Tacticslion |

captain yesterday wrote:....wow really? Not even hiding the disdain for melee now....Have you considered switching to Starfinder.
No full attacks (and with a -4 to hit if you want to attack twice).
You'd think so, but, so far, that seems to be entirely opposite of how it susses out in actual play.
(Might have something to do with a compressed-to-sixth-level spell list, and stronger limits on what casters can accomplish with those spells.)

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:....wow really? Not even hiding the disdain for melee now....Have you considered switching to Starfinder.
No full attacks (and with a -4 to hit if you want to attack twice).
I dunno, melee is still fun, you're just not going to obliterate everything in one hit is all (to be fair, they won't obliterate you if you don't obliterate it in one hit either).

Tacticslion |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Audit over.
A few areas we will get 4 insread of 5 in, but no corrective actions that have anything to do with me directly.
Huzzah! Glad you survived!
I want my f%$&ing mcrib after that.
I, uh... I think that's illegal in most continental United States.

Tacticslion |

Orthos wrote:I dunno, melee is still fun, you're just not going to obliterate everything in one hit is all (to be fair, they won't obliterate you if you don't obliterate it in one hit either).captain yesterday wrote:....wow really? Not even hiding the disdain for melee now....Have you considered switching to Starfinder.
No full attacks (and with a -4 to hit if you want to attack twice).
I will tell you both that, from what I gather from the SF forums, melee is one of the most successful over-all combat styles, but doesn't tend to eliminate combats (nor do casters, over-all, though, of course, some 'staples' that could are still present; it just helps that most martial-types have good will saves).

Colonel Whatever Day It Is |
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Freehold DM wrote:Ok.
Audit over.
A few areas we will get 4 insread of 5 in, but no corrective actions that have anything to do with me directly.
Huzzah! Glad you survived!
Freehold DM wrote:I want my f%$&ing mcrib after that.I, uh... I think that's illegal in most continental United States.
Not to be That Guy, but wouldn't he have had to have said "I want to f@&@ my McRib after that"
Unless you're implying the McRib has somehow gained sentience and has a propensity for f~+$ing.

lisamarlene |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Audit over.
A few areas we will get 4 insread of 5 in, but no corrective actions that have anything to do with me directly.
I want my f~&#ing mcrib after that.
For me, it's when the state licensing analyst walks through the door, but I know that pain. Soooo glad it ended well!

captain yesterday |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold's call to McDonald's customer service.
Freehold: Um yes, I'd like to return my McRib.
McDonald's customer service: And what seems to be the problem, sir.
Freehold: It wants to f!*@, like all the time.
McDonald's customer service: Did you try eating it sir.
Freehold: Yes, but it keeps wanting more.

Ninja-Assassin |
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Freehold DM wrote:Ok.
Audit over.
A few areas we will get 4 insread of 5 in, but no corrective actions that have anything to do with me directly.
Huzzah! Glad you survived!
Freehold DM wrote:I want my f%$&ing mcrib after that.I, uh... I think that's illegal in most continental United States.
Not to be That Guy, but wouldn't he have had to have said "I want to f~$& my McRib after that"
Unless you're implying the McRib has somehow gained sentience and has a propensity for f~@~ing.
Language is interesting, especially when you use cunning tricks to make multiple points.
But, uh, in this case, there are several possible interpretations.
1) The non-standard use of language was what you seemed to imply that I was saying. That is, he used a passive voice to suggest his desire for <CARNAL RELATIONS>* with the McRib. This was not my intent, but fair enough. It also isn't wrong, despite being non-standard.
2) The standard use of language that implies the McRib has a desire and actively opts towards <CARNAL RELATIONS>*. This was one of two possible things I was trying to imply.
3) The standard use of language that implies that the McRib being discussed is a device for the purpose of <CARNAL RELATIONS>*.
There may be other interpretations, but... language amirite?
* Please feel free to replace "<CARNAL RELATIONS>" with whatever it is you think Freehold's uncensored word to be; I am using the two as synonyms for the purpose of this conversation. Also, I am easily amused, and the "CARNAL"/"CARNIVOROUS" connection is one in a long line of things that amuses me.
EDIT 1: Mostly just for the habit/consistency at this point.
EDIT 2: John's creativity with interpretation below has created an interesting hypothetical link: (Fudge + McRib).
EDIT 3: I don't know, I'm mostly just counting down to four.
EDIT 4: Huh - this editing thing is taking its sweet, sweet time, today.

