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5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

And, sure enough, today ALL of the symptoms are gone, with the exception of the still-sore arm.

Thanks, immune system!

And good luck in your search, Freehold!

And yeah, Mark. I feel you. As I've been helping my 16-year-old cope with online learning, he's come to realize that I actually care about him and his well-being, so when I was sick yesterday he came in at least 4 times to make sure I was doing OK. At first I thought he was doing it to annoy me, but then I realized he actually cared. It was really sweet. (Impus Major had a friend over and totally ignored my illness, so there's that...)

As a final note, it's the first day of the season with a high of under 70°F. That's... quite late for us. And it's supposed to go back into the mid-70s for the rest of the month; today is just a fluke "cool" day.

Just so you know, every time you "complain" about the weather you get that much closer to waking up some morning and find us camped out in your living room.

Edit: See, I'm already making myself at home!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

And, sure enough, today ALL of the symptoms are gone, with the exception of the still-sore arm.

Thanks, immune system!

And good luck in your search, Freehold!

And yeah, Mark. I feel you. As I've been helping my 16-year-old cope with online learning, he's come to realize that I actually care about him and his well-being, so when I was sick yesterday he came in at least 4 times to make sure I was doing OK. At first I thought he was doing it to annoy me, but then I realized he actually cared. It was really sweet. (Impus Major had a friend over and totally ignored my illness, so there's that...)

As a final note, it's the first day of the season with a high of under 70°F. That's... quite late for us. And it's supposed to go back into the mid-70s for the rest of the month; today is just a fluke "cool" day.

Just so you know, every time you "complain" about the weather you get that much closer to waking up some morning and find us camped out in your living room.

Edit: See, I'm already making myself at home!

I can see where this is going:

NH: No, you can't shower or flush the toilet today. It's an even day, and we're in a major drought!
CY: You people usually shower and flush the toilet every day?!?!?! Oh the luxury!!!

Silver Crusade

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Nylarthotep wrote:

It sucks when your house is out of tea bags.

And not like dust buster suck, but full on dyson industrial shop vac suck.

I am not even that picky about my tea. Lipton is fine.

I have hundreds of teabags - more than I will ever use. Running out is a foreign concept to me.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Wisconsinites don't do rationing for water, that's saved for organ meat and canning vegetables so you can go years without feeling guilty about never eating them.

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I have it on monthly subscription with amazon, but for some reason they have not been adequately stocked recently and not sent me my subscription. I go through about 10 individual bags every other day, so even a 3x100 pack goes quicker than I expect.

It is worse when my mom is here. Then it is 12/day.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:

It sucks when your house is out of tea bags.

And not like dust buster suck, but full on dyson industrial shop vac suck.

I am not even that picky about my tea. Lipton is fine.

I have hundreds of teabags - more than I will ever use. Running out is a foreign concept to me.

Hundred? Sounds like a supply for a week...

We don't have enough water for tea...

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
We don't have enough water for tea...

You could always steep your teabags in a cheap bottle of Napa Valley Cabernet.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Just found a vastly underrated martial arts movie on Amazon Prime. Chocolate (or Zen, Warrior Within internationally). An autistic girl learns martial arts by watching Tony Jaa and Bruce Lee movies in ways that only that flavor of the autism spectrum can. Then her mother falls ill, can't pay the bills, there's Thai organized crime (I don't know the generalized name for the Thai mob/mafia) and Japanese Yakuza in the backstory, and the girl has to resolve the issue in the only way she knows. Very violently (again, it's a Thai martial arts movie, so emphasis on "very").

If you haven't seen this movie and you like this kind of thing, I highly recommend it.

Freehold will watch.

Thank you.

In fact, thank you all.

I know I have been a bit much to be around these last few weeks. But my decision to see about finding another job and the encouragement I have received here and a few other places to actually move on has me turning a corner emotionally. While I still am mad at my boss and I dont think I ever won't be, I am able to work with him at least and I am keeping my opinions to myself- the mask helps there, I can tell you that! I'm still not happy with the way my job has been handling things, but not all of it is him(although he is certainly responsible for what he is responsible for), and it may just be time to move on in general. I'm still sending out resumes(the one sent out yesterday is still my favorite), and I am still primarily looking at Planned Parenthood because I have always wanted to be a sex educator, especially in this time that old stereotypes and fantasies from my youth are being held up as anything from gospel to positive wishful thinking. My time at the second job has educated me a great deal to the damage that misinformation can do, and the steps I can- and can't- take to remedy them. I would like to take what I learned there and in my first job in overall mental health work and use it here. I am aware I need to cast a wider net though so I...

