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The other thing that always impresses me is how your approach to a situation can shade the entire situation:

A friend's father pinged me a few weeks ago and said, "Hey, NobodysHome! Since the kids are doing a bunch of social activities after their performances all three nights of the play, and we're driving your kids around on two of those nights, can you drive them around on the third?"

Examine this for a moment: I had not been informed of any social activities. I hadn't asked for him to drive my kids around. I asked them, and they confirmed they hadn't either. So he was basically volunteering to drive my kids twice, and made it sound like an obligation that I drive the third night.

If I didn't ask you for a favor, I don't owe you anything. The correct approach would have been, "Hey, NobodysHome! Our daughter is doing a bunch of social events after the play, and we can't be there for her on the third night. Could you do us a solid and drive her around?"

Notice that my sons aren't involved. He could have even added, "And if your sons are going, I could drive them too."

So yeah, it turns out that all these "social events" were for stage crew only, so my kids weren't even invited to any of them. All of a sudden that whole, "I'm driving your kids around two of the three nights so you owe me the third," doesn't hold a heck of a lot of water.

I'm an adult; I told him I could cover driving his daughter around the third night.

But if you're asking for a favor, don't try to make it sound like an obligation. It never goes over well.

EDIT: And yes, I will be driving her around naked. Because being arrested is what I do.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Ok...yeah...definitely having a reaction to the vaccination shots. Swelling and redness around the injection sites...and I'm talking about the size and consistency of a baseball...redness (yeah, I mentioned that, but it deserved it's own mention)...some heat coming off...still feels like a 1968 lawn jart accident...I've been fighting a fever for the last 2 days...and my stomach is starting to rebel from all the Tylenol and Naproxen I've been using to keep the fever at bay.

I am not an anti-vaxxer. Far from it. I think you all know me better than that. However, I personally hate getting vaccinations because I have reactions like this to them.

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lisamarlene wrote:

Meanwhile, my father-in-law and his wife invited themselves over for dinner tomorrow night.

Tomorrow is the last day of school before spring break, the kids are all insane, I have to have a makeup parent-teacher conference with Val's teacher from October or November because we never had one and his teacher is getting in trouble for it, my house is a wreck, and I kind of just don't want to.

So the next four days are like this:
Tonight: madly cleaning the house, washing the tablecloth, going to the grocery store.
Tomorrow: FIL and wife to dinner.
Saturday: working in MIL's attic all afternoon.
Sunday: MIL coming for early dinner (once a month, was already on the calendar)

But THEN I get to rest.

we have been preparing for this eventuality.

pushes button on desk

desk moves out of the way, revealing trap door

opens trap door

climbs down ladder

arrives in sub basement

uses the Kai to ride to the abscondi-cave

greets Ms. McRib, checks mail, pays bills, staff

checks on status of cloning chambers

reviews Project: Lisamarlene

sees potential clone is ready for flash-education

loads lisamarlenes schedule for the next few days, basic lisamarlene info

relaxes with healthy tuna fish sandwich with salad and grapes while reading back issues of Takoyaki Today and waits for beep informing clone is ready

hears beep while reading review of twice dipped, extra cholesterol- and sodium-laden double octopus ball having takoyaki and DROOOOOLING over the deliciousness

hits button to release clone with a hiss and whirl of steam

performs reflex and reaction tests while selecting lisamarlene specific attire

dubs clone Lisamarlene 2

clone has selected name of Ilia due to deep love of star trek[/url] and rejects name given, social expectations

rolls eyes at clones and their need for individuality...

convinces her she needs hair for mission while summoning Prius Abscondicar III

places clone in back seat, drives to Lisamarlene job

has memorized every Ramones song upon arrival as Ilia will not listen to anything else

plays random Ramones tune outside her office during lunch break

chocolate cakes her when she sticks head out to investigate cool tunes

sends Ilia in to take her place for 3 days while Lisamarlene is pampered in the abscondi-cave for ahead of her scheduled rest time

No need to thank me.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The Governor, he seems trustworthy and totall... Nope, never mind.

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Listen all y'all, it's sabotage!

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Well, I've had my petty revenge, and I feel better.

In the middle of one recording is a LOUD system beep that drowns out my voice. It was recorded internally, so it's on a separate track from my voice.

