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The Exchange

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Pretty much. I have transmute flour to pizza spell! The material components are Flour, Milk, Mozarella cheese, Ham, Yeast, Tomato puree, cubed tomatoes, a little butter, onions and garlic. Focus components are an oven, two large bowls, one small bowl, one large baking tray. Casting time is about 3 hours.

Oh I also have the *Clothes apparition* spell

*Looks at nekkid self, then gets dressed*

I swear that gets you and John more then anyone else.

The Exchange

It occasionally gets you too

I really don't get to use that alias often enough.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"I'm going to call you 2018 Jesus" - Guy loading me up at the materials yard.

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Happy Birthday your Lordship!

The Exchange

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Happy belated birthday Lord Synos!

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Happy birthday, oh great game gift giver!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday, Lord Synos!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
How would energy rapiers be that much different? I mean count Dooku's was pretty close.

Thrusty rather than cutty.

Proper hand protection.

Not held with both hands.

Different aesthetic, too.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
Hmm there seems to be a large prevalence of martial art practitioners in the US. I wonder why.

My reasons were similar to Vanykrye's: Picked on throughout middle and high school, so took it up as self-defense, then got humiliated in my first tournament so kicked it into high gear. By the time we got to my 5-year high school reunion I was confident I could trounce any of my former bullies.

Except they'd all turned into fat, lazy, alcoholic, unemployed losers.

I didn't need any revenge. They were just universally sad human beings.

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Happy bday Synos =)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:


*gobbles up the mint and chocolate chip icecream Kjeldorn provided*

How'd you know I love mint and chocolate chip icecream?

*Offers back scratch*

Cause you're a sweet-toothed kitty?

Cause it was what I was munching at the time?

Cause I guessed you might like it?

Cause I have small robotic listening devices, disguised as various exotic animals and insects, sent out to follow you around 24/7




LordSynos wrote:
Was my birthday yesterday, exciting times. :D Kidlet and fiance had a doughnut cake waiting for me after work. :D Then played in a PbtA RPG over Discord/Google Hangouts with a couple friends of mine. Pretty good night. :)

First off belated happy b-day Synos!

Secondly, yesterday was my birthday too…
Though all I did to celebrate was cook myself a large steak w. baked potatoes. Afterward I had myself a large glass of Rum (a El Dorado 21Y).

*Slight Sigh*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy belated birthday, Lord Synos!

7 people marked this as a favorite.

It's always amazing to me just how much culture and practices vary even within a fairly strictly-defined community: Caucasian kids raised in Albany.

So I was always taught that when you went to a friend's house and his or her parents offered you dinner, you:
- Politely ate the first serving, whether or not it was nasty
- Politely asked for seconds if you wanted them
- Stopped there so as not to be considered a greedy pig

Admittedly, this might have been born of my Depression-era parents buying only a set amount of food, thus ensuring that if you ate your fill, someone else would go hungry.

So last night we had a guest (who shall remain nameless), and I made spaghetti and meatballs for the three of them (the two Impii and the guest), including a pound and a half of ground beef, a pound of dried spaghetti, and 3 cups of sauce. The kids each had their first servings. Then our guest, without asking, went back for seconds. Then thirds. Then fourths. Until the meal that typically gives us leftovers for 2-3 nights was entirely devoured.

On the one hand, I'm sure his family raised him differently: He has 4 or 5 older brothers and I'm sure it was much more of a feeding frenzy at his place. And it's nice not to have to deal with leftovers.

But for me, it's odd to be at a friend's house and to be helping yourself to fourths, finishing off all the food, without so much as a "by your leave" or "did anyone else want any"?

Different families, different cultures...

(I'm trying to be clear that I'm not angry about it, just kind of surprised and perplexed, because I was always taught that eating all the food at someone else's house was rude, so it's interesting to see someone for whom that was definitely not the case.)

I never learned martial arts.

I also wasn't picked on in high school.

But I also moved to a new town 4 hours to the south right before high school and already had long hair.

So yeah, I rather enjoyed high school, even if I didn't learn a damn thing. :-)

Vomited last night, possibly due to moldy dates. Do dates grow mold?

The problem with anosmia is you can't smell bad food, and often can't taste it either.

