enjoy, but I'm not qualified on the technical side and they might not want to pay to bring a senior team member up to speed.

We always look for two types of candidates:
(1) An experienced CD who can learn the tech: That's me
(2) A subject matter expert who can learn the curriculum: That's not me

In my experience, I've always gone for hiring the former, so I think I have a solid chance, but I'll know more after tomorrow morning's interview.

And yes, my VP is already making unhappy noises about me going out and about and interviewing, but at least I'm not hiding things.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Got my first nibble -- sent a resume to a company Saturday, got an email first thing this morning and he's responded to me immediately every time I've contacted him.

So it's a really cool company and a job I'd greatly enjoy, but I'm not qualified on the technical side and they might not want to pay to bring a senior team member up to speed.

We always look for two types of candidates:
(1) An experienced CD who can learn the tech: That's me
(2) A subject matter expert who can learn the curriculum: That's not me

In my experience, I've always gone for hiring the former, so I think I have a solid chance, but I'll know more after tomorrow morning's interview.

And yes, my VP is already making unhappy noises about me going out and about and interviewing, but at least I'm not hiding things.

Do those unhappy noises include words such as "pay" and "raise"?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Got my first nibble -- sent a resume to a company Saturday, got an email first thing this morning and he's responded to me immediately every time I've contacted him.

So it's a really cool company and a job I'd greatly enjoy, but I'm not qualified on the technical side and they might not want to pay to bring a senior team member up to speed.

We always look for two types of candidates:
(1) An experienced CD who can learn the tech: That's me
(2) A subject matter expert who can learn the curriculum: That's not me

In my experience, I've always gone for hiring the former, so I think I have a solid chance, but I'll know more after tomorrow morning's interview.

And yes, my VP is already making unhappy noises about me going out and about and interviewing, but at least I'm not hiding things.

Do those unhappy noises include words such as "pay" and "raise"?

Shiro put it well: Once a company has treated you poorly enough that you're looking, you never look back. I'll be polite and meet with her and let her know why I'm leaving, VERY politely because I might have to come crawling back some day (the industry is like that), but I'm not going to play the offer game: If I get a solid offer, I'm moving on.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Eight guys in my lobby b$%&~ing about how there's no coffee. None of them have asked me if there is, or checked if there is. In fact, there are two pots of coffee, made about 90 minutes ago, sitting right in front of them. But they're just gonna sit there and whine.

I'd get a cup of coffee and loudly drink it in front of them.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Just an average day in retail

Employee: "Ok, repeat after me."
Customer: "Right."
Employee: "We don't..."
Customer: "You don't..."
Employee: "...carry that item..."
Customer: "...carry that item..."
Employee: " the store..."
Customer: " the store..."
Employee: "...only online."
Customer: "...only online."
Employee: "We don't carry that item in the store, only online."
Customer: "It's in the back."

My favorite at Toys R Us was when people insisted we absolutely had to have something because we had it in stock on our website! And then when I'd ask them to show me where it was on our website and they'd bring up Amazon on their phone.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Just an average day in retail

Employee: "Ok, repeat after me."
Customer: "Right."
Employee: "We don't..."
Customer: "You don't..."
Employee: "...carry that item..."
Customer: "...carry that item..."
Employee: " the store..."
Customer: " the store..."
Employee: "...only online."
Customer: "...only online."
Employee: "We don't carry that item in the store, only online."
Customer: "It's in the back."

My favorite at Toys R Us was when people insisted we absolutely had to have something because we had it in stock on our website! And then when I'd ask them to show me where it was on our website and they'd bring up Amazon on their phone.

"Ooooohhhh! That site is for our *insert town name here* location only. They'll have it."

Bonus points if *town name* doesn't have a store.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Eight guys in my lobby b$%&~ing about how there's no coffee. None of them have asked me if there is, or checked if there is. In fact, there are two pots of coffee, made about 90 minutes ago, sitting right in front of them. But they're just gonna sit there and whine.
I'd get a cup of coffee and loudly drink it in front of them.

I don't drink coffee.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Just an average day in retail

Employee: "Ok, repeat after me."
Customer: "Right."
Employee: "We don't..."
Customer: "You don't..."
Employee: "...carry that item..."
Customer: "...carry that item..."
Employee: " the store..."
Customer: " the store..."
Employee: "...only online."
Customer: "...only online."
Employee: "We don't carry that item in the store, only online."
Customer: "It's in the back."

