gran rey de los mono |
Habaneros are good and hot, that's for sure. But I'm not sure about the flavor. Sometimes they're good, sometimes not. I do have a habanero hot sauce that I use sometimes that's pretty good. I've had ghost pepper sauce before, but not the pepper itself. The sauce wasn't great. It was definitely hot, but I didn't like the flavor.

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Made it through the first day back from vacation without the kids going full squirrel.
Found a gift for Eve and had it sent.
Did the monthly level meeting with the boss while Hermione was in math tutorials.
Came home and am assembling my only reliable pie, an herbes de provence chicken pie with the chicken and potatoes poached in sauvignon blanc.
I have one more parent conference report to finish up after supper, and then hopefully, WW and I can watch the season opener of Discovery and finish off the wine after we get the kids to sleep.
Tomorrow is not a running day, hoorah.#pyhrricvictories

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Damn and blast.
You can't stream the new season of Discovery without CBS All Access, and I refuse to pay for that. Mostly because then I will urge myself to watch much more television to feel I've gotten my money's worth.
Not. Gonna. Happen.Happily, we have all of season twelve of Doctor Who downloaded and ready to go, so we'll start that instead.
We streamed it on netflix (european netflix)

Vidmaster7 |

Yeah I've seen Capaldi and the first season of Jodie Whittaker but it wasn't with the same furvor or excitement I had for the previous ones. It's not so much their acting really as the stories being told just aren't grabbing me. It's like its missing that Doctor being a unstoppable force of nature feel that 9 10 and 11 had. Capaldi had some good parts too but I almost feel like Jodie is too passive in her role. I want her to be a bit more aggressive I think. I've heard some people want the reverse but Screw those people!

Vidmaster7 |

Vidmaster7 wrote:Dick Clark. But since he's been dead for like 8 years now, no one is sure how he's doing it. Just another Unsolved Mystery, I guess.I've heard good things about Fargo.
I used to watch unsolved mysteries when I was little. Who is hosting it now?
Man that guy has some skill.

Vidmaster7 |

Vidmaster7 wrote:I've heard good things about Fargo.
I used to watch unsolved mysteries when I was little. Who is hosting it now?Netflix (I don't think they have a narrator).
Instead of focusing on a few different mysteries each episode is focused on one mystery.
huh sounds like black mirror but based on real stories. I'm probably going to watch at least one on my next day off.

lisamarlene |

Yeah I've seen Capaldi and the first season of Jodie Whittaker but it wasn't with the same furvor or excitement I had for the previous ones. It's not so much their acting really as the stories being told just aren't grabbing me. It's like its missing that Doctor being a unstoppable force of nature feel that 9 10 and 11 had. Capaldi had some good parts too but I almost feel like Jodie is too passive in her role. I want her to be a bit more aggressive I think. I've heard some people want the reverse but Screw those people!
I liked #3, adored #4, stopped watching with #5 because he wasn't #4, really didn't care at all for 6 or 7, 8 doesn't count, really liked 9 and 10, wasn't crazy about 11 but loved the storylines and River, and loved 12 almost as much as 4. I like Whittaker but I feel she's too indecisive and needy and not strong enough. But part of that is the writing. I try to imagine any other doctor saying her lines, and... no.

NobodysHome |
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Just got out of supervision. Apparently my staff is overwhelmed because I am giving them information from my boss wrong, putting my own spin on it, and confusing them while simultaneously micromanaging them. Gee, I didn't know it was all MY fault.
continues to look for work elsewhere
Ouch! Yeah, it's time to move on. No matter what the spin, that's a toxic environment.

NobodysHome |

Punctual People's Problems
So, GothBard is one of those people who's always 5-10 minutes late to everything, and even if you get her up 15 minutes early she'll spend the 15 minutes playing mobile games and still be late. So she sets the clock in the bedroom 7 minutes fast. Drives me crazy, but it works for her.
This morning I have my annual physical. The clocks in the kitchen, living room, and car all agreed. I headed in with a 10-minute cushion. And yep, unbeknownst to me, GothBard had set them ALL 7 minutes fast. So here I sit, 15 minutes early because someone else can't manage their time and goes around changing clocks instead.
EDIT: I owe GothBard an apology. Turns out that somehow my PHONE was out of whack by 7 minutes, and I was actually quite punctual everywhere. So yeah, there's still the bedroom clock, but she's innocent of all the others.