You're not too much for me Freehold.

Hello, everyone.

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Blah blah blah. Unhelpful side comment. Unsolicited advice. Blah blah blah. Dose of incoherent rambling.

I feel like I have typed versions of the above six or seven times and deleted them. So let this be a placeholder for all of my unhelpful side comments and unsolicited advice posts.

Here comes the weekend. At least for me and my household. Maybe some gaming. Maybe some grilling. And hopefully a brain flush.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nylarthotep wrote:

I have it on monthly subscription with amazon, but for some reason they have not been adequately stocked recently and not sent me my subscription. I go through about 10 individual bags every other day, so even a 3x100 pack goes quicker than I expect.

It is worse when my mom is here. Then it is 12/day.

I've never considered a subscription for tea, but now that I'm wfh I think I probably should if i don't want it to run low.

What tea do you typically order? I'm addicted to flavored green teas at this point of my life. Probably healthier than soda, admittedly.

As I said, I am not picky. I just order the lipton black tea individual bags. one box 100 bags, comes in a three box package.

My mom had a subscription to Earl and Lady Grey and one other that I have forgotten.

A quick search for green tea on amazon shows a bunch of options. I lean towards black/white, so do not know that I can recommend a specific brand (bigelow, lipton, twinnings all have green tea options on first page of search results).

I used to get Browne and Ashley collections but I think they went out of business or something because finding their teas for sale is a rare event.

More recently I've been buying the 8-flavor set from Impra, two boxes at a time gets me 20 bags of each flavor. VR/ref=sr_1_28?dchild=1&keywords=impra+tea&qid=1603477576&sr=8- 28

This may work for you.

I got a small box of minis from the City of Lost Omens collection at our local game warehouse castle.

I got the large pinacosaurus (ankylosaurid), a duergar taskmaster, angelkin redeemer, and some weird red globe.

Overall, I'm pretty impressed with their quality, but I doubt if they'll be a regular purchase.

Scarab Sages

John Napier 698 wrote:
Hello, everyone.

Hi John.

Hi, Woran. How are things?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It is officially winter.

The calico has moved to our bed.

EXCESSIVE DETAILS: She never enters our room, as it is the domain of the annoying white fluffernutter she so despises. Yet as the sun moves across the heavens, the afternoon sun eventually abandons her cushion in the west-facing living room window entirely, and she is forced to move to our bedroom with its south-facing window. We always know it's winter when we find her in our room, because winter is the only time she'll set foot there.

Scarab Sages

John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, Woran. How are things?

Glad its weekend. Got a ton of stuff to do of course, that never ends in the life of an Adult(TM).

How are you doing?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I'd been avoiding it because I thought it was just yet another video mocking the mentally disturbed, but no, boneless chicken wing guy is deadpan humor at its pinnacle.

Honestly, if that was the guy's presentation at a hiring committee I was on, I'd recommend hiring him. Just sheer brilliance.

EDIT: As I asked Impus Minor: "Could you pull that off for 2 minutes without losing it, or even for a moment giving away your sincerity? That's professional-level presentation skills right there on display! I'd hire him in a hot second!"

Democracy in action.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Democracy in action.

I wish I had had the imagination and the talent to pull something like that when my father was on the city council. My friends and I would have died laughing about it for weeks.

I love all the people trying to be respectful, but totally losing it under their masks.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

what is this

It is around 30 years since the '90s, and this is more '90s than anything I remember from that time. My life.

Woran wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, Woran. How are things?

Glad its weekend. Got a ton of stuff to do of course, that never ends in the life of an Adult(TM).

How are you doing?

I had a bit of stomach virus earlier today, but I feel better now.

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

Winter? it's currently 61 in TN. although it was like 32 2 days ago.. so maybe?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Democracy in action.

I wish I had had the imagination and the talent to pull something like that when my father was on the city council. My friends and I would have died laughing about it for weeks.

I love all the people trying to be respectful, but totally losing it under their masks.

"Think of the children!!!"

Love it.

Limeylongears wrote:

what is this

It is around 30 years since the '90s, and this is more '90s than anything I remember from that time. My life.

the song is from '83...

Mike's and Maggie Riley's version is more of mine

Scarab Sages

John Napier 698 wrote:
Woran wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, Woran. How are things?

Glad its weekend. Got a ton of stuff to do of course, that never ends in the life of an Adult(TM).

How are you doing?

