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Watching Cake Wars (which aren't cakes, by the way) with a shark theme.

The General explains to Tiny T-Rex how the bakers have to use at least one ingredient a shark would eat "like Shrimp, or Salmon" "or humans!" Tiny T-Rex finishes for her.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Of course none of that will make any sense when I change my avatar in 1-17 days.

But for now, you are Pegasus the Flying Horse

The naaaaked flying horse.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
;_; Headache flared to 9 or 10 out of 10. Cold pack on eye isn't helping. ;_; Another torture I have to endure, I guess. ;_;

I wish I could do something for you John. Unfortunately all I can give here is my sympathy and the knowledge that I'm here if you need to vent.

*man-hugs john*

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I hope you feel better, John.

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happy birthday to your son, lynora.

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Kjeldorn wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
;_; Headache flared to 9 or 10 out of 10. Cold pack on eye isn't helping. ;_; Another torture I have to endure, I guess. ;_;

I wish I could do something for you John. Unfortunately all I can give here is my sympathy and the knowledge that I'm here if you need to vent.

*man-hugs john*

~gets my club~ I can do more, but he will not like it when he wakes up.

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Thanks, Kjel. Headache's subsided quite a bit, now. Even had nausea, but that's gone too. Honestly, it felt like someone drove a white-hot icepick behind my eye. Feeling better, now.

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Sharoth wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
;_; Headache flared to 9 or 10 out of 10. Cold pack on eye isn't helping. ;_; Another torture I have to endure, I guess. ;_;

I wish I could do something for you John. Unfortunately all I can give here is my sympathy and the knowledge that I'm here if you need to vent.

*man-hugs john*

~gets my club~ I can do more, but he will not like it when he wakes up.

Sorry, Sharoth. I'm not much into bars or parties. ... Oh, that kind of club. Yeah, not a big fan of trading one kind of pain for another.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Punniculus wrote:

I think I am need of a rogue to join my throng. A rogue named Nikki Jiggleitalittleit'llopen.

And she can wear this.

savage land rogue...

Puberty sinks its claws into me once more...

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lynora wrote:

Taking a sanity break from the kidlet's birthday party. Not that he'll miss me. He's too busy beating his dad at racing games. Dave and Busters is so LOUD. Oh well. He's having fun :)

Hard to believe the kidlet is already fourteen. He just keeps getting older, darn it! He needs to slow that down! ;P

Happy birthday little guy!

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Great news, my followers! I have found an amazing tailor to make clothing for you all. His most recent efforts were a suit of astonishing new clothes for an Emperor, and now he has agreed to craft the most beautiful sets of clothing for my burgeoning throng.

I can't wait to see you all in your new clothes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Punniculus wrote:

I think I am need of a rogue to join my throng. A rogue named Nikki Jiggleitalittleit'llopen.

And she can wear this.

savage land rogue...

Puberty sinks its claws into me once more...

Perhaps you would be interested in seeing the outfit I have in mind should I ever recruit a barbarian.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

They have Star Trek Beyond on Hulu now.

I think I'll watch it, it's been a while since I've seen a Star Trek/Star Wars parody.

It should be hilarious!

HEY! shakes fist

It was actually a decent movie. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Of course none of that will make any sense when I change my avatar in 1-17 days.

But for now, you are Pegasus the Flying Horse

The naaaaked flying horse.

Uh yeah, Pegasus are pretty cool. I guess. For a horse.

Or you know, an elephant.

Just saying.

Wait! what happened to the elephant! What the f%%& man!

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The zebra seems to have s!&! figured out.

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The chili I made today was delicious, and it should be even better tomorrow. Chili (well, soups and stews in general) usually tastes better the 2nd day. And still good on days 3 and 4. Then, it's typically gone. Which makes me sad. At least, until I make something else yummy. I was slightly concerned that I was putting too much jalapeno in, but it turns out that 7 large peppers was just right. It's got a nice heat to it, without burning your mouth off, and the peppers themselves have a touch of sweetness to them after 10 hours in the crock pot. I wish I was home instead of at work so I could have some more.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Punniculus wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Punniculus wrote:

I think I am need of a rogue to join my throng. A rogue named Nikki Jiggleitalittleit'llopen.

And she can wear this.

savage land rogue...

Puberty sinks its claws into me once more...
Perhaps you would be interested in seeing the outfit I have in mind should I ever recruit a barbarian.

Calling for me? Multiclass Bard/Rogue (whatever that means)!

I am a free spirit, but if you let me wear the last outfit we can talk about it...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I stabbed my thumb with the toilet, nothing big.

Most people would stab themselves with sharp objects, or not at all.