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NobodysHome wrote:

It's always amazing to me just how much culture and practices vary even within a fairly strictly-defined community: Caucasian kids raised in Albany.


But for me, it's odd to be at a friend's house and to be helping yourself to fourths, finishing off all the food, without so much as a "by your leave" or "did anyone else want any"?

Different families, different cultures...

(I'm trying to be clear that I'm not angry about it, just kind of surprised and perplexed, because I was always taught that eating all the food at someone else's house was rude, so it's interesting to see someone for whom that was definitely not the case.)

Admittedly this never came up for me growing up, as my brother and I were scrawny as kids and tiny compared to our respective best friends. So when we'd visit their homes, their families had cooked with far-larger kids in mind, and thus we were always encouraged to take more and regularly asked "are you sure you've had enough?" a time or two before the meal was finished.

That said, manners as taught by our parents didn't touch on the subject much but asking for further helpings seems to have been something taught or strongly implied along the way. I don't remember ever specifically being told the etiquette of visiting dining, but I would be inclined to agree with your upbringing's definition of food-related rudeness.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

*Munches on more mint and chocolate chip ice-cream*

Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Vomited last night, possibly due to moldy dates. Do dates grow mold?

The problem with anosmia is you can't smell bad food, and often can't taste it either.

No idea…

Thought if I was to pull answer out of my ass, I'd say yes. I think molds are either fungi or microbes (unicellular "things"), that draw sustenance from other carbon-based matter, so they should theoretically be able to "grow" on all kind of plant, fungus and animal life.

That said…
Dammit Jim, I'm a stable-boy/failed historian! Not a biologist!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
That said, manners as taught by our parents didn't touch on the subject much but asking for further helpings seems to have been something taught or strongly implied along the way. I don't remember ever specifically being told the etiquette of visiting dining, but I would be inclined to agree with your upbringing's definition of food-related rudeness.

Ditto. I don't recall being taught this but it is something I'll do with some exceptions (with some friends we reached the point where going to kitchen and making oneself tea without asking is the norm, though unspoken expectation is to ask others if they want tea too).

On the other hand whenever my parents heard I was sitting with friends I was usually asked if I was offered any food.

NobodysHome wrote:

It's always amazing to me just how much culture and practices vary even within a fairly strictly-defined community: Caucasian kids raised in Albany.

So I was always taught that when you went to a friend's house and his or her parents offered you dinner, you:
- Politely ate the first serving, whether or not it was nasty
- Politely asked for seconds if you wanted them
- Stopped there so as not to be considered a greedy pig

Admittedly, this might have been born of my Depression-era parents buying only a set amount of food, thus ensuring that if you ate your fill, someone else would go hungry.

So last night we had a guest (who shall remain nameless), and I made spaghetti and meatballs for the three of them (the two Impii and the guest), including a pound and a half of ground beef, a pound of dried spaghetti, and 3 cups of sauce. The kids each had their first servings. Then our guest, without asking, went back for seconds. Then thirds. Then fourths. Until the meal that typically gives us leftovers for 2-3 nights was entirely devoured.

On the one hand, I'm sure his family raised him differently: He has 4 or 5 older brothers and I'm sure it was much more of a feeding frenzy at his place. And it's nice not to have to deal with leftovers.

But for me, it's odd to be at a friend's house and to be helping yourself to fourths, finishing off all the food, without so much as a "by your leave" or "did anyone else want any"?

Different families, different cultures...

(I'm trying to be clear that I'm not angry about it, just kind of surprised and perplexed, because I was always taught that eating all the food at someone else's house was rude, so it's interesting to see someone for whom that was definitely not the case.)

I would probably not have gone back for 3rds. Maybe sexonds, as this is your cooking we are talking about. If it was gothbard's cooking, I would have brought some guys with me, as war would erupt over who got the last bite.

More seriously, different cultures are different.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Vomited last night, possibly due to moldy dates. Do dates grow mold?

The problem with anosmia is you can't smell bad food, and often can't taste it either.

If you like your women undead, then yeah.

Silver Crusade

Afternoon, all. What did I miss?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday, Lord Synos!!

We're short on pavers, grrr.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

First off, read through my last few posts...
I hate auto-correct.
Will re-read my posts before posting, as those errors offend me.

Freehold DM wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Vomited last night, possibly due to moldy dates. Do dates grow mold?