So if I edit it it's a one-button "mute that track" fix.

But THEY wanted a published .avi file, so they got a published .avi file. I look forward to them dealing with the beep themselves.

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NobodysHome wrote:
("Unpleasant" as in, "Not what I'm looking for in Pathfinder, because I play several other much simpler systems, so I don't need 'Pathfinder Lite'").

That's funny, just yesterday I read someone complaining that PF2 is "too complicated." Which I translated as "PF2 is new, I don't like learning new things, learning PF2 makes me uncomfortable but I'll blame it on PF2!"

Sounds like my translation was about right.

NobodysHome wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

They found a likely Earhart set of bones on an island last year:

But you're right, when something big like this happens, you can always find it in legit news sources. And people need to wise up.

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Hi, everyone!

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I picked up the Season 7 DVD of Game of Thrones yesterday. Which, after watching, I'll be all caught up.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
("Unpleasant" as in, "Not what I'm looking for in Pathfinder, because I play several other much simpler systems, so I don't need 'Pathfinder Lite'").

That's funny, just yesterday I read someone complaining that PF2 is "too complicated." Which I translated as "PF2 is new, I don't like learning new things, learning PF2 makes me uncomfortable but I'll blame it on PF2!"

Sounds like my translation was about right.

NobodysHome wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

They found a likely Earhart set of bones on an island last year:

But you're right, when something big like this happens, you can always find it in legit news sources. And people need to wise up.

Oh, I followed that story avidly, but it kind of petered out.

As I've mentioned before, I just get frustrated with the overall gullibility of humanity:
- If no one responded to telemarketers/e-mail spam, there would be no telemarketers nor e-mail spam for the rest of us to deal with
- If someone says, "Your doctor doesn't want you to know this," they are lying. Or you need a new doctor
- If you can't find a reliable news source reporting the same thing, it isn't true
- If you can find a reliable news source reporting the same thing, wait a week for them to get their facts straight

Anyway, as you can tell, I'm grumpy today. Good thing I have tomorrow off!

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
("Unpleasant" as in, "Not what I'm looking for in Pathfinder, because I play several other much simpler systems, so I don't need 'Pathfinder Lite'").

That's funny, just yesterday I read someone complaining that PF2 is "too complicated." Which I translated as "PF2 is new, I don't like learning new things, learning PF2 makes me uncomfortable but I'll blame it on PF2!"

Sounds like my translation was about right.

NobodysHome wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

They found a likely Earhart set of bones on an island last year:

But you're right, when something big like this happens, you can always find it in legit news sources. And people need to wise up.

I too dislike learning new things. Now that I am over 40, I can grumble and say the way I prefer things is better without ever seeing anything new or different.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Prom Adventures:

"You need to start thinking about how you are getting to prom because I need to know who is riding the Magic School Bus to get there."
"With the Friz-"
"We are going in an unmarked, white van."
"And we're going to have candy."

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Now THIS is funny!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

And THIS isn't:

For the kids' production, each kid got a T-shirt. There was a lot of worry that some kids wouldn't be able to pay the $10 per shirt fee, so I donated $100 so other kids could have shirts.

It wasn't enough, shirts were in short supply, Impus Major left his in his clothing bag backstage overnight, and one of his fellow cast members stole it.


I swear, at a school where the average home price within a mile of the school is over $1 million, you'd think petty theft of $10 shirts or $15 umbrellas wouldn't be so rampant. (Yeah, Impus Minor's umbrella got stolen yesterday, too, but he thinks he knows who did it and he'll be confronting her today.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Now THIS is funny!

Eh, the world run out of new models for people long ago and keeps reusing old assets. We can still tweak the hair a bit, but it's primarily the unintended advantage of very conservative hairdos (and negative association with colorizing hairs) dominating through the ages.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

And THIS isn't:

For the kids' production, each kid got a T-shirt. There was a lot of worry that some kids wouldn't be able to pay the $10 per shirt fee, so I donated $100 so other kids could have shirts.

It wasn't enough, shirts were in short supply, Impus Major left his in his clothing bag backstage overnight, and one of his fellow cast members stole it.


I swear, at a school where the average home price within a mile of the school is over $1 million, you'd think petty theft of $10 shirts or $15 umbrellas wouldn't be so rampant.

