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gran rey de los mono wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, while I haven't been around testing labs, I have been around physics labs, and if the general chaos in them is any indication, it should come as no surprise that GothBard's test has come back negative, and hours later I still have no results.

But it is kind of funny to go to the testing center together, get tested within 15 minutes of each other, wait 54 hours for GothBard to get her results back, and my sample is still "in testing" 4 hours later.

Ah, well, the likelihood that we'll have different results seems pretty low, though twice now Impus Minor and I have had the flu when GothBard and Impus Major avoided it. Different immune systems, different results.

And yeah, in terms of using a flamethrower to clear a driveway, one of the commenters put it best. "And then the melted snow re-freezes and you've created a sheet of black ice in your driveway."

Good for separating frozen-together pavers, but I wouldn't do it to clear my driveway.

If I were building a house in a northern climate, I would look into the solution the church we served when I was in high school had. The sidewalk around the church had flexible piping/tubing threaded through it, and in the winter they had a boiler they could use to pipe warm water (or some liquid, maybe antifreeze) through it. If they turned it on before a snow, it could prevent any buildup or icing by keeping the concrete at around 35 F, or they could turn it on after and it shovel the snow off and let the heat prevent any refreezing.

That's what a LOT of houses in the Sierras have started doing. The issue is that you either have to do it all winter to prevent the pipes from freezing (an energy sink) or add a bunch of salt to the water (a corrosion issue).

And yes, I'm COVID-negative, but it look 8 hours longer than GothBard to get my result.

EDIT: I am also apparently clothing-negative...

Yeah, heated sidewalks and driveways are a sign of obnoxious wealth in Wisconsin.

I had a property with a heated driveway but the guy would wait until I cleared his driveway before turning it on.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Yeah, heated sidewalks and driveways are a sign of obnoxious wealth in Wisconsin.

I had a property with a heated driveway but the guy would wait until I cleared his driveway before turning it on.

That's dumb. The point of having a heated drive/walk is so you don't have to clear it (or pay someone else to clear it for you).

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New Year's Eve Tirade that is for some reason political:
As you're all probably reading, California is suffering a massive COVID upswing thanks to Thanksgiving and Southern California being Southern California. The local papers are carrying heartfelt pleas from overworked doctors and nurses to please, please, PLEASE behave yourselves!

We're missing out on the Fake Russian's New Year's Eve gathering that's been our family tradition for the last decade because we have sense.

And yet I'm reading in the local papers that cops are overworked trying to track down and stop all the illicit New Year's Eve gatherings that are being planned at bars, dance clubs, restaurants, and the like.

And I want to bang my head against the wall, and am left frustrated and angry and wondering, "Why, people? WHY?!?!?!"

As I've said many times, if we lived in a world where people behaved perfectly, a 6-week lockdown would have been sufficient. Instead, we're in week 42 and looking at a massive January surge because the cops won't be able to stop all the New Year's Eve parties.

Just infuriating and depressing...

Scarab Sages

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We basisically have a heated neighborhood. The hot waste water from the electricity plant is pumped in pipes troughout to keep things frost free. This is a bonus for the plant, as they do not need to build a big cooling tower (only a small chimney), and a bonus for the municipality as they save a lot of cost on salting/de-icing

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We were at the free testing site when they opened and it only took us an hour to go through. So that could be worse. Now we just wait. None of us have any symptoms, though, so everyone but me feels hopeful.

So I'm getting ready to make a big pot of jambalaya because it pairs well with champagne, and I just might dress up anyway just to lounge around the house and play board games. The kids wanted to build a fire in the back yard tonight, but we're having thunderstorms, so no.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Yeah, heated sidewalks and driveways are a sign of obnoxious wealth in Wisconsin.

I had a property with a heated driveway but the guy would wait until I cleared his driveway before turning it on.

That's dumb. The point of having a heated drive/walk is so you don't have to clear it (or pay someone else to clear it for you).

Oh I agree 100% which is what I said every time I pulled up to it.