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

EDIT: This the debate referenced; I'm not talking about McRibs. Wait. That makes two debates about- DAGGUMMIT

NobodysHome |
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Ah, chemistry, you wonderful and vagrant mistress!
So, the whole purpose of curry paste is to soak your quickly-perishing spices (I'm looking at you, cinnamon and black pepper!) in a sea of salt and oil to trap the flavor for eternity. I recall one of the dojo members on a low-sodium diet looking in horror at the 4500 g of sodium in my run-of-the-mill curry, ignoring the fact that that was going in with 3 pounds of meat, 3 pounds of potatoes, 3 pounds of tomatoes, a pound of onions, a pound of peas, and a couple cups of liquid. If you eat THAT much curry at a single sitting, it's not the sodium you need to worry about!
Anyway, the point is, curry paste should be eternal -- the salt and oil is supposed to prevent the chemical breakdown of the other seasonings.
But I've been using Patak's for many, many years now, and I thought their vindaloo paste had gone seriously downhill, as the last few times I used paste that was 2-3 years old and the vindaloo came out... poorly.
This time I used fresh vindaloo paste bought just a couple of weeks ago, and the result was phenomenal.
So as is SO typical in Indian cuisine, what was originally a preservation mechanism seems to have turned into a flavor mechanism, and in the process lost its preservative capabilities.
Fascinating stuff!

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

So today on FaWtL, we have:
Seems about time for Crookshanks to drop in, eh?

Tequila Sunrise |
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During high school I got tired of hearing four-letter words -- I've become a lot more tolerant of them since then, but anyway -- so when I heard that one I'd deflate it by saying:
"F@%*ing [noun]: Fuh-king [noun pronunciation]. A [noun] used specifically for the purpose of f+*+ing."
So naturally I immediately went the route of Tacticslion's #3 upon reading Freehold's comment.

Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:I dunno, melee is still fun, you're just not going to obliterate everything in one hit is all (to be fair, they won't obliterate you if you don't obliterate it in one hit either).captain yesterday wrote:....wow really? Not even hiding the disdain for melee now....Have you considered switching to Starfinder.
No full attacks (and with a -4 to hit if you want to attack twice).
Well you won't one-hit things in PF either, unless you're a crazy good crit-happy barbarian or something. Hence why it was so important to get access to pounce or some other way of moving and full-attacking in the same round.

captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Well you won't one-hit things in PF either, unless you're a crazy good crit-happy barbarian or something. Hence why it was so important to get access to pounce or some other way of moving and full-attacking in the same round.Orthos wrote:I dunno, melee is still fun, you're just not going to obliterate everything in one hit is all (to be fair, they won't obliterate you if you don't obliterate it in one hit either).captain yesterday wrote:....wow really? Not even hiding the disdain for melee now....Have you considered switching to Starfinder.
No full attacks (and with a -4 to hit if you want to attack twice).
Now it's about knocking people off kilter and radioactive pinball dwarves.
At least for me.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:captain yesterday wrote:Well you won't one-hit things in PF either, unless you're a crazy good crit-happy barbarian or something. Hence why it was so important to get access to pounce or some other way of moving and full-attacking in the same round.Orthos wrote:I dunno, melee is still fun, you're just not going to obliterate everything in one hit is all (to be fair, they won't obliterate you if you don't obliterate it in one hit either).captain yesterday wrote:....wow really? Not even hiding the disdain for melee now....Have you considered switching to Starfinder.
No full attacks (and with a -4 to hit if you want to attack twice).
Now it's about knocking people off kilter and radioactive pinball dwarves.
At least for me.
Well, I mean, that goes without saying.

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:....wow really? Not even hiding the disdain for melee now....Have you considered switching to Starfinder.
No full attacks (and with a -4 to hit if you want to attack twice).
Actually its exactly the opposite. You add your level to weapon damage of each attack (starting at 3rd level). Fighter soldier and solarian get three attacks at higher levels, rogue operative gets four but finesse operative weapons only add half the level to damage. High level weapons can deal up to 14d8 melee or 12d10 damage heavy ranged (though much more likely is 5d12 for pistol and 12d8 for rifle), plus class bonuses which can reach +5 to +10.
Both spellcasting classes have 6 levels of spells. The damage spells don't scale with level (though they scale with spell level, . Because ability score increase is much harder (max 18 at 1st level, +1 at levels 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th, and max +6 from augmentations to one ability score, +4 to another, and +2 to third, which caps max ability score at 20th level to 28), the saving throw DC does not reach the ridiculous levels of Pathfinder.
In Starfinder, spellcaster wanting to deal damage, he is very likely to pull out a pistol and shoot... Yeah, low level spells deal more damage than most weapons but they are spent more quickly than batteries in weapons.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:captain yesterday wrote:....wow really? Not even hiding the disdain for melee now....Have you considered switching to Starfinder.
No full attacks (and with a -4 to hit if you want to attack twice).
Actually its exactly the opposite. You add your level to weapon damage of each attack.
Fightersoldier and solarion get three attacks at higher levels,rogueoperative gets four butfinesseoperative weapons only add half the level to damage. High level weapons can deal up to 14d8 melee or 12d10 damage heavy ranged (though much more likely is 5d12 for pistol and 12d8 for rifle), plus class bonuses which can reach +5 to +10.Both spellcasting classes have 6 levels of spells. The damage spells don't scale with level (though they scale with spell level, . Because ability score increase is much harder (max 18 at 1st level, +1 at levels 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th, and max +6 from augmentations to one ability score, +4 to another, and +2 to third, which caps max ability score at 20th level to 28), the saving throw DC does not reach the ridiculous levels of Pathfinder.
In Starfinder, spellcaster wanting to deal damage, he is very likely to pull out a pistol and shoot... Yeah, low level spells deal more damage than most weapons but they are spent more quickly than batteries in weapons.
The more I read about it the more Starfinder sounds like a completely different system with only vestigial similarity to Pathfinder. Given the entire point of going with PF for me and my group was to avoid having to learn a new system and still being able to make full use of most of our old content from 3.5, this is not reassuring.