Maybe with such housing prices they are starting early to save money for their own place?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I don't think I've ever seen a teenager holding an umbrella much less actually using it.

Teenagers here rebel by outright refusing to dress according to the weather conditions.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

And THIS isn't:

For the kids' production, each kid got a T-shirt. There was a lot of worry that some kids wouldn't be able to pay the $10 per shirt fee, so I donated $100 so other kids could have shirts.

It wasn't enough, shirts were in short supply, Impus Major left his in his clothing bag backstage overnight, and one of his fellow cast members stole it.


I swear, at a school where the average home price within a mile of the school is over $1 million, you'd think petty theft of $10 shirts or $15 umbrellas wouldn't be so rampant.

Maybe with such housing prices they are starting early to save money for their own place?

I honestly think it's just the whole, "Well, it's exciting for me to steal this, and his parents can easily afford to buy him a new one, so what's the harm?"

With the umbrella, yeah, it's just irritating. But with unique "only people in the play got one" shirts, it's far more messed-up.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wish me luck!

I posted and deleted on it earlier, but the local shop that fixes iPhone screens is too flaky to manage to get my business, so I'm going to try to replace Impus Minor's shattered iPhone screen this evening.

After seeing Hi botch several attempts to do the same, and knowing full well that he's more dexterous than I, I'm going to bet on patience and obsessive-compulsiveness for the win.

It's supposed to be a 20-minute job. I've set aside 2 hours. I'm hoping that's enough...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, I've now gone a full week without snow and already I have to check what day of the week it is on my phone.

Thankfully, landscaping season is just around the corner.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Alas, If I go too long without working I become like Hal from Malcolm in the Middle and he ends up building a death robot.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Apparently I look like Serge Tankarian (sp?) from System Of A Down. I'm not sure I actually do.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Apparently I look like Serge Tankarian (sp?) from System Of A Down. I'm not sure I actually do.

Apparently I look like some carpenter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Now THIS is funny!

So hipsters look like...Joe Shmoe Blue Collar in Autumn.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
("Unpleasant" as in, "Not what I'm looking for in Pathfinder, because I play several other much simpler systems, so I don't need 'Pathfinder Lite'").

That's funny, just yesterday I read someone complaining that PF2 is "too complicated." Which I translated as "PF2 is new, I don't like learning new things, learning PF2 makes me uncomfortable but I'll blame it on PF2!"

Sounds like my translation was about right.

I too dislike learning new things. Now that I am over 40, I can grumble and say the way I prefer things is better without ever seeing anything new or different.

I just thought that "PF2 is more complicated than PF1" was a glaring red flag for a hidden agenda. Like PF1 is already on the complex side, as all D&D is one way or another, and there's no popular push for even more. In fact the current trend is more simplicity, and the Paizo team is smart so likely they're going to go that way.

The Exchange

NobodysHome wrote:

Wish me luck!

I posted and deleted on it earlier, but the local shop that fixes iPhone screens is too flaky to manage to get my business, so I'm going to try to replace Impus Minor's shattered iPhone screen this evening.

After seeing Hi botch several attempts to do the same, and knowing full well that he's more dexterous than I, I'm going to bet on patience and obsessive-compulsiveness for the win.

It's supposed to be a 20-minute job. I've set aside 2 hours. I'm hoping that's enough...

Good luck NH. I wouldn't try it myself but I'm a luddite. Be careful and don't cut yourself.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

This has been the weirdest freaking day.
Our school was actually under a "shelter in place" order, not a drill, for about an hour this afternoon because of a shooting about a half-mile from the school.
The other random weird fact is that the shooting happened in my co-teacher's backyard or driveway. Her husband was home sick from work and was texting her that he was looking down at the body from their upstairs window.
She had her in-laws come pick up the kids and take them for a night at grandma and grandpas so they wouldn't have to find out and get scared.
The victim was a fifteen-year-old kid.
The two perpetrators the cops are currently looking for are also teenagers.
Holy mother of mercy, this s$*! ain't right.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

*sniffs the air*

I heard something about no more new APs or PFS scenarios will be released after August 2019 when it's all going to be PF2.

Anyone has any links to share on that matter? I'm not very good with my search-Fu today.

