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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Anytime someone comes in with no reservation with all their stuff already unpacked and ready to go before they have spoken with me. I just want to tell them we are sold out at first just to see their reaction.

Ah yes another thing that might cause an interesting reaction!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
They know your a predator.
Now you're just trying too hard.

No! because its you are trying too hard!

I just need to do Data's thing and not use contractions at all. If anyone asks I will just say "does not compute"!

That one was a joke, hence the next post blowing a raspberry at you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Anytime someone comes in with no reservation with all their stuff already unpacked and ready to go before they have spoken with me. I just want to tell them we are sold out at first just to see their reaction.

I have had that happen a few times when we were sold out. Is it that hard to figure out that you should check in before unloading all your s%@@?

Also, your nekkidity might scare them off.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
They know your a predator.
Now you're just trying too hard.

No! because its you are trying too hard!

I just need to do Data's thing and not use contractions at all. If anyone asks I will just say "does not compute"!

That one was a joke, hence the next post blowing a raspberry at you.

No see for this ruse to work I have to pretend they are all a joke.

Well I think I just hit the best part of book 11 of WOT. death gates and fire blossoms. So for people that have read it. Death gate basically an aoe baleful teleport or closer to a mythic blade barrier (I think you can move the mythic one around.)?

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
They know you're a predator.

Yah, and at any chance I would put them in the cook pot.

But on the other side of the scale I do care about the environment? I mean I put a fledgling back into its tree, I call park rangers when I see people fishing in places they shouldn't be...

I take public transport almost all the time and even try walking up the stairs, cut down on air conditioning usage.

Just a Mort wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
They know you're a predator.

Yah, and at any chance I would put them in the cook pot.

But on the other side of the scale I do care about the environment? I mean I put a fledgling back into its tree, I call park rangers when I see people fishing in places they shouldn't be...

I take public transport almost all the time and even try walking up the stairs, cut down on air conditioning usage.

Well ofcourse! You do not want your food supply to run out!

Its really the smart thing to do if you want to live for awhile.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:


Whingey wizzard has his third interview for The Job this coming Tuesday morning at 11:00. With the entire Executive Team of the organization (previous interview was with the HR director).

I don't want to get my hopes up or count my chickens or any of that crap, so I'm trying not to think about it much.

*Crosses finger and toe for WW*

Just a Mort wrote:
My BFs bro is having his wedding and asked my BF and I for help at the reception table. Now I need to find a dress to wear!

*Imagines Mort in a tight tube dress, with reddening cheeks and a cautious look of contentment om his face*

Just a Mort wrote:
Not me...most creatures flee from me hissing, howling, screeching, squeaking, squealing, squawking, yowling...

I'm sure there's some kind of misunderstanding involved on the animals part...

Or maybe you looked hungry ^^'

Just a Mort wrote:

Just came back from kranji countryside, happily eating everything.

I had wheatgrass ice cream, aloe vera and rosella jelly, deep fried frog legs,fried frog skin, deep fried crocodile nuggets, drank goats milk...

And watched little kids try to catch frogs. When the frogs hopped in their direction, they ran away screaming. Lol.

*purrs contentedly*

The crocodile nuggets were surprisingly good. I don't think deep fried is the best way to serve frog, frog is better off stir fried with oyster sauce, spring onion and ginger.

Deep fried crocodile nuggets however, taste like deep fried pork chop.

Also the dog at the frog farm was nudging my aunt for treats but never approached me. Get what I mean by animals see me and run off?

Sounds like a fun trip!

Haven't eaten frog or crocodile...would probably try it though.

I really want to go on a trip like that.

Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Why yes, yes we're getting a s#$# load of ice, and a little snow, so guess who gets to go to work.

It sure was nice I had two consecutive days off, for the first time this year.

On the plus side, in one month of near constant snow I've made more than I did in any of the five years I worked at Toys R Us.





Getting paid for dealing with snow?