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I never understood why everyone got worked up about New Year's Eve.

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The other night auditor at the hotel worked second shift last night, which he does occasionally. He left at 11, as usual. At about 12:45, his Dad called to ask if I knew where he was because he hadn't gotten home yet and wasn't answering his phone. Just got a call from my manager. He was hit by a drunk driver and killed on the way home.

So that sucks.


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Woran wrote:
We basisically have a heated neighborhood. The hot waste water from the electricity plant is pumped in pipes troughout to keep things frost free. This is a bonus for the plant, as they do not need to build a big cooling tower (only a small chimney), and a bonus for the municipality as they save a lot of cost on salting/de-icing

That is because Europe tends to figure out how to do things sensibly. Trust me, pumping any kind of "waste" water through a residential neighborhood would die a miserable death around here.

"But... but... it's just water we ran through the plant! It's got no significant contaminants!"
"But *you* called it 'waste water', so I don't want it anywhere near my neighborhood!"

Oh, crap. So sorry, gran!

Silver Crusade

Oh, gran, that is awful. I am so sorry to hear that.

Sweet Jesus. I'm so sorry, gran.

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Fantasy NPC: Goranar, The Pyrotechnician

That sucks gran. I am sorry to hear that.

gran rey de los mono wrote:

The other night auditor at the hotel worked second shift last night, which he does occasionally. He left at 11, as usual. At about 12:45, his Dad called to ask if I knew where he was because he hadn't gotten home yet and wasn't answering his phone. Just got a call from my manager. He was hit by a drunk driver and killed on the way home.

So that sucks.

I am so sorry.

NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
We basisically have a heated neighborhood. The hot waste water from the electricity plant is pumped in pipes troughout to keep things frost free. This is a bonus for the plant, as they do not need to build a big cooling tower (only a small chimney), and a bonus for the municipality as they save a lot of cost on salting/de-icing

That is because Europe tends to figure out how to do things sensibly. Trust me, pumping any kind of "waste" water through a residential neighborhood would die a miserable death around here.

"But... but... it's just water we ran through the plant! It's got no significant contaminants!"
"But *you* called it 'waste water', so I don't want it anywhere near my neighborhood!"

if you wouldn't drink it, you're not going to want it anywhere near you.

Hello, everyone.

I never made it home last night. The last bus into Downtown ran late, so I called for a taxi. Which never came. So I got stranded here at work. Again.

Also, I''m so sorry to hear about your co-worker, gran.

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Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
We basisically have a heated neighborhood. The hot waste water from the electricity plant is pumped in pipes troughout to keep things frost free. This is a bonus for the plant, as they do not need to build a big cooling tower (only a small chimney), and a bonus for the municipality as they save a lot of cost on salting/de-icing

That is because Europe tends to figure out how to do things sensibly. Trust me, pumping any kind of "waste" water through a residential neighborhood would die a miserable death around here.

"But... but... it's just water we ran through the plant! It's got no significant contaminants!"
"But *you* called it 'waste water', so I don't want it anywhere near my neighborhood!"

if you wouldn't drink it, you're not going to want it anywhere near you.

You don't swim in the ocean?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
We basisically have a heated neighborhood. The hot waste water from the electricity plant is pumped in pipes troughout to keep things frost free. This is a bonus for the plant, as they do not need to build a big cooling tower (only a small chimney), and a bonus for the municipality as they save a lot of cost on salting/de-icing

That is because Europe tends to figure out how to do things sensibly. Trust me, pumping any kind of "waste" water through a residential neighborhood would die a miserable death around here.

"But... but... it's just water we ran through the plant! It's got no significant contaminants!"
"But *you* called it 'waste water', so I don't want it anywhere near my neighborhood!"

if you wouldn't drink it, you're not going to want it anywhere near you.
You don't swim in the ocean?

damn you nh I'm at the beach right now. Relaxing. shakes limp fist

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Yesterday I have finished Far Cry Primal (well, I defeated both bosses, there were still some side quest to finish but I didn't bothered with them).