No, they're still releasing them, but they'll be for second edition.
The captain is correct. Nothing new for first edition. Its all switching over to second.

This is exactly why I want to write and release adventures for PF Classic. To keep new material coming for people who don't want to switch to PF2.

The Exchange

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Vanykrye wrote:

Ok...yeah...definitely having a reaction to the vaccination shots. Swelling and redness around the injection sites...and I'm talking about the size and consistency of a baseball...redness (yeah, I mentioned that, but it deserved it's own mention)...some heat coming off...still feels like a 1968 lawn jart accident...I've been fighting a fever for the last 2 days...and my stomach is starting to rebel from all the Tylenol and Naproxen I've been using to keep the fever at bay.

I am not an anti-vaxxer. Far from it. I think you all know me better than that. However, I personally hate getting vaccinations because I have reactions like this to them.

Did you tell the doctor about your reaction to vaccinations? Is there anything they can do about it?

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

This has been the weirdest freaking day.

Our school was actually under a "shelter in place" order, not a drill, for about an hour this afternoon because of a shooting about a half-mile from the school.
The other random weird fact is that the shooting happened in my co-teacher's backyard or driveway. Her husband was home sick from work and was texting her that he was looking down at the body from their upstairs window.
She had her in-laws come pick up the kids and take them for a night at grandma and grandpas so they wouldn't have to find out and get scared.
The victim was a fifteen-year-old kid.
The two perpetrators the cops are currently looking for are also teenagers.
Holy mother of mercy, this s#*+ ain't right.

Holy sh*t LM, I'm sorry to hear that. But everyone in school is fine, right? I hope the cops find the perpetrators and bring him to justice but I see something must've been wrong somewhere... Teens going around shooting other teens?

Urgh. If I start saying more it'll get political and I'll get flaming bikes.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Captain Yesterday, talking to his dog and unknowingly coining a new phrase.

"C'mon buddy, let's use our inside brain!".

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wow LM, that is one dark day. :(

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Wish me luck!

I posted and deleted on it earlier, but the local shop that fixes iPhone screens is too flaky to manage to get my business, so I'm going to try to replace Impus Minor's shattered iPhone screen this evening.

After seeing Hi botch several attempts to do the same, and knowing full well that he's more dexterous than I, I'm going to bet on patience and obsessive-compulsiveness for the win.

It's supposed to be a 20-minute job. I've set aside 2 hours. I'm hoping that's enough...

Good luck NH. I wouldn't try it myself but I'm a luddite. Be careful and don't cut yourself.

As Vanykrye can attest, it went exactly as expected:

(1) Disassembly was easy
(2) Attaching the new screen was easy, and it tested fine
(3) Reassembling the phone carefully did not pose any significant issues, though they did throw in a nice puzzle where one plate had 4 short screws and one long one. Not being an idiot, I installed the 4 short screws first, working out through easy elimination the location of the long screw
(4) Once the phone was assembled, I tested it again, and it is a complete brick.

Nothing I've found has helped, so I'm down to two final debugs:
- At the moment, the battery is disconnected for the evening and I'll try again in the morning
- I'm curious whether I somehow managed to perform the "long screw damage" (if you put the long screw in the wrong hole it damages the board) while putting the screw in the correct hole. Seems unlikely, but I have no other explanations.

I'll check again tomorrow morning, and worst-case scenario a refurbished iPhone 6 is $159, so I'll be out a total of under $200 and I will have learned valuable things.

Not a complete waste, then.

The Exchange

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The issue is did Impus Major back up his iPhone data someplace?

Also my BF said the tuna in the tuna and cheese pizza was too dry, but next time, what I can do is not to drain out the brine off the canned tuna before using it.

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In case of Samsung, changing the screen is so simply that a moderately trained monkey can do that (using the provided photo-instruction). I know, I was such monkey for two weeks. iPhone is another matter.

EDIT: At least it was for Samsung Galaxy 3 and 4. Samsung Ace was a crap when it came to replacing screen. No idea if it as easy in later models.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
The issue is did Impus Major back up his iPhone data someplace?

Note the "not a complete idiot" comment. I *personally* did a full backup before I started.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
The issue is did Impus Major back up his iPhone data someplace?
Note the "not a complete idiot" comment. I *personally* did a full backup before I started.

