Drejk |
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If you can link me an online source, I'll certainly give it a look =)
What I wanted from Starfinder was a game that could have a wizard in the same party with a fighter pilot, and a paladin fighting side by side with a Jedi. To set expectations.
If take a technomancer (the more wizardly of the two casties) you could be a wizard* AND a fighter pilot!
*you get magic missile, fireball, lightning bolt,
haste, and, at 20th level wish.

Drejk |
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Its already there, I just haven't had a chance to sit down and look at it in detail.
I did look at a couple of the base classes and got a bit confused by the fact that HP is apparently done differently, but put it aside as "I'll figure it out later" and went on to scanning over the class abilities.
Hit Points are fixed value per level (5, 6, or 7). At 1st level you get extra 2, 4, or 6 points from your race. They work normally and can be healed with rest, Medicine, potions, and spells.
In addition to hit points you get Stamina Points, which are lost before hit points and can be easily regained by 10 minutes of rest and expenditure of a Resolve Point. You get Constitution modifier + 5, 6, or 7 points of Stamina points per level. Each day you get Resolve points pool equal to half your level plus the ability modifier of your class primary ability score. Some abilities and spells cost Resolve so not all of it will always go into recovery of Stamina.
Envoy has an ability that recovers Stamina, but in general there don't seem to be many option to regain it except for short rest.

Drejk |
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Yeah but it's a 6th level caster. Don't get me wrong, love my 6th level casters and think they're some of the best stuff Paizo puts together, especially in the balance department. But it's not what I tend to associate with wizards. ;)
Bah, those pesky wizards, the technomancer can teleport between planetary systems using 6th level spell! Take that you old bookworm! :P

Drejk |
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Drejk wrote:And you shall all cower before my reign of terror! cacklesIcyshadow wrote:Scint showed too.Orthos is back?!
Also, I've been away due to...
1) School
2) NaNoWriMo
...anyway, hope you all been doing well!
And she might or might not have gone to the dark morally questionable side.

John Napier 698 |
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If you can link me an online source, I'll certainly give it a look =)
What I wanted from Starfinder was a game that could have a wizard in the same party with a fighter pilot, and a paladin fighting side by side with a Jedi. To set expectations.
Sorry, there is no on-line version. It's available from DrivethruRPG. But since you specified having a Jedi, the d20 Star Wars RPG would also be worth a look. Try your local game shop for used copies.

NobodysHome |
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The kinds of things that make you sigh and shake your head at what AP writers must be smoking.
As the PCs travel through this area, the morlocks watch them stealthily from the ruins. The morlocks’ high Stealth skill makes them difficult to detect...
So... this would be a reasonable statement in Book 1 of an AP.
This is Book 5. The party is 13th level. Those wily morlocks with their +12 to Stealth in caverns are running around with a Stealth of all of 22.
Even the barbarian sees them just by taking 10. And even if I were generous enough to say that every last one of them is somehow taking 20 to get themselves to a 32, the party ranger still sees them with ease.
They're not "difficult to detect"; they're almost impossible not to.

Orthos |
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The kinds of things that make you sigh and shake your head at what AP writers must be smoking.
AP Writer wrote:As the PCs travel through this area, the morlocks watch them stealthily from the ruins. The morlocks’ high Stealth skill makes them difficult to detect...So... this would be a reasonable statement in Book 1 of an AP.
This is Book 5. The party is 13th level. Those wily morlocks with their +12 to Stealth in caverns are running around with a Stealth of all of 22.
Even the barbarian sees them just by taking 10. And even if I were generous enough to say that every last one of them is somehow taking 20 to get themselves to a 32, the party ranger still sees them with ease.
They're not "difficult to detect"; they're almost impossible not to.
Remember that Paizo deliberately has their writers not write with optimization in mind.
Even optimization as simple as "everyone take some ranks in perception."
They seem to expect only the rogue/ranger/other scout class character to have it and everyone else not to as "the scout has it", and for said scout not have it maxed nor have feats devoted to increasing it.
There's a reason I said I always go into Paizo APs expecting to need to rebuild almost every creature from scratch after the first book.