Today I finished Far Cry 5, and it was much less satisfying experience. The gameplay is very good (though some changes since Far Cry 4 felt step backwards, the weapons felt blander and progression of access was rather meh) but the story, even with keeping a lot of main points, could have been narrated much better.

Not to mention the atrocious loss of control that was strongly at odds with the otherwise open style of the game. I think that loss of the player's agency in this game on which NH complained for a long time (and I agree with him) would be much less iritating if it was part of much more linear game (like FEAR).

What should I play now...

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
gran rey de los mono wrote:

The other night auditor at the hotel worked second shift last night, which he does occasionally. He left at 11, as usual. At about 12:45, his Dad called to ask if I knew where he was because he hadn't gotten home yet and wasn't answering his phone. Just got a call from my manager. He was hit by a drunk driver and killed on the way home.

So that sucks.

That is horrible, gran. So sorry.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
We basisically have a heated neighborhood. The hot waste water from the electricity plant is pumped in pipes troughout to keep things frost free. This is a bonus for the plant, as they do not need to build a big cooling tower (only a small chimney), and a bonus for the municipality as they save a lot of cost on salting/de-icing

That is because Europe tends to figure out how to do things sensibly. Trust me, pumping any kind of "waste" water through a residential neighborhood would die a miserable death around here.

"But... but... it's just water we ran through the plant! It's got no significant contaminants!"
"But *you* called it 'waste water', so I don't want it anywhere near my neighborhood!"

One of the best uses for sewage sludge (or "biosolids" as they are usually referred to in polite company) is as a field fertilizer for sod grass production. It combines lime and organic materials to build up the soil that is eroded each time the sod is harvested and grows grass swiftly with a strong root mass (also tomato plants from seeds that made it all the way through the treatment process, but we mow them down on the first mowing). It uses the waste and keeps it from literally piling up.

Yet we can't use it anymore as the public "got wind" of what was going on and were grossed out. "I don't want to be walking on poo!" Of course after being integrated into the soil and growing grass for two years or more, it isn't waste anymore. But try telling that to people.

It just reinforces my view that people suck.

That sucks, I'm sorry!

Drunk drivers are the worst!!

Installing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

Not that I have almost two hundreds of GBs of other games already installed, nope...

Yup, if there's a profit to be made doing things the inefficient way (coal plants, piping water into AZ from the next state, etc.), some group of industry corporations will hire an army of lobbyists and consultants to slanderously brand the efficient way. 'Sewage heat,' 'wasteriver driveways,' etc..

Feros wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
We basisically have a heated neighborhood. The hot waste water from the electricity plant is pumped in pipes troughout to keep things frost free. This is a bonus for the plant, as they do not need to build a big cooling tower (only a small chimney), and a bonus for the municipality as they save a lot of cost on salting/de-icing

That is because Europe tends to figure out how to do things sensibly. Trust me, pumping any kind of "waste" water through a residential neighborhood would die a miserable death around here.

"But... but... it's just water we ran through the plant! It's got no significant contaminants!"
"But *you* called it 'waste water', so I don't want it anywhere near my neighborhood!"

One of the best uses for sewage sludge (or "biosolids" as they are usually referred to in polite company) is as a field fertilizer for sod grass production. It combines lime and organic materials to build up the soil that is eroded each time the sod is harvested and grows grass swiftly with a strong root mass (also tomato plants from seeds that made it all the way through the treatment process, but we mow them down on the first mowing). It uses the waste and keeps it from literally piling up.

Yet we can't use it anymore as the public "got wind" of what was going on and were grossed out. "I don't want to be walking on poo!" Of course after being integrated into the soil and growing grass for two years or more, it isn't waste anymore. But try telling that to people.

It just reinforces my view that people suck.

We still use it here. It's a lot of fun to tell new guys about it when they're laying down sod.

But not until after they have their lunch.