My favorite at Toys R Us was when people insisted we absolutely had to have something because we had it in stock on our website! And then when I'd ask them to show me where it was on our website and they'd bring up Amazon on their phone.

"Ooooohhhh! That site is for our *insert town name here* location only. They'll have it."

Bonus points if *town name* doesn't have a store.

I may have sent people to our Janesville store unnecessarily.

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

John Napier 698 wrote:
About to go home. Good night, everyone.

Goodnight, John

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Just an average day in retail

Employee: "Ok, repeat after me."
Customer: "Right."
Employee: "We don't..."
Customer: "You don't..."
Employee: "...carry that item..."
Customer: "...carry that item..."
Employee: " the store..."
Customer: " the store..."
Employee: "...only online."
Customer: "...only online."
Employee: "We don't carry that item in the store, only online."
Customer: "It's in the back."

My favorite at Toys R Us was when people insisted we absolutely had to have something because we had it in stock on our website! And then when I'd ask them to show me where it was on our website and they'd bring up Amazon on their phone.

"Ooooohhhh! That site is for our *insert town name here* location only. They'll have it."

Bonus points if *town name* doesn't have a store.
I may have sent people to our Janesville store unnecessarily.

I do hope that's next to Tarzangrad.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Just an average day in retail

Employee: "Ok, repeat after me."
Customer: "Right."
Employee: "We don't..."
Customer: "You don't..."
Employee: "...carry that item..."
Customer: "...carry that item..."
Employee: " the store..."
Customer: " the store..."
Employee: "...only online."
Customer: "...only online."
Employee: "We don't carry that item in the store, only online."
Customer: "It's in the back."

My favorite at Toys R Us was when people insisted we absolutely had to have something because we had it in stock on our website! And then when I'd ask them to show me where it was on our website and they'd bring up Amazon on their phone.

"Ooooohhhh! That site is for our *insert town name here* location only. They'll have it."

Bonus points if *town name* doesn't have a store.
I may have sent people to our Janesville store unnecessarily.
I do hope that's next to Tarzangrad.

HEY! THIS HERE IS 'MURICA!! We don't go fer that 'grad' nonsense round these here parts.

It's Tarzanton.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Geez, I am such a homebody.

I haven't even had my first interview yet, and my hind brain is asking, "Is it really so bad to be bored stupid and doing idiotic stuff for a decent salary, when if you move you might be required to do real, hard work?"

My alcoholism was brought on by stress, but maintained by sheer boredom: I drank all day, every day not because I was "miserable", but because I was bored stupid by my job and the alcohol made the time pass faster.

And now I finally have a chance to move, make more money, do something interesting and exciting... but I'd have to work my butt off to do it and my brain is asking, "Should I?"

I really think I should, but still... stupid brain!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, well, moot point.

My total current compensation is just north of $150k. These guys were looking for someone to work for them for $100k-$120k, and could push it to $140k.

When I said, "You know that's a pay cut for me, right?" that pretty much told the guy everything he needed to know:
(1) He was with a candidate who was out of his league, and
(2) His department couldn't afford it.

He said that he'd go back to the manager and see how high they could get the offer, but I'm sure they'll find more junior candidates more in their price range.

What was nice was that he was clearly disappointed that I was so expensive.

But as I told Shiro: "If you want me to jump ship from a cushy job I can do with my eyes closed for the next 10 years and comfortably retire, you're at least going to have to bump my pay and benefits. Same pay, worse benefits, more stress isn't going to cut it, even if it is a much more interesting job."

Hello, everyone.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Hello, everyone.

Hello, John.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Ah, well, moot point.

My total current compensation is just north of $150k. These guys were looking for someone to work for them for $100k-$120k, and could push it to $140k.

When I said, "You know that's a pay cut for me, right?" that pretty much told the guy everything he needed to know:
(1) He was with a candidate who was out of his league, and
(2) His department couldn't afford it.

He said that he'd go back to the manager and see how high they could get the offer, but I'm sure they'll find more junior candidates more in their price range.

What was nice was that he was clearly disappointed that I was so expensive.

But as I told Shiro: "If you want me to jump ship from a cushy job I can do with my eyes closed for the next 10 years and comfortably retire, you're at least going to have to bump my pay and benefits. Same pay, worse benefits, more stress isn't going to cut it, even if it is a much more interesting job."

My current job I took a pay cut from what the other companies were offering because it would be more of a challenge, and after nearly 6 years of coasting at Toys R Us I craved something more challenging.

Of course I've since doubled my pay and promoted further than any one else would consider. So it all evens out with time.

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