I think that the purely carnal excitement that would cause in you, would make it illegal in most of the states for you...

I would indeed melt the snow in small, rhythmic amounts.


That's what you meant by 'loving snow'...

NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, and apropos of nothing:

The Fluffernutter: She's a ragamuffin/Siberian mix, which makes her an amazing fighting cat with the personality of a dog. So other cats run up, attack her, she says, "Oh, are we playing now?", beats them senseless, and watches confused as they run away hissing.
She's not a dumb cat; she's an optimistic cat. "Yes, I see, hear, and smell the rain, but until I feel it I prefer to believe that it doesn't exist." And OMG is she LOUD. At 6:30 am sharp when I start work, she wanders the house, yowling, until I let her out on her harness.

The Calico, aka "Little Miss Hates the World": Our calico is a rescue cat. When we chose her, she was hopped up on pregnancy hormones. Once those wore off, we realized what a monster we'd adopted. She hates people. She hates dogs. She hates other cats. She is afraid of nothing. Yet she's an absolutely useless fighter so she's spent her 11 years with us getting beaten up by a running series of other cats.
The *only* creatures she tolerates are kids under 4. We have no idea why, but she goes up to them, purrs, lets them poke her in the face or pull on her tail, and is infinitely gentle with them. If you're 5 or older and you pet her more than twice, you will bleed!

"Little Miss" sounds like just the cat for me.

I have a soft spot for "difficult" animals.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

I like that that casts her in the most positive possible light.

It still leaves me leaning towards, "No," though, as communication is critical for chaperones, and if that IS her situation, she should be talking to the choir director instead of trying to play shell games with money.

I'm going to put LM on the spot here, because I know she's 1500 miles away and by the time she got here she'd have calmed down enough not to harm me TOO seriously.
LM has complained about her money issues before, so I don't feel I'm out of line to say, "What if this were LM and Hermione?"

Step 1: LM would have been communicating with us the whole time about Hermione's payment. I've been being kind because it is my nature, but this woman didn't even tell us she wasn't going to pay. She just put in the first payment, stopped paying, and it was the daughter who had to say, "Yes, I'm still planning on going. I guess we need some help with money."

Step 2: Had LM come into some cash, she would have talked to us and asked us how we wanted to manage her payments.

Step 3: Had LM NOT come into cash, she would have contacted us and asked, "I can't pay for my own way, but can I help in some other way? Some cooking? Sewing? Picking something up for you?"
And someone who did that would be a 100% guaranteed, "Yes, this person is going on this trip," because that is EXACTLY who we need as a chaperone.

Giving us money games and dead silence is NOT the way to get us to trust you.

Aww, NH, now you're just gonna make me cry.

The Exchange

NobodysHome wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:


The only thing I can use in her defense is that maybe circumstances *have* changed in that month. You have presented no way of knowing they haven't.

Otherwise...your logic seems sound.

Edit: Tax Return could have happened.

Oh, yeah. There are all kinds of ways she could have had a windfall and suddenly had enough to afford it. But in that case I'd expect her steps to be:

(1) Pay back the scholarship so that another kid can use it
(2) If there's any left, pay for herself.

Paying for herself before paying back the scholarship doesn't sit well with me even if her financial situation has changed.

To be honest, despite your explanations the stuff about paying for her own trip and getting her daughter sponsored....I don't understand why and how the system works, so I don't wish to venture any judgements lest I give the wrong advice and sound like an idiot.

Down here I don't think we do any parent chaperones so...

The Exchange

I don't think I can pull off tube yet. I still have some tummy. I know V-neck work pretty well for me, but also thing to note is some of my dresses may have gotten loose(I need to check), and my shoulders did get a bit broader, so fitting into stuff for skinny gals might be a problem. Also my arms aren't exactly skinny these days and definitely don't have the smooth, soft look.

