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Off-Topic Discussions

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lynora wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Since I don't have to look professional and grown-up for the summer and I need to cover my grey anyhow, I'm thinking of doing a semi-permanent navy blue or aquamarine over the brunette. Because why not?
Do eet!!!! Mermaid hair is great! I use Pravana. It's very rich color, but has to be touched up weekly, and that's on my blondish hair. But it doesn't get all over everything like Manic Panic, so there's that

Right?!? My sister used to use Manic Panic, and the laundry was hell.

I was looking at either Arctic Fox or iroiro.

Out of curiosity, where do you get Pravana? Because the only places that sell it in the Metroplex are the "professionals only" beauty supply stores where you have to show your license to purchase anything.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

(Steps behind a screen to get dressed.)

Incidentally, for women both naked and blue, please see the collected works of Christopher Moore, particularly You Suck (one of the best vampire novels EVER) and Sacre Bleu (which turns the Impressionists completely upside down.)

Captain Yesterday, FaWtL 6 News wrote:
Drejk wrote:

The new bed is here!

Tonight I'll be sleeping on a new bed!

For the first time in... Well, forever...

All hail Drejk's new bed! Which will go splendidly with hailing Drejk's (no longer) New Mattress!

The new bed is really a new mattress on a rather thin bed platform.

Huh. Apparently that kind of bed is actually called a platform bed. I just guessed that the word platform would be fitting for that construction.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
lynora wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Since I don't have to look professional and grown-up for the summer and I need to cover my grey anyhow, I'm thinking of doing a semi-permanent navy blue or aquamarine over the brunette. Because why not?
Do eet!!!! Mermaid hair is great! I use Pravana. It's very rich color, but has to be touched up weekly, and that's on my blondish hair. But it doesn't get all over everything like Manic Panic, so there's that

Right?!? My sister used to use Manic Panic, and the laundry was hell.

I was looking at either Arctic Fox or iroiro.

Out of curiosity, where do you get Pravana? Because the only places that sell it in the Metroplex are the "professionals only" beauty supply stores where you have to show your license to purchase anything.

Amazon of course :)

It’s reasonably inexpensive and easy to get and they have ALL the colors. I don’t go to actual stores if I can help it (cause of the whole walking problem) so I use amazon for the majority of my errands.

lisamarlene wrote:
Since I don't have to look professional and grown-up for the summer and I need to cover my grey anyhow, I'm thinking of doing a semi-permanent navy blue or aquamarine over the brunette. Because why not?


What grey?

lisamarlene wrote:

(Steps behind a screen to get dressed.)

Incidentally, for women both naked and blue, please see the collected works of Christopher Moore, particularly You Suck (one of the best vampire novels EVER) and Sacre Bleu (which turns the Impressionists completely upside down.)

I stare at those two books every day on the bookshelf.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

NobodysHome's Life:
(1) LEDs on oven hood stop working
(2) NobodysHome and his brother disassemble the hood and rule out the switch, the wiring, or the circuit board. We're pretty sure that the LEDs are wired in series, and one of them is bad
(3) NobodysHome determines that they're likely 12V LEDs, so orders a $90 power variable power supply so he can test each bulb instead of a single $40 replacement bulb
(4) While testing the voltage, NobodysHome accidentally shorts out one of the lights and the other 3 start working. One resistor and a pair of alligator lines later and the 3 remaining working bulbs are fine, and NobodysHome knows which LED is bad
(5) NobodysHome does NOT cancel the order for the variable power supply. Because EVERYBODY needs a variable power supply!

EDIT: Of course, even after tax, shipping, and so forth, the slightly-under-$150 is WAY less than I would have had to pay a repair guy just to show up, so I think I win.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
It's a Kudzu Leshy. You should know how dangerous kudzu is.

You have no idea.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

NobodysHome's Life:

(1) LEDs on oven hood stop working
(2) NobodysHome and his brother disassemble the hood and rule out the switch, the wiring, or the circuit board. We're pretty sure that the LEDs are wired in series, and one of them is bad
(3) NobodysHome determines that they're likely 12V LEDs, so orders a $90 power variable power supply so he can test each bulb instead of a single $40 replacement bulb
(4) While testing the voltage, NobodysHome accidentally shorts out one of the lights and the other 3 start working. One resistor and a pair of alligator lines later and the 3 remaining working bulbs are fine, and NobodysHome knows which LED is bad
(5) NobodysHome does NOT cancel the order for the variable power supply. Because EVERYBODY needs a variable power supply!