I had a bit of stomach virus earlier today, but I feel better now.

Glad you're feeling better.

Texas weather is crazy-making. Nine days ago, we went swimming. Today, it's 46 and I grudgingly turned on the heater.

More gradual transitions are all I ask.

lisamarlene wrote:

Texas weather is crazy-making. Nine days ago, we went swimming. Today, it's 46 and I grudgingly turned on the heater.

More gradual transitions are all I ask.

turns down thermostat so lisamarlene can choose between 4 or 6 degrees

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, the joy of riding with a learning driver.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nothing like driving 25 mph or less to every destination.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

All hail the Queen!

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Whoever was the FBI intern scanning the Jack The Ripper's profile should get a solid, XIX century canning... They scanned the typewriter document slightly-slightly tilted, making reading it a pain.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
All hail the Queen!

My kind of girl!

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:


Whoever was the FBI intern scanning the Jack The Ripper's profile should get a solid, XIX century canning... They scanned the typewriter document slightly-slightly tilted, making reading it a pain.

I assume you meant 'caning', unless you feel they should be sealed in a tin can as well... A cruel and unusual punishment, certainly, but possibly deserved.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

A surprise came in the mail today: my friend's third novel, as a thank you for beta-reading. She put my name on the acknowledgements page.

This makes me unreasonably happy. I got the trust/honor of being asked *by someone who teaches English literature and creative writing at the university level* to proof and critique her book. I got thanked in print. And I got a copy for my bookshelf, to go with the first two in the trilogy.

I need to do something nice for her.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:


Whoever was the FBI intern scanning the Jack The Ripper's profile should get a solid, XIX century canning... They scanned the typewriter document slightly-slightly tilted, making reading it a pain.

I assume you meant 'caning', unless you feel they should be sealed in a tin can as well... A cruel and unusual punishment, certainly, but possibly deserved.

*sigh* Englishmen, can't decide when keep single letter and when to double it...

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Irony: GothBard just put herself at the highest risk for a COVID-19 infection so far... going to get COVID-19 tested.

She wants to see an ENT about an ongoing sinus issue she's had for months, and the ENT refuses to see any patient until they have "proof" that they're COVID-negative. So yeah, "Go stand in line with a bunch of people who think they may have it, hoping against hope that they're ALL behaving themselves, wearing masks, not touching anything, and maintaining social distancing, all to get tested by someone who's likely exposed multiple times a day."

Not the world's best testing system, I'm sure...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My Gundam Narrative blu ray showed up early.


I still need to get Gundam Unicorn and I hope America sees a release of Twilight of Axis.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:


Whoever was the FBI intern scanning the Jack The Ripper's profile should get a solid, XIX century canning... They scanned the typewriter document slightly-slightly tilted, making reading it a pain.

I assume you meant 'caning', unless you feel they should be sealed in a tin can as well... A cruel and unusual punishment, certainly, but possibly deserved.
*sigh* Englishmen, can't decide when keep single letter and when to double it...

Anyone expecting the English language to make any sort of sense, even slightly, should prepare themselves for a good deal of disappointment...

Just saw all of Gundam Narrative.

Well. I'm depressed.

Freehold DM wrote:

Just saw all of Gundam Narrative.

Well. I'm depressed.

So... entire blu-ray...
...for 10 minutes of content?

I am appalled on your behalf.

NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Just saw all of Gundam Narrative.

Well. I'm depressed.

So... entire blu-ray...
...for 10 minutes of content?

I am appalled on your behalf.

what are you talking about? It was an hour and 10 minute movie.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Just saw all of Gundam Narrative.

Well. I'm depressed.

So... entire blu-ray...
...for 10 minutes of content?

I am appalled on your behalf.

what are you talking about? It was an hour and 10 minute movie.

The forum shows 10 minutes between your post of recieving it and posting you're depressed :P

I see an hour and 15 minutes between posts

1 hour, 39 minutes ago versus 25 minutes ago.

Scarab Sages

captain yesterday wrote:
Katina Davis wrote:
Update: This product has been moved to a December release.
Aw yeah, I know what I'm getting myself for secret Santa!

Also Cap, I wrote a nasty monster for AA4 :D

Scarab Sages

CrystalSeas wrote:

I see an hour and 15 minutes between posts

1 hour, 39 minutes ago versus 25 minutes ago.

Not for me:

My Gundam Narrative blu ray showed up early. - 2 hours ago

Just saw all of Gundam Narrative. - 1 hours 49 minutes ago

Well. I'm depressed.

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