Mark Hoover 330 |
Vidmaster7 wrote:Yeah I've seen Capaldi and the first season of Jodie Whittaker but it wasn't with the same furvor or excitement I had for the previous ones. It's not so much their acting really as the stories being told just aren't grabbing me. It's like its missing that Doctor being a unstoppable force of nature feel that 9 10 and 11 had. Capaldi had some good parts too but I almost feel like Jodie is too passive in her role. I want her to be a bit more aggressive I think. I've heard some people want the reverse but Screw those people!I liked #3, adored #4, stopped watching with #5 because he wasn't #4, really didn't care at all for 6 or 7, 8 doesn't count, really liked 9 and 10, wasn't crazy about 11 but loved the storylines and River, and loved 12 almost as much as 4. I like Whittaker but I feel she's too indecisive and needy and not strong enough. But part of that is the writing. I try to imagine any other doctor saying her lines, and... no.
I really liked #1 and the early radio serials. Everyone else is just so new-fangled...

Vanykrye |

I think Chibnall is the issue for Whitaker's Doctor. Where the most recent Doctors had an epic scale and darkness to balance out the goofiness, I don't get that same feeling with the writing for Whitaker. Emphasis on the goody aspects, and not as much balance. However, I also haven't seen her second season yet, so it's entirely possible that's something that has changed.
But overall, particularly early on with Whitaker, Chibnall's public comments about the show gave me warning lights.

Mark Hoover 330 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
My girls cleaned up most of the mess in the kitchen. No, I didn't wake them up to do it. I asked them, explained how much work I did to get the kitchen clean enough for them to have the privilege of making that mess. I also reminded them that we all live in this house together and need to mutually respect one another.
Then I threatened them with not having their friends over to the house again. That did it.
I'm not going to defend my girls or my parenting of them. They can be s&*%s sometimes, they do bad things, they self abuse and self-medicate. Despite years of therapy they still resent my ex and I for the divorce and all the trauma that's happened since. These are facts that I cannot change now.
However they also act like kids sometimes. They sit and talk to me about boys or girls, they ask if we can have a movie night on the couch, and they tell me they love me just cuz. My girls are teenage kids dealing through a challenging home life. It's not an excuse, just a reality.
I appreciate the advice in the thread. I have dad envy when I read stories of Impus Major. My girls don't sit in trees for hours and when they DO offer to do chores around the house, even if it seems like they're doing it just cuz, later on those actions get used as leverage in a negotiation.
But I love my girls. This doesn't excuse their bad behaviors, and I work through them with my kids every time. But I love them regardless of the things they do. I don't expect anything of them but to grow, learn, change and become the people they will be. I love my kids without condition, without exception.
I will always love my girls. I may not always like what they do.
As for future kitchen messes, I'm sure this was not the last. For the millionth time since the quarantine began, I've had to remind the younger one to throw out food garbage in her room and take the dishes downstairs. I guarantee no amount of rage parenting would end this repetition, so I simply reminded her again this morning when I went to check in on her distance learning.
The reason I chimed in yesterday was it was just so shocking. Knowing my girls, there will be more shocks to come.

Freehold DM |

My girls cleaned up most of the mess in the kitchen. No, I didn't wake them up to do it. I asked them, explained how much work I did to get the kitchen clean enough for them to have the privilege of making that mess. I also reminded them that we all live in this house together and need to mutually respect one another.
Then I threatened them with not having their friends over to the house again. That did it.
I'm not going to defend my girls or my parenting of them. They can be s&*%s sometimes, they do bad things, they self abuse and self-medicate. Despite years of therapy they still resent my ex and I for the divorce and all the trauma that's happened since. These are facts that I cannot change now.
However they also act like kids sometimes. They sit and talk to me about boys or girls, they ask if we can have a movie night on the couch, and they tell me they love me just cuz. My girls are teenage kids dealing through a challenging home life. It's not an excuse, just a reality.
I appreciate the advice in the thread. I have dad envy when I read stories of Impus Major. My girls don't sit in trees for hours and when they DO offer to do chores around the house, even if it seems like they're doing it just cuz, later on those actions get used as leverage in a negotiation.
But I love my girls. This doesn't excuse their bad behaviors, and I work through them with my kids every time. But I love them regardless of the things they do. I don't expect anything of them but to grow, learn, change and become the people they will be. I love my kids without condition, without exception.
I will always love my girls. I may not always like what they do.
As for future kitchen messes, I'm sure this was not the last. For the millionth time since the quarantine began, I've had to remind the younger one to throw out food garbage in her room and take the dishes downstairs. I guarantee no amount of rage parenting would end this repetition, so I simply reminded her again this morning when I went to check in on her...
that's fair.

captain yesterday |

Captain, I hope you're staying warm and dry if you're working outside today. I'm near the Twin Cities and it's 32 degrees and spit-snowing where I am, so I can't imagine WI is much more pleasant right now out of doors.
I'm staying warm (2 wool hoodies and two layers of cotton underneath that, but I'm not staying dry.
Unfortunately, I have a lot of cutting to do today and yes, it's pretty cold. Though supposedly we're climbing above 40 today, I'm doubtful.