Just a Mort wrote:
I don't think I can pull off tube yet. I still have some tummy. I know V-neck work pretty well for me, but also thing to note is some of my dresses may have gotten loose(I need to check), and my shoulders did get a bit broader, so fitting into stuff for skinny gals might be a problem. Also my arms aren't exactly skinny these days and definitely don't have the smooth, soft look.

I have no idea what you are talking about. You look absolutely amazing to me. Not in a lecherous way, mind, just that you seem quite fit. In better shape than me, at least.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
So does the fact no time traveler has every been witnessed prove that time travel is impossible or that its heavily regulated or that we die out before we could ever get to that point. I suppose it could be that we are just on the time line that was before it was discovered and creating another time line is like creating another universe so No one in the time travelers actual past would be able to see him go back but rather a different universe splits off every time he does. Kind of like in back to the future 2.

It proves that time travel is a human fantasy that has never and will never happen.

Freehold DM wrote:
Something sounds off here. You sound incredibly suspicious if this woman for some reason, and she sounds like she doesn't have all the information or funds for this trip. Maybe she doesn't trust her daughter to go on her own? I dont know. But something sounds off.

I prefer "judgmental".

Over the 6 years I've been doing this, we've had students arrested, students gone missing, students with medical emergencies, students with emotional breakdowns, half-naked students lying in great big piles in the hotel rooms, etc.

And the consistent pattern in the issues we've had is, "Chaperones who don't pay attention, who don't take their jobs seriously, or who make poor decisions."

So my job is to take our pool of 13 potential chaperones and cut it down to 8. I'm looking for reasons to cut people. Strange decisions regarding paying for the trip is a reason for me. As you say, there's something "off" about the way she's doing things.

For me, that's enough reason to cut her from the list, because I don't have any other people on the list with such issues.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
My son asked me what I want for Father's Day this year. I said "A time machine and a condom".

Yeah, I've said similar things to the Impii many, many times in the past.

Of course, they mock me as well, so it's all good.

Just a Mort wrote:
The crocodile nuggets were surprisingly good.

Weird. I've had alligator and the flavor is fine, but it's like eating meat-flavored rubber.

Not as bad as jellyfish, but still not something I'd eat unless I had to.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy super belated B-day my red dragony polish friend!

Note: Whoa, polish and polish are spelled the same!...polish as in from poland and polish as in polishing a diamond! Mind Blow!

...Also I have a marijuana addiction.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

You guys are in rare form. Every freaking time I check in of late it's like two pages or more of updates. Sorry I haven't been able to keep up.

Found the first one of my uber-right-wing "I hate anyone who isn't my religion, but my religion says not to hate, so I do so in the name of defending my religion itself, as if the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent entity I claim to worship is incapable of defending himself" coworkers.

I'm going to preempt this by saying "yes, I know FB sucks" - but I stay on to communicate with my mom, mainly, and a few family members beyond that. I don't really log in most times, and I rarely update, but my new boss has a Facebook group for employees at the school, and she updates lots of good ideas for kids there, so she asked to add me. I did. She isn't the issue.

A few days later a coworker adds me. She's nice enough in person. I mean, we're all preschool teachers, how bad can we be, right?

I just saw my third right-wing meme, this one blatantly anti-Muslim, and I mean...I'm blocking her, but before I unfriend, there's this part of me that wants to post:

"So, I was at the bank yesterday, getting money converted to Canadian for a trip. I thought the conversion rate was too high, and was frustrated, but then I remembered 'WWJD'? So - I flipped the banker's desks and tables, then pulled out a whip I made and started chasing people around cracking them with it. Remember folks, that's always an option he showed us."

...just to be a smartass.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just had a guy try to check in, but his card was declined. I told him it was declined and he said "I know. That card doesn't have any cash on it. Can you just give me the room and I'll pay cash in the morning." No, I need a valid card to hold the room, then you can pay cash in the morning. After begging a bit, he says "Well, does it have to be my card? I can give you someone else's." (What? Why do you have someone else's credit card?) And yes, it has to be your card. So he fiddles on his phone for a bit doing I don't know what, and then leaves.