But I do like a challenge, and stabbing myself, apparently.

To be honest, that last part is getting a little annoying.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
The chili I made today was delicious, and it should be even better tomorrow. Chili (well, soups and stews in general) usually tastes better the 2nd day. And still good on days 3 and 4. Then, it's typically gone. Which makes me sad. At least, until I make something else yummy. I was slightly concerned that I was putting too much jalapeno in, but it turns out that 7 large peppers was just right. It's got a nice heat to it, without burning your mouth off, and the peppers themselves have a touch of sweetness to them after 10 hours in the crock pot. I wish I was home instead of at work so I could have some more.

I've never had homemade chili because finding non canned non dried jalapeños here is next to impossible. But it's a dish I've always wanted to do.

The last time I cooked black beans I didn't get good results because I cooked them as if they were fava beans, which are way softer.

Which ingredients do you use for your chili?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
The chili I made today was delicious, and it should be even better tomorrow. Chili (well, soups and stews in general) usually tastes better the 2nd day. And still good on days 3 and 4. Then, it's typically gone. Which makes me sad. At least, until I make something else yummy. I was slightly concerned that I was putting too much jalapeno in, but it turns out that 7 large peppers was just right. It's got a nice heat to it, without burning your mouth off, and the peppers themselves have a touch of sweetness to them after 10 hours in the crock pot. I wish I was home instead of at work so I could have some more.

I've never had homemade chili because finding non canned non dried jalapeños here is next to impossible. But it's a dish I've always wanted to do.

The last time I cooked black beans I didn't get good results because I cooked them as if they were fava beans, which are way softer.

Which ingredients do you use for your chili?

For this one I used 1.5 lbs chuck roast, cut into .75" cubes. 5 tennis-ball sized yellow onions, cut in large chunks. 7 large jalapenos, cut into medium pieces (leave the seeds in). 4 15oz cans of chili beans. 5 15oz cans of beef broth. And some chili powder. I put the meat, onions, and jalapenos in the skillet over medium-high heat to brown, then put them into the crock pot with the beans, broth, and a lot of chili powder. Then turned the crock pot on low, and let it run for 10 hours. Serve in a bowl with a bit of shredded cheddar cheese and some Fritos. Good stuff.

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I see kileanna's evil(?) plan is coming along nicely.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Red Reya wrote:
Punniculus wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Punniculus wrote:

I think I am need of a rogue to join my throng. A rogue named Nikki Jiggleitalittleit'llopen.

And she can wear this.

savage land rogue...

Puberty sinks its claws into me once more...
Perhaps you would be interested in seeing the outfit I have in mind should I ever recruit a barbarian.

Calling for me? Multiclass Bard/Rogue (whatever that means)!

I am a free spirit, but if you let me wear the last outfit we can talk about it...

You can wear the barbarian's outfit so long as you occasionally pretend to be a barbarian. You know, rage-sing and things like that.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I stabbed my thumb with the toilet, nothing big.

You stabbed your thumb with a small toilet? Was it for a doll house or something?

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
I see kileanna's evil(?) plan is coming along nicely.

If she's wearing these outfits, it may be evil but it certainly isn't bad.

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Why is tennis such a loud game? Because each player raises a racket.

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What kind of bird is always around during meals? A swallow.

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What has one horn and gives milk? A milk truck.

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What kind of fish can't swim? A dead fish.

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Why is the letter 'g' so scary? It can turn a host into a ghost.

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Oh snap laffy taffy jokes.

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What starts with 't', ends with 't', and is full of 't'? A teapot.

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Is a fly with no wings a walk?

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Where do fortune tellers dance? At a crystal ball.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What's at the end of everything? The letter 'g'.

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What's the best way to keep your hair dry in the shower? Don't turn the water on.

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I just wanna know if you would still call a blue orange an orange?

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What do you call a pirate with two legs and two eyes? New.

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What kind of cattle giggle? Laughingstock.

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Is a sleeping bag a napsack?

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I built a car with a wooden frame, wooden wheels, and a wooden engine. Unfortunately, it wooden go.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Is a sleeping bag a napsack?

Someone dropped the ball on that naming convention.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
I just wanna know if you would still call a blue orange an orange?

I'd call it a blurange.

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What do you call a chicken at the North Pole? Lost.

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Do lifeguards like to play pool?

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If you need to take your pig to the hospital, do you call a hambulance?

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If you threw all the world's books into the ocean, would you cause a title wave?

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What kind of room can you eat? A mushroom.

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What did one wall say to the other wall? I'll meet you at the corner.

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What kind of music do mountains listen to? Rock.

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