The problem with anosmia is you can't smell bad food, and often can't taste it either.

If you like your women undead, then yeah.

*Raises hand, and starts to open mouth, but re-thinks and puts his hand down, slightly crestfallen*

You know, I have a lot of wacky and sexy ideas about undead women…
But that might get slightly uncomfortable, so...yea.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday Synos!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
The Game Hamster wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

I don't have any issues with Star Wars episode 8 and 9.

Anything's better then Yuuzhan Vong.

I thought they sounded neat.

I didn't read the novels, but they still seemed like a cool idea.

You see once the Yuuzhan Vong came into the picture it all ended up as an intergalatical war where good people died. And the horrors of war irreparably corrupted good people(think PTSD), and lead to some rather nasty stuff in legacy of the force series.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Which really made the whole thing too dark for my taste. So anything without Yuuzhan Vong is a good thing!

Sorry, Mort, but Anakin, Jacen, and Jaina are the children of Han and Leia. Because their last names are Solo, and not Skywalker.

Hi, everyone.

Dumbest question this week.

"will grass grow up through that sand" he said about my half inch layer of sand on his vacant lot.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
The Game Hamster wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

I don't have any issues with Star Wars episode 8 and 9.

Anything's better then Yuuzhan Vong.

I thought they sounded neat.

I didn't read the novels, but they still seemed like a cool idea.

You see once the Yuuzhan Vong came into the picture it all ended up as an intergalatical war where good people died. And the horrors of war irreparably corrupted good people(think PTSD), and lead to some rather nasty stuff in legacy of the force series.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Which really made the whole thing too dark for my taste. So anything without Yuuzhan Vong is a good thing!

Sorry, Mort, but Anakin, Jacen, and Jaina are the children of Han and Leia. Because their last names are Solo, and not Skywalker.

Also, ew.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

It's always amazing to me just how much culture and practices vary even within a fairly strictly-defined community: Caucasian kids raised in Albany.

So I was always taught that when you went to a friend's house and his or her parents offered you dinner, you:
- Politely ate the first serving, whether or not it was nasty
- Politely asked for seconds if you wanted them
- Stopped there so as not to be considered a greedy pig

Admittedly, this might have been born of my Depression-era parents buying only a set amount of food, thus ensuring that if you ate your fill, someone else would go hungry.

So last night we had a guest (who shall remain nameless), and I made spaghetti and meatballs for the three of them (the two Impii and the guest), including a pound and a half of ground beef, a pound of dried spaghetti, and 3 cups of sauce. The kids each had their first servings. Then our guest, without asking, went back for seconds. Then thirds. Then fourths. Until the meal that typically gives us leftovers for 2-3 nights was entirely devoured.

On the one hand, I'm sure his family raised him differently: He has 4 or 5 older brothers and I'm sure it was much more of a feeding frenzy at his place. And it's nice not to have to deal with leftovers.

But for me, it's odd to be at a friend's house and to be helping yourself to fourths, finishing off all the food, without so much as a "by your leave" or "did anyone else want any"?

Different families, different cultures...

(I'm trying to be clear that I'm not angry about it, just kind of surprised and perplexed, because I was always taught that eating all the food at someone else's house was rude, so it's interesting to see someone for whom that was definitely not the case.)

I would probably not have gone back for 3rds. Maybe sexonds, as this is your cooking we are talking about. If it was gothbard's cooking, I would have brought some guys with me, as war would erupt over who got the last bite.

More seriously, different...

really autocorrect? After years of telling me that I want to tell people to go duck themselves, you miss this?

Yes, I am TOTALLY going to walk right past my handsome host and his amazingly hot wife and carnally plunge into the main course.

captain yesterday wrote:

Dumbest question this week.

"will grass grow up through that sand" he said about my half inch layer of sand on his vacant lot.

[guy from new york]...will it?[/guy from new york]

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Dumbest question this week.

"will grass grow up through that sand" he said about my half inch layer of sand on his vacant lot.

[guy from new york]...will it?[/guy from new york]

LOL. That question simply means you don't own a home.

Yeah, grass'll rip through half an inch of sand as if it weren't there. Or half an inch of concrete for that matter.

Grass is nasty stuff. Give it water and it'll rip through anything to get to daylight.