If he has cash can't he pay now? Where does he expect to find cash during the night?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:

Happy super belated B-day my red dragony polish friend!

Note: Whoa, polish and polish are spelled the same!...polish as in from poland and polish as in polishing a diamond! Mind Blow!



They are not. One is spelled polish and the other Polish :P



I might be too dedicated to getting a (bit of) living using English language professionally.

NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Something sounds off here. You sound incredibly suspicious if this woman for some reason, and she sounds like she doesn't have all the information or funds for this trip. Maybe she doesn't trust her daughter to go on her own? I dont know. But something sounds off.

I prefer "judgmental".

Over the 6 years I've been doing this, we've had students arrested,

Go on...

Hi,, everyone.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:
...Also I have a marijuana addiction.

That's impossible.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Something sounds off here. You sound incredibly suspicious if this woman for some reason, and she sounds like she doesn't have all the information or funds for this trip. Maybe she doesn't trust her daughter to go on her own? I dont know. But something sounds off.

I prefer "judgmental".

Over the 6 years I've been doing this, we've had students arrested,

Go on...

I thought I'd posted about this one already:

NobodysHome's Story Time:
Waaay back on maybe Impus Major's 7th grade Great America trip (so all of 5 years ago or so), I was doing a routine circuit of the park when I heard a commotion and saw some of our kids involved with a couple of security officers. I immediately went over, identified myself as their chaperone, and asked what the issue was.

One of the kids had passed a counterfeit $10 bill, and of course the low-grade, low-paid security thought this would be his "big break" so he was treating it as if he'd busted a massive money-laundering scheme. He kept insisting that it was still a felony, whether or not the kid knew the bill was fake, talked about trying him as an adult, etc., etc., etc., doing his utmost to escalate the situation. And of course the kid was freaking out.

So, years of being harassed by the police have trained me well in their ways. "So, I guess the next step would be for you to take us in back and contact your superior officer. Then you're going to take all of our information..."
...and I slowly and methodically guided him through booking us properly instead of being an a$$hat. Of course, once things were going smoothly the kid calmed down and we quickly learned that he'd brought nothing but $20 bills to the park, so he'd received the $10 bill as change at one of the stalls. Eventually I got the kid released as a witness, not as a criminal, and it was all relatively fine; other than him losing about an hour of his day in the park for the idiocy.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm glad I'm done work, for today.

Who knows what tomorrow brings.

I told the boss yesterday if he gets us some of those brick molds they have for snow we can start building walls, and if he got us some food coloring the only limit is our imagination, and spring.

He liked that.

NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
The crocodile nuggets were surprisingly good.

Weird. I've had alligator and the flavor is fine, but it's like eating meat-flavored rubber.

Not as bad as jellyfish, but still not something I'd eat unless I had to.

I love gator, especially fried. My parents managed to find a place selling it and got me some as a part of a Christmas gift this past year.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

You guys are in rare form. Every freaking time I check in of late it's like two pages or more of updates. Sorry I haven't been able to keep up.

Found the first one of my uber-right-wing "I hate anyone who isn't my religion, but my religion says not to hate, so I do so in the name of defending my religion itself, as if the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent entity I claim to worship is incapable of defending himself" coworkers.

I'm going to preempt this by saying "yes, I know FB sucks" - but I stay on to communicate with my mom, mainly, and a few family members beyond that. I don't really log in most times, and I rarely update, but my new boss has a Facebook group for employees at the school, and she updates lots of good ideas for kids there, so she asked to add me. I did. She isn't the issue.

A few days later a coworker adds me. She's nice enough in person. I mean, we're all preschool teachers, how bad can we be, right?