EDIT: Of course, even after tax, shipping, and so forth, the slightly-under-$150 is WAY less than I would have had to pay a repair guy just to show up, so I think I win.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Belle Leighn wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
It's a Kudzu Leshy. You should know how dangerous kudzu is.
You have no idea.

*smiles innocently / grins evilly*

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

NobodysHome's Life:

(1) LEDs on oven hood stop working
(2) NobodysHome and his brother disassemble the hood and rule out the switch, the wiring, or the circuit board. We're pretty sure that the LEDs are wired in series, and one of them is bad
(3) NobodysHome determines that they're likely 12V LEDs, so orders a $90 power variable power supply so he can test each bulb instead of a single $40 replacement bulb
(4) While testing the voltage, NobodysHome accidentally shorts out one of the lights and the other 3 start working. One resistor and a pair of alligator lines later and the 3 remaining working bulbs are fine, and NobodysHome knows which LED is bad
(5) NobodysHome does NOT cancel the order for the variable power supply. Because EVERYBODY needs a variable power supply!

EDIT: Of course, even after tax, shipping, and so forth, the slightly-under-$150 is WAY less than I would have had to pay a repair guy just to show up, so I think I win.

The real question is: What kind of monster wires lights in series?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You are such a good listener buddy!

Got back from a long series of doctor's appointments checking up on my health, which was stable til recently. Found out my A1c (measure of sugar in the bloodstream over time) is almost 13, which is dangerously high( a normal person without diabetes is like a 4-5 at most).

What's hilarious is apparently the problem isn't that I eat too much sugar but that I don't eat enough food regularly so my liver dumps stored sugar into my bloodstream while my pancreas f@**s off on doing it's job.

Anyway I've been upgraded from type 2 to type 1 apparently with them saying maybe I was always type one.

Fun, I see many needles in my future, =p

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Two consecutive nights of thunderstorms <3

Temperatures have dropped to the manageble 70s F / 20s C

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Well, technically afternoon as midday was 40 minutes ago.

The new bed was fine - by the standards of sleeping for the first time on a mattress.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

NobodysHome's Life:

(1) LEDs on oven hood stop working
(2) NobodysHome and his brother disassemble the hood and rule out the switch, the wiring, or the circuit board. We're pretty sure that the LEDs are wired in series, and one of them is bad
(3) NobodysHome determines that they're likely 12V LEDs, so orders a $90 power variable power supply so he can test each bulb instead of a single $40 replacement bulb
(4) While testing the voltage, NobodysHome accidentally shorts out one of the lights and the other 3 start working. One resistor and a pair of alligator lines later and the 3 remaining working bulbs are fine, and NobodysHome knows which LED is bad
(5) NobodysHome does NOT cancel the order for the variable power supply. Because EVERYBODY needs a variable power supply!

EDIT: Of course, even after tax, shipping, and so forth, the slightly-under-$150 is WAY less than I would have had to pay a repair guy just to show up, so I think I win.

The real question is: What kind of monster wires lights in series?

That's obvious: The monster who wants you alone and scared in the dark...

EDIT: My brother had the exact same reaction: In this day and age, just HOW incompetent do you have to be to set up lights in series?

11 people marked this as a favorite.

Today is WW's and my 20th wedding anniversary.
Which is really damned weird.

Because sometimes he is really awesome, he threw out the "20th anniversary gift is china" thing (because we already have two sets, his great-aunt's and his grandmother's), and gave me the Odyssey instead.

The Odyssey. Because 20 years.

My favorite translation (Robert Fagles, because he completely dusts Fitzgerald or Lattimore), on audiobook for my car,read by Ian McKellen.

Tonight Grandma is keeping the kids late after dinner at her house so we can go out somewhere.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Congrats LM!!

Today also happens to be Zelda's 40th birthday. For which she is not enthused at all.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Electronics for those who are interested:
Remember those old Christmas lights where if one light burned out, the whole string went dark? That's because the lights used only two wires, and all the lights were in a single chain:
Since electricity travels in a loop, a single failure would make the entire circuit die. This is connecting things in "series", and, although it's a bit cheaper, it's strongly discouraged by EVERYONE because of the whole, "If one dies, we all die," problem.