Except, apparently, black plastic garbage bags. Which is what all idiot homeowners did around here around 20 years ago to kill off all greenery, so we get to deal with blowing about bits of decayed black plastic everywhere.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy belated birthday, LordSynos.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday, Lord Synos!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone.

Hey John.

How are You?

Well, I'm kjeldorn-ish.
Not really good, not really bad...just kind of being.
Stupid depression/medication.
*Shakes fist*
Its a real help when you're feeling down, but when you're not, it makes you not feel much at all.

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Yesterday: A 3 1/2-hour company-wide meeting about what a great company we were, how much of a difference we make in the world, and how much we care about our customer.

Today: We finally have our image, so I'm testing our latest release, and yep, after five years of existence, NONE OF THE MENUS OR LISTS IN OUR PRODUCT ARE ALPHABETIZED.

Let me tell you just how FUN it is to scroll through a list of 150+ non-alphabetized entries to find the correct one, when every new set of 25 requires a few seconds to load...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Doing okay, Kjel. Had no free time during my day off, yesterday. Typical.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Doing okay, Kjel. Had no free time during my day off, yesterday. Typical.

'tis alright.

Just hope you had a nice day off, despite being busy.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the birthday wishes all, appreciate it. :)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kjeldorn wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Was my birthday yesterday, exciting times. :D Kidlet and fiance had a doughnut cake waiting for me after work. :D Then played in a PbtA RPG over Discord/Google Hangouts with a couple friends of mine. Pretty good night. :)

First off belated happy b-day Synos!

Secondly, yesterday was my birthday too…
Though all I did to celebrate was cook myself a large steak w. baked potatoes. Afterward I had myself a large glass of Rum (a El Dorado 21Y).

*Slight Sigh*

Thank you, and happy birthday to you too Kjeldorn. :)

NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Dumbest question this week.

"will grass grow up through that sand" he said about my half inch layer of sand on his vacant lot.

[guy from new york]...will it?[/guy from new york]

LOL. That question simply means you don't own a home.

Yeah, grass'll rip through half an inch of sand as if it weren't there. Or half an inch of concrete for that matter.

Grass is nasty stuff. Give it water and it'll rip through anything to get to daylight.

Except, apparently, black plastic garbage bags. Which is what all idiot homeowners did around here around 20 years ago to kill off all greenery, so we get to deal with blowing about bits of decayed black plastic everywhere.

no wonder bulbasaur is #001.

Kjeldorn wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Doing okay, Kjel. Had no free time during my day off, yesterday. Typical.

'tis alright.

Just hope you had a nice day off, despite being busy.

It was a nice day, despite running to different Grocery Stores for various things. Also, happy belated Birthday. *sigh* The things that I miss when I'm busy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Doing okay, Kjel. Had no free time during my day off, yesterday. Typical.

'tis alright.

Just hope you had a nice day off, despite being busy.
It was a nice day, despite running to different Grocery Stores for various things. Also, happy belated Birthday. *sigh* The things that I miss when I'm busy.

*Gives shoulder pat*

Nice to hear you had an overall good time.

Again, 'tis alright, I haven't really advertised my birthday much.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday, Kjeldorn!
(Tries to put candle in glass of rum. It sinks.)
(Tries to put candle in hot aebleskiver. The steam melts it.)
(Tries to put candle in ice cream. It keeps burning!)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Happy Birthday, Kjeldorn!

(Tries to put candle in glass of rum. It sinks.)
(Tries to put candle in hot ableskiver. The steam melts it.)
(Tries to put candle in ice cream. It keeps burning!)


NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Dumbest question this week.

"will grass grow up through that sand" he said about my half inch layer of sand on his vacant lot.

[guy from new york]...will it?[/guy from new york]

LOL. That question simply means you don't own a home.

Yeah, grass'll rip through half an inch of sand as if it weren't there. Or half an inch of concrete for that matter.

Grass is nasty stuff. Give it water and it'll rip through anything to get to daylight.

Except, apparently, black plastic garbage bags. Which is what all idiot homeowners did around here around 20 years ago to kill off all greenery, so we get to deal with blowing about bits of decayed black plastic everywhere.

The fact that he had his own company (or at the least a truck and homeless guy to work for him is what made it so ridiculously stupid.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Who keeps putting candles in my rum!

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