I just saw my third right-wing meme, this one blatantly anti-Muslim, and I mean...I'm blocking her, but before I unfriend, there's this part of me that wants to post:

"So, I was at the bank yesterday, getting money converted to Canadian for a trip. I thought the conversion rate was too high, and was frustrated, but then I remembered 'WWJD'? So - I flipped the banker's desks and tables, then pulled out a whip I made and started chasing people around cracking them with it. Remember folks, that's always an option he showed us."

...just to be a smartass.

VE gets all the cookies today.

Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
The crocodile nuggets were surprisingly good.

Weird. I've had alligator and the flavor is fine, but it's like eating meat-flavored rubber.

Not as bad as jellyfish, but still not something I'd eat unless I had to.

I love gator, especially fried. My parents managed to find a place selling it and got me some as a part of a Christmas gift this past year.

The only time I've ever had fried gator tail, it tasted both muddy and fishy. Since I know that the flavor of duck can vary widely between fishy and not, and mussels/clams can taste muddy or not depending on how they are stored/filtered, I would like to know how gator is *supposed* to taste and if I just had a bad experience.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

LM, I believe you had a bad experience. The gator that I've had tasted somewhere between buttered pork and chicken. I didn't have the rubbery experience that NH had either.

The Majordomo, a fiendish NPC.

Scarab Sages

Just a Mort wrote:
Woran wrote:

Petting the bearded dragon amd the snake was cool. Ive petted a bearded dragon before, but more petting is more better.

The snake was amazing. The difference between the scales at the top and the scales at their belly is amazing.

Meeting HMM was cool. I had met her before at paizocon 2017 when we gamed together. She didnt have purple hair. But she did have purple cat ear headband.

Did the bearded dragon or snake twitch when you petted them? And are the scales on top of the snake tougher and harder then those at the belly? How did you manage to get it to reveal its soft underbelly to you?

They were pertty calm. I have friends with bearded dragons, so I know where they like their pettings.

The snake was on display with a handler. I have no qualms about joning a class of kids for a lecture and a meeting with an animal.
The handler carefully held the snake so we could each touch it in turn. Its also how I managed to touch its belly. They are dry and rough on top. Their bellies are smooth and almost rubber like in feel.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

EDIT: Yeah, yeah. I own a car. But I don't actually like to drive it anywhere I can easily walk, which is about a 1.5-mile radius.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Walking is good.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

It's not a formal scholarship, it's just, "I know the bill is $400, but I can only pay $150 right now. Is that OK?"

"Yeah, sure! And make up the rest when you can!"

And it gets noted in a notebook that $250 went to pay for her kid so we can track the budget.

So it really is just, "Yeah, I'm not going to cut you the rest of the check, even though you asked me to. Instead I'm going to pay for my own trip to increase my chances of getting chosen."

This might have been me/my mum back when I was that age.

We had no money growing up. I hardly new it, growing up on a farm gave me much of what I wanted as a kid anyway.
But we never had a vacation. The only trips we went on where school trips like this. And if by asking for a scholarship, and then paying part herself (so more or less the netto sum would be the same), I probably think my mum would have done it. So we could have something like a vacation, together.

There is a big stigma on being poor.

Of course, they could just be looking to be 'smart' about it. Too bad they didnt properly communicate about it.

Going off to have dinner and bed. 2:30 is far too early for my tastes.

Scarab Sages

Jet lag has gotten me good. I feel real crap. I should get back to my play by posts, but reading more then 10 sentences and trying to be coherent is quite challenging.

Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
I don't think I can pull off tube yet. I still have some tummy. I know V-neck work pretty well for me, but also thing to note is some of my dresses may have gotten loose(I need to check), and my shoulders did get a bit broader, so fitting into stuff for skinny gals might be a problem. Also my arms aren't exactly skinny these days and definitely don't have the smooth, soft look.
I have no idea what you are talking about. You look absolutely amazing to me. Not in a lecherous way, mind, just that you seem quite fit. In better shape than me, at least.