The answer is to construct things in a ladder (and Paizo's auto-formatting may make this look quite interesting):
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
This is connecting things in "parallel". Now even if one of the lights dies, there are still plenty of loops for the electricity to travel on, so all the others stay alive. But you have to use a little more wire and construction's surprisingly harder. So it costs more.

This is why people who wire in series are considered "cheap a$$hats". It's a technical term.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:

Congrats LM!!

Today also happens to be Zelda's 40th birthday. For which she is not enthused at all.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Congrats LM!!

Today also happens to be Zelda's 40th birthday. For which she is not enthused at all.


I know!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy anniversary, LM!

Happy birthday, Zelda!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Also...since I probably won't post it on Saturday because I tend to disappear from here on weekends...

The Adult Kid turns 27 on Saturday.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Today is WW's and my 20th wedding anniversary.

Which is really damned weird.

Because sometimes he is really awesome, he threw out the "20th anniversary gift is china" thing (because we already have two sets, his great-aunt's and his grandmother's), and gave me the Odyssey instead.

The Odyssey. Because 20 years.

My favorite translation (Robert Fagles, because he completely dusts Fitzgerald or Lattimore), on audiobook for my car,read by Ian McKellen.

Tonight Grandma is keeping the kids late after dinner at her house so we can go out somewhere.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:

Congrats LM!!

Today also happens to be Zelda's 40th birthday. For which she is not enthused at all.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:

Also...since I probably won't post it on Saturday because I tend to disappear from here on weekends...

The Adult Kid turns 27 on Saturday.

oh brother.

deep breath


Ah, the totally bizarre worries of parenthood.

Yesterday, the kids went to the local park. While there, a woman approached them and offered them half of a store-bought cake, her claim being that her kids couldn't eat it all, and she didn't want to take it home and let them eat the rest of it.

Perfectly reasonable, been there, done that, I figured it was fine. And it was a little too late anyway, because some of the kids' friends had already eaten some of the cake.

This morning, GothBard asked where the cake had come from, and when I said, "A strange woman in the park," her immediate response was, "Nuh uh."

And I can totally see her point of view. Especially in Albany, 99.9999% of the time that cake is going to be fine. But do you really want to risk your health on the 0.0001% chance the woman's a psycho?

NobodysHome wrote:

Ah, the totally bizarre worries of parenthood.

Yesterday, the kids went to the local park. While there, a woman approached them and offered them half of a store-bought cake, her claim being that her kids couldn't eat it all, and she didn't want to take it home and let them eat the rest of it.

Perfectly reasonable, been there, done that, I figured it was fine. And it was a little too late anyway, because some of the kids' friends had already eaten some of the cake.

This morning, GothBard asked where the cake had come from, and when I said, "A strange woman in the park," her immediate response was, "Nuh uh."

And I can totally see her point of view. Especially in Albany, 99.9999% of the time that cake is going to be fine. But do you really want to risk your health on the 0.0001% chance the woman's a psycho?

Eh. It's a low risk. Take a chance every once in a while. Life's not worth living if you're totally 100% safe at all times.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Ah, the totally bizarre worries of parenthood.

Yesterday, the kids went to the local park. While there, a woman approached them and offered them half of a store-bought cake, her claim being that her kids couldn't eat it all, and she didn't want to take it home and let them eat the rest of it.

Perfectly reasonable, been there, done that, I figured it was fine. And it was a little too late anyway, because some of the kids' friends had already eaten some of the cake.

This morning, GothBard asked where the cake had come from, and when I said, "A strange woman in the park," her immediate response was, "Nuh uh."

And I can totally see her point of view. Especially in Albany, 99.9999% of the time that cake is going to be fine. But do you really want to risk your health on the 0.0001% chance the woman's a psycho?

Eh. It's a low risk. Take a chance every once in a while. Life's not worth living if you're totally 100% safe at all times.

My approach to that is pretty simple:

- If the worst-case scenario is a trip to the ER, no problemo
- if the worst-case scenario is death or permanent injury, no thanks

Having cake is a pretty low-reward activity; it's not like they've never had cake before. And poisoning or drugging can result in permanent organ failure or death.