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As I told my wife today, I brought my miniature Deathwing the Destroyer with me to ring in the new year at work. Y'know...just in case.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Happy New Year from Atlantic Canada, everyone! :D

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About to go home. Happy New Year from Pittsburgh, everyone, and good night.

We're in California. It'll be a while...

We're on central time, so it's still another 58 minutes here.

gran rey de los mono wrote:

The other night auditor at the hotel worked second shift last night, which he does occasionally. He left at 11, as usual. At about 12:45, his Dad called to ask if I knew where he was because he hadn't gotten home yet and wasn't answering his phone. Just got a call from my manager. He was hit by a drunk driver and killed on the way home.

So that sucks.

OMG that is awful. F drunk drivers. People that do that $%^& are the worst human beings.

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Happy new year Freehold. Still got 40 minutes here. Lets all celebrate the end of 2020 though. Worst Year Ever... well in my life time. I hear the year of 1816 was pretty rough.

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I'm ready for the giant health bar to appear in the sky. Happy New Year folks.

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Happy 2020, Part II...


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shoots Drejk

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Happy New year to all you Central people.

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Happy new year from the mountains. <3

Scarab Sages

gran rey de los mono wrote:

The other night auditor at the hotel worked second shift last night, which he does occasionally. He left at 11, as usual. At about 12:45, his Dad called to ask if I knew where he was because he hadn't gotten home yet and wasn't answering his phone. Just got a call from my manager. He was hit by a drunk driver and killed on the way home.

So that sucks.

Oh no. So sorry gran.

Scarab Sages

NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
We basisically have a heated neighborhood. The hot waste water from the electricity plant is pumped in pipes troughout to keep things frost free. This is a bonus for the plant, as they do not need to build a big cooling tower (only a small chimney), and a bonus for the municipality as they save a lot of cost on salting/de-icing

That is because Europe tends to figure out how to do things sensibly. Trust me, pumping any kind of "waste" water through a residential neighborhood would die a miserable death around here.

"But... but... it's just water we ran through the plant! It's got no significant contaminants!"
"But *you* called it 'waste water', so I don't want it anywhere near my neighborhood!"

Yeah, the water has to cool down anyway before its allowed to go back into the river so it doesnt kill the wildlife. And its waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better then a huge unsightly cooling tower.

Scarab Sages

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Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
We basisically have a heated neighborhood. The hot waste water from the electricity plant is pumped in pipes troughout to keep things frost free. This is a bonus for the plant, as they do not need to build a big cooling tower (only a small chimney), and a bonus for the municipality as they save a lot of cost on salting/de-icing

That is because Europe tends to figure out how to do things sensibly. Trust me, pumping any kind of "waste" water through a residential neighborhood would die a miserable death around here.

"But... but... it's just water we ran through the plant! It's got no significant contaminants!"
"But *you* called it 'waste water', so I don't want it anywhere near my neighborhood!"

if you wouldn't drink it, you're not going to want it anywhere near you.

Its river water. It gets filtered (no fish in our plant!), then used to generate electricity, then pumped trough the neighborhood to cool down, then back into the river.

The river water quality is good. I wouldnt advice drinking it, but its safe to swim and eat fish from.

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I'm back, what did I miss in the last, like, what, year? Something like that. I've been gone because I got converted over to D&D 5E, but I've got a Starfinder project brewing now. Also I'm moving to Japan in (checks notes) three months, so that's a thing.

Scarab Sages

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John Napier 698 wrote:

Hello, everyone.

I never made it home last night. The last bus into Downtown ran late, so I called for a taxi. Which never came. So I got stranded here at work. Again.

Also, I''m so sorry to hear about your co-worker, gran.

That asbolutely sux John :(

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Someone is dressed up like a cow in my lobby. It could be PJs but it does have a cow hood with horns and a tail.

Scarab Sages

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Also a late happy new year from the netherlands :)

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Someone is dressed up like a cow in my lobby. It could be PJs but it does have a cow hood with horns and a tail.

As long as he's wearing a mask.

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