*Gives Mort pats and nuzzles*

I'm with Freehold on this one Kitty. You're fit, poised and cute looking, so I'll venture that you can probably make any dress look really good.

Woran wrote:
Jet lag has gotten me good. I feel real crap. I should get back to my play by posts, but reading more then 10 sentences and trying to be coherent is quite challenging.

*Sends nuzzles and pats to Woran too*

I hope you get over the laggy-ness quickly! Though I think your pbp peep could probably spare you for a couple of days, so waiting until you feel like you're back on your feet might be the best idea.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
The crocodile nuggets were surprisingly good.

Weird. I've had alligator and the flavor is fine, but it's like eating meat-flavored rubber.

Not as bad as jellyfish, but still not something I'd eat unless I had to.

You have no taste. Jellyfish is delicious!

The crocodile nuggets weren't rubbery at all.

The Exchange

Woran wrote:
Jet lag has gotten me good. I feel real crap. I should get back to my play by posts, but reading more then 10 sentences and trying to be coherent is quite challenging.

Take it from me, give yourself a break and later apologize for jetlag. I found PBPs eating up too much of a chunk of my life and now I'm cutting down on my PBP activities so I have more time to work out.

Also eventually all those RL things will add up and cause a breakdown, if they're not attended to.

Besides the last time I botted people's actions they weren't appreciative of it and demanded extra things that were never botted(why should I be doing more then minimum? I can't read your mind). No botting these days. If you take forever to do your turn, I can wait forever. Gives me more time to get on with my RL anyway.

The Exchange

Drejk wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just had a guy try to check in, but his card was declined. I told him it was declined and he said "I know. That card doesn't have any cash on it. Can you just give me the room and I'll pay cash in the morning." No, I need a valid card to hold the room, then you can pay cash in the morning. After begging a bit, he says "Well, does it have to be my card? I can give you someone else's." (What? Why do you have someone else's credit card?) And yes, it has to be your card. So he fiddles on his phone for a bit doing I don't know what, and then leaves.
If he has cash can't he pay now? Where does he expect to find cash during the night?

Paywave? My BF pays things using his handphone. Maybe he was trying to get his paywave or whatever it is working, then gave up?

The Exchange

NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Something sounds off here. You sound incredibly suspicious if this woman for some reason, and she sounds like she doesn't have all the information or funds for this trip. Maybe she doesn't trust her daughter to go on her own? I dont know. But something sounds off.

I prefer "judgmental".

Over the 6 years I've been doing this, we've had students arrested, students gone missing, students with medical emergencies, students with emotional breakdowns, half-naked students lying in great big piles in the hotel rooms, etc.

And the consistent pattern in the issues we've had is, "Chaperones who don't pay attention, who don't take their jobs seriously, or who make poor decisions."

So my job is to take our pool of 13 potential chaperones and cut it down to 8. I'm looking for reasons to cut people. Strange decisions regarding paying for the trip is a reason for me. As you say, there's something "off" about the way she's doing things.

For me, that's enough reason to cut her from the list, because I don't have any other people on the list with such issues.

If you think she won't be good chaperone material(since one of the things about being a chaperone is good communication skills), then with your experience, you made the right call.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

"So, we're playing this game where I try to see how long I can go without talking" -Tiny T-Rex

"Why?" The General asked

"I don't know, Crookshanks told me we were playing that".

Woran wrote:
Jet lag has gotten me good. I feel real crap. I should get back to my play by posts, but reading more then 10 sentences and trying to be coherent is quite challenging.

Now you understand how I feel after shoveling snow for 18 hours.

The Exchange

NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Something sounds off here. You sound incredibly suspicious if this woman for some reason, and she sounds like she doesn't have all the information or funds for this trip. Maybe she doesn't trust her daughter to go on her own? I dont know. But something sounds off.

I prefer "judgmental".

Over the 6 years I've been doing this, we've had students arrested,

Go on...