So in this particular situation, I think taking the risk is foolish because it's just not much of a reward.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

NobodysHome's Lawful Side is Showing Again:
(1) There's been ongoing construction on our street since April
(2) There have been frequent "No Parking" zones, all clearly labeled with dates and tow-away warnings
(3) On Monday, every house got a flyer that they'd be repaving the street today, so they really, honestly, pretty-please-would-you, REALLY needed the street clear for the day
(4) On Monday, we got No Parking sawhorses up and down the entire street, with, "No Parking on Thursday, or we really honestly truly will tow you away" signs
(5) This morning, we have four cars parked on the street, including one person who just arrived a few minutes ago and parked right in front of one of the sawhorses.

Y'know what? PLEASE tow them for once, instead of just ticketing them and trying to work around them!

(Yeah, I may be a wee bit bitter because I once parked in a tow-away zone in San Francisco for 20 minutes and got my car towed.)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
The real question is: What kind of monster wires lights in series?

That's obvious: The monster who wants you alone and scared in the dark...

{scribbles note:} Dear Grue,

Hey, have you considered starting a business as an electrical contractor that specializes in home lighting systems?...

PS: Don't eat me.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Ah, the totally bizarre worries of parenthood.

Yesterday, the kids went to the local park. While there, a woman approached them and offered them half of a store-bought cake, her claim being that her kids couldn't eat it all, and she didn't want to take it home and let them eat the rest of it.

Perfectly reasonable, been there, done that, I figured it was fine. And it was a little too late anyway, because some of the kids' friends had already eaten some of the cake.

This morning, GothBard asked where the cake had come from, and when I said, "A strange woman in the park," her immediate response was, "Nuh uh."

And I can totally see her point of view. Especially in Albany, 99.9999% of the time that cake is going to be fine. But do you really want to risk your health on the 0.0001% chance the woman's a psycho?

Eh. It's a low risk. Take a chance every once in a while. Life's not worth living if you're totally 100% safe at all times.

My approach to that is pretty simple:

- If the worst-case scenario is a trip to the ER, no problemo
- if the worst-case scenario is death or permanent injury, no thanks

Having cake is a pretty low-reward activity; it's not like they've never had cake before. And poisoning or drugging can result in permanent organ failure or death.

So in this particular situation, I think taking the risk is foolish because it's just not much of a reward.

I'm partially being tongue-in-cheek with that.

You won't be able to tell the ER what it is that got you there besides "Cake from a strange lady in the park." Could be hallucinogens, could be cyanide. The treatment is very different.

While Freehold is definitely Viva La Chaos and you are definitely Lawful Society, I fall squarely in between depending on the day, the situation, the color of squirrel that's eating from Zelda's bird feeders, the number of deer that are hanging out in my back yard that day, etc, etc, etc.

Final note before actual "work": Shopping at chain stores gets more depressing by the year.

I believe I mentioned a ways back that I'd had to stop buying Foster Farms chicken because they finally reached the point where they were adding so much water it was ruining my cooking.

So last time I was at Costco, I looked for a different brand. There it was! All organic, cage-free, fancy schmancy chicken breasts at just under twice the price of Foster Farms! But still significantly cheaper than what I get from the corner store's butcher.

Tuesday night I "grilled" up a pair of chicken breasts...
...except they exuded so much water during the cooking process that I quite literally ended up with chicken soup. I'm talking two (half) chicken breasts in a 12" cast iron skillet generating 1/2" of water in the pan.


So yeah, I guess if I actually want to cook chicken and not "mostly water" chicken, I have to pay the $8/pound at the corner store.

Yet again, you get what you pay for.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm just driving today.

But, I found a few things I can add to my resume.

1) Able to wrestle a swimming pool, with both a skid loader and mini bobcat.

2) I'm Ambiskidderdextrous. Skid loaders have two variations on their controls, some you use foot pedals, others use the joy sticks exclusively. Most people can operate one or the other, and then suck with one they're not used to, I can use either interchangeably.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I just had to explain to someone what I meant by saying "log out and log back in".

This is eventually going to lead to a Problem. When I figure out which variation of a Problem I'm going to have I'll let you all know. Bail money may be involved.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ugh. They always ask 'do you mean restart?'