NobodysHome |
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...I have dad envy when I read stories of Impus Major...
Impus Major is a living, breathing, example of, "Pity the parents of boys under 13. But those parents get their revenge when the parents of girls have their girls hit 13..."
He took a *HUGE* amount of effort and patience. He wouldn't do anything. His stubbornness was legendary, as was his anxiety. He had speech therapy, several psychological therapists, open wars with us over trivial things, a terror of being poisoned so huge that he refused to eat anything outside of the house...
...then along came our choir director. In 6th grade he'd refuse to go to school because he was so terrified and miserable. "But you'll miss xxx's class. Do you want to just go and see her and take choir, then come straight home?"
And only once or twice in the three years of middle school did he come home.
In high school he blossomed into the awesome kid he is today. He's caring, he's conscious of other's feelings, and he tries to stay conscious of not putting extra work on me. Every few days he comes up from the garage, hugs me, and says, "Thanks for everything you've done for me, Dad. And I'm sorry I put you through all that."
Honestly, the alcohol's faded the memory of most of it, but it's still amazingly sweet.
And being a living, breathing example of what long-term alcohol use can do to your mind and your memories, Impus Major has *no* desire to start taking alcohol or drugs. He just listens to my stories of what I've lost and he thinks, "Yeah, I don't want that."
It helps to have an ex-addict who's lost his children's childhoods in the house to convince you never to partake...

Drejk |

Punctual People's Problems
So, GothBard is one of those people who's always 5-10 minutes late to everything, and even if you get her up 15 minutes early she'll spend the 15 minutes playing mobile games and still be late.
Hey! That's a work-related research!
So she sets the clock in the bedroom 7 minutes fast. Drives me crazy, but it works for her.
7 minutes? When I was using a dedicated alarm clock, it finally reached approximately +15 minutes because of such strategy.

Mark Hoover 330 |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
I had like, I don't know... 14 paragraphs written here I was going to toss into a spoiler? Here's the gist:
My girls are teenage girls, so there's that challenge. On top of that their parents divorced about 5 years ago. Now dad's a mess of depression and anxiety, and mom is all about the FUN of parenting with none of the WORK.
I'm not perfect. I'm not even properly done processing the divorce. I recognize though that we're a family in crisis and I'm trying... REALLY trying, dammit, to pull it together every day. School meetings, cops at the door, declarations of sexuality, new job successes, all of it; I'm always there for them and trying to be enough.
The girls deserve a parent they can count on. Like it or not, out of the 2 of us... I'm the one they get.
So my girls are very "extra" to borrow vernacular from when they were obsessed with Vine a million years ago. But they're MY girls, and I love them, and I'm trying to live up to what they deserve so yeah, sometimes I'm pretty chill about the dishes in their room, or getting home 4 minutes after curfew, or leaving the porch door open in the rain while they're ruining a faux fur blanket in the back yard (don't ask).
I only ask that a few years from now, during their first televised court appearance, my girls throw me a wave from under the orange sleeves.
And NH, I don't just envy you for your kids. I envy you for the same reason I'm jealous of LM, or lots of folks on these boards I fanboy over. You've all been THROUGH the storm and come out whole on the other side, if a bit scarred. LM keeps running; NH STILL puts political stuff up in these threads even though we were so politely reminded by a certain Captain not to.
Me? Let's just say... I'm not where you folks are, and leave it at that.
I hope at some point I make my girls as proud of me as I am of them. For now, it's enough that they still grudgingly clean the kitchen when the old man needs them to.