Orthos |
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Is it because you have a dickens of a time trying to get them to stand up.
Or is it just really hard to cut them out of the books.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not so I'll answer legitimately:
If I used the monsters as written they'd all die or be utterly incapacitated before the end of the first round. My players aren't (all) CharOps board level builders, but they know how to make effective characters and play tactically (to a degree). If I want them to have even a ghost of a chance, I need to either rebuild them to be far more efficient or replace them with something significantly higher level.

captain yesterday |
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I didn't think it was sarcastic, I was going for more oblivious, with a reference to paper dolls, like were popular when I was a kid.
Sorry it came out wrong!
I know why you rebuild them, I'd do the same if I had to.
I'm glad my party is willfully ignorant of optimization, I don't know what I'd do if everyone started casting see invisible, protection from evil, or even bear's endurance.
Cry, probably.

Freehold DM |
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Freehold's call to McDonald's customer service.
Freehold: Um yes, I'd like to return my McRib.
McDonald's customer service: And what seems to be the problem, sir.
Freehold: It wants to f*~*, like all the time.
McDonald's customer service: Did you try eating it sir.
Freehold: Yes, but it keeps wanting more.
I wouldn't return that mcrib.
Freehold DM |

Tacticslion wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Ok.
Audit over.
A few areas we will get 4 insread of 5 in, but no corrective actions that have anything to do with me directly.
Huzzah! Glad you survived!
Freehold DM wrote:I want my f%$&ing mcrib after that.I, uh... I think that's illegal in most continental United States.Colonel Whatever Day It Is wrote:Not to be That Guy, but wouldn't he have had to have said "I want to f~$& my McRib after that"
Unless you're implying the McRib has somehow gained sentience and has a propensity for f~@~ing.
Language is interesting, especially when you use cunning tricks to make multiple points.
But, uh, in this case, there are several possible interpretations.
1) The non-standard use of language was what you seemed to imply that I was saying. That is, he used a passive voice to suggest his desire for <CARNAL RELATIONS>* with the McRib. This was not my intent, but fair enough. It also isn't wrong, despite being non-standard.
2) The standard use of language that implies the McRib has a desire and actively opts towards <CARNAL RELATIONS>*. This was one of two possible things I was trying to imply.
3) The standard use of language that implies that the McRib being discussed is a device for the purpose of <CARNAL RELATIONS>*.
There may be other interpretations, but... language amirite?
* Please feel free to replace "<CARNAL RELATIONS>" with whatever it is you think Freehold's uncensored word to be; I am using the two as synonyms for the purpose of this conversation. Also, I am easily amused, and the "CARNAL"/"CARNIVOROUS" connection is one in a long line of things that amuses me.
EDIT 1: Mostly just for the habit/consistency at this point.
EDIT 2: John's creativity with interpretation below has created an interesting hypothetical link: (Fudge + McRib).
EDIT 3: I don't know, I'm mostly just counting down to four.
EDIT 4: Huh - this...
this is why English rules and math sucks.

Freehold DM |
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Ah, chemistry, you wonderful and vagrant mistress!
So, the whole purpose of curry paste is to soak your quickly-perishing spices (I'm looking at you, cinnamon and black pepper!) in a sea of salt and oil to trap the flavor for eternity. I recall one of the dojo members on a low-sodium diet looking in horror at the 4500 g of sodium in my run-of-the-mill curry, ignoring the fact that that was going in with 3 pounds of meat, 3 pounds of potatoes, 3 pounds of tomatoes, a pound of onions, a pound of peas, and a couple cups of liquid. If you eat THAT much curry at a single sitting, it's not the sodium you need to worry about!
Anyway, the point is, curry paste should be eternal -- the salt and oil is supposed to prevent the chemical breakdown of the other seasonings.
But I've been using Patak's for many, many years now, and I thought their vindaloo paste had gone seriously downhill, as the last few times I used paste that was 2-3 years old and the vindaloo came out... poorly.
This time I used fresh vindaloo paste bought just a couple of weeks ago, and the result was phenomenal.
So as is SO typical in Indian cuisine, what was originally a preservation mechanism seems to have turned into a flavor mechanism, and in the process lost its preservative capabilities.
Fascinating stuff!

Freehold DM |
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So today on FaWtL, we have:
Captain Yesterday in a jetpack with no pants on
Freehold DM having some sort of carnal relations with a McRib, though the wording calls into question just who is the instigator of said relations
TacticsLion running around impregnating fiendish hyendas
Seems about time for Crookshanks to drop in, eh?
that mcrib hit on me.