I thought I'd posted about this one already:

** spoiler omitted **...

Minors, and since they're like the age of 5 cannot be liable of criminal offences, for the reason they are too young to know what they are doing, so they can't have the actus reus component(blameworthy state of mind) of committing a crime.

The Exchange

captain yesterday wrote:

"So, we're playing this game where I try to see how long I can go without talking" -Tiny T-Rex

"Why?" The General asked

"I don't know, Crookshanks told me we were playing that".

Bald-faced ploy to get Tiny T-Rex to shut up. Because little brothers can be very noisy.

The Exchange

Kjeldorn wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
I don't think I can pull off tube yet. I still have some tummy. I know V-neck work pretty well for me, but also thing to note is some of my dresses may have gotten loose(I need to check), and my shoulders did get a bit broader, so fitting into stuff for skinny gals might be a problem. Also my arms aren't exactly skinny these days and definitely don't have the smooth, soft look.
I have no idea what you are talking about. You look absolutely amazing to me. Not in a lecherous way, mind, just that you seem quite fit. In better shape than me, at least.

*Gives Mort pats and nuzzles*

I'm with Freehold on this one Kitty. You're fit, poised and cute looking, so I'll venture that you can probably make any dress look really good.

Woran wrote:
Jet lag has gotten me good. I feel real crap. I should get back to my play by posts, but reading more then 10 sentences and trying to be coherent is quite challenging.

*Sends nuzzles and pats to Woran too*

I hope you get over the laggy-ness quickly! Though I think your pbp peep could probably spare you for a couple of days, so waiting until you feel like you're back on your feet might be the best idea.

Actually dressing is also a bit of a science. You won't look good in everything. Some things will just look better on you then others. Like I don't pull off the colour yellow well, but I look good in dark colours such as dark blue, dark green, magenta, black, because of my fair(relatively) complexion. I'll note that I look better in dark green then dark blue, because some shades of navy can end up with me looking a little faded.

Body shape is also the same. Different styles emphasize different parts of your body - tubes emphasize every curve you have, so if you have any unsightly curves, it'll show up. Also, sometimes the blocky, muscular look for girls isn't so desirable, not that I'm there yet, but there are some leanings in that direction.

And Kjeldorn...I'm always hungry lol =P Om Nom Nom Nom Nom.

Tiny T-Rex has a phenomenal group of kids in his class, so much so that the teacher says her biggest problem is they talk and joke too much and they get distracted by dancing.

The Exchange

Woran wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Woran wrote:

Petting the bearded dragon amd the snake was cool. Ive petted a bearded dragon before, but more petting is more better.

The snake was amazing. The difference between the scales at the top and the scales at their belly is amazing.

Meeting HMM was cool. I had met her before at paizocon 2017 when we gamed together. She didnt have purple hair. But she did have purple cat ear headband.

Did the bearded dragon or snake twitch when you petted them? And are the scales on top of the snake tougher and harder then those at the belly? How did you manage to get it to reveal its soft underbelly to you?

They were pertty calm. I have friends with bearded dragons, so I know where they like their pettings.

The snake was on display with a handler. I have no qualms about joning a class of kids for a lecture and a meeting with an animal.
The handler carefully held the snake so we could each touch it in turn. Its also how I managed to touch its belly. They are dry and rough on top. Their bellies are smooth and almost rubber like in feel.

I enjoy going with kids, because usually the guide will give the kids all kinds of interesting facts about the animal in question, which I like picking up. You see, cats don't like belly rubs, so I was guessing that snakes might not either - so if you picked one up yourself, best to stick to the more conservative petting sites.

The Exchange

captain yesterday wrote:
Tiny T-Rex has a phenomenal group of kids in his class, so much so that the teacher says her biggest problem is they talk and joke too much and they get distracted by dancing.

Sounds like my nephew, getting distracted by dancing. If you play music, he will dance lol.

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