The Vagrant Erudite |
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Divorce sucks. Mine was amicable and it still was really, really tough to process and deal with - and we didn't have kids (mine is with my new fiancé) and ended up friends, so I can only imagine what you're going through, Mark.
I'm just getting into parenting, and I am terrified of the teenage stage. But I can say this: they'll remember which parent did the hard job and thank you. Every child of divorce grows up to remember who was using them to make the other parent feel bad and who was really there for them. They may not know it in the moment, but it'll be there in the long run.
God bless you for your strength and doing what a dad should: putting them over you all you can.
You're in my prayers, Mark, for what it's worth.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

And NH, I don't just envy you for your kids. I envy you for the same reason I'm jealous of LM, or lots of folks on these boards I fanboy over. You've all been THROUGH the storm and come out whole on the other side, if a bit scarred.
Life is a neverending series of storms.
You can be the rock that weathers them all and lets others anchor themselves to you.
You can be the palm tree that sways and adapts to the changing wind.
But don't be the boat that tries to fight the storm.
It sounds stupid written out like that, and I tried to write up examples but they all get ugly, so I'll just say that I'm usually the rock for my family, but you can't be the rock all the time or you'll lose your sanity, so sometimes I'm just a palm tree, letting things pass me by.
But desperately fighting that which I cannot change? I may dream about it, but I don't lose sleep not being able to do it.

NobodysHome |
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On a complete and possibly slightly more cheerful tangent, I really hate it when the doctor tells you all the possible side effects of the shot you're getting.
Because psychosomatic effects are real and powerful.
So this morning at my annual physical I got my first-ever pneumonia vaccine (I didn't know such a thing existed), and the doctor listed runny nose, mild fever, feeling slightly ill, yadda yadda yadda.
And of course here I am 6 hours later feeling ALL of those symptoms!
And I got the flu shot over lunch, so I think this evening is going to be a wonderful smorgasbord of mild-but-annoying cold symptoms.

NobodysHome |
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My relationship to Pandora is much like Spongebob's relationship to Squidward's saxophone.
"Pandora, can you please not suck?"
And I think the issue is that my tastes are SO insanely eclectic. I'll happily listen to the Dead Kennedys, then Briney Spears, then Sabaton, then Taylor Swift, then Babymetal. And I actually like the constant variation in styles. It stimulates my teeny widdle bwain. Pandora is at least pretty good at it, but occasionally throws on a song that is out-and-out "jump up and hit thumbs down RIGHT NOW" annoying (any K-Pop band, anyone?).
Spotify thinks your music should be in "themes", so unless you build your own playlist, the prebuilt stations are very narrowly-defined. And I'm not all that happy with my own prebuilt playlist, so apparently Pandora's better than I am. Except when the songs suck...
(OK. Pandora's seriously trying to kiss and make up with Sabaton's Attack of the Dead Men followed up by Brothers of Metal's Sons of Odin, but that song that came on before them? No. Just... no!)
EDIT: No; I'm not fixing Ms. Spears' name. It's just far more hilarious that way, what with the Spongebob reference and all...

NobodysHome |

Honestly, I thought I'd been really careful about that, barring that one request from CH to know more about California's proposition process. I should have PM'ed that. Otherwise the stuff I've been labeling as "political" is more general stuff that people can have strong opinions about: Cars and fuel economy, parenting, and so forth.
I figure those are very touchy subjects, so I label them as "political" even though they have nothing to do with any particular government or organization.

Drejk |

Been doing a lot of freelance transcription work for my mom's friend. Good money. Can do from home. No people. Work at my pace. I love it.
Bad side: I don't get paid for well over a month after documents are turned in, and no benefits.
But it really works for a shut in with anxiety issues!
Ah, the burning rush of adrenalin all-nighter when the deadlines harry you making you overcome leaving things to do for later caused by anxiety and/or AD(H)D...

Drejk |

Mark Hoover 330 wrote:And NH, I don't just envy you for your kids. I envy you for the same reason I'm jealous of LM, or lots of folks on these boards I fanboy over. You've all been THROUGH the storm and come out whole on the other side, if a bit scarred.Life is a neverending series of storms.
You can be the rock that weathers them all and lets others anchor themselves to you.
You can be the palm tree that sways and adapts to the changing wind.
But don't be the boat that tries to fight the storm.It sounds stupid written out like that, and I tried to write up examples but they all get ugly, so I'll just say that I'm usually the rock for my family, but you can't be the rock all the time or you'll lose your sanity, so sometimes I'm just a palm tree, letting things pass me by.
But desperately fighting that which I cannot change? I may dream about it, but I don't lose sleep not being able to do it.
That is the big issue with anxiety, really. Anxious brain is neurologically incapable of letting go easily - at best you have to fight yourself to not fight yourself over everything.