Tacticslion |

I feel that maybe, perhaps, Japanese anime doesn't quite understand or fully care about Judeo-Christian theology.
Dang it, Blue Exorcist.
I wish to qualify that statement. I am not saying, or suggesting, that the enemy is being disrespectful, and anyway. Point-in-in fact, it is actually being extremely respectful towards Christianity, Christian dogma, Christian theology, etc. It just doesn't fundamentally understand these things, and doesn't go to any particularly great links to try, either. It is not a bad anime, and I am not trying to suggest that it should feel bad. Rather, being somewhat amused at the whole spectacle, and how sometimes it seems to get so many things surprisingly correct, and then turn them into such a bizarre parody. But it was fun!
Edit: dang it,*gets dressed*!

NobodysHome |
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"Do you have to go to the bathroom?" -
Captain Yesterday to Tiny T-Rex, every day after school before we begin walking."No" - Tiny T-Rex, every day before we start walking.
"Dad, I really have to go to the bathroom!" - Tiny T-Rex, nearly every day, a block and a half later.
LOL. Oh, ye gods, do I remember THOSE days!
And to be clear to TacticsLion, I am not invoking the Judeo-Christian gods, as I realize that, trinity nothwithstanding, Judeo-Christianism is monotheistic, but...
...yeah, OK. I'm just having fun. But it beats housework!

lynora |
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Okay, someone needs to get the memo to Summer that it's supposed to be over now! It's usually just the three months, but we're in our fifth month of summer now, and apparently fall has been cancelled and I just need it to stop because it is literally making us sick. Seriously. The kidlet and I have gone for years now with our asthma symptoms well controlled, but thanks to the lingering warm weather and the insane pollen and mold counts it has spawned, we're both having very serious breathing difficulties. And after more than two weeks of listening to my kid struggling to breathe, I'm so done with this. But the forecast is predicting summer temperatures for at least the next ten days. What happened to fall?!!!
Freehold, you gotta get that weather dominator fixed! ;P

captain yesterday |
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Every year the DNR makes a fuss about the turkey and deer population of the park near Tiny T-Rex's school, and every year they have a "special hunt" in the park, and every year the turkeys and deer scatter into the surrounding neighborhoods and they never bag any turkeys or deer that they raffle tickets for.
Anyway, I expect to see a lot more turkeys and deer on our morning walks to school.

Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams |
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Okay, someone needs to get the memo to Summer that it's supposed to be over now! It's usually just the three months, but we're in our fifth month of summer now, and apparently fall has been cancelled and I just need it to stop because it is literally making us sick. Seriously. The kidlet and I have gone for years now with our asthma symptoms well controlled, but thanks to the lingering warm weather and the insane pollen and mold counts it has spawned, we're both having very serious breathing difficulties. And after more than two weeks of listening to my kid struggling to breathe, I'm so done with this. But the forecast is predicting summer temperatures for at least the next ten days. What happened to fall?!!!
Freehold, you gotta get that weather dominator fixed! ;P
Lets the air out of the weather dominator, sneaks off giggling like Snidely Whiplash.

Limeylongears |
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Thanks for the feedback, all.
Re: jumping in (Western) martial arts, I'm going to put something up on one of the HEMA FreeholdBook groups.
I suspect the answer will be 'Hahaha you daftie, of course not', but we'll see.
Aaand I was wrong.
Typically, the first reply I got pointed me towards a 15th century Spanish montante (greatsword, basically) treatise; apparently there's *a* play where you jump up in the air, twirl your bloody massive sword about and strike (paraphrasing slightly). Not common, though, and it helps if your blade is nearly as tall as you are, I imagine...

NobodysHome |
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So, what makes for an unproductive day at work?
Ah, well, looks like I'll get through at least 2 of the 6 docs I was supposed to get through today. That's something...

lisamarlene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, what makes for an unproductive day at work?
An annual physical to break up the morning
Impus Major staying home sick to make up the massive pile of homework he didn't get done over the weekend
A vast cloud of wildfire smoke giving you headache and a sore throat
As Lynora said, more summer. Though ours is usually only late August-early November, so it's no hotter than usual right now
Lots and lots of nit-picky comments on your doc that amount to, "OK, I prefer the word, 'that' to 'which' here." Grammatically correct and yes, I should fix it. But doing lots of those is not entertaining
Being told to add a ton of screenshots, when our mandate for many years has been, "Do not add screenshots unless they are absolutely essential, because they don't translate well."
Looking at a train wreck of a house from doing BBQ on Friday and Saturday (my ribs are a 2-day process) and thinking that you'd rather be cleaning than working
Ah, well, looks like I'll get through at least 2 of the 6 docs I was supposed to get through today. That's something...
Staying home sick?!?
It's a holiday!It's "Give an Indigenous Person Smallpox Day"!
Even *my* school is on holiday.