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ah, chemistry, you wonderful and vagrant mistress!
So, the whole purpose of curry paste is to soak your quickly-perishing spices (I'm looking at you, cinnamon and black pepper!) in a sea of salt and oil to trap the flavor for eternity. I recall one of the dojo members on a low-sodium diet looking in horror at the 4500 g of sodium in my run-of-the-mill curry, ignoring the fact that that was going in with 3 pounds of meat, 3 pounds of potatoes, 3 pounds of tomatoes, a pound of onions, a pound of peas, and a couple cups of liquid. If you eat THAT much curry at a single sitting, it's not the sodium you need to worry about!
10 pounds of sodium to 11 pounds of the other ingredients? Sounds just about right :P

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Well you won't one-hit things in PF either, unless you're a crazy good crit-happy barbarian or something. Hence why it was so important to get access to pounce or some other way of moving and full-attacking in the same round.Orthos wrote:I dunno, melee is still fun, you're just not going to obliterate everything in one hit is all (to be fair, they won't obliterate you if you don't obliterate it in one hit either).captain yesterday wrote:....wow really? Not even hiding the disdain for melee now....Have you considered switching to Starfinder.
No full attacks (and with a -4 to hit if you want to attack twice).
PF two-handed wielders at 1st level usually are one-hit wonders (2d6+6 vs. average 5-10 hp of creatures with CR in 1/3-1/2). Fighting a full CR 1 opponent is a less, well, swingy, with their expected hit points of 15... Still possible though with buffs and Power Attack or simply a good roll. It doesn't look likely in Starfinder with lower initial damage.

Orthos |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:PF two-handed wielders at 1st level usually are one-hit wonders (2d6+6 vs. average 5-10 hp of creatures with CR in 1/3-1/2). Fighting a full CR 1 opponent is a less, well, swingy, with their expected hit points of 15... Still possible though with buffs and Power Attack or simply a good roll. It doesn't look likely in Starfinder with lower initial damage.captain yesterday wrote:Well you won't one-hit things in PF either, unless you're a crazy good crit-happy barbarian or something. Hence why it was so important to get access to pounce or some other way of moving and full-attacking in the same round.Orthos wrote:I dunno, melee is still fun, you're just not going to obliterate everything in one hit is all (to be fair, they won't obliterate you if you don't obliterate it in one hit either).captain yesterday wrote:....wow really? Not even hiding the disdain for melee now....Have you considered switching to Starfinder.
No full attacks (and with a -4 to hit if you want to attack twice).
True, I forget that as I don't run 1st level characters. I was admittedly thinking more in the 6-16 range, where you actually have those extra attacks to consider.

Limeylongears |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Ok.
Audit over.
A few areas we will get 4 insread of 5 in, but no corrective actions that have anything to do with me directly.
Huzzah! Glad you survived!
Freehold DM wrote:I want my f%$&ing mcrib after that.I, uh... I think that's illegal in most continental United States.Not to be That Guy, but wouldn't he have had to have said "I want to f++@ my McRib after that"
Unless you're implying the McRib has somehow gained sentience and has a propensity for f%!@ing.
And why would that come as such a surprise?
If anyone could Awaken a McRib and provoke it to Lustful Excesses merely by existing, it is Freehold.

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The more I read about it the more Starfinder sounds like a completely different system with only vestigial similarity to Pathfinder. Given the entire point of going with PF for me and my group was to avoid having to learn a new system and still being able to make full use of most of our old content from 3.5, this is not reassuring.
The majority of it is still here, there is more similarities than differences, and you can easily use a lot of old material (especially if you worry less about exact CR of monster and rely on eyeballing it you can use them as they are) though effects could be occasionally unpredictable when it comes to balance.