Somebody's using their inside brain!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Battery pull didn't work, so I'll see whether I can get flaky repair guy to do a post-mortem. I'd love to know what I did wrong. Usually you know. This time I have NO idea.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

Ok...yeah...definitely having a reaction to the vaccination shots. Swelling and redness around the injection sites...and I'm talking about the size and consistency of a baseball...redness (yeah, I mentioned that, but it deserved it's own mention)...some heat coming off...still feels like a 1968 lawn jart accident...I've been fighting a fever for the last 2 days...and my stomach is starting to rebel from all the Tylenol and Naproxen I've been using to keep the fever at bay.

I am not an anti-vaxxer. Far from it. I think you all know me better than that. However, I personally hate getting vaccinations because I have reactions like this to them.

Did you tell the doctor about your reaction to vaccinations? Is there anything they can do about it?

This is considered a "mild" reaction with the pneumonia vaccine. I'm back at the office 2100 hours, feeling like I'm going to puke, but I'm the only one that can upgrade the ticketing system software because my boss didn't pay attention during training.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Battery pull didn't work, so I'll see whether I can get flaky repair guy to do a post-mortem. I'd love to know what I did wrong. Usually you know. This time I have NO idea.

I would think you would have known (particularly since you were being careful) if it was the long screw damaging the board. The turning resistance would have changed.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

This has been the weirdest freaking day.

Our school was actually under a "shelter in place" order, not a drill, for about an hour this afternoon because of a shooting about a half-mile from the school.
The other random weird fact is that the shooting happened in my co-teacher's backyard or driveway. Her husband was home sick from work and was texting her that he was looking down at the body from their upstairs window.
She had her in-laws come pick up the kids and take them for a night at grandma and grandpas so they wouldn't have to find out and get scared.
The victim was a fifteen-year-old kid.
The two perpetrators the cops are currently looking for are also teenagers.
Holy mother of mercy, this s@@+ ain't right.

Zelda had a similar day. In Rockford some stellar individual shot a US Marshall at a hotel. He made it down to Lincoln before he lost control in the snow and the cops caught up to him. Then it was a standoff on I-55 with a freakin' SWAT team. Needless to say, just about every school within 10 miles was on lockdown, as were many other similar programs like Head Start.

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And I'm at work, but I'm waiting on a database backup to finish. Therefore I post.

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Oh, and I've been informed that I'm heading back to Cincinnati to help out in that office. Probably about 2 weeks from now, which, hey, at least I'm getting some f^%&*#! notice this time. I still don't know when they're going to ask me to go back to Northern VA. They've hinted around at it, but that will probably be this month too.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And my work for the night appears to be done.

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I see Mort has been keeping up with my gran harassing somewhat. So that's good.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So went and saw Captain Marvel today. then went and got P.F.Changs (first time eating there) We had a tempura calamari as an appetizer I did not know you could tempura cilantro but it was surprisingly good. for main I had a rice noodle dish with shrimp and chicken as well as vegis with a light curry seasoning. It was a good night. made it just in time for work.

The Exchange

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Tempura calamari is good. The problem is now I'm wrestling with a slightly guilty conscience from eating 2 subway cookies ><

Hey Vidmaster7, what do you think of a tomato sardine pizza topped with Cheddar cheese and Bell peppers?

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I see Mort has been keeping up with my gran harassing somewhat. So that's good.

I'm sorry but you are the true master. I am just an apprentice.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Tempura calamari is good. The problem is now I'm wrestling with a slightly guilty conscience from eating 2 subway cookies ><

Hey Vidmaster7, what do you think of a tomato sardine pizza topped with Cheddar cheese and Bell peppers?

Hmm I haven't done sardines in a long time. If I remember there very salty. I think they would be good with your standard pizza cheese mix. Some Parmesan regiano wouldn't be a bad addition. I think people use cream cheese with them too but that doesn't sound great on a pizza to me.

The Exchange

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Sometimes I envy you bigger sized guys. When your base metabolic rate is 1200 ish because you're a small bit, 400 calories is a lot! Geez.

And of course when you're a small bit, trying to burn those extra calories is a pain too. Not for a lack of trying, but more of it'd take more then an hour of jogging to burn that ><

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