No. I mean get to the screen that you find when you come back from a lock, but I want you to actually be logged out, not lock your screen.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:

Ugh. They always ask 'do you mean restart?'

No. I mean get to the screen that you find when you come back from a lock, but I want you to actually be logged out, not lock your screen.

She actually asked if I wanted her to unplug everything.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello, everyone!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And I've just had another conversation with her. You know, having her unplug everything isn't a bad idea after all. Put it all in a box. I'll send her shipping labels...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

NobodysHome's Life:

(1) LEDs on oven hood stop working
(2) NobodysHome and his brother disassemble the hood and rule out the switch, the wiring, or the circuit board. We're pretty sure that the LEDs are wired in series, and one of them is bad
(3) NobodysHome determines that they're likely 12V LEDs, so orders a $90 power variable power supply so he can test each bulb instead of a single $40 replacement bulb
(4) While testing the voltage, NobodysHome accidentally shorts out one of the lights and the other 3 start working. One resistor and a pair of alligator lines later and the 3 remaining working bulbs are fine, and NobodysHome knows which LED is bad
(5) NobodysHome does NOT cancel the order for the variable power supply. Because EVERYBODY needs a variable power supply!

EDIT: Of course, even after tax, shipping, and so forth, the slightly-under-$150 is WAY less than I would have had to pay a repair guy just to show up, so I think I win.

The real question is: What kind of monster wires lights in series?

That's obvious: The monster who wants you alone and scared in the dark...


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:

Also...since I probably won't post it on Saturday because I tend to disappear from here on weekends...

The Adult Kid turns 27 on Saturday.

Hey, that's my birthday too, I'll be 34.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy early birthday, Orthos!

Well, bye everybody!

It turns out that a poorly-publicized feature in the product update just, oh, requires me to rewrite all of the practices for an entire course from scratch.

Thanks, guys, for being THAT clueless as to what a "multi-developer environment" is.

So with the full rewrite and then the trip to Europe, I'll probably be pretty quiet for a while...

1 person marked this as a favorite.



Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Today is WW's and my 20th wedding anniversary.


Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:

Congrats LM!!

Today also happens to be Zelda's 40th birthday. For which she is not enthused at all.


If she feels bad, its MrT's 47th birthday today.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

And just to be clear...for those of you who honestly don't know what we're talking about half the time, we don't actually expect you to. You're all smarter and more educated than the average planetary citizen, but you aren't working in the fields/industry/companies that we are, and that's just it...these people I complain about have been working for this company for *years*. They've had to deal with this stuff for a significant portion of their lives.

Saying "Well, they're older, and therefore not particularly computer savvy," just doesn't cut it anymore.

The basics of using Windows hasn't actually changed all that much since 1995. Think about it. Other than Windows 8 (blessed be thy burning), the Start button is still there. The programs are still there. Logging on and logging out hasn't really changed. Shutdown and reboot/restart are still there. It's been a quarter century.

It's really not a lot different than the interiors and operation of cars. Some odd individual variances, sure, but the gas pedal, the brake pedal, the steering wheel, and the turn signals haven't significantly changed since the 1950's. Transmissions, yeah, that's changed a lot, but for the most part you either know how to drive stick or you don't, and everybody can eventually figure out PRND on any particular automatic-style model.

But as soon as it's a computer people act like they've never seen this stuff before, and they act like "log out" or "reboot" are magical words that only computer nerds can understand.

I think I'm going to take the rest of the day off to learn puppetry or something.

Woran wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Congrats LM!!

Today also happens to be Zelda's 40th birthday. For which she is not enthused at all.


If she feels bad, its MrT's 47th birthday today.

Happy Birthday to MrT! He's now as old as Aiymi.

Scarab Sages

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:

I just had to explain to someone what I meant by saying "log out and log back in".

This is eventually going to lead to a Problem. When I figure out which variation of a Problem I'm going to have I'll let you all know. Bail money may be involved.

The amount of people who think their monitor is their computer is too damn high.

Dark Archive

Woran wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Congrats LM!!

Today also happens to be Zelda's 40th birthday. For which she is not enthused at all.


If she feels bad, its MrT's 47th birthday today.

Happy birthday to Mr T!

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