NobodysHome |
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So, I am utterly amazed that lisamarlene teaches at a school in California that still observes Columbus Day. Every school at which I ever taught had already banned it back in the late 1990s.
So, being a progressive state, there is NO holiday today so you cannot possibly even pretend it's Columbus Day.
Instead, the kids get Friday off as a "staff development day".
FAR more politically-correct for us Californians!

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:Beats me. My middle school history teacher only ever talked about Fighting Bob LaFollette, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't his fault.We do not.
Apparently someone other than Columbus gave us smallpox.
But who...
Looks at history book with suspicion.
Most likely from Al Capone, he loved using Wisconsin as a hideout

lisamarlene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, I am utterly amazed that lisamarlene teaches at a school in California that still observes Columbus Day. Every school at which I ever taught had already banned it back in the late 1990s.
So, being a progressive state, there is NO holiday today so you cannot possibly even pretend it's
Columbus Day.Instead, the kids get Friday off as a "staff development day".
FAR more politically-correct for us Californians!
My school is far from politically correct in many areas (when I started working there, they were still making construction paper "Indian feather" headdresses for the Thanksgiving lunch).

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Okay, someone needs to get the memo to Summer that it's supposed to be over now! It's usually just the three months, but we're in our fifth month of summer now, and apparently fall has been cancelled and I just need it to stop because it is literally making us sick. Seriously. The kidlet and I have gone for years now with our asthma symptoms well controlled, but thanks to the lingering warm weather and the insane pollen and mold counts it has spawned, we're both having very serious breathing difficulties. And after more than two weeks of listening to my kid struggling to breathe, I'm so done with this. But the forecast is predicting summer temperatures for at least the next ten days. What happened to fall?!!!
Freehold, you gotta get that weather dominator fixed! ;P
stumbles drunk out of knitting stripping club
Yeah, she can really cross stitch...
I mean, I'll get right on it...

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:I think I have 3 others lying around. That was just the best one. :-PAlso:
I have an electronic device with a meaningful quantity of storage!
And all of the keys work!Wow. Thank you, NH!
that's enough storage for me to keep all of my porn, pdfs, music, games, writing and con pics in the same place.
I would initiate/endure carnal relations with NobodysHome while Nobodyswife and lisamarlene watch for that kind of device.

lisamarlene |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:lisamarlene wrote:I think I have 3 others lying around. That was just the best one. :-PAlso:
I have an electronic device with a meaningful quantity of storage!
And all of the keys work!Wow. Thank you, NH!
that's enough storage for me to keep all of my porn, pdfs, music, games, writing and con pics in the same place.
I would initiate/endure carnal relations with NobodysHome while Nobodyswife and lisamarlene watch for that kind of device.
...and because my brain is ridiculously visual, you're in the penalty box and I'm not talking to you for at least a day. Maybe two.
Also, I'm giving Joss Whedon your phone number and telling him what a colossal fan you are.

Alton B., Cultist of Freehold |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:lisamarlene wrote:I think I have 3 others lying around. That was just the best one. :-PAlso:
I have an electronic device with a meaningful quantity of storage!
And all of the keys work!Wow. Thank you, NH!
that's enough storage for me to keep all of my porn, pdfs, music, games, writing and con pics in the same place.
I would initiate/endure carnal relations with NobodysHome while Nobodyswife and lisamarlene watch for that kind of device.
...and because my brain is ridiculously visual, you're in the penalty box and I'm not talking to you for at least a day. Maybe two.
Also, I'm giving Joss Whedon your phone number and telling him what a colossal fan you are.
Stops lathering chest with olive oil.
He told me I was his favorite! That son of a b**&$!!

Rosita the Riveter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

D: Santa Rosa got straight up OBLITERATED. I knew it was a major fire, but whole subdivisions literally burned down to the foundations, and they're using terms like "one of the worst fire events in state history" right now. We've got firefighting resources from San Mateo County driving up through San Francisco on the way to Santa Rosa with lights and sirens right now, it's so bad.