Freehold DM |
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Colonel Whatever Day It Is wrote:Tacticslion wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Ok.
Audit over.
A few areas we will get 4 insread of 5 in, but no corrective actions that have anything to do with me directly.
Huzzah! Glad you survived!
Freehold DM wrote:I want my f%$&ing mcrib after that.I, uh... I think that's illegal in most continental United States.Not to be That Guy, but wouldn't he have had to have said "I want to f++@ my McRib after that"
Unless you're implying the McRib has somehow gained sentience and has a propensity for f%!@ing.
And why would that come as such a surprise?
If anyone could Awaken a McRib and provoke it to Lustful Excesses merely by existing, it is Freehold.
great. Now I want an awakened sensuous sandwich as a companion.

Scintillae |
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Limeylongears wrote:great. Now I want an awakened sensuous sandwich as a companion.Colonel Whatever Day It Is wrote:Tacticslion wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Ok.
Audit over.
A few areas we will get 4 insread of 5 in, but no corrective actions that have anything to do with me directly.
Huzzah! Glad you survived!
Freehold DM wrote:I want my f%$&ing mcrib after that.I, uh... I think that's illegal in most continental United States.Not to be That Guy, but wouldn't he have had to have said "I want to f++@ my McRib after that"
Unless you're implying the McRib has somehow gained sentience and has a propensity for f%!@ing.
And why would that come as such a surprise?
If anyone could Awaken a McRib and provoke it to Lustful Excesses merely by existing, it is Freehold.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:>Limeylongears wrote:great. Now I want an awakened sensuous sandwich as a companion.Colonel Whatever Day It Is wrote:Tacticslion wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Ok.
Audit over.
A few areas we will get 4 insread of 5 in, but no corrective actions that have anything to do with me directly.
Huzzah! Glad you survived!
Freehold DM wrote:I want my f%$&ing mcrib after that.I, uh... I think that's illegal in most continental United States.Not to be That Guy, but wouldn't he have had to have said "I want to f++@ my McRib after that"
Unless you're implying the McRib has somehow gained sentience and has a propensity for f%!@ing.
And why would that come as such a surprise?
If anyone could Awaken a McRib and provoke it to Lustful Excesses merely by existing, it is Freehold.
it can join me and the prius on our adventures!

lynora |
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Finally got WiFi back today....but no time to take advantage of it. Still chasing that word count. And sleep. The kidlet has not respected the bathroom schedule this week and it’s costing me sleep. >.<
He keeps this up and he’s getting the second shower slot so he’s the only one who suffers when he runs late. :/

gran rey de los mono |
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At tonight's game, we met the two replacement PCs for the ones who died last week. So, they lost a Bard and a melee Fighter, and gained...a Paladin (with the Warrior of the Holy Light archetype) and a melee Fighter. As I predicted, the party now consists of 7 PCs with no spellcasting available, unless you count the Rogue who took the Minor Magic Rogue talent and chose Daze as her spell. And the only character with ranks in Use Magic Device is the Rogue, who has a mighty +7. So, not likely to be using too many magic items with that.
Also, I downed the Rogue and the replacement Fighter both tonight. At the end of the session, one of the players asked if they could hire a local low-level Cleric or Adept to follow them around. I said "Not in the middle of an Orc raid, no."

gran rey de los mono |
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I don't recall quite how we arrived at this conclusion, but it was decided that the Orc Skald wasn't using the sticks to bang the drum. Instead, he was tackle out and using the "drumstick" that nature gave him to pound it. When they killed him, the female Gnome Cavalier said she was taking it as a trophy.
Also, my players did get a good laugh out of my having the Skald inspire rage in his comrades by singing the Hokey Pokey in German.

Drejk |
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The kinds of things that make you sigh and shake your head at what AP writers must be smoking.
AP Writer wrote:As the PCs travel through this area, the morlocks watch them stealthily from the ruins. The morlocks’ high Stealth skill makes them difficult to detect...So... this would be a reasonable statement in Book 1 of an AP.
This is Book 5. The party is 13th level. Those wily morlocks with their +12 to Stealth in caverns are running around with a Stealth of all of 22.
Even the barbarian sees them just by taking 10. And even if I were generous enough to say that every last one of them is somehow taking 20 to get themselves to a 32, the party ranger still sees them with ease.
They're not "difficult to detect"; they're almost impossible not to.
Remember the +1 to Perception DC checks per 10 feet rule. You can be Stealthy at a right distance even against superior party. Stand behind the wall and you get +10 per feet of thickness. And take into account the light sources/vision types used by the party may make spotting them in the darkness (if there is darkness in the ruins) outright impossible.