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

D: Santa Rosa got straight up OBLITERATED. I knew it was a major fire, but whole subdivisions literally burned down to the foundations, and they're using terms like "one of the worst fire events in state history" right now. We've got firefighting resources from San Mateo County driving up through San Francisco on the way to Santa Rosa with lights and sirens right now, it's so bad.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:lisamarlene wrote:I think I have 3 others lying around. That was just the best one. :-PAlso:
I have an electronic device with a meaningful quantity of storage!
And all of the keys work!Wow. Thank you, NH!
that's enough storage for me to keep all of my porn, pdfs, music, games, writing and con pics in the same place.
I would initiate/endure carnal relations with NobodysHome while Nobodyswife and lisamarlene watch for that kind of device.
...and because my brain is ridiculously visual, you're in the penalty box and I'm not talking to you for at least a day. Maybe two.
Also, I'm giving Joss Whedon your phone number and telling him what a colossal fan you are.
I, uh, could also not do those things!
Also, Whedon and I blocked each other's numbers already.
cleans penalty box

Freehold DM |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

D: Santa Rosa got straight up OBLITERATED. I knew it was a major fire, but whole subdivisions literally burned down to the foundations, and they're using terms like "one of the worst fire events in state history" right now. We've got firefighting resources from San Mateo County driving up through San Francisco on the way to Santa Rosa with lights and sirens right now, it's so bad.
my god.
Prayers to all affected.

Sharoth |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I have an electronic device with a meaningful quantity of storage!
And all of the keys work!Wow. Thank you, NH!
~thoughtful look~ Hmmnnn... Interesting. So begging and pleading does work. BUTTT... NH likes lisamarlene a LOT more than he likes me. ~shrugs~ Hey NobodysHome. If you have a spare gaming laptop with an NVidia video card on it that you are not using that would play Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Skyrim, then I would be more than willing to take it off your hands. ~give my best conniving smile~
j/k!!! Sort of.

Sharoth |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Rosita the Riveter wrote:D: Santa Rosa got straight up OBLITERATED. I knew it was a major fire, but whole subdivisions literally burned down to the foundations, and they're using terms like "one of the worst fire events in state history" right now. We've got firefighting resources from San Mateo County driving up through San Francisco on the way to Santa Rosa with lights and sirens right now, it's so bad.my god.
Prayers to all affected.
Damn. I am sorry to hear that.

John Napier 698 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I have an electronic device with a meaningful quantity of storage!
And all of the keys work!Wow. Thank you, NH!
I've got a 1 TB external drive. So I know exactly how much anime it could hold. You could use some of that storage for a sh*tload of virtual memory. Most processors could manage up to 64 GB of memory.

lisamarlene |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I remember when a 100 MB hard drive was huge.
I'm not EVEN going to admit how much I paid for my first 40 MB external hard drive for my Mac Plus.
I was in high school and I earned extra cash for peripherals by doing flyers and banners for local businesses with a pin-feed, ribbon-ink printer.
I'm gonna go take my Geritol now.

lisamarlene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

From what it's sounding like, the fire officials are certain there are more dead, because the fire was too fast and communication infrastructure too overwhelmed to evacuate everyone in time. We just won't know until this is over and the bodies retrieved.
My daughter's Godmother is a pastor in Santa Rosa. Her church has been an evacuation shelter today and she's been too busy to text or even say what they need.

Sharoth |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sharoth wrote:I remember when a 100 MB hard drive was huge.I'm not EVEN going to admit how much I paid for my first 40 MB external hard drive for my Mac Plus.
I was in high school and I earned extra cash for peripherals by doing flyers and banners for local businesses with a pin-feed, ribbon-ink printer.
I'm gonna go take my Geritol now.
~shakes my walker at you~ Why in my day we had 1 KB of memory and we liked it! You young whipper snappers with your fancy 40 MB hard drives. We had to use a punch card to store our programs!

Sharoth |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Rosita the Riveter wrote:From what it's sounding like, the fire officials are certain there are more dead, because the fire was too fast and communication infrastructure too overwhelmed to evacuate everyone in time. We just won't know until this is over and the bodies retrieved.My daughter's Godmother is a pastor in Santa Rosa. Her church has been an evacuation shelter today and she's been too busy to text or even say what they need.
I do hope that everyone is ok.

John Napier 698 |
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Rosita the Riveter wrote:From what it's sounding like, the fire officials are certain there are more dead, because the fire was too fast and communication infrastructure too overwhelmed to evacuate everyone in time. We just won't know until this is over and the bodies retrieved.My daughter's Godmother is a pastor in Santa Rosa. Her church has been an evacuation shelter today and she's been too busy to text or even say what they need.
Well, based on my military training, I'm going to say that they'll need everything, just for the shelters, alone. Food, water, sanitary wipes, blankets, batteries, flashlights, radios, first aid supplies ( like bandages, pain killers, burn gel, etc. because there may be fire-related injuries ), and so on. This is not an all-inclusive list, but just what I can think of right now.

Sharoth |
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Like I said, The cake is a lie! Of course, this one is good too.

John Napier 698 |
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I remember my uncle bringing on the first apple computers home. It had that green and dark green screen and you had to put those large floppy disk looking things in them for each program. It had a calculator.
My High School used Apple IIe computers for the students. The faculty wouldn't let us touch the PCs. There was one Apple IIe that had a Z-80 card that would